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Tell me your problems /adv/
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Tell me your problems /adv/
I don't have any
I don't like people, and I don't know what to do with my life
>Move to South 5-6 months ago
>Living with G-parents right now, family expects me to move out and live on my own here or with sister, or someone else
>Dont want to live here. It sucks. Also want to at least go see Germany, preferably live there or Austria.
>Have fine to pay, but after that ill have nothing keeping me here
>However have to get out of G-parents house as soon as possible
>Moving out will cut in to cash I can save for trip, heavily.
>Pissed because I just want to be there already
I'm a college student, turning 20 next month. I can't find a shitty minimum wage job that will hire me, and I really need money. It doesn't help that it seems like everyone around me has a job or is getting hired, and I've been applying to various positions for months now, calling in to check my application status and conducting the rare interview. Still nothing. I'm just frustrated and tired at this point.
What have you applied for? If it's anything short of anything and everything, you can't be as desperate as you say you are

Suck it up
I have a ton of stuff to do every day, both mundane and exciting, but invariably I end up staying in bed 15 hours a day.
I don't talk to anyone for my SO. My social skills have been disintegrating over the past few years and I've been trying to work through numerous mental problems (depression aged 20+ years, anxiety, PTSD, ADD, trust issues, inadequacy issues, etc) and in doing so become somewhat of a recluse.

I don't do much besides start (and never finish) a new book every week, half-ass (yet somehow maintain an A) an online nutrition class, and cry about my problems (in some way, shape, or form at all times).

WTF get over myself

I hate Pennsylvania. Wheres a nice relaxing place that isn't in the middle of bumfuck, USA? Like a town that's a 5-20 drive to a city or a 10-40 minute bus ride?
A man falls to his death off a building at 80ft height and lands 15ft away from the building, was it an accident? Explain.
I moved to a new town for school with 3 friends, they're all really good friends, known them since I was like 12. The problem is I dont know anyone here besides them, and they all dont like going out to places, they either want to play video games all fucking day, or they're so frugal with their money they refuse to take a step outside unless its for work. Its driving me fucking nuts, I just need some friends that are down to go out and do shit.
I'm apathetic as fuck and can't get out of it.

I'm not studying anything because I have no interests or ambitions. I forced myself to sign up for a course this autumn and failed because I just can't bring myself to studying. Got behind schedule on everything and didn't leave in any of the works I had to leave in because I couldn't bring myself to finishing them. I have no motivation to do anything. I dropped out of the course after a month and a half.

An average day for me is sit at home and play shitty games I don't really care about. I can't afford anything because I don't have a job, I can't get a shitty low paying job because I'm apathetic as fuck and it shows in every interview I have and in this job market there's so many more people qualified for it than me. I can't even bring myself to lying about how much I care about the job because I just don't. I'd rather stay at home playing games.

I've got decent grades, good enough to get into uni for most things I'd be somewhat good at. I've been thinking about trying to get into a programming course but my motivation for doing that is non existent now thanks to what happened to the course I took start of this autumn. I just can't find any motivation for doing anything anymore. The little I have is just instantly struck down because of how useless I am.

I see so many people around who's always motivated to do shit. Friends who study shit, they get excited about what they're studying, they find everything interesting. How the fuck do I do that? How do I care about shit?

The only thing I care about in this world is the music I listen to but that's nothing but a time waste, I get nothing out of it.

How hard can it be to just do shit, just anything. Every time I attempt anything I just sit there with a blank mind for hours and get nothing done.
Then go out and do shit. Make friends on your own. If it's for school, there will be plenty of social things through the school that you can attend

If you're still enrolled in something, then you might be able to get free counselling as a student. Lack of motivation is a symptom of depression, as is anhedonia which I wouldn't be surprised if you were experiencing that as well
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I had a bad today and I had a bad case of art block. Everything I drew looked like garbage and didn't seem to get any better as I pressed on. I woke up really late today which threw off my schedule. Now I'm scared I'll never improve my art and always be at the current level (beginner trash) for as long as I live.
I don't like the way my family talk to each other. I want to talk to people in full sentences. Not grunts and groans. I keep bringing my problems into work and it affects everyone else
Go to bed tonight. Wake up tomorrow. It's a new day, and what happened today doesn't have to repeat itself

Do you have anyone else you can talk to?
Not really. I have two friends who I see very rarely. I've always just came to 4chan or stayed on the internet.
I think it might be worth making irl friends who you can see more often then.
My favorite escort recently seems to have decided that she'd rather be my gf than my hooker and I'm not 100% sure about the ramifications that this has or for what it says about the way that my life is going.
Yeah I want to go school. I think I'll find some friends there
Suffering with out a job..begging to work imediately...being gossiped by biyches that i cant do nothing about...im a loser i guesse.... No car... Social problems and anger who ever mocks.
>almost 28 years old
>no friends
>never had a job
>flunked out of school
>eat like shit
>spend most of my day online or playing video games, both of which have become less enjoyable due to carpal tunnel
>have ideas for a screenplay but too lazy to write anything down
Go and see someone. You sound like you might be depressed
College student in Seattle housing fell through, need to find a place to live by next week. What do I do
I watched someone I considered my older brother/mentor throw himself off a bridge when I was nine. Before he died, he made me promise I would finish school and go to university because he knew he and his real brothers probably wouldn't get the opportunity.

