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I have a job interview in 2 days for a part time job working
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I have a job interview in 2 days for a part time job working security in a mall.
It will hopefully mesh with the schedule of the current job I have now working part time in a hotel.

The interview is by phone

If you would be so kind, please give me your best interview tips and tactics. Glassdoor has shown me 2 or 3 of the questions they may ask (Have you ever seen wrongdoing occur in workplace/school and what did you do about it, what will you do to decrease retail loss, etc)

I gotta get this job. I just gotta
why are you not trying to be full time at the hotel
wank while youre doing the interview

you will speak with authority and confidence

I am getting full time at the hotel now but it's not paying enough to pay the bills. I'm going to be late on rent this month and I've already cut down as many expenses as I can. The hotel job is pretty much poverty level wages. The security job will pay me $11 an hour most likely and I'm hoping that in combination with the hotel job will get me just enough to make rent and bills
How much are you paying for rent exactly.
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Have you tried sucking his cock?


I had someone living with me sharing expenses but they bolted. They being my ex. at first it was agreed upon and I was supposed to have someone move in but they took forever getting the walkthrough/getting their name out of the lease and the person who was supposed to move in fell off the earth so i'm paying for a two person house and can't find any other roommates.
I assume you have other things that are sucking up your money other than rent, water and electricity lol

For the interview since its security you need to show strong character. They wont take someone introverted or shy. Answer with that they want to hear. Think of ways youd stop shoplifting going on that sound practical and tell them, even if you wouldnt do it. If youve never seen a wrong doing occur just tell them the truth, but say whatd youd do in a hypothetical situation.

well yeah
rent is 725
insurance is 119
heating/gas is usually about 25
electricity oscillates between 60 and more
internet is 40
I don't drive too much except for back and forth between work and occasional trips into town, filling up the tank is about 20 every two or three weeks
food is about 20 each trip to the store, lost track of how often I go but it's not often
I have dogs, so dog food is about 30
Are you working towards any degree to improve your economical situation?

i'm not good at anything that's in demand, and whats in demand changes too often regardless.
I want to be able to afford rent before I jump into schooling
You wont be able to afford rent without schooling though. A roommate can help, but look at what happened recently, it can happen with anyone else. If you can afford rent, Im sure you cant affor university. Go to a community college, theyre basically free. If you want a 4 year degree, look for a 2 year degree in a community college which you can transfer to an university to finish a b.a
can't afford rent*
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