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I'm developing a crush on this guy but he's way out
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I'm developing a crush on this guy but he's way out of my league

Please tell me how to stop this crush from forming before it's too late and I'm stuck pining for him for several years?
Ask him out immediately.
>he turns you down
>he doesn't and you ride that dick like your life depends on it to close that gap
Asking guys out doesn't stop your feelings for them! I know from experience
Whatever. It -does- happen to make you come to the realization it will never happen, and push you to look elsewhere.
>It -does- happen to make you come to the realization it will never happen, and push you to look elsewhere.

It doesn't in my case
How do you know this? Did you already ask him out?
If not, do it. If you traditionally want them for years, this pool can't be that big. Try different methods. It doesn't have to be romantic, build up spending time with him. If he repeatedly says no, you gotta learn that no means no, not "maybe later"

Don't settle for second.
Because it's happened to me in the past with other guys, it doesn't get rid of the crush it just makes it worse
How do you he's out of your league?
What is about him you like?
He's just better quality mentally and physically, he would be better suited to a prettier, more intelligent girl

He's really kind and intelligent and also attractive

I need to stop myself from developing feelings though, or else I'll suffer
Are you school friends, workmates?

Y'know, he may probably like you
don't give false hope to ugly girls, it's mean
he is a fellow student

>he may probably like you

Haha! What makes you say that
OP the guy you like is a homosexual. I've sucked his dick 3 times and he jerked me off once in a rest stop bathroom. Sorry.
Is the league thing really a thing?

How much of friends are you two?
Have you hung out together?
You really have nothing to lose if you ask him out, the worst he can say is 'no'
Unrelated, but can we get a name or school for reference?
I would find it adorable if a girl asked me out

Dunno if a name or school is a good idea, dude could visit 4chan
>You really have nothing to lose if you ask him out

I have no problem asking him out, I've asked out guys before, but that's not going to get rid of feelings for him

I don't want to suffer for years, please help me not be interested in him

We're not close friends
Has he tried to get closer to you?

Why do you feel you're not at his level?
>don't want to suffer for years
Do you have a problem with doing what you want, or do you think you'll never be good enough for him? Because if it's the latter, he may not be as shallow as you think he is.

Who said love can't bloom in the ocean of piss?
No he hasn't

He's just better looking and wittier and all that. He would go out with a girl who was pretty and had a vibrant personality
I know from experience that if I let myself develop feelings then even if I ask them out I spend years feeling like shit, and I don't want that, I want to stop being interested in him

Asking guys out doesn't get rid of the feelings so it's not a solution
you faggot don't understand actions have social consequences right?
What does he look like? What're his friends like?

What do you look like? And what're your friends like?

Don't have to be photos
make a list of all the things you dislike about him and focus only on that, exagerating them, eventually they will be too much
Just suck his dick. Doesn't matter where you are, what he's doing. Just get on your knees and suck his fucking dick. Works every time
also this desu senpai, unless he doesn't like hoes but there's like 0,1% chance of that
That means you're doing something other than jack shit.
I can't think of things I dislike about him
So im a male but I had a slightly similar thing with a girl I had a crush on but can never be with because of reasons what I did was

>Make a list of all the negative things not only about her but what could happen if I did get with her
>Start hanging out with her alot less but still kept in touch ( very very hard)
>Started to fill up my life with new things like going to the gym and working so I can maybe find someone out there who is better for me
Did you find someone else?
I don't even know what to say to this
he's posting on 4chan on a friday night what do you think?
Here's a new way to look at things. If you're not in his "league" why don't you work to BE in his league? If that's the kind of guy you're attracted to and want to be with, then part of you also wants to be on that level.

Work towards that and maybe you won't get this specific guy, but you'll attract that kind of person and find happiness.
Hah, there's only so much you can do, there's not much more I can do other than get plastic surgery I already wear makeup and lift weights. I can't make my personality exciting or make myself more intelligent.
>can't make my personality more exciting
>can't make myself more intelligent

way to set the bar real low
>dont be ugly
try asking him out. if it doesn't happen deal with it, but do something. it's easier to get over failing than it is to get over never having tried. i tell you from experience, took me years to get over all the "what if"s when i let a guy walk away because i didn't say anything.
The only way I managed to move on from this 5 year infatuation I had was distance, and that was only because we moved to different unis. If he's in your circle of friends, I'd say find out other people to hang out with, put as much distance as you can. This may not be very effective against taking your mind off of him at first, but if you've determined nothing's gonna happen between you two, it's best you move on and find someone else eventually.
However i'm kind of on the same boat rn so I know that's not particularly easy, specially if it someone you see each day. Best of luck OP
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