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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
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Thread replies: 255
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comfy thread. no emiliafags allowed
No need to shit on Emilia anon, she isn't the worst. Just the 2nd one.
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Select 4784.jpg
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Best girl
What build is he going?
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>people defend this sack of shit
Makes me feel sick to share this thread with you cunts
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>comfy thread
>waifufaggotry in OP
You should be banned.
Just wait, these threads will turn to shit soon enough.
>Blaming shit on Emilifags again

Just stop.
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>no emiliafags allowed

This is how you kill a thread OP.
>Suffering: The Anime.

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Rem portrait.png
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>no emiliafags allowed
If you insist, here is a picture of Rem from me.
I'd bully her with my dick


Those were the two posts that started shit last thread.
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>shitposting again
thanks proving that emiliafags are cancer
>comfy thread.
>no (insertsomethingidontlikehere)fags allowed

You're a shitstain on the face of this board
Deprived - int
>that pic

heh, i don't even play Dark Souls and i get it
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Emilia-tan is sexy!
What if the witch clan helps Subaru to reach his goal of killing Emilia and marrying Rem?
can someone make a new thread?
I'm pretty sure the thread specifically mentions NO EMILIAFAGS ALLOWED. Out.
Make me
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Meido Emilia-tan!
Clearly he lacks INT.
is she a cow
What doesn't he lack?
Remfags should learn how to tolerate bait/opinions. It takes one post to trigger you autistic niggers.
I said out *throws rock*
>You're a shitstain on the face of this board
That's just Re:Zero fans in general.
A-anon, could you kindly FUCK OFF please?
>muh crossbow
People literally run faster than the bolt
>muh guns and clown
People literally run faster than bullets and subaru lacks knowledge for metalurgy and smokeless powder.
>muh magik
Gates fucked
>gitgud with sword
He didnt win fantasy gene lottery aka blessings of winds and magical powers
>building crossbows and other not-fantasy inventions
>not petitioning lugnica's greatest wizard with metia ideas
If magic exists you're stupid to try and live without it. In the first place, most technological ideas would be stupid for the sole reason that magic exists in its place.
>muh safe space
Back to Redd!t
funny because this thread doesn't agree with you faggot
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I love her!
You'll fit in someday.
yeah but what if subaru uses aliez
>reddit filename
emiliafags everyone
Rem is fine and all but subaru and emilia and the clown are going places and she and her sister aren't.
Oh, but the last thread did. Nice try though.
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How come nothing is loa--Oh you rotten lesbian fuckbag
reminder reinhart kills his grandma x2
reminder subaru absorbs 2 bishops
reminder subaru met satella 400 years ago by fact
reminder the clown is evil
reminder julius is dumb
reminder felix is a guy
reminder we are still stuck at the entrance of the tower of the sage in arc 6 because the author is a faggot
reminder they are doing all this mostly for Rem
>knowing what a reddit filename looks like

You just outed yourself, loser
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Subaru sperg.png
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>Starts thread by shitposting about Emiliafags

Come the fuck on anon.
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big clown cock.webm
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>petitioning lugnica's greatest wizard with metia ideas

He's only got one idea for you, and I don't think you would like it.
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Subaru agrees.
Doubt it, Rem would probably end up like Wilhelm's wife. Since the author likes character tat fall into darkness, Emilia will become the catalyst for it. Without Rem to fufill the two-way contract they both made to each other it can only spell doom for Subaru.
>reminder julius is dumb
What the fuck did you fucking say you fucking little inbred faggot?
Are we going to see Reinhadt fight his gramma in this arc?
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another testament to EMT faggotry
I thought they entered the tower already?
fuck off newfag go back to your shithole
Emilia is a princess with great prospects and Rem is just a servant. The plot demands that Rem die.
Get your autism treated, faggot
This thread has been shitted up enough already. Can we let it die?
It was fine before.
But then they started to pile up and take over.
Grow a pair, beta orbiter fuckboi.
I don't even watch this show but I fap to the hentai it spawns (especially Emilia) and come to the threads to laugh at the sea of retardation. Carry on, guys.
>reminder they are doing all this mostly for Rem