That promise is what kept me from offing myself all these years. I finished my final exam for my undergrad degree yesterday, and I feel like there's nothing left to keep me here except for the fact that suicide is a sin.

I'm fucking miserable. I have two jobs and I work so much I'm exhausted all the time. My boss at the job I actually like just quit and her replacement dislikes me and is already cutting my hours so her niece can work. I can't stand my other job and I dread every day I work there.

I've had extremely disordered eating habits for years and I'm pretty sure my digestive system is now permanently fucked. I feel like puking every time I eat basically, or I get plagued by hideous stomach pains half the time.

I'm not straight. I'm still attracted to guys, but I'm also definitely attracted to girls. I hate myself for it. I don't care that it's considered acceptable now, people around me would be mostly cool with it, but I don't think it's okay and I really, really wish I wasn't.

And my friends would get annoyed if I talked about my problems which is why I'm here whining to /adv/ about it.
I love my 12 and 10 year old cousins, and miss their company daily. Those girls are the only source of happiness I have in my life.
Quit college, it's a waste of time and time is money.
He has a mix of dangerous obsession and completely making me feel like I'm a free bird, yet I only want to sit and wait for him all day. I want to hear him unbuckle his belt after work each day and massage his shoulders. I feel like I want to be his personal slave. It's sick. Only he does this to me. Fuck you Ryan. I'm better than this.
How do I escape this?
Nobody's good enough. It's not even a problem of getting over this person, it's that they have become the template for what any person I love should be, and of course no one meets that template as well as them.
Want to be a law enforcement officer. Have a pretty cool job that I work at 3-4 days/nights a week.
Literally no friends. At first I told myself that I was pushing them away because the first thing they'd do is drugs when I went out with them. I thought I'd be able to replace them.
I thought THAT, even though I'm 21, never had a relationship and have only 2 or 3 work mates who never speak to me outside of work.
I get through the week but it's the nights off from work where I'm sitting down, relaxing, when suddenly I'm overwhelmed by these lonely feelings.
Sure, I've tried tinder and I go out to cafes alone but this doesn't fix the fact that no one will come up to a fucking stranger at a cafe and start chatting away like you see on tv.
How the hell can I get in the state Police when I clearly have no evidence of relationship proof and this probably screams out some sort of psychological disorder when I just don't have amigos?
You'll find someone that doesn't fulfill your previous partner's abilities but fulfills their own, different ones.

I don't think so. I've been with people before and since, and I was never actually with this person, but I still feel for them the strongest.
That i will never be perfect.
Maybe you feel what you think could've been? I know this won't help at all, but if you never had them, you never truly knew.
Would you gf a girl who has slept with 100+ men?

She has.
>24 yers old
>no friends to chat about my problems
>never have a job
>get low grades at college (even studing has fuck)
>discovery 1 year ago i have adhd
>still living with parents
>idk how to talk about adhd to my parents (isnt common this problem in my country and people its ignorant)
>dad scrumbag making jokes about my bad memory and others stuffs related to adhd
>they dont know about adhd and even i have it
>want to talk to then but have no courage to chat to not be ridiculed
>have no idea what to do =(
cant stop taking tramadol. I know its low end on the whole drug thing but I pretty much cant eat, sleep, game, work, or survive without it.
if i was to show up to a detox center over tramadol, would they help me or just laugh me out of the building?
I'm underemployed at the moment and while I like my job, I basically do as much as I can for little/no reward. I don't receive much in the way of support & training, and I feel quite limited there. I relatively frugally, and I live paycheck to paycheck. I do other, smaller, jobs in my spare time to boost income & for fun.

I would like to work in Shanghai or Seoul, probably as a teacher, and then when I return to England I think I could work as a teacher or tutor. I'm not sure how to do this, because whenever I google for these opportunities, they either appear wildly sketchy or require a TEFL or similar qualification. That's fine, but I can't save the money needed, let alone take time off work to do a course. (FYI, I live alone in a shared house so supposedly 'self-sufficient'.) I'm not an incredibly wild spender so if I chose to save, I would pretty much be work & home for a long time. I can't save that much anyway, and I need to pay off a small, interest free overdraft first.

Personally, I think I should just get a new job ASAP, even for the same pay, I'd like to leave work at work, if you know what I mean. I have lots of skills, I'm handsome, friendly, smart, and positioned in a capital city. I've been told I can do anything, that I can model and things like that. I feel like I'm choosing to work in an average job.

I'm happy and don't really know what my problem is. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. How do I make myself drink?

That's true. But I'd rather have had them and had a failed relationship than this. Because now I'm stuck with the fantasy, which is better than any real relationship can actually be. But I also know that we would have been better together than any couple I've actually been in. So, it's fucking hard. It's like we were meant for each other, but God didn't carry the one in an equation and fucked it up.
I finally got around to asking a girl out to coffee and food, whose been on my mind for way too long.

