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My friend got kinda mad at me , and said it's weird when
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My friend got kinda mad at me , and said it's weird when he found I had atin of pics like this on my phone. There's nothing wrong with them , I just like them. I don't understand why he is calling me weird.
Do you know the kids of which you have pictures?
No why?
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End yourself.
Wow your're nice....
That's why it's weird and creepy.
sorry anon but it is weird since you don't know them, it's very weird, actually
How is it weird or creepy . I just like to have a ton of pics of little girls. It's not CP ...
You're a closet petophile.
Because it's weird. And not the good kind. Stop it, please.
Well no one is getting hurt, and I really lient he picture so what is bad?
I meant to say and I really like the pictures
Said the dude that outted himself as a pedo to a real life freind. Chances are you're getting hurt soon, in some sense.
How am I "getting hurt"?
you are a pedophile who should, and hopefully will be, arrested.
But why do you like the pictures? Do you even know why?
Why? I've committed no crime.
I don't want to talk about why.
Well if your freind will likely tell others, and your reputation will be hurt. Then, depending on who hears and how much they dislike pedos, your life might be made into suffering in more tangible ways.
And we all know why, as does your freind and anyone he tells. And that's why its weird you dolt.
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This be bait
Hey, bud.

Let's look at the tangible detriments that this behavior actually produces;

First, if people find out they're freaked the fuck out. You've found that out recently, and it seems as though you're surprised. Secondly, I reckon that if you're solely using this material for sexual pleasure (read: not using anything else to jerk your dick to), you could lose the ability to become aroused by anything else. I don't know about that, though.

But it is more or less irrelevant the actual harm you're causing. People absolutely ARE going to find this behavior unsavory. You need to realize that sexual attraction to minors, while not inherently morally/ethically abhorrent, IS extremely socially abhorrent. It is not socially acceptable to feel this way, regardless of higher moral or ethical concerns.

Therefore, you should take every precaution to hide this behavior from anyone, especially those you know in real life.

Personally, I'm beyond grateful I don't have any attractions like this. I'm sure it must blow dick; the thing you sexually desire the most is absolutely unethical, immoral, and HIGHLY illegal to partake in.

Bet it must blow dick.

But again; you NEED to quit thinking of "but WHY IS IT BAD" because that doesn't matter. Completely irrelevant. Plenty of people would disagree with me and say that attraction to minors is a deep moral flaw; I'd disagree.

But you better fucking keep your shit on lock. I've honestly not in possession of enough confidence that you will. I hope this is an error on my part.
If you're not willing to talk about why, then you're just setting yourself up to get judged more harshly.
The reason why, I think will gross people out.
You are on an anonymous website and you still refuse to post why because it might "gross people out". We will obviously just assume the worst and think you are a pedophile.
That's good bait.
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