Well, she is dead basically, of course they want to save her.
reinhard killed only one time his grandma its not his fault that she died against the whale
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Was it rape?
Pack lap pillow is the best lap pilllow. Try to deny it, Remfags and Emiliafags.
Except she is not.
>being a furry
How do you live with yourself?
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Reminder that Emilia is a size queen and nothing Subaru can offer could possibly satisfy her.
pls make a fucking new thread and let this thread die

I said "basically".
Soul Level 1 run.
That guy is faggot. Knight helm guy should be the main character.
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Yes. The aggressive loli is not for sexings.
I swear someone decided <v warning>Dark Souls</v warning> should be a character

I wanted to make you (insertgirlname)fags more relaxed by a joke. You are a desperate case I see.
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Now here is an interesting question.
If we are to consider everything that happened in arcs 4, 5 and 6. Subaru has suffered much worse fates than Betelgeuse, but why does he steel his resolve rather than breaking down? Why hasn't he abandoned Rem unlike what happened to Emilia in arc 3, where Subaru offered both of them to run away?
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return from rejection.jpg
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I didn't realise Satella used this thread
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You are thinking of Ram.

Emilia is pure and never saw a penis in her whole life.

Get rekt, retarded remfag.
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I wanted to post that.

Threadly reminder that Subaru is an absolute cunt.

The previous two episodes have proven just how much of a fucking scumbag Subaru is. It's honestly revolting how fucking wicked and distorted his worldviews are. Emilia didn't ask for him to kill himself billions of times for her, she didn't ask for anything, but he still went ahead, dead set on her like a tiger stalking their prey. All he really wants to do is get "muh hot elf girl" and feel like a badass hero. He doesn't care about the well-being of anyone else. Emilia is just an object to him, as is Rem.All Rem and the village were to him were just a means to attain better standing with his perfect waifu. Same with Felt, and virtually everyone else in the show. He doesn't give a shit about the villagers. He's said because he failed to protect them, and by proxy he's failed Emilia, and she's going to hate him even more. Same with Rem's death. It's so blatantly fucking obvious. Everything he does is perfectly calculated to improve his relationship with Emilia, akin to a worthless NEET coldly plowing through a visual novel, which makes perfect sense, considering his previous life.

His "selfless" nature is just self-masturbatory selfishness in disguise, further worsened by his entitlement to any sort of gratitude from the people he "saves," as if they owed him anything in return. They just fail to see how narrow-sighted and vapid he really is. As for Julius, he's been the most honorable male on the show, so far, right in front of Reinhardt. I'd go as far as to say that Subaru is only slightly above the Witch Cult members, but then again, I haven't spoiled myself as to what their motives are, or what they do. But anyway, Subaru has deserved everything that has happened to him, so far.

I can definitely see where the "Dark Lord" predictions are coming from. He's definitely morally bankrupt enough to be an evil tyrant, already.
It's funny because it's true.
That doesn't change anything. Are you new to /a/?
This is amazing.
This shit has too much hype for an adaptation
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That's the vitriolity of waifufaggots for you. One negative word about their waifu and they fill threads with their bullshit.
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>Aggressive lolis is for sexing
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You can't be this new
Aptly put, brother.
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Simply because now he is emotionally stronger. it's called character development. this doesn't mean he loves Rem more than Emilia. You are annoying. Every time the same story.
Rem must really be masochistic if she is ok with being second to Emilia.

Damn, Subaru got shitted on. And he was doing him a favor.
Geez, you didn't need to insult me. I was asking a genuine question. A simple answer would have sufficed.
Fuck off cancerous crossboarder.

And stop samefagging.

It's the story of her life. Being for ever second. Before being second to Ram. Now being second in love. She is used to that. For this she must give up on Subaru and find another love interest who will consider her as his first and only choice. She hasn't respect for herself. Subaru main love is Emilia.
>he was doing him a favor

No, he really wasn't. If he didn't duel Subaru then Subaru would've ended up mysteriously dead in some alley instead and he'd be able to reset before the embarrassing display in the royal court.

