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Masamune-kun no Revenge
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Anime announced. Is your heart and dick ready for our brutal yet lovely hime Aki-sama?
This is like Yahari meets Nisekoi with a revenge premise between two tsundere leads. Aki is even like a cruel Yukino, but with loads of flustering cuteness on average.

Basically, I'm ready.
>Like Yahari
What the fuck are you on? This is nothing like Nisekoi and Yahari.

At least the NTR will get /a/ buttblasted.
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>many girls keep appearing that have past connection with the MC
>MC is an inverse 8man out for blood and main girl is a Yukino clone
It's actually not a stretch.
Not really. You're really pushing it.
>MC = Hachiman
>Grasping at air
>Yukino clone
>He did not finish season 2
>Many girls
Like every fucking comedy romance show this last decade
Are you retarded? Yahari is another LN dribble, but it´s nothing like this.
>black hair
>Hime cut bangs
>Yukino clone
My dick senses best girl.
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>As an overweight child, Makabe Masamune was mercilessly teased and bullied by one particular girl, Adagaki Aki. Determined to one day exact his revenge upon her, Makabe begins a rigorous regimen of self-improvement and personal transformation.

>Years later, Masamune re-emerges as a new man. Handsome, popular, with perfect grades and good at sports, Masamune-kun transfers to Aki's school, and is unrecognizable to her. Now, Masamune-kun is ready to confront the girl who bullied him so many years ago and humiliate her at last. But will revenge be as sweet as he thought?
Calm down, anon. Take it easy.
>At least the NTR will get /a/ buttblasted.

>MC rejects class rep
>MC rejects Neko while being one step from fucking her
>he's perfectly aware that he misses great chances to have a perfect life only to keep being salty about Aki
>MC loses to fat faker
I'll watch it just for all those threads.
And it's not even a good revenge story. The MC is still a pushover who gets btfo by girls. Not to mention, he gets cucked by some fatty later on.
So the girl was a tsundere chubby chaser?
Feel free to think otherwise. But note the latest arc is literally pulling a Nisekoi.

Instead of applying selective reading as shown in your quotes, maybe you should read the whole thing for whole context.
I think it was because she thought the fatty was the MC since she still doesn't know the MC's real identity. But I could be wrong since I dropped it awhile back.
NTR isn't even real, but knowing /a/ there will be people who willl exaggerate and blow it out of proportion.
>Two good girl loses
>MC wants main girl
>Fat guy comes and cucks him
Another harem shit.
People talking about NTR, but is really much worst. Is not just the dude getting keked by a fat man, he is getting keked by a fat dyke.
Yes, that's why Aki calls "him" Masamune. It's funny, if the MC had revealed his identify long before or was straight-forward with who he was, Aki would have quickly fall for him.
Looks like haremshit with pantyhose fancervice
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I'm still reading this shit for her.
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You're not wrong.
>True asian beauties are flat
Will watch it for the delicious pantyhose thighs and pantsu shots.
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French princess has nothing on our Japanese princess.
Flat is justice and delicious.
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And MC's revenge plan is shit.
If he actually managed to make Aki confess to him and then go with "it's just a prank, bro", he would look like an idiot with serious issues and Aki would get over it pretty quickly after realizing that he's just a dick.

If he really wanted to rustle Aki's jimmies, he should go for Neko. Nothing pisses a girl more than another, more successful girl.
>Aki loses all precious attention form Makabe to some other girl
>everyone in school thinks she lost the Makabe bowl and her status sinks like a brick
>she's left with budding feelings and regret
>has to watch Makabe flirting with other girl every day
>to add insult to injury, that girl is the very one Aki can't deal with
Just imagine that delicious inferiority complex she would develop from that.
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They should animate Minamoto-kun manga instead. At least that manga is more interesting.
>more interesting
>nothing happening ever
>all you are left with are blue balls
Yeah, and it's somehow better than this manga.
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In addition to all of that, he should have just told her who he was from the beginning and proceed to do all those things you listed. From her reaction to fake MC, it seems like she still held feelings towards him and that would absolutely crush her.

