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How do I stop hating women?
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How do I stop hating women?
Bump because I need help with this too.

It feels like they're all vapid and largely disinterested in me so yeah take that for what it is.
You don't. Unless you're in the top 20% of males then you have received every reason to hate them.

Why do you hate women? Find the source and work with it, was it your terrible mother? Get over it, was it a shitty gf? Stop generalizing other women for her actions, if she was a shit person that doesn't mean other women are. I know you might not belive this but all women don't cheat and lie. All women don't want the same, what works in one relationship might never work in another. People are different.

1. Why
2. Eliminate the factors
3. Try to forgive
Whenever they start showing a little bit of affection/interest towards me I'm put off by them and start feeling disgusted.
I had a shitty girlfriend but I've forgiven her for cheating, when I see her I feel nothing but indifference. It's just that I don't know, whenever they open up to me and shit I immediately think less of them.
realize that 80% of everything is shit
and that applies to women
Serious question OP. Do you think maybe you might be gay? It doesn't really sound like you're attracted to women at all. At least not romantically.
Not OP but I fucking hate women but love fucking them. Their bodies are fantastic.
I have considered it but I really can't see any guy I know as more than a friend, not sexually, romantically, etc. They're just friends, bros and shit. I've never felt the urge to be anything more with any of them. Women excite me, I feel attracted to them, physically and sometimes romantically. But I still feel contempt at them.
I used to think this was bullshit.

It's true. Unless they perceive you to be in that 20% you will always get the short end of the stick. They will treat you in ways humans shouldn't treat others.

I hate women because they like to indulge in lying and leading people along, whether it's for sex or other forms of opportunity. If every woman is like that, then all I can do is not date.

You still fap to women right? Maybe it has to do with how differently girls and boys are raised. Women are expected to be emotional, allowed to be fragile, allowed to cry and allowed to look pretty and spend time on being vain. Many men are surprised when they meet intellectual women. Maybe men are brainwashed to think Kim Kardashan and Paris Hilton are the idols of all women. Little girls are supposed to grow up to be princesses, while little boys are supposed to become doctors, firefighters and police.

Maybe you can balme society for raising girls in such a messed up way?
Yeah I fap to them. Most of the women I know are actually very intelligent and independent. I avoid the other princessy type ones. They are very complete persons but I don't know, i feel contempt and some sort of hate. Perhaps my last relationship fucked me up more and I'm just realizing it.
what about them do you feel contempt?

>try to forgive

>forgive being cheated on
>forgive being lied to and taken advantage of by multiple women

by petting that glorious fox
or by realizing that each one is an individual and needs to be assessed individually. granted, most of them have turned out to suck in my experience, but a select few are decent people
Female here. Realize that no group is bad as a whole and that it's the individual.

Like, people think I'm a misogynist, but I just hate feminists and cunts.
>forgiven her
>feel indifference
Do you know what forgiveness is?
You can feel indifference to a person you've forgiven. You don't have to fucking want to be best friends.

Don't be retarded.
you dont, they're all parasites and once you hate them for what they are you wont be able to stop
You don't. The real idea is to have more horniness in your heart, not hate. When your penis overrides your brain is when you, 'win'.
Realize that they're not all the same. Are a lot of women selfish and cruel? Yes.
But are there kind, compassionate, genuine women out there too? Yes.

You don't have to forgive women, but know that if you dismiss them all based on your experience with a handful of women, you are voluntarily giving up your chance at finding someone who will treat you like a king.