It's only you ask that in every thread anon, posting the same pic. This is annoying.
I've never gotten a reply to it. I was just simply looking for an answer. Dear god man, don't get your panties in a twist.
If Emilia looks so alien just being a half-elf then what do the real elves look like?
Rem's death in the last episode has no weight. No death in this show has any weight, since he can just reset. I don't know why it actually has any impact on him at all. He knows he cn erase all that by just dying.
>it's another 'why not suicide' episode
what an absolute WHORE
But he's still right
this pasta is false flagging
its made by remfags
>by just dying.

Eh, and that is so fun.
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9/10 made me laugh
I wonder who that second love interest could be.

It's going to be something stupid like Subaru's alternate world counterpart, isn't it?
Like pottery.
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just look at her face
this is not a human face but it makes my dicks hard so it is ok i guess
The main problem is he has no control where and when the save points happen. So it's always a big risk.
That's an interesting question. I think they have longer ears
WTF? Can't I like both Emilia and Rem? Why are you putting them against each others?

A clone of Subaru? No, she needs a complete different person, or she will choose that person only because he is similar to his first love.
No you cross-wyfing faggot
I like her look as well. It's the eyes that really get me.
Her eyes are beautiful. I love how she looks alien and extremely enticing at the same time.
probably real elf looks beaitiful, emilia is jsut a bastard child who looks ugly as fuck
I will never understand why they decided to fuck with her eyes for the anime
what if someone dies as subaru gets his savepoint moved
>reinhard killed only one time his grandma

No novelfag here. Wut?
Luck, probably.
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>he doesn't know yet
Someone edit that subaru v reinhard image to be punished subaru
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At least there was doubles.
Did I say my waifu is one of them?
The pasta was made after the arc 3 spoilers were translated, people were majorly Emilia back then.
ok just spoil me I dont give a shit

But every time he dies 3 times, he says somthing along the lines of "Is there a limit I havent died more than 3 times per checkpoint"

Is there actually a limit or is he just being paranoid?
Me. I will travel to Lugnica for her.
You must be a bit cute at least. She likes cute boys, I guess.
Does it matter? The point is that he's always scared that the next death really will be the last one. That's a basic biological fear, the fear of death.
I know, I can't believe people defend Subaru
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There are people who actually self insert as him and think he did nothing wrong.
>it's another "why did clown let subaru embarrass in the court" episode
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He found out in arc 2 when he leapt through time since that loop was his 4th death.
Ram seems excited by the hot iron rod
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But anon, isn't that a boy?
He has no skill, no ambition, no plan, he really is a sad lost puppy following the elf girl around hoping she will be his master.

He is wasting his gift by not using it to train his fighting skills, magic ability, and becoming rich and powerful. Hell if he did that EMT may even come to like him instead of treating him like a worthless nobody.

Ferris is brotier, though.
Deprived build obviously.
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The bond between these two is huge.
MOTHERFUCKER AIN'T SEEN SHIT!! I've been told he has to face fucken hellish "bosses" SUCH AS A PONTIFF BISHOP he better learn how to roll.
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No proper deprived build since he's got a starting gift. Bloody casual.
agreed, emilia and puck are pretty close.
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Try parrying, fatty.
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Why didn't Will do more to help him? It seems like lots of characters have reason to help him and to tell him more, but they don't. Instead they stop just short of giving him the full story or reason.

Is it really all just done as a cheap plot device?
>ruining DKS bosses by parry cheese
I bet you had zero fun with Maria-chan's fight, faggot.
It's because Subaru is a nobody and they have no obligation to help him.
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Why would you help your Führer's political enemy?
>Why didn't will do more to help him?
Wilhelm has his own shit to deal with. He stopped training Subaru because, Subaru was going to rely on his Respawn ability and suicide.

Everyone else is an asshole. He went to Priscilla for help and she kicked in him the face.
>Gates fucked
>Spend a couple days with Feris to fix that, not hard.
>Then spend some time training your magic skills.
and repeat