Also, he should tell that annoying maid to fuck off. I know it's supposed to be comedic, but him being so beta around her just makes the MC pathetic. If the MC truly had taste, he would go pic related.
The whole revenge thing is nothing but a plot device, anyways. The title is misleading, it's not a revenge story, but a romantic comedy that bears fruit through the troubles and adventures Masamune goes through as he tries to set up the "perfect" plan, and Aki who stick to her role as the brutal hime. It's your classic love story between a guy and a girl who have sexual tension and can't spit it out until they overcome the love wall.
Diaminds already.
But there's no NTR, just misunderstandings.
Heck even the guy ''NTR-ing'' the MC is actually a girl
Being better than bottom of the barrel garbage is not saying much.
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Diamonds. Aki is cute and perflat.
Worst of all Fatty turns out to be a girl also seemingly wanting revenge but at the same time is preventing Masamune from getting his revenge?
It's retarded.
MC isn't even in shape, he's a twink and even the World's End Harem protag who had multiple Scoliosis has more muscle definition than him.
Man, this makes me think I really don't know anything about ongoing manga except the super big ones.

What are some other good ones?
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This isn't a good manga though
Fuck off. It's fun and the characters are cute.
Literally what gave you the impression that this is good. All the anons saying it's garbage?
>a girl
That's a good thing. Not real ntr then.
It's as good as Nisekoi, and everyone reads that and enjoys it despite its flaws.
The art speaks for itself, especially the pantyhose. We have a masterpiece at our hands here regardless of some salty anons say.
>characters are cute
This is the only merit you can give? Might as well read a CGDCT manga.
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>Asshole twink won't eat his mother's home made cooking because 'Muh weight'
>Meanwhile with people who actually lift
>muh art
It's okay. Nothing to brag about.
>We have a masterpiece at our hands here regardless of some salty anons say
Now you're just baiting.
Nevermind you're just a memelord. Post discarded.
Saltyness in action. Have fun being mad while I'm enjoying the shit out of this.
Rewrite. Play that now before the anime airs. Just do it.

It's not a bad manga either.
Too bad meido is the best girl.
Rewrite is not a manga you dumb nigger.
Some of us do like it. I don't expect high literature so I'm not anal about some of the plot being dumb here and there. Most read it for the girls anyways, and the girls are very moe and interesting enough.
Dude, you can enjoy any Taiwanese Tapestry you want. If anything you're being salty that people calling this manga for what it is.
How is the legservice here at least?
>Play that
Obviously. Who cares if it isn't. Rewrite is big and should be played to know of its greatness before the anime butchers it.
Okay not that Anon but there is a difference between 'Not wanting high lit' and what this is.
This is a boring, predictable series.
Anyone who watches the first episode can tell you 'he's going to end up with the girl who bullied him.'
Then added the other bad things about this manga and you get this Bayformers/Bat Murder v Man of Murder when you could be watching something like Civil War or an Arnie movie you missed.
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It's not perfect in that it doesn't focus and mine it, but here's a lot and they're boner-inducing, to say the least.
It lost it focus half way, so bad. Bait and switch, art got worse.

The story is shit by the way, so just wait for the doujins.
And a lot of people like SAO, doesn´t make their opinions and yours regarding this below average harem shit have any worth.
>in the middle of sliding up her pantyhose
I never thought I would need more of these, but they are mostly on pinups and spreads. At least there's no need to wade through that shit.
Being predictable isn't necessarily a bad thing. Harems are 99% predictable. What matters execution and of course cute girls. This manga makes my heart go doki doki, chuckle, smile, and make me want to fap. It passes in my book for being able to do all that.
>People have not read this run-of-the-mill manga yet
>People shilling the manga
>People saying is good
Artist really went to sleep mode after the first few chapters, is not even fap worthy.
>What matters execution
That's is definitely not the strong point of this manga.
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>MC isn't even in shape


