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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 220
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Now with significantly less memes
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dino is still cute
I wanna fuck Diego
And I wanna fuck Hot Pants
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Are all Italians this cute.
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I dont want to fuck Diego but yeah

Also last thread got taken out for shitposts right
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An anon wanted this.
Why was the other JoJo thread deleted? It was the only one at the time.
Memes probably
Probably the Shrek OP pic
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Slutsuke and Okuyaslut a cute! CUTE!!
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Post your favourite covers
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speedweed wagon.jpg
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can you do an SBR-universe speedweed and peedwagon foundation?
Was the finished mosaic posted? I never saw it.
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josuke smug edit.png
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Apologies for the reposts.
I've got an odd /r/equest for you guys, or at least one of you. I'll keep posting this until it becomes fulfilled :^)
I plan on running a JoJo quest on /qst/, and I need a drawfag to draw something.
A generic JoJo per say. But a 1942 marine. Give him any weapon you want that fits the period. Make him as funky as you wish. I already got one of you guys to do the stand a while back. I'm just need the user to be drawn.
>inb4 Axl
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A threesome with them would be the greatest.
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It was finished. Check the archives.
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Kaato_Higashikata Colour.png
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Posting this yet again, because every other time I have posted it it has been overshadowed or the thread got deleted

cheers to the Anon that said it like it though.
I wish I was :(
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Hot Pants is a feminist and Diego is an Anglo, shit. Now if you're talking about a cute boy Johnny butt, I can behind that. If you know what I mean.
Could you attempt to color Damo/Vitamin C or Joubin? Would like to see how you'd imagine them to look.
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jotaro shrek.png
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I've got a banging body and the banter to match
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Part 4 cannot be beat
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i hate how at the end of part 4 nobody dies
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Jojo ranking thing.png
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>That part 6 dislike
How to spot someone who rushed the series 101
>favourite death: Jolyne
>least favourite everything: Jolyne
Sure, might as well try. Is there a specific panel you want me to do?
What about Fatty?
he enjoyed her dying ?
So Gappy now identifies as Josefumi even though Kira is part of him too? He could at least call himself Kira Kuujo or Josefumi Yoshikage
It's shounen scooby doo what did you expect
A man with no taste.
maybe if he was more of a character and wasn't around for like 2 chapters than maybe
I guess I'm retarded.
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At least you have a 10/10 favourite girl
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JoJolion ending.jpg
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But anon, Kira dies and it's pretty upsetting.
/r/ing the Piss/gaming water crop
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Best Girl.png
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So, does anyone want draws?
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draw you killing yourself
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an enemy stand approaches.png
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Really now. Fuck off.
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Is this King Crimson?
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>around 40 seconds apart
Doesn't count.
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How about getting gangbanged by Gyro and Hotpants
What the fuck, why copy me 40 odd seconds later?
What the fuck, why copy me 40 odd seconds later?
I don't have automatic updates turned on.
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please ill love you forever.png
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Wikifriend back.Posting this again.Once it's translated I can begin to do pages for enemies.
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Not even my taste is this bad.
Sorry to break it to you anon but your taste is the worst taste I've seen yet, that bottom line destroyed what good taste you had.
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Please, for the love of god, stop. At least put on a trip so that people can filter you
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Oh well
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>least favorite part
>least favorite jojo
>These bottom rows
I hope in the next life you'll both acquire better tastes.
I would, but I'm not great with kanji... and some of them are too difficult for me to make out the radicals to look them up.
So far I think Diamond is Unbreakable has been the greatest anime adaptation ever made. This is the first time that something like this has far exceeded my expectations. This shit is just so good.
>having Johnny as your least favorite JoJo
Your taste literally could not be worse.
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Why does everyone like Joseph so much?
He was pretty fun and goofy but there are much better contenders from later on that have actual character development instead of "I was lazy, now I'm not that lazy"
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Rate me
You haven't seen the kira fight trainwrecks yet
t. someone from the future
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>Jotaro probably listens to Linkin Park
>Josuke is alright, but nothing special
>Giorno is unpure
>Jolyne is a woman
>Only Johnny could rival him
>Liking 5 or 6 less than parts 1, 2 or 3
>Least favorite crew isn't Part 2's "crew"
>Least favorite villain anyone but Kars
7/10 only for that top row being pretty good bar the favorite crew
Not bad
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Poor Quality JoJo Chart.png
3 MB, 1584x1211
Don't know which bottom is worse
>favourite crew
>least favourite parts
otherwise pretty good


Okay, I think we've discovered the shittiest taste in this thread
I literally can't understand how someone can think kars is a better villain than pucci
And my tastes were "bad"
I'm the original guy who requested your vitamin c, fell asleep before I got a chance to see it.