Given a few months, years, whatever he could become one of the most powerful magic users. He could find better more powerful teachers, he could hire them with the money he could easily be making, he could pretend to be some rich noble kid that is visiting from some foreign country.
>Red phantom XxxJuliusxxX has invaded
It's because the world is well designed, and people in the real world aren't so altruistic as to help some shithead.
If killing yourself is that easy then you should have no problem doing it. And don't forget that he gains Satella's stench, so after a certain point he would become both insane and an attraction to all things evil.
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Come on, anon-kun.
Why didn't subaru learn magic from this guy? Even if he cannot cast any of it yet (busted gate) he could still learn about the magic he is capable of using.
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Can I contribute to cancer and shitposting too? I ship Reinhard and Elsa.
Their child would be even more broken than Reinhardt.
No one cares about shipping. Emilia x Rem is the only worthy discussion. Fuck off.
Theyre actually the same person futher down the LN
>not Priscilla x Emilia
Stay delusional.
Every FUCKING day with these STUPID fucking WAIFUWARS! I've had it up to HERE with stupid fucking waifufags! You guys make me want to KILL MYSELF! Is that what you fucking want? For me to fucking KILL MYSELF and write on my suicide note "Cause of suicide: Couldn't handle all of the stupid fucking waifufags, killed myself"? Because that's what it might as well fucking say!
You guys are literally, L I T E R A L L Y incapable of having even the SIMPLEST of fucking discussion without "EMILIA A BEST, REM A CUTE, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EBIN AMIRITE?" Fucking STOP IT you pathetic fucking FAGGOTS, you are such fucking cancer that I cannot even fathom how you fucking scumbags live your dumb gay lives. Don't you have a job to get to, schoolwork to finish or a family to attend to? Do you literally do ANYTHING productive with your lives other than argue about your stupid fucking waifus on a god damn anime imageboard? You fucking people make me sick and you're damn lucky I don't have any of your fucking addresses you fucking pieces of shits. I'd spit in your faces.
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Time to shine.
Good question, they must live in a distant land if even seeing a half elf is reason for worry and concern.
That wasn't exactly what I meant, but I dig it
>busted gate

How is his gate busted? He used shamac perfectly fine against Julius. Does his gate break every time he uses magic?
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Here, have a (You).
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Remember these words.jpg
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Remember these words. And remember that his love for the stars and his meme boy pose are plot relevant.
>the way she treated subaru last episode
i will never forgive her
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>This thread

See >>143925196
He will always love her.
We've been over this. Subaru deserved it. SHe did nothing wrong.
Why is that solicitor making such strange faces at that young lady
Handyman? The only thing he really tried to learn was cooking, cleaning, bush hedging, etc.

What he should be doing is building full magic user, since he has access to (only?) the shadow magic tree he should go full on shadow magic user, perhaps necromancer or warlock build? He could use his reset abilities to make money and buy magic items and armor to augment his skills.
if you wouldn't fuck that you're just fucking gay tbqhwy family
even if it has a dick
Shamac actually failed. I noticed the spell did not go through.
was Re:Zero AotS?
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Suffering nonstop.
>She did nothing wrong.

Acting like a fucking child isn't wrong, even if Subaru was kinda "wrong", he didn't deserve what Emilia did to him.
The spell didn't fail, Julius countered it.
Why is his gate fucked up anyway?
yes and by the looks of it it may as well be anime of the current season too
This, I am glad that this anime doesn't make everyone and their mother fall at the feet of the MC and do whatever he wants or demands. These people have real lives, real motivations, things that have nothing to do with the MC or his ambitions.
When in the LN we'll get Subaru and Emilia second kiss pic, I'll enjoy Remfags rage and delicious tears.
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These threads are just as suffering as the series itself.
Nope, that was Kananeri.
If he is powerful enough to take on all things evil what would it matter if they were attracted to him? Perhaps they could help to train him.
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Reminder that Emilia is a filthy elf.
Reminder that elves are for purging.
Reminder that elf lovers will hang with their knife-eared friends.
All it takes is some physical torture and then failing to kill betelgeuse for him to leave her for Rem forever.
Julius' ruined his career just so Subaru could live and not be assassinated by the Knights.

Frankly he should be thanked a whole lot by Subaru.
He used too much magic at once and couldnt properly control it.

Imagine this
You have a really tight virging butthole. you take a tiny little prostate toy and lube it. You slowly insert the tip and gently squeeze it through, stopping and slowwing down whenever you start to hurt. Do this for a few days and your butthole with get used to it without issue.

