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Why are the newest Jojos so faggy and not manly at all? How did
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Why are the newest Jojos so faggy and not manly at all? How did we go from FotNS to Free!?
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>Implying Joseph wasn't faggy
New Jojo fags are the only ones that wouldn't admit that reading Jojo has turned them gay
t. animefaggots
>I staterd reading Jojo 2 years ago.
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The character you posted was involved in a threesome with two girls while the latest JoJo is the first to get a love interest with a proper role in the plot.

Has there ever been a girl better than Yasuho?
Fuccboisjos are the best jos.
jojo is gay
Gappy fought those soccer rock twins with his fists and won. That's fucking manly. He's about as capable as Jotaro, who many fags consider to be one of the manliest. Last chapter shows that he can be as cold as Jotaro when it comes to dealing JUSTICE. Jotaro and Gappy also look very similar in Araki's current artstyle as seen in Jojoveller. They could pass for twins. Doesn't help that they're both Kujos.

Gappy is just AU Jotaro in a fucking sailor outfit. Calling Gappy gay is like calling Jotaro gay.
>jojo it's about being manly

Are you Relly watching/reading the same Jojo?
The first 4 jojos encompassed everything about being a joestar....the new ones just suck dick.
>CQC master
>healthy relationship and probably socially well-adjusted for a walking corpse
>Lean and mean
>outruns motorcycles and killer leaves
>survived melting
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Johnny fucked someone up so bad that he beat up every single multiverse variation of that person. In every scenario in which that fight happened, he won.

Name one JoJo who beat someone THAT BAD.
Giorno killed a man forever.
Giorno simply made him suffer forever. Johnny killed every single variation of a man across every universe, so it's kinda close to mass murder.

Gotta love how fucking broken Tusk Act 4 and GER are.

only a faggit who only watched the anime would say that

o wait thats u xD
>Gotta love how fucking broken Tusk Act 4 and GER are.
I do like jojo, but both of those are awful.
Jojo is supposed to be about about winning with comparatively weaker powers by use of strategy and cunning rather than pressing a I win button.
Jotaro getting The World was also stupid.
Manliness is disgusting

Every male should be a qt femboy
>shittalking Johnny
Newfags get out.
but Tusk Act 4 and GER were achieve by strategy. Tusk Act 4 required all the spin training and requisitions to work, and GER was only achieved because Giorno won the race to the arrow
Star Platinum The World, though, is the worst asspull in the series
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>Giorno simply made him suffer forever.
Reminds me of this sucker.
Reminds me of the "our stands are similar" thing regarding The World and Star Platinum.
Isn't this a contradiction?
Are stands not supposed to be a manifestation of the power of the user's mind? How is Dio's head related to Jotaro?
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indeed he is the manliest.
and almost all the female character want his cock and 4 balls
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GER was stupid, but Tusk Act 4 was cool. It had been established that if anything could penetrate Love Train it was the final form of the Spin, and Johnny even achieved it in a clever way making his horse kick him. I appreciate when characters have to get clever to win in a fight in JoJo, but no matter how clever you are, it won't be enough to get past the interdimensional wall which blocks off almost every single form of harm. It made sense, it had good build up, and the reveal of Tusk Act 4 itself was just a grand spectacle.

I don't hate GER as much as most people do, bt it's hard to justify it. King Crimson is pretty much invincible unless Diavolo is caught off guard, and there was some build up to it, so I understood why it was done. I feel like Araki didn't want Diavolo to be defeated from being stabbed in the back or something, but he couldn't come up with a way for him to he defeated in a fair fight either, so he came up with GER. It was an anticlimactic finish and it could have been better, but Tusk Act 4 was perfectly fine.

Jotaro stopping time was complete bullshit though seeing as there was no build up to it, whatsoever.
He's easily the most ruthless Jojo if it weren't for Gyro. Nigga would straight up shoot anyone in his way.
Gappy is so manly he has two extra testicles to hold all his man juice.
Johnny is best jojo, go fuck yourself with a rake you fucking plebeian
Was Jotaro's new power really that bullshit though?
>he learned of its existence, so he could do it himself
I still don't know how does it make sense considering >>144039592 , though I think the way he used it gradually increasing his strength, combined with how easy it would be to fuck Dio up at a close range made it a rather interesting fight
The fucking road roller is an asspull, but we like it because of its meme status
What the fuck are you saying?
Johnny is probably the manliest jojo.
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Johnny thread?
Tusk 4 and Ger kind of make sense.
Jotaro stopping time is still the worst asspull in the series.
If JoJo had ended at SDC, I probably wouldn't call it an asspull, but the thing that made Star Platinum and The World similar was that the were both extremely fast and strong humanoids that used their fists. So in other words they were both punchghosts, and they were the only ones in Stardust Crusaders. However, Araki made many more punchghosts after that that had different abilities. By the logic which of Thw World and Star Platinum being similar means they should have the same ability, that means that Crazy Diamond, Stone Free, Gold Experience and every other punch ghost should have the same ability. There are even some Stands that are even more similar to SP than The World, KISS and D4C have the same stats as SP, yet they have different abilities.