I love it! Thank you
Only bad taste he has is that least favorite crew and Jojo, which one's yours then anon >>143064773
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jojo opinions.png
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Shit that was my old version

This one is slightly less bad
Kars is white male power fantasy
Pucci is PoC lgbtq

Not hard to see why
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>Least favourite crew.
>Least favorite crew
>Least favorite part
>Least favorite villain
Still the shittest taste in the thread currently, senpai.
When I found it I couldn't not go with
I like them as individual characters but they rarely did anything together or work as a crew as of now
I actually think that Pucci is really well done, I'm just really indecisive about my feelings of Part 6's ending.
Dont you think it's too early to judge the crew when the crew's not even been properly formed yet? Wait till part 8's over anon
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>my awful drawing made the OP

Geez, dude. Anyone want any quick sketches? I'm up to do a few
If he's really well done, why put him that low? He's arguably one of the better written villains in the series, just under Kira and Valentine. Kars is the most generic villain and probably always will be in the series.
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That's a man.png
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Tell me JoJokes, anons.
>Joseph listens to dad-rock
>jotaro listens to linkin park and Nu-metal
>Josuke listens to Gangsta rap and 60's rock
>Giorno listens to italian opera and the soundtrack to the godfather
>Jolyne also listens to Nu-metal
>Gappy listens to prog and death grips, shitpost on /mu/
Kyou/Born This Way senpai
Seconding >>143064968
Jorge Joestar is canon
I mean we are already 50+ chapters into 8 and I already rated other stuff from it
Iggy doesnt have a nose
How does he smell?
Draw gappy as an 80's action hero saying "hey you, your losing your vitamin c" before finishing Damo
50+ chapters in but the next couple of chapters over the years might make part 8's crew literally the best crew in the series. Though I suppose I shouldn't comment, Gappy's already my favorite Jojo from all the chapters so far so I may be jumping the gun.
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>Gappy not listening to pic related
What are Jonathan's favorite pokemon?
Arcanine and Entei, Dogs immune to fire, of course
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Has someone made a couloured version of this already?
Narancia is a girl
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@nyanndamu-ClUR1KJUgAAuzPE (1).jpg
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>Jotaro listens to Linkin Park/nu-metal
I know you're saying that because Jotaro's the "edgy" Jojo, but come on now. His favorite musician is Toshi Kubota.
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i wonder how massive Damo's dick was
Is gappy the most stone cold?
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Q:Why does Okuyasu not like spicy food?
A:Because his brother was killed by Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Where's a good place to find JoJolion raws?
I want to get caught up without enduring HWMN.
27 miles
Pastebin, my dude.
at least he gave hato some of his vitamin D before he died
It's a general supporting cast, not a part 3/5 style crew of friends who do everything together. Why does everything have to fit into these restrictive boxes for you guys? Jojo isn't that formulaic.
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Which stand could use it's ability to make sex most pleasurable?
well one for thing we know its ROCK hard
fuck you carlos nobody likes you
I did notice it only had tanks.
Is nobody anywhere uploading magazine raws?
GER for maximum edging
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Paisley park
king crimson
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Foo Fighters
Kira wasn't such a bad guy, I can relate to him.

