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which version of FMA had the saddest Chimera scene?
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which version of FMA had the saddest Chimera scene?
I think the original paced it out better so that the pay off was just so much more painful. Hugh's death also suffered a bit from the brisk pace in brotherhood. The original actually took its time with the first half of the series.
I feel so numb to the whole thing. I'm not saying it wasn't sad but people post it all the time as the most tragic thing ever. And the jokes like OP's picture just don't have any impact anymore.
The original was a fantastic show for the first half, but got worse and worse towards the second half. Brotherhood had a pretty crappy first half since it was just rushing everything we already saw, but it started getting a lot better once they got that stuff out of the way. I wish we could some how combine the two shows together to get the perfect FMA show, as it stands now they both have problems.
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Play with me
I never got affected by this scene, everyone always talks about it but i felt nothing
I got aroused for some reason.
Brotherhood, since Scar mercy killed her out of pity realizing her fathers work couldn't be undone, rather than splattering her across the alleyway like in the original.
Because you're edgyfag, no surprise
For Hughes, the 2003 anime added a lot of filler stuff with him to help the viewers get more attached to him. While overall, I prefer the manga/Brohood in many areas, Hughes was better done in the 2003 anime.
I guess she likes it doggy style.
Tumblr is that way fag
It's a Toonami thing. You need to be able to experience it and tell it incessantly to those who didn't.
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