All that alongside the fact that there was no build up, made the whole thing feel ridiculous. It's also dumb that it took DIO days to learn to stop time for five seconds, yet Jotaro did it with no problem after just a few tries.
>he beat up every single multiverse variation of that person.
I might be remembering wrong, but wasn't it just whichever Valentine had D4C that got fucked up?
Jojo is fucking gay
Araki learned more about Fashion and the fashion scene changed overall with Hedi Slimane making slim, youthful males the thing to be.
>Giorno won the race to the arrow

No he didn't
I'm not 100% certain, but I think that The World's ability isn't freezing time, but rather the abilities of other Joestars'.
DIO could tell Hermit Purple was being used on him, and he uses Crazy Diamond's healing to fix Pucci's lame leg in a flashback in Part 6.
Jotaro didn't have time-stop because he happened to have the same stand-type, it's closer to the reverse: DIO had it because Jotaro had it.
Dio stand is the world
Diego has the world and he has nothing to do with johnny,the Hermit Purple-like stand was from jonathan.
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hello anime friend
No, it's dimensional fuckery. That's why he was able to split the road in two and ignore timestop for a bit even though he had much less time than Jotaro to get used to it. Act 4 ignores time and space bullshit completely and always eradicates it's intended target by having the superior time space fuckery.
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Jotaro or Johnny or Dio could beat Diavolo
Problem with pt. 5 was the moveset of the villains vs the protagonists wasnt planned out beforehand like say johhny vs Funny or Josuke vs Diavolo
they were faggy from the beggining
>Why are the newest Jojos so faggy
what the fuck are you smocking?
jojo was gay-butt-sex from the beginning and every thread is gayness
It's because The World's Jonathan's stand, silly. And it's ability is to copy the stands of later Joestars. That's why it could also use Hermit Purple. DIO just didn't know that because no one knew Star Platinum could stop time.
Nothing in DIO was his own, neither his body nor his stand.
My father is Araki and told me this.
Incorrect. Araki has stated time and time again that The World is DIO's Stand and the Hermit Purple thing was Jonathan's Stand. This is a relic from when his original plan was for The World to have the power of every Tarot Stand but Araki quickly realised that this was fucking stupid but he'd already shown him using Hermit Purple so he came up with the above explanation. Originally when they realised DIO was stopping time Jotaro would realise that they hadn't encountered anyone who could do that and that he seemingly didn't have a unique ability besides punching good so it must be his ability.

Point is The World is 100% DIO's Stand and it's ability is 100% stopping time, we're just supposed to believe SAME TYPE OF SUTANDO?!?!
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yeah... i feel you OP
it's like each jojo gets skinnier with each part
I miss his old art work
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>implying jojo wasnt always gay
>implying jojos arent manly,muscles or not
>Jotaro getting The World was also stupid.
not really,it didnt had enough build up tho.
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Yes, Daiya
but Yasuho is still pretty good
Part 8 best part debate me muffugas
Parts 7 and 4 are better, but Part 8 so far is on track to be the best.
Why? She has nice tits but that's it. Her personality is so off putting it hurts. Unless it's just neckbeards fantasising about their ideal woman who's completely reliant on them and has no other personality.
Why do people have this obsession with 'manliness' in anime? Muscly characters in Japan are considered homo as fuck which is why Araki stopped drawing them that way. And the character you posted is an actual cripple so not being swole makes sense. And the current MC manages to be even more hetero than Jonathan. The lack of homo stuff in Part 8 is actually kind of surprising.
The newest one literally has 4 testicles, a love interest who is also the secondary protagonist and at least 2 other female characters after his dick even though he hates them both.
Gappy is a fusion of Jotaro if Kira fuck Holly and Josuke.
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I placing my bet that if he is going to make another jojo after Gappy, it would be either SUPER SENTAI or an all girl moefest.
I doubt he'd go sentai, but I'm not opposed to another female lead. Araki isn't too keen on moe apparently so I doubt he'd go down that route either but it's fun to think about.
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how come johnny is gay?
he fking murder everyone who stood in his way
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