You can increase your chances of finding a quality women by paying more attention to a woman's actions, feelings, and morals rather than focusing mostly on her face and body. Obviously you need to be attracted to her to be compatable with her, but if you're trying to find a 10/10 babe who's motivated, self-sufficient, AND a humble, kind maiden, you're gonna have trouble finding one who's single.
Decide what you ACTUALLY want in a woman and realize that you'll need to compromise in some areas. Sometimes that compromise actually brings out a good side in you and helps you grow as an individual.
>If every woman is like that, then all I can do is not date.
Every woman is like that. They're going to do it until no man is left who's going to believe otherwise. Then it will turn around.
I hate women too OP, I have stopped having anything to do with them because I can't deal

I think it's a culture wide phenomenon, women have shirked the traditional female role on the basis that they should be allowed to live another way; but that has left a void in our culture nobody is equipped to fill

at the same time men have been degraded for filling that role, punished for displaying sexual dominance, and mocked for demanding traditional values

I am moving to a catholic country, where things are not so
>You don't have to forgive women, but know that if you dismiss them all based on your experience with a handful of women, you are voluntarily giving up your chance at finding someone who will treat you like a king.
Load of shit.
The best way is to hang out with some. I'm not talking about having girlfriends, which are going to be hard to find in your situation. I'm talking about girl friends, two words: women you are not interested in ronantically, but still enjoy hanging out with from time to time.
Obviously written by a dumb woman.

Holy hell do females make shitty companions though, unless if you find the unicorn that has genuine interests and hobbies and not some skin deep attention grabbing interest they picked up from the last dude they were with.
Why not sleep with one. It will make your anger turn to love. Girl btw.
Is the problem your not approaching them?
How would you approach me anon?
What is false about that statement? Or are you suggesting that EVERY FEMALE WHO HAS EVER LIVED is fundamentally and biologically bitchy?
Do you understand how uneducated that claim sounds?
Stop projecting- it's not productive.
I know it's easier to blame women in general than face the specific situation that caused you to feel like this, but you're only hurting yourself by refusing to forgive& move on.
Do you really want her to have THAT much power over you? To have hurt you so deeply that you can never move on? Don't let her do that to you, Anon.
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>girl btw

I'd approach you with a glock 18 and a bad attitude
Lol. We have a NAWALT woman here guys! Real one!
How much?
>girl btw
>how would you approach me? (preparing to blame the man)
>implying it's because anon doesn't get laid
you should leave
Why. I'm not like those superficial bitches though
Not fat honey.
That's cute mabye a coffee first before we go for the pump and dump 15seconds championship
All women aren't the same. There are different types. You seem emotional about this. I'm sorry a girl hurt or rejected you.
But why take it out on a innocent woma
>All women aren't the same.

They all have vaginas. So you are wrong.
my objection to you is unrelated to my objection to women in general

you have distinguished yourself by being passively agressive and insecure

OP came here with a problem, and you effectively blamed him for it and belittled him
if you were a man, I would still have the same objection
Why do you hate women? Where did it begin?
>I'm not like those superficial bitches though

That's what they all say
You have to man. Carrying that hate throughout your life is a nightmare
I would just be like I normally am. Idk. A bit reckless
I've just recently started to notice that my relations with women are mostly condescending from my part. I don't treat them nicely and they treat me well, and I like not treating them good. It feels like a certain kind of satisfaction in my mind
But there must be a reason why. There is always a reason. It could've been a horrible past relationship, a bad mother, a father who didn't teach you well, etc.
I am a woman and I have to day women are frightening. We're master manipulators but it's almost subconsciously so..? I can't explain it, its just the way we go about fulfilling our desires can be very subliminal and sneaky.
At least you're aware of it
I agree and I am a woman

Or maybe its just abandonment issues, my mother left me when I was younger and has only ever used men for financial/sexual security, overlooking moments she's been degraded, tooken advantage of or abused in any way because the abuser "paid the bills."

It irritates the fuck out of me what women put up with from men sometimed and THAT is why I can't stand them.
You suddenly realize that they are EXACTLY THE SAME AS YOU just with a different ration of bio hormones.

But really though. They think like you, they act like you, and they are human like you.... you just think they're "from venus" or what the fuck ever because it's hard for humans to see things from other perspectives. But really though, consider this:
>You like big tits and ass and a nice face
>Girls ALSO like a nice face... and nice ass... and a big dick.
>You like feeling validated and needed as a man... you get this from her cumming on your dick and things like that.
>She needs to feel validated and needed as a woman... she gets this from cumming on your dick and things like that.
>You don't like being used
>She doesn't either
>You don't like being lied to you
>Guess what... she doesn't either.

