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Difficulties because English is not my mother tongue?
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paris vintage photography.jpg
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First of all, I'm of Chinese origin, and I lived in Shanghai for the first twenty years of my life. Then I had an opportunity to study in France. I majored in English literature and minored in French. I liked foreign languages and I enjoyed my studies very much (during my university years, I also took Spanish classes, and speak it well enough). Now I'm twenty-five and I've just pocketed my master degree (with honours) in English studies.

At the beginning of this year, my university counsellor suggested that I should continue to do the doctoral degree, and basically I've been given a place in their École Doctorale. But I wanted to start working, so I didn't pursue it, and started to send job applications, mainly for a teaching post, but also for translating and writing position. I've got job interviews, but until now I've been turned down like a hundred times. Some interviewers were blunt enough to say that my English (and my French) are simply not good enough, even bad.

I'm quite astonished because at university, my lecturers never told me that my English was bad. And how could I graduate with honours if I don't speak English well? I know that I have a slight accent, but people never asked me to repeat myself. My French is at least C1 (I took the test last year). My boyfriend is French, as well as my friends, and we speak French among each other.

To be honest, how bad is my English, judging from this post?

Thank you
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Your written English is fine. Your accent may be thick, especially if you are mixing it with French-accented English.
>frog pic
Is this a pun or what
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Anyway, can you visit/study in an English-speaking country for a few months? That should help clean up the accent.
Naw, I'm just on a poison dart frog tip today.

Go to http://vocaroo.com/ and say a sentence or two in English so we can get a sense of where you're actually at.
You may have good written, comprehension skills. Spoken must be a problem to some. Like somebody suggested, record a few lines or a paragraph.
I'm chinese and met a chinese professor of english in london, he told me he taught in beijing. His english was really bad.

When there's no one to tell you you ain't shit, people all think they the next kobe.
>chinese professor of english in london
How did he mange to find a job in London when his English is so bad?
Anyway bro think of it like this.

Lets say a footballer comes up to you and says, hey you know I lost 100 matches of football in a row, do you think I don't kick the ball hard enough? The answer is a definite maybe.

You failed a bunch of interviews. It happens. However not all of them are judging you on your english. Some of the interviewers are being honest but some will latch on to any excuse to drop a guy. If some guy told you your english was bad and you turned around and started speaking perfectly, he'd still find some other reason you weren't good enough. I believe you should care more about doing well in interviews than worrying about how good your english is at this point. Just like taking exams, it is a real skill that you can get better at, if you go about it the right way.
He just came as a tourist.
Your written English is a bit choppy and robotic, but still 不错. You get your meaning across just fine and the reader has no trouble understanding you.
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