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Plain and simple, it's just not working out with my psychiatrist.
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Plain and simple, it's just not working out with my psychiatrist. She refuses to listen to me.

She wants me in therapy but I can't DO therapy because I cannot open up during therapy. It's the whole reason I came to psychiatry--I need drugs to help loosen me up before going to therapy. How do I KNOW this? I've tried it before coming to psychiatry. I went to my university's counseling services and tried seven appointments. All were spent in maybe 40 minutes of silence because I couldn't open up. I went to each appointment with the legitimate hope that I would walk out closer to being better than I was before, so I don't think it didn't work BECAUSE I didn't think it would help.

She wants me exercising. I can't do that either because people are always watching me when I exercise and it highly discourages me because I know I'm not doing it right. A lot of times, people come up to me and show me how to do it but I still don't understand. When I'm out jogging, I see people snickering at me. And then I stop exercising.

The next appointment I have with her will be Tuesday. Is it worth mentioning the above to her? I plan to and if she still doesn't listen, I will be flat out telling her that I want to see someone else.
Psychiatry is a pseudoscience.

You don't need mind altering drugs.

The mind-altering drugs will most likely make you have far worse anxiety in the long run. Look up benzo and SSRI withdrawals. Benzo withdrawals are worse than heroin, they can kill you, they typically last for months/years, and can cause permanent damage.

Exercise at home.

They're probably not snickering at you.

Tell that bitch why you come to her, and that if she's not just going to be a proxy for mind-altering drugs, which is all psychiatrists are, then tell her you're finding a new psychiatrist.
Stop giving a fuck about what people think when you exercise. I know it's probably hard for you, that it might be one of the reasons you need therapy in the first place, but exercise does a body (and mind) so much good.
i dont like excersizing in public either. what i did was buy a cheap treadmill on craigslist for 100$ an a cheap benchpress bench, some circle weights and some dunbells.

i can hit pretty much all the major muscles and get cardio in all in my room while either listening to music or watching tv shows while I do cardio. its not perfect but i do feel alot better from doing the excersize. and i dno what drugs you need to loosen you up but i had a issue with booze/weed/opiates, and quit them all, at first it was shit but over time complete sobriety + excersize helps you feel alot better overall.

also vit D , multivit, lots of vegetables+water etc etc.
Go out for walks or exercise indoors. Also try writing your thoughts down for a psychologist to make opening up slightly easier. And try self-CBT to help you move beyond any fears you have that keep you from opening up.

Your outlook is too defeatist right now. The issues you have can be overcome. But yes, mentioning your concerns and fears and what it is that gives you pause to her can only lead to better advice on her part.
Lel. I will comment that I did write my thoughts down beforehand about opening up, but the psychologist kept cutting me off and said, "Don't read from your notes--I want to hear from YOU."

So I couldn't use my notes.

I can go walking indoors, but then I worry about being caught by someone and having to explain to them what I'm doing. Anything "easy" for exercising, I try already. I walk to class every single day, which is a fair amount of walking. About 30 minutes. I go out playing racquetball with my roommates. And I hate playing with them honestly because they like 2x2 games, but they pretty much throw me as a teammate around because they know having me on their team is a guaranteed loss. So it's kind of depressing. "So just stop playing with them!," you say. Not so easy. You wanted exercise, well... There it is.
>Lel. I will comment that I did write my thoughts down beforehand about opening up, but the psychologist kept cutting me off and said, "Don't read from your notes--I want to hear from YOU."
I meant write down whatever you have to say and pass them the paper if need be. Start it off by saying "I'm too anxious to open up to you by talking and I can't say anything to you about why I'm here unless I write it down." if need be. If you can speak to a psychologist already you're doing considerably better. Just talk to them about mundane shit and small problems until you build up enough rapport that you're able to address the bigger things.

Go out for longer walks, to nearby parks, the movies, malls. Start walking a couple miles. And do bodyweight exercises/prison workout stuff indoors while home alone or whoever you live with is asleep.
Unfortunately psychiatry can only relieve the physical symptoms of anxiety, not the mental processes that go along with it.

Anxiety is in large part an issue of mental perceptions, so even if you have drugs that give you relief from the physical symptoms of anxiety like blood pressure, etc, you will still not be any more willing to open up to a therapist, just more physically comfortable with being totally shut down in their presence.
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>physically comfortable with being totally shut down
That sounds better than nothing.
You realize you're making up a ton of excuses for everything, right? There are tons of exercises you can do indoors with very minimal space.

Your therapist is bad if you're sitting in absolute silence. They should at least try to ask you questions. Ask them to ask you questions. Talk to them about light stuff to get acquainted with them.

Either stop making excuse after excuse or piss off.

Psychologists are crazier than patients and they've seen everything that they try to do just to get drugs. It is possible that other people have written down what to say that will get them prescriptions, like tips from the internet. Try to see stuff from your psychologists' point of view, too.
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I'm basically a vegetarian.jpg
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>Is it worth mentioning the above to her?
yes . tell her all the thoughts and feeling that go threw you mind. you know what i think? you should meditate . fuck talking to therapists . just meditate , it will calm your mind .
try it , do 5 or 10 min a day for a couple of weeks . it cured my insomnia and im starting to give less fucks about what people "think" about me . . . . . . . . . . .
Those things are super relaxing, but I've never had much luck with them helping with anything.
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why dont you drink a pint of booze ?
i always fell relaxed and talkative when im drunk!
or or , buy drugs on z black market .
ive hear that some peoples sell drugs no questions asked.
well whats you primary problem , why are seeing a shrink in the first place?
Oh sorry, I'm not OP.
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