Really people. They're just like us... just with a different drug going off in their brains.
That different drug fucks with their brain then. Fucks with it hard
why do you hate yourself
Last relationship was horrible. Every relationship I've had has been pretty bad. Perhaps my contempt is a defense mechanism to avoid relationships.
>EXACTLY THE SAME AS YOU just with a different ration of bio hormones.
I can't believe you thought this post would be helpful for anyone ever

>mfw eliot rodger thread.

You are better than this OP.
>how do I stop hating women?

>thread is literally only about why it's justifiable to hate women and circle-jerking about how hard it is to be male

oh my god this board is trash
I can't believe you think it's not. Understanding that women aren't mystical and magical and can be understood, like really understood, just by searching through your own behaviors really helped me.

Think about every female problem posted on this board.
>Why she no call me back
Would you want to call yourself back if you're acting like you're easy/creepy/etc.? But people can't displace themselves and get a new perspective and realize, "Oh shit, if I did this to myself I wold be creeped the fuck out."

But instead people are "mystified" by female behavior.
I don't think OP is a bitter Virgin. He's just seen a lot of women's shitty behaviors and avoids them.

Why do women care so much about men choosing to avoid them and telling other men they should avoid them as well?

I never understood the hurt feelings over it.
I could give a fuck if femanons made threads about how much they hate me/wanted to avoid me. It's not my business.
>Why do black people care so much about white people choosing to avoid them and telling other white people they should avoid them as well?
There's no helping these losers, anon. They've spent too long feeding each other toxic lies to make their lack of success feel better.

You're doing god's work, but it's unnoticed and unappreciated here.
damn trips for truth bruv
They're hurt.
It's funny you mention that, I'm black and could care less about Whites/Asians/whoever that wouldn't want to associate with me. I can't force a person to like me, or want to have me around. As I said before it's none of my business.
Maybe you guys are right. Maybe I'm actually mad at people in general and maybe I don't care as much about men's behaviour as I do women's. I don't know, and it'd killing me. I'm actually sad about this because there are so many interesting girls around me that show me affection and all I feel is hate and contempt, I do not let myself feel anything else. Why can't I love again? Fucking shit...
Stop being so emotional. Is easy access to a wet hole and cuddling really all that important?

If you really need to fire up another relationshit with one of those "cool" girls who show interest in you, and watch as it goes to shit.

A woman is not capable of loving you the same way that you love her. A woman's love is very much utility based.

I pray to god you don't end up having a kid, getting married, and stuck with someone you hate for the rest of your life and being forced to pay for them even after the relationship ends.

Good luck m8
people need to vent about the bs in life. The value in threads like this is that others see that they are not alone and gives them a starting point on how to deal with their shit

women get their payback later in life. It's not like sex in the city. Most end up alone and women hates the company of other women
How do I stop hating people in general?

I've been asking myself this through my whole life, the best answer is: tell then to fuck off and get a dog, its working for me :D
I got cats and weasels. Can't complain.

>every girl being a bitch is just some poor innocent creature
>Its YOUR fault for being too easy/ugly/creepy/pushy/not pushy/arrogant/submissive

Fuck off.
Do your weasels stink?
No. They have some musky smell if you hold them close, but they don't reek. Got them on good food, and litter trained. Personally I like their smell, though.
How do I stop hating men?