I haven't felt the urge in years but I still don't think it's right to kill him off for his hobby.
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>the urge
Pucci is my least favorite villain for the single reason that he is a VILLAIN
The guy had the right plans, he was not a bad guy at all before meeting DIO, he was just...kind of autisticly mad at life. And then after meeting DIO he started killing people and doing all that kind of stuff, and near the end it looked like Weather was going to become the main villain (when he regained his memories), but Pucci just ended up being a bad guy for no reason other than being a bad guy. Like, seriously, if Pucci just tried to be a nice guy and maybe tried to explain his plan, people would have let him do what he wanted to do; he LITERALLY just wanted to help everyone
But yeah, felt awkward how this nice christian guy that wanted to make everyone happy was a killer and cynical bastard
Valentine wanted to do the right thing and was fucked up because he was always egocentrical and what not.
Kars is not a good villain, but he did a lot of memorable things. Also, Wham helped the Pillar Men to become great villains, and the Ultimate Life Form is actually a pretty cool concept
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Wouldn't the rest of the body just fill in the space that was erased, though?
I agree with the anon that said GER
You could make ecstasy never ending
Baby face...
But anon, he was villainous. He was a villain that didn't realize he was a villain, the worst kind because he genuinely believed his ideals would benefit everyone. What would be the point of living in a life you already knew about everything that was going to happen to you? He thought he had good intentions but they honestly weren't beneficial, and Weather Report was never planned to be a villain. He's a fantastically written villain because he's sort of a beta-Valentine, a villain who's own morals and ideals can be matched against the Joestars. He's a fantastic antagonist, too many people overlook that because of memery
>so she wouldn't feel any pain from the sex

She would stop feeling pain long before that
Rainy Day Dream Away
It can make the feeling of achieving climax last forever
heaven's door
Can Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable cure cancer?
>morals and ideals

"fuck yeah murica, fuck the rest of the world"

top tier motivation right there, uh huh
No, Crazy D can't fix diseases

Also there's technically nothing technically 'broken' with a body with caner
>implying that's an uncommon mindset for someone of his time to have
What a waste who it was given to
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He cares about his own country, the rest of the world can go fuck himself for all he cares, but America is whar he has to protect.
That's what makes him villainous in a way, but his morals were in the right place, he truly wanted what was best for his country.
Can Crazy Diamond unburn weed? Could Josuke and Okuyasu have infinite nugz?
I need a fat D4C to go with this stat
stay mad fag :^)

I see what you mean, but there is also the fact I just didn't like most scenes with him. His relationship with DIO was never really developed past a few lines of dialogue, his stand, Whitesnake, was a complete bullshit fest (at least in my opinion), and he was also in a part that I don't like that much
Shit like him being able to see Jotaro throw the harpon or being able to make his stand become Weather Report made me mad as fuck because it had no other reasoning other than some weird plot armor
But I got to admit, C-Moon and Made In Heaven are probably in my top 5 fights, they were great
I also like Kars a lot because the final fight with him was one of the reasons I got so hooked to jojo
>implying "fuck you, i'm gettin' mine" wasn't practically the American motto in the late 1800s
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Does anyone have the extended version of this?
Yes there is.

Your body absorbs too much cancer and it starts producing too many cancer cells.

If water starts shooting out of your faucet at 10,000,000,000 PSI is there also nothing wrong with it? It's job is to make water come out, after all.
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>weird plot armor

That is one of the major points of the story, Pucci has fate on his side, in the other parts it's always the JoJo that has [fate] on their side but in stone ocean it's the villain.

Also Dio's and pucci's scenes are great and helps to understand how pucci views the world and why he do what he do
>he has fate on his side
Explain how fate let's him see in stopped time, transform his stand into someone else and create weird sleep inducing rooms
That seems to be the case, yes. They're infrequently posted on some of the usual rawdl sites. But never ALWAYS.
Fun fact, it's still technically legal to own black powder cannons

If you wanted to, you could buy your own pirate ship and lay siege to a coastal city

This has nothing to do with the discussion at hand, I just felt like blurting that out.

