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I recently started dating this girl. We've gone on a bunch
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I recently started dating this girl. We've gone on a bunch of dates, had sex a bunch of times, and things are going well. Our relationship doesn't really have a label yet (we haven't discussed getting serious), but it looks like it's heading in that direction. The sex is pretty good, but she makes me wear a condom. After having sex without a condom for 2 years with an ex gf of mine (ended a few months ago), it's really hard to go back to the rubber. The experience just isn't as nearly enjoyable for me. Putting a rubber on sometimes literally is a boner killer.

She is 100% on the pill, and the last few times I actually asked her if I could not use a condom. She always gets a little defensive when I ask and the conversation always goes something like this:
>Me: "hey, do you still want me to use a condom this time?"
>Her: "Yess obviously *acting annoyed*, what?, have you always had sex without a condom or something?!?! *she asks me all alarmed as if I were some cheap AIDs-ridden nigerian hooker. *
>Me:"Well no historically I always have- you know what, fine, no problem I will."

I want to explain to her the fact that I was in a monogamous relationship where I never wore a condom, but I also don't want to bring up my ex-girlfriend with this new chick.

tl;dr How do I convince this chick to let me hit it raw without bringing up my ex or sounding like I don't ever practice safe sex????
Get a STD test and show her
I'd rather not go through that process to be honest.
interesting. I'd like to know more about this as well. Sex with a condom sucks bro i feel you.

My suggestion is try to ease her into it by getting her really worked up and just kind of doing it and seeing if she goes with it but don't push it.
you could talk to her about how you feel about using a condom. I mean what do you have to lose? Ask her what her issue with it is, be it STD, Contraceptive purposes, cleanliness or whatever.

Good luck
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Sounds like someone hasn't been keeping clean

Look, like I said I was in an on and off 2 year relationship. Did I have unprotected sex with other girls before and during that? Sure, a few. But they weren't randos, they were girls I know, many of which I still remain friends with in a totally non-sexual way.

If they haven't got infected with something, and my ex-gf hasn't come screaming to me about her getting infected, I want to at least believe that I am pretty fine.
As a woman, either get the test or enjoy using condoms. You can't have it both ways. Don't be a fucking faggot.
Plenty of STDs can show no symptoms at all, especially HPV. Just get it done. What are you so afraid of?

If it came down to her wanting me to get tested, then I probably would. I'm not really afraid of anything. But I just think it would be drastic of me to say to her "Fiiinee, you want me to get tested then?! Well Do ya?!? Do ya???? DO YA?!?"
She's not going to fuck you without a condom because she's afraid you've got something. She doesn't know your past. Either shut up and keep using condoms, or get tested.

No one's saying you should bring it up like that. It's not hard to say "would me getting tested bring you peace of mind?". She might also be super paranoid about pregnancy too, in which case there's nothing you can really do
Keep using condoms until she gets irritated with your limp dick.
Why not try out lamb skin condoms? They are expensive, but perhaps that would settle a compromise between both of you.
Why attack her for wanting to be safe? You want to get a wet dick, you either show her you're safe or you find a trashy chick and catch something off her

Become a blood donor
If she's not your gf and you want to bare back, but you're not ready to get your lines snipped, then you are crazy.
>99% effective
>so in 100 fucks it's expected to break at one point
>not having the 2nd contraception as back up

She doesnt want any chance of having your ugly baby OP.. At all. That's some pretty serious shit mang.
You could also start buying those new ones by durex (forgot the name). They really do feel much better than all other condoms I've tried.
My girlfriend is allergic to spunk so I feel you.
Also get tested moron.
Yeah either have a talk and tell her you aint full of STDS, show her the test and tell her how unlikely it is shes gonna get pregnant, or just deal. Girls hate condoms too so she'll give up eventually.
sounds like you're a dirty slut
Get tested or stop your fucking whining.
> I want this chick to do something for me but I don't want to open up to her or take STD tests or talk to her about it
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