>Men cause 90% of crime
>Majority of sociopaths, psychopaths, and other antisocial mental disorder sufferers are men
>80% of US males are overweight or obese
>Men are a real and legitimate danger to me
>Do less housework while working no more than me
>Men are lazy, demanding, entitled, and just plain mean
>Think they're victims and being shit on because "Wahhh a girl I like won't go out with me even though she's a 7/10 and I'm a 250 pound 3/10 FUCKIGN FEMINIST RUINED THE CULTURE REEEEEEE"
I had a ferret and it stank hella bad
They smell a hell of a lot better than equines.
I knew a guy who genuinely believe this. He gave off the worst vibes, sometimes you don't have to talk to someone to decide you're not going to open up to them. People don't like having toxic friends.
>Think they're victims and being shit on because "Wahhh a girl I like won't go out with me even though she's a 7/10 and I'm a 250 pound 3/10 FUCKIGN FEMINIST RUINED THE CULTURE REEEEEEE"

Most folks here don't want to date, I don't see where your going with that.
All of the things you've listed seem to be a good reason as to why you personally want to avoid men.

Keep it up, and I'll stay my distance as well. It's a good deal.
such nonsense. if you actually believe that, grow up. you might be stuck at the mental age of 10 when girls prefer ponies over boys and boys want to be policemen.
Hey OP. Ever ask yourself why you care so much? I don't care if a chick is shitty to me, I drop them like a bad habit (this however, has led me to some great sex). I just like having sex. If a cool girl comes along and I actually start developing something then so be it, but until then I'm just keep fuckin'.
>are you suggesting that EVERY FEMALE WHO HAS EVER LIVED is fundamentally and biologically bitchy?

>Do you really want her to have THAT much power over you? Don't let her do that to you, Anon.
there is no individual female. dont insult me with the threat of losing power to a female/females.
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>mom is manipulative, holds grudges, and knows how to huff and puff to get her way
>sister is a dropout who "doesn't want people to me what to do", takes out her frustration on anyone who is a suitable target
>step-mom is a control freak who has random mood swings and is entirely unpredictable
>mom grandma is psycho who has terrible bipolar which she refuses to acknowledge
>dad grandma had a restraining order put against her because she kidnapped my sister
>most of my aunts have married shitty abusive husbands they refuse to leave
>girls I meet are so irresponsible it's unattractive (i.e. "it's not my problem" or "I did this shitty thing because they did that shitty thing")

how am I supposed to just get over it? the women in my life have painted such a shitty picture for women in general it's hard to just say "lol it's k." I understand women aren't all like this, but I feel automatic resentment and it's hard not to.
>me and this meth user are exactly the same! just they do meth, but they think exactly like you!


I mean to forgive so you can move on, not for her sake (fuck that) but for your own sake. Or else you will only build up more rage and resent towards other women that haven't cheated and lied.


It seems like you are implying that my views and opinions aren't important because im a "dumb woman". I know this is the internet, but please attack the point I made and not my intellect. Thank you.
But I don't even want to have sex
I guess I really don't know what the fuck I want. Maybe I'm angry at myself
get off the internet and befriend some without having the intention to fuck them.

You'll realise that women are (gasp) human beings with hobbies and stories to tell.
Look women get on my nerves sometimes too but I cannot comprehend how anyone could claim to "hate them all". I have so many awesome women in my life that I respect, how is it even possible to not have at least one, a mom, a teacher, cousin, friend, friend's friend, co-worker... When I hear someone say "I hate all women" all I hear is "I am frustrated because I can't fuck one".

> ovaries out because argument holds no weight

I'm also female but don't require gender bias to have my point of view stand.

> You're a dumb cunt
I have tons of girl friends though, and I've never tried anything with them. From them is where I realized I started hating women.


Also people are assholes, putting it into the woman category isn't a very good way of thinking. People tend to put everything bad in boxes. For instance women that get molested by male relatives or friends for a young age or later tend to hate men. Daddy was cruel = All men are potential abusers, all men are shit. Some people take it even futher, all muslims are bad because one-three muslim you met did something bad. So when you meet a nice one, you won't be open to learn new things or acceptance.

Same goes for the shit women in your life, you view all women as the same? Stopping the generalization is a first, not saying it's easy specially since you been hating women for such a long time. People are shit, it's based on how shitty people are not their gender. Men don't cheat and lie less than women?
>Why not sleep with one

They don't make it very easy unless you're Chad Thundercock with lots of money.
It's disingenuous of me to say I instantly judge women based on the fact they're women. The truth is more like I'm quicker to form judgement based on those negative qualities. (i.e. I have a shorter rope when dealing with girls.) I'm not saying this is better, but it's more accurate about my situation.