It would have been a thousand times better if he went full Pillar Man. But that still wouldn't fix his beta personality,
>hating SAO
The memes never ends
I'm smelling an AOTY in the making here.
Predictability is hardly the worst thing about this manga when it's so poorly written to begin with.
It's average. At least it's nowhere near Kampfer level of execution
SAO is bad regardless of memes.
You just have low standards. Several anons and me have pointed out how badly executed it is.
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Best girl
Your opinion is shit too, anon. I guess no one here have good opinions then.
As expected of someone that likes this.
It has better execution than Nisekoi at least. At least it moves somewhat faster and has the MC reject girls right away. Said girls also move on right away as well. No-pan for example is going to get with the trap.
How do you guys feel about the trap supposedly trying to get with Neko?
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I'm ready to get buttblasted again like I was when he turned down best girl literally throwing herself at him.
Dropped when the fat not-Masamune appeared.
I'm glad the Author is trying to have rejected girls get together with other males even if it only happens at the end. Trap-kun is best boy so it's okay.
No one talked about this manga for a good reason, but suddenly anime announcement and the faggots are coming out to hail it as a good harem. Like fucking clockwork when you guys hate it after the anime airs.
>People shilling the manga
>People saying is good
They just want the anime thread to not be dead and instantly go to page 10. Not that I'd blame them.
Post loli mom.
The writing itself is mediocre. Who cares really? That's not its forte people enjoy for.

You and those guys only pointed out how dumb the revenge thing is. I don't even care about the revenge plot. That's not why I enjoy the manga for.
Your first shit harem? First girl always wins.
Only one guy is saying he likes it. I just read it to pass the time. I actually only remember about it every 3 months so it actually moves somewhat faster to me.
Wait till the anime actually air for the shitposting threads.
loli mom.
Master should have been the main girl. Heck the best you can hope for is that Adagaki becomes a better person.
Because NTR. People got retarded and sensitive about NTR.
>not calling it shit must mean it's good
There is nothing to enjoy.

- Story is shit as you pointed out yourself
- Characters are cardboards
- Art took quite the drop in quality
- Low on emotional pay off

I can not laugh, I can not fap, I can not feel, there is no redeeming features for this.
/a/ stopped having threads a long whike back, but some of us still read it. I got into it for Aki and I still read for her.
Are you telling me you recommend 5/10 reading material when there are 6/10 and above out there?
But there is no NTR.
>hate thing
>go to thread exclusively for thing and shitpost about it for hours

Pretty stoked for this.
It doesn't make the anger and pain any less even if you've seen it over and over again
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>all this pantyhose and legs
I also read it whenever I see it get an update every few months, but is bad, just OCD compelling me.
Yeah it does, is common for human to become jaded. But makes it all the better when first girl doesn´t win.
Don´t expect too much, just the few starting chapters give a couple of focus shots. Judging frome the promo art they have failed though, not even band rings around the high thighs.
Tell that to the people who was sperging about NTR when fat-kun showed up.
But I don't hate it? And who says you must like a series to enter the threads and discuss about it anyway?
This is not your hugbox
I'm being tempted by the half-worn pantyhose poses.
When was the last time I saw than in a doujin?
Well, anon...
You really think it´s a spoiler that would hurt anyone in this thread? Everyone knows is landwhale dyke.
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-I didn't say the story is shit. Writing != story. Story is predictable, it's cute and fairly entertaining.
-The characters are cliche (most not the bad kind), but the main characters have some depth to them and they are undergoing development.
-The art is still the same, if not actually got better.
-My heartpenis disagrees.

If you really can't enjoy anything at all and can't see anything to fap to then you're a sad person. Even legit so good it's bad or trainwreck series that have come and go have merits and anons fapping all the time. I think you're just trying too hard.
Ask yourself. I'm not a psychic.
Pretty damn often, where the hell do you read your hentai? Doujin moe?
> No-pan for example is going to get with the trap.
Time to pick this shit up again.
Really? I have it as a tag on panda, but I don't encounter them that often. I also go for originals only, so my selection is tightly restricted. I probably take them for granted in sex scenes, because most of them do it so nonchalantly.
>I got into it for Aki and I still read for her
Same. I just have a thing for girls with her design.

Msamune-kun no Revenge is really a light read for me, so I didn't care when we stopped having threads. It's one of those manga people enjoy on the side. It's not serious, big, or popular to be deeply invested in.
Some people are being way too critical. Masamune-kun no Revenge is comedy harem and it's better than majority battle academy harems, especially trashy type.
Stop stop, is the same shit.
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