>not caring about a bunch of brit bongs and Chinese you'll never meet means you have no morals
Man you can do nitpick like this with literally almost everything that happens in JoJo

>weird sleep inducing rooms

He probably inserted another stand disc into himself temporarly
Huh, never thought of that. It makes sense now, Jolyne got shit on throughout SO.
Is that Jobin dressed in a bettle costume and fucking Josuke?
There's some buzz about Kaato I wanted to verify, but it looks like HWMN are warehousing. The pricks.
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Apollo 11.jpg
1 MB, 1560x1200
His relationship with DIO was pretty developed, did you not remember those flashback scenes at all? They had a pretty tight bromance. I'll give you that Whitesnake was broken but it's main key ability was still there and it was used in great ways like removing Pucci's eyesight to hard-counter Heavy Weather.
You should give part 6 a re-read, there's seriously a lot of great stuff in it that's made clearer on a second read. I only really admired Pucci after re-reading because he's basically a villain that had the greatest ideals on his side and determination to match, it was as if a Joestar had to face a Joestar in terms of determination.
Also some of the fights are god-tier but only are made apparent when you read them properly. Sky High was fucking amazing and Rykiel is an underrated minor villain. Sure he had a shitty outfit but his growth and character were REALLY well done in his fight.
>Pucci has fate on his side
Emporio showed us that this was false. Pucci had luck/plot on his side but nothing else.
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Here you are
No, pucci was outside of the effect of [FATE] in that moment, they literally say it in the chapter
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You can't tell me this isn't the most sexually pleasing stand ability.
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That would explain why he has a lighter on him here.
He was bluffing, nigger. Nobody can escape fate.
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Jobin_full Strawberry.png
2 MB, 1017x1500
Here is my Jobin recolour, hope yall like my precious strawberry boy
I never noticed how ugly the shirt he was wearing was.
And they say Fugo has no fashion sense.
>purple eyes

Nice albino freak, hope you enjoy carting around a barrel of sunscreen faggot.
>Steel Ball Run
>Worst Part
>Worst crew
>Worst Jojo
Remove yourself
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Why is Kira with Killer Queen and not Hayato?
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I just realized Joubin, Damo and Yotsuyu all have a spike theme going on.
Coincidence? I think not.
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I'm open to submissions.
Born This Way
is the pixel art anon here? if you don't mind, would you draw ball breaker? in a cool pose if you can
i need a new steam profile pic
I guess if you are the type that likes one-offs that end in a disturbing mess
nice try pixelfag
is fat valentine not a good enough steam pic for you, asshole? what do you have against fat valentine
A young Enya laying an egg while DIO, Vanilla Ice, Pet Shop, and Nukesaku watch in the background.
he is a murderer
>implying murder makes you a bad person
Aisho used to wear a spiked hoodie.
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157 KB, 841x879
>Never ever
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Jobin_full Black & Gold.png
2 MB, 1017x1500
I have a theory when it comes to the hierarchy of the "Rokakaka" smugglers.

Kaato Higashikata is probably the big boss, she remarks "Thanks as always" when Jobin calls her, hinting to that they have been talking for a while now.

She probably gives orders through Jobin, who then oversees the trade. Damo was in control of all the rockmen, but took orders/worked under the second in command. Jobin was 17 when Kaato got arrested. He is the eldest child (followed by Hato who was 9 at the time of arrest) and thusly he has the strongest relationship with Kaato.

They also remark that Damo came alone, and thusly he had to be the boss, but it would be super awkward if Jobin tried to help a lost cause.

It also fits that the Higashikata family is in the fruit trade business, this would give Jobin easy access to importing the Rokakaka

As far as I am concerned, it seems like Jojolion is a mix of Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6 all rolled into one (elements drawn from each part).

We still have yet to see the motives of Kaato and Jobin, but i suspect it has something to do with the corpse, the curse and money

Thusly, the hierarchy becomes:

Kaato Higashikata (boss)
Jobin Higashikata (second in command)
Tamaki Damo (commands the thugs)
Yotsuyu, Aisho & A.Phex Brothers (thugs/dealers)