I can also see positive qualities in all the women I listed. however, I feel it's not enough to redeem those negative ones I listed. I understand no one's perfect and I certainly have my own negative qualities, but some of that shit grates me so hard. Irresponsibility and immaturity especially bother me.

Maybe I'm just a bit of a sperg.
If you hate your friends, they are not your friends.
> I'm different from other men, I'm a nice guy
That's what they all say too
You do realize it's highly immature of you to hold the view of women that you have, right?
You do realize it's a product of my upbringing that has been deeply ingrained into my psyche as a child and that even being conscious about this issue is not enough to break it, right?

Like I said, I know I have flaws but I'm trying to work on it. You think I like being like this?
You're right. I don't show them these feelings that's why they still think of me as a "friend"

hey guy your mom, dad, aunt and grandma probably had really shitty parents, going through what you're experiencing now. It all stems from the relationship between a man and woman. This relationship determines the outcome of a child, the outcome of the future.

What you see personally in women is women without good male supervision. Man is suppose to rule the world! Women aint doing shit nowadays but spewing feminist dribble and making false rape allegations every other day. How long has it been going on? For too damn long. Whether you like it or not, it is men's job to teach women the error of their ways and to accept/submit to you as a leader. Women aren't going to magically fix themselves. The key is a ton of patience and just to say "no" to women's bad behavior. If they act like a child, treat them as such, idc how old the bitch is.

Women can't force you to do shit you don't want to do. Women will test you to see if she should choose you out of all the other men who asked her out. Idc if you'd take a bullet for her, brush her hair every morning, rub her feet before bedtime etc etc but it's a billion of desperate chumps who will do the very same. You got to bring something unique to the table.
you see op no reason to hate women you just have to find that needle in the hay. :^)
that is stupid as fuck women will still exploit the shit of you it is in their nature because women evolved to extract resource from men. i rather let her exploit me for sex then no sex at all. if you are just friends with females then you are just giving your value for free like an idiot.
So for the ones in abusive relationships, they just need a bigger man to come tell them to leave the abusive man they're with?
ITT school shooters
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what is love.gif
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A wiser man than myself once said there were different questions we ask ourselves during different stages of our lives. During early adulthood begged the question "are we extroverts or extroverts". With that being said I must confess I am most certainly an introvert. To be honest I am quite lonely during the holidays. I'm just wondering if anyone else is feeling the same. Hello I my name is Ziggy. Would you like to spend thanksgiving with us or maybe just me?

Not really asking for Advice I just really like the /adv/ group.
here >>16503500
Sorry Posted in your thread.
I didn't mean to. But I'll contribute. Just give a girl a chance they are illogical emotional beings but so are we you just gotta give them a chance trust me women have a large competency for love.
how do I stop hating hypocrites?
looks like usually women are the most hypocrite humans out there, but men aren't that much behind.
Wrong. I have plenty of female friends I chill with and often enough, they display the same selfish qualities the bitches you'd hate do from time to time. If you find one that doesn't then wait until she gets comfy with you. It'll come out in due time.

no the women have to leave on their own. Her parents have done too much damage to her.
>stop fapping so much(seriously it lowers your mood)
>spend less time on 4chan (avoid /pol/ and /r9k/ at least)
you've identified it as a problem, which is a good start but try to stop generalising about "all women". This just makes you seem like the male version of a feminazi claiming "all men are potential rapists" or some other bullshit. I used to hate women as well but after spending time with female friends (completely platonic not friendzone) I realised that they can be just as funny or cool as guys. My feelings came from self loathing due to a lack of romantic success and projecting from being cheated on. Also I'd suggest reading models by mark manson (really explains the female perspective to dating and opened my eyes quite a lot). You'll make it anon :)
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