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Been with bf 5 years. How do I bring the spark back to our sex?
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Been with bf 5 years.
How do I bring the spark back to our sex?
Describe your current sexlife and how it was in the beginning
1. get rid of condoms
2. tease him all day, put him down, make him mad and sexually frustrated
3. go somewhere public like a big mall or anything really
4. fuck

Hottest sex I've ever fucking had in my life.
Our first date: I was excited bc he had a giant uncut white dong and I sucked him like crazy came from sucking his fat schlong and let him nail me in both holes. He fucked me in the ass while I was sort of sitting in his lap, he was fondling my tits and body from behind.

Now: mostly doggy style. Sucking him off has lost a lot of the excitement. About a week out of the month we have really hot and nasty sex. No anal except on Xmas.

It seemed like the spark was coming back for a while then I got my period and my sex drive took a nose drive and the "magic" has not come back for me.
1: never had them to begin with
2: okay.
3: he works bad hours and only wants to hang out at home when off work
4: we used to do this, minus step 2. Sex in a porta potty in a park, in a pizza hut bathroom, in parked cars, blowjobs in the movie theatre or on a walking trail by the beach

But see #3 for now
What kind of birthcontrole do you use?
What's "hot and nasty" sex for you?
Why the fuck would you reserve a sexual act for a holiday?

Do you also "make love"? It sounds like you are trying to make sex more exciting by doing more "non vanilla" stuff. But sometimes, it's also a good idea to changenitnup with slow, sensual and intimate sex. I never aprecciated this until i got with my bf. I do love to have porn-sex, but with him, i'm in heaven just feeling him deep inside me, holding him as close as possible, intense eyecontact and pssionate kissing. Maybe try to play with the opposites of "making love" and "fucking" a bit more. Also, what about roleplay, and kinky stuff? I also love to get a good throatfucking from time to time. And i feel like the contrast to the "making love"-sessions makes those things way more exciting. Imagine to whisper "i love you" in your mans ear and pull him deeper and the next time, gag uncontrollably on his big cock. That should get the spark going again
Also, i can totally see that roleplay could be a good idea. And humor. My bf once told me that he would have robbed me if he was a viking. I answered that i would have come with him without having to be forced but that i might have put on a bit of a show just for the excitement. PRETTY sure we are going to roleplay that at some point. It felt very exciting to talk/think about it.
I guess is normal, even sex would get boring at some point.
got a decent fap out of this thread
We dont really make love ever
He is very emotionally repressed

He is also really easily gives up on sex ... He gets easily frustrated.

I had an IUD but now we do not use BC
How do you feel about that? Are you oknwith it or would you like to "make more love"?
What do you mean by "giving up on sex"?
What was the best sex you ever had? Was it with him? Tell me, this might shed some light
I'm just monitoring this thread, but I just wanted to point out that you seem great with sex advice. I wish you could talk with my wife.
Aw, thanks anon! It's probably because i have an amazing bf and we have a wonderful sexlife. I wouldn't want to change a single thing. And i would wish that every couple could have such mind-blowing sex. It's so sad when things don't work in the bedroom.
I've been with my husband for 8 years now. Just think about getting plowed by another man's juicy cock while he's fucking you, that's what I do!
We actually have really gteat sex, it's just super vanilla all the time. Kind of the opposite of op.
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