She said she was really sorry and that she has plans with a girlfriend tomorrow (even though I said 'sometime this week').

Im relieved really, im not even mad at her for somewhat leading me on, because in the end I think I liked her for all the wrong reasons and my lifestyle probably wouldn't fit hers at all (shes an athlete and 4 years younger than me, less intelligent and life experienced too, whereas im a pill popping raver and full time stoner sitting on a high gpa and potentially med school).

Im depressed though because I built up this infatuation over a semester and I really expected her to say yes.

We really got along well, im basically her only friend apart from one other guy (desperado kid, just wants to get laid, has issues too) and a girl who isn't even in our course.
I don't feel I'm getting anything out of my current relationship, but I'm too much of a pussy to break up.

Man up pussy bitch!!
I harbor deep hatred for myself and it's making me suicidal.
I hate myself as a personality and it's spreading to everything I do.
I believe I'm the worst at everything and I don't believe people when the prove me wrong. Yes. The present proof and I still don't believe them.
I dream of killing myself almost every night and when I'm awake I keep feeling the urge to hurt myself. Everything from drinking myself into a puking mess to stabbing myself in the hand with a kitchen knife.
I don't know what to do.
How will I get over the guilt of causing heartbreak?
I'm lonely, I hate myself and can't talk to girls (awkward lesbian with sucky gaydar). I've also got some pretty hefty food issues with binging til I'm sick, overeating etc. Currently crawling up the walls trying to keep myself busy so I don't gorge myself

So, you'd rather lead someone on, ensuring that both of you cannot truly be happy, rather than explain your feelings and allow someone to move on and develop in their life (as well as your own).

You should feel more guilty about not breaking up with her.

I'm lazy as fuck and I can't help it.
I'm a 28 year old loser with no friends.

The closest thing to true happiness I've felt in fucking years is when I accomplish some task at work, but for the last month and a half I haven't been able to accomplish shit and its depressing me a lot. While I could blame other people, like the people who seem determined to run their business into the ground, the real common denominator for why I can't get anything I want done at work is me. It makes me feel like total garbage and I feel that I'm letting everybody I work with down.

My immediate supervisor is this really nice lady who I've had the biggest crush on for the last year that I've worked with her, and it gets bigger every day I work with her, but she's married and has kids and I believe she finds me for the most part repulsive. While I find her unbelievably attractive and everything she does fits my ideal of "the perfect woman" id be happy if she were just my friend.

The sad thing is this lady is the only woman I've ever met that didn't immediately react to me as if I were rotting garbage.

Maybe I should just kill myself
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Decided some time ago I was totally fine with just mostly keeping to myself and while relationships and the like seem a nice thing to me should they happen I don't necessarily feel the need to go and seek them out as I was satisfied by myself and what I did and that's fine and something I still hold to easily.

Over the past few years though I've been sailing through some strange existential waters and finding myself getting stuck in terrible cycles of negative thinking and self-loathing and turning against myself, the one person I've really only been with by choice and it's been reflecting a lot more. I generally funnel the negativity into creative things and still do but my academics are still taking a toll.

Been in a pretty challenging major for the last few years that I decided to go for because then the challenge was something I wanted and embraced but recently I've just been finding myself coming home and trying to find something to occupy my time and not think about studying or classes for some reason and I'm in danger of not being able to pull back the losses I've accrued so far.

I'd consider it depression of some kind. I do have friends that help me out, not necessarily by talking about it but just being around them and not having to think about myself negatively anymore for a time. I'm sure they'd be fine talking about it but this is where I'm shit at and feel anything they say will be what I tell myself after being so relentlessly frank and honest with myself for so long.

I've got a lot of successful things going on but my classes and self view has gone incredibly by the wayside and its starting to inflict damage elsewhere. I consider myself a strong individual as I've relied on myself for a long time but I'm not sure what to do when I turn on myself. I go through periods of intensely trying to get things back on track and falling back again and the whole process is wearing. I think its a matter of getting over myself somehow. Quite the rut, lads.
Tramadol isn't a narcotic, but the mechanism of action in the brain is very similar to narcotics. Therefore, the withdrawal is real and the addiction is real. I have been to a 30 day inpatient rehab, and a 6 day detox before that. I can tell you with certainty that no one will turn you away or laugh at you. I knew a guy who was in rehab for benadryl, and a girl who was there for marijuana.

You see, it isn't the drug that is the problem. The drugs are a SYMPTOM of the problem. The person is the problem. Whether its heroin, cocaine, crystal meth, alcohol, inhalants, weed, benzos, pills.....the recovery process is exactly the same. Only the detox is different.

I applaud you for recognizing that you need help and have the strength to want to do something about it. If you want to get off the ultram, you can - and the rehab will accept you with open arms. Good luck.
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This Lexapro has really lifted my depression and I'm doing really well in my classes this quarter; but it has increased my sex drive to the point where I feel like a pervert.
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