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What's harder-getting a gf or getting a bf?
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What's harder-getting a gf or getting a bf?
You can always find a fat girl willing to spend your money for a few months. Getting a guy to commit to anything but a lay can be rough if he doesn't have oneitis for you, especially if you already have kids.
Getting a gf is infinetly harder
If you're a girl there's always going to be a guy interested, doesn't matter about your body size/shape etc etc.

As a guy the number of hurdles we have to jump over is ridiculous. Put it this way, how many times do you hear a girl say "I like short guys/ guys with small dicks" etc etc
Sex partnership: getting a gf who isn't fat+rude+ugly is harder.

Permanent commitment: getting a husband who isn't broke+angry+slovenly is harder.
fucking kek'd first laugh today
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Are you implying he's wrong?
>If you're a girl there's always going to be a guy interested, doesn't matter about your body size/shape etc etc.
Are you serious?

Don't you ever go to clubs and wait for late night cause you are too retarded to pick up the hot bitches?
The kind of girls who linger in clubs past 4am are forever alone and the guys they approach reject them.
No?, I would say otherwise I actually agree with him, is keking at someones comment a way to show you disagree with them?, I think it's rather a way to agree with them but eh I guess you never know what kind of people can misinterpret lots of things in this world for the complete opposite

>le women can be lonely too!

They get rejected cause they go after Chad but see OP image
Getting ANY kind of gf/bf is so easy anyone can do it; there are plenty of 1/10s who will date you tonight, whoever you are.

Getting a gf/bf you actually like... well that depends on who you like. If you only date left-handed people, your prospects will obviously be smaller than if you only date the right-handed.
Finding someone who actually understands you and cares about you is hard.

Anyone can find something shallow and pointless.
I'm no Chad, trust me. But I do reject women.

Woman aren't attracted to all men, just like men aren't attracted to all women. Just because she is lonely doesn't mean she'll date anyone just because they are interested in her. Guys here seem to get so butthurt over that fact.
Same guy here

I don't really mind these kinds of threads on /adv/ but I tend to not really understand them I just go on with my life, go with the flow

>no girlfriend oh well maybe in my next life
>jeez she is cute but if she likes someone else that's fine

I think you get the jist of it, I don't really care.. sure I admit I get those feelings of being lonely but shit tough life I just got the short-end of the stick this time

Have fun dying alone and not passing on your line

>whatever man live laugh love ;^)
and that's a remarkable wayof living your life.
you have to take into consideration that not everybody has the "emotional poise" to just go with the flow.
being a butthurt and crying for help doesn't really solves the problem either though.
>honestly believing your shit genes from your subpar family are worth passing on
Getting a gf.
Hehe thanks fellow anon, on top of that desu I don't want kids either so you got a point maybe I will just be that guy in the family tree xD

"future generations"
>wow this guy was forever alone jesus XD
Thanks for understanding my way of thinking anon <3
it's always harder for me

nobody understands how hard it is for me, so that's why I need to constantly whine
Its easier to get fucked as a fat/ugly girl

it's much, much easier to achieve a relationship as a fat/ugly guy though, especially if you've got your life on track

neither, or both? I've been dating for decades, and I can tell you that girls struggle to find guys just as much as guys struggle to find girls.
society believes that men are supposed to make the first move and pursue the girl

that alone makes it harder to get a gf
If all you do is make broad assumptions and excuses for your own failures, you just come off as ignorant and bitter.
I'm pansexual, which means I get to fuck ALL THE THINGS. I have no problem getting laid.
how so? You've got the power in that equation

It's really not that hard to pursue women, unless you're too much of a pussy to take a little rejection.
not really saying it's hard, it's just harder than being pursued, which is the case of women

also women have the power to pursue as well, so they have the advantage here, of being pursued and being able to pursue as well
women have the power to pursue, but society tells them not to. You're backing up on your own argument now.

No, women think society tells them not to. They don't pursue because they'd rather live out their princess fantasy and let men do all the work.
the difference between lonely and desesperate, isn't it?
Surrogate mothers/sperm donors exists for good reasons, anon
also, in the case of guys
>what is the hookup culture?
tinder and things like that works for flings once in a while, but for long term, it's getting closer and closer to dead ends because the risks and the stakes are too high for the reward IMHO desu senpai
>society tells them not to
I'm quite skeptical about this very part of your statement. especially since recently...

Tbh, I don't even think it'll be worth it really soon. Take a look at technologies, like Roxxxy, for example. And the sooner we figure out exogestation, the harder will contact be between male and females (and, desu, if Feminism never happened, none of this would have either, which is simple to explain and easy to figure out)

i haven't said that society tells girls not to pursue, but even if it's true, it doesn't change anything

they don't have to pursue because they don't have to

if they do choose to pursue they won't lose anything

men have no other option than pursuing
Men have plenty of options. Lifetime worth of porn out there on the internet. Hobbies, making money, friends. VR is starting to become legit as well so the porn's even gonna get way better in our lifetimes.
>thinking all of those options are mutually exclusive from having a relationship

oh boy the denial is so strong
>implying emale don't have those as well
how naïve are you?
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society tells us that the norm is men pursuing women

a woman pursuing a man is outside of this norm, and comes off as desperate and unattractive

It's not a complicated inference to make. I feel like you lack critical thinking skills.
>No, women think society tells them not to.
what is society actually telling them to do, then?
This. Because most men will want sex so they have sex with people that are not exactly their ideal partner, because they are not picky. Being picky leads you to having high standards which is what most women have, and I guess men have started copying that behavior.
>Being picky leads you to having high standards
there is no "leads to", it's exactly the same thing.
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Regardless of gender, the people who have the hardest time getting a gf/bf are the ones that...

>blame others for their problems
>are afraid of failure/rejection
>internalize rejection and become bitter or vindictive
>refuse to put any effort into self-improvement
Of course Chad has that shit too, but not all of us won the genetic lottery. A lot of guys were just destined to be wizards, and the true denial is to think otherwise. My point was more from the standpoint of not pursuing women being an increasingly legitimate option in life.
Your point is shit and unrelated to the conversation at hand.
>>are afraid of failure/rejection
>>internalize rejection and become bitter or vindictive
How do you not do these?
I gave up.

I found out apathy is better than suffering.
Objection overruled.
Reason: Irrelevant to the subject at hand
By going my own way.
Realisation of truth (aka: red pill) comes much later

If you're good-looking (gender doesn't matter) it's easy to get a bf/gf.

If you're not good-looking (gender doesn't matter) it's hard to get a bf/gf.

That's all.
I like short guys. What's wrong with that ?
Just any old anybody, getting a gf is harder.

Getting a quality SO, could go either way.
well women are born on top and men at the bottom. the average man does not get as much attention as the average women. if a man wants to get at that level he need to build himself up finacially and socially. therefore more difficult to get a gf.
I'm allegedly good looking but I have social anxiety disorder and self-esteem issues even my acne ridden friends have an easier time getting gfs than I do.
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