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Sword Art Online I and II
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Thread replies: 11
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Hi all.
Im fairly new to anime and am wondering what your thoughts were on this anime?

I personally really liked the first one but the second one was a bit lacklustre. I don't know why they sexualised it so much (Kirito's little sister having huge tits etc). The ending to the second one was also kinda sad, but i did enjoy the Deathgun concept.

Anyways, what did you guys think of it? i would rate the first one 8/10 and the second 6/10.
Boku no Pico.
>Im fairly new to anime
>I personally really liked Sword Art Online
seems about right
>Im fairly new to anime
You may as well say "I want this thread to be full of shitposting"
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I didn't think bait could be this obvious
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> 2016
> Discussing SAO
Try harder.
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This isn't the board to discuss that, you silly goose! Over to >>>/co/ you should go!
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>I don't know why they sexualised it so much (Kirito's little sister having huge tits etc)
Have you considered the possibility that you might be gay?
Thread replies: 11
Thread images: 6

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