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>http://entertainment.inquirer.net/ 196199/attack-on-tita
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File: attackontitan_cc_025_pt1_85wn4.jpg (122 KB, 1080x608) Image search: [Google]
122 KB, 1080x608

well, it tells you in the article
File: 1401211984377.jpg (49 KB, 436x467) Image search: [Google]
49 KB, 436x467
it's on the fucking article you fucking moron. Kill yourself
putangina mo gago
Because it's fuckin' GARBAGE
hijo de puta
File: 1431447576308.png (75 KB, 198x198) Image search: [Google]
75 KB, 198x198
should have post a goboiano link if you want to troll. [spoilertotally not a flip thread][/spoiler]
How old are you OP ?
OP, did you really think anyone would click on that link?
>Attack on Titan Season 2 plot rumors: Titans' truth to be explored; Ymir to reveal a big secret?
Didn't utrgard happen like 2-3 years ago?
December 2012
So stupid plebs like you keep talking about it.
I know it's bait but I'll bite
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