What Subaru did was take a normal sized dildo, slapped some spit on it, and plunged it deep inside in a single thrust. It will fuck your asshole up.
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>bad boy
i want emilia-tan to call me a bad boy in german
because people see the elf-bitch as the devil, but having a fanboy like subaru speak out made her seem like an almost human being (but only almost. sex toy at best)
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No, there's supposed to be smoke coming out of Subaru. His spell failed half-way due to his mana.
I would laugh at you but taste this shit makes me feel pity instead


I just want one comfy thread, is that too much to ask?
/v/ doesn't even push dark souls anymore, this is reddit.
In which moment he used too much magic? When Puck was trining him and it went haywire? If his wasn't already broken already, why did it went haywire?
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>for him to leave her for Rem forever.

>leave Emilia for a drooling dog (pic related)

indeed it never happened.
Do you have the smite all evil edit?
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Automatic rifles would be comparable to magic to these guys.

I actually wonder how modern weaponry would compare to advanced magic in this world.
bullets probably wouldn't do shit to reinhard for example with all his blessings
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Memeboi to save the thread!
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Please, post mememboy.
One of the few times I actually approve of memeboy being posted.
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Fuck (you)
Fuck off cancerous crossboarder.
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fuck off nazi
Let us be honest. If he went with her he would be dead against Farron's Undead Legion.
was this supposed to be funny?
No self respecting Nazi would want an elf
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Is there any other anime with an MC this incompetent? This shit is EVA tier.
DS3 was pretty disappointing dude, no one will laugh at your references to it.
Shinji is a 14 year old, little beta bitch of a boy who was raised without his parents, but he still got in that damn robot. He still did his duty and he still saved the human race.
Subaru would gladly go into the robot, while Shinji would refuse to be a part of it.
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I had such high hopes at the start of the game. The high wall was great.
Subaru would go to the robot, fail to save the day and would annoy everyone in NERV forever if he lived
If Subaru was assassinated by knights he could redo the royal selection and not make himself look like a fool.

Julius fucked up that opportunity for him.
How would he possibly know Memaru could do that?
>he could redo the royal selection
And have to kill the "shaman" again? No way.
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>and he still saved the human race.
>go to the village
>get bitten by the puppy
>bash the puppy's brains against the ground

And if anyone gives him shit he can say the moment the dog bit him he knew it was a demon doge.
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Gave them the choice between orange goop and inviduality.
>Get bitten by puppy
>Reflexively smash its head on the ground
PTSD Subaru confirmed.
>Saved the human race.


Saved....the hum...race.....!
And he is a failure of a human being. People don't see how much of a loser and how selfish Subaru truly is. They don't see how much depth the recent episodes truly revealed. He is the best and worst protagonist of the season. He is trash but well-written trash.
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It's honestly refreshing to have proper worthless scum as MC for a change.
It's shity like these that make me love these thread.
Full of Shadenfreude. Sieg Heil! Notch!
They're simply the best!!


At fucking up.
My name is Subaru AND THIS IS JACKASS!!
I want to make a 1/8 elf with Emilia!
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Sorry Kazuma, but Subaru wins with the amount of depth he has as an mc. He could possibly be mc of the year. The author portrayed how characters can be so unlikable yet well-written. How he can show humanity and inhumanity.
He's been through hell, why's everyone so hard on him?
eva is garbage

Also with his flaws, I love him. It's wrong?
no, because it's actually relatable instead of being a self-insert bullshit.
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In this pic, he can make also a track suit cool. My boy grew up. ;_;
shut up you are shit
He's more of a slav in fucking up than jap. All he needs is to squat and he is done.
Fuck off crossboarder
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He had the unforgivable thought of only wanting someone to acknowledge his existance/worth within that village. When he started thinking about Rem, he was actually about to say Emilia but switched his words to Rem. This was unforgivable, it was deceiving himself, it was human. And it was just like Rem when she had that thought.
he has flaws. he may be a complete faggot, but probably, in that situation, I would be even more fuckeed-up (or just gave up and run with Rem), yet he still try; I want him to overcome his flaws, and became a better person at the end of this journey. Even without getting the girl.
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Love is irrational, I really can't blame him for that, especially when he caught himself.
>17 year old
>Doing anything to get pussy
>Doing anything to get HALF-ELF Pussy
>Not relatable.
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