But hey, that's just a theory.
You know when you're at a cafe and some bitch is going crazy on some midget
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Sakamoto desu ka.png
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Feels like shit man
What stand does this?
probably goes to Johnny, he killed about 15 innocent people in the D4C/Love Train fight
koichi is a faggot for not wanting yukako
On a related note, Rokakaka fruits have spikes too. Wearing spikes could be some sort of symbol they are "big fishes" in the Rokakaka smuggling business.
Big guys?
Do you think that Damo had to shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane when smuggling Roakaka?
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Mista is for >>>/tg/47860038

please come circle jerk if you wanna make and see Stands
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That sounds about right, given the current evidence.
So are we in agreement that Kaato is definitely Norisuke's (potentially ex) wife, and Jobin, Joshuu, etc's mother? The "I would really like to see mom soon, too" line was a little awkward.
If i pulled of his hair would he die?
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who is the toughest Jojo character?
>hello I am a huge faggot who Jotaro dies
i don't care about spoilers
why don't you spoil the remaining parts too
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She shows up in the family tree, which hasn't been updated since December 17, 2012.
So yeah, she is most definetly Norisuke's Wife, although I don't know who her mother would be.
I dabbled on the potentiality of her being the daugther of Holy, but they are both 52 so that possibilty ain't there. Might be a twin or something though. Speculations.
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Is this FAST enough for ya?
It's a mistranslation. She was actually referring to herself and saying mother was looking forward to seeing her son again.
Once again, stick to black/white art, this one and your Risotto are the best ones you've done.
Oh, that's right, unless the Kaato Higashikata at the end of chapter 55 is a rock person who took on the identity of the original Kaato after she died. Since she certainly doesn't look 52 years old. But that's probably Araki's ignorance of the typical human aging process.
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Akira isn't smug enough
From the way Aishou talked to the bus it did not seem one bit like Jobin was above him.
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I'll try to go all old school on the serious ones and use color on the MEME ones.
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the client.png
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>It also fits that the Higashikata family is in the fruit trade business, this would give Jobin easy access to importing the Rokakaka
IIRC its mentioned Joubin was the one who really got the current business blooming, and there's also the fact that Aisho's rock was shipped to the Higashikata Fruit Parlor and Yotsuyu just so happened to be the one to build their home
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Sounds better, could you try and draw me a Prosciutto with Grateful Dead in your serious style?
Thanks, Doc.
I really would've preferred to use that Akira expression if it weren't for the edges and lighting.

Or that might work too. I'll get on that transparent.
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How do you look?
Pucci's character is a fall from grace. Dio even acts as the devil corrupting him. Pucci resists running to Dio and stays as a man of god until his life becomes absolutely fucked. His intentions aren't exactly that bad although living a life where you know everything that will inevitably happen is quite pointless, it's his ends justify the means attitude that gets him his villain status. From early on in the story his drive an ambition is strong and he feels they are just, but he still kills innocents in his way for the greater good. If Weather ended up the villain Pucci getting off scot free would've made no sense considering all the people he murdered and manipulated.

Plus he deserved to be punished for killing F. F
*Could you try and draw a Prosciutto with Grateful Dead in your serious style
Didn't mean to add the me in there.
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5 days
No, Italians are all hairy tan fucks who act like the loudest most obnoxious and flamboyant things in the world.
*12 days
They most certainly had a contract though, and judging by his tone it sounded like he was just angry that Yotsuyu was dead. This led to him asking for permission to kill Tsurugi.
If Yotsuyu was over Jobin in command, he would straight up execute Tsurugi and break off the contract.
It sounds like they made a contract, but something went wrong.

I just noticed that Aisho lies in a curled up position. He is hunched over. It looks like he is holding something, might be a container for the Rokakaka?
nah, Italians kinda suck for the most part
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Cool Boy.png
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Something like this?
Doesn't look much like him but I like the style, looks sorta Hotline Miami + Noire-ish, how about Ringo Roadagain?
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u drw betr thn
I believe it is.
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Are the old translations really that bad?should i wait for the new translations?because i really want to read some jojo right now
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r8 my new dank pape
They remove a LOT of the characterization and botch some stuff up, but read it and reserve your judgements until the part's fully retranslated.
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Always and forever
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Would you hug him /a/?
They are pretty shitty, but it's not like you have a choice

Remember to read Di Molto's translation for the last volume of Part 5, since it's got the best translation right now.
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i fucked up
What is this, SBR for DOS?
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I'd do a lot more than hug him.
>Dude, is this true man's world?
Always the best
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