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What did you think of Charlotte?
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Thread replies: 37
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What did you think of Charlotte?
first episode: wow this might be good. better than the shitshow from last season and a likeable MC to boot
second episode: Nope.
third episode: Nope. dropped
I don't.
It was objectively garbage and only liked if you're a maedafag.
Me too thanks.
I wish it wasn't so shit so I can get more porn of Yusarin's forbidden body.
Had some slight potential that was completely squandered. It's shit.
So bad that I regret remembering every so often.
Shit right?
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I watched it the season after it came out but I wish I watched it while it was airing. It was pretty good, I didn't expect much but I was so wrong. Never doubt a Key show.
Fucking hilarious.
It was good at the beginning, but the story completely fell apart by the end.
the part where MC is wandering around the globe was just dumb
Bad Pacing. They should have make 6-8 SoL with super powers and have the final ark longer. I still enjoyed it.
Is it possible to summarize this show's plot without laughing?
wasted potentials.
Great show with a fantastic ending.
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i am your phantom.png
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It was pretty good.
Nao was the only good think that came out of that show

A Kojima Production.
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>Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do?
Just finished watching this and there is literally nothing good about this show at all, it's just flat out bad.

You can't even turn your brain off and just enjoy like kabaneri or boku no hero(If you guys enjoy these shows for other reason that's fine, i'm not trying to insult them, i think their great/only enjoyable things this season.) ,

Charlotte is literally painful to watch be it the hideous animation(I swear there isn't a single on model character during motion) or it's generic characters and their by the numbers uninspired character interactions.

>Throw your average MC + God like powers see what happens

All these interactions literally write themselves and i've seen it all 100x before with characters that are actually remotely interesting.

The "plot" and premise is absolutely fucking retarded, you have to be a special kind of stupid to even remotely think it was a good idea.

Honestly the show would be at least watchable if they just made it an SOL

As it stands now, this show is literally shit. Like a 1/10, like worst than sword art online and i mean that from the bottom of my heart.
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Wasted potential, which makes it one if not the worst anime of that year.

A show that starts off promising just to shit the bed before the ending is worse than a show that was shit from the beginning. At least then you don't get you hopes up or don't even bother watching.
>hideous animation(I swear there isn't a single on model character during motion
That's bullshit. Animation was overall most consistent thing about this show.
Not as bad as /a/ seems to think. Still pretty bad though.
Watched for a girl, everything else was mediocre-utter garbage.
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Where we are today? We built it. This story - this "legend" - it's ours. We can change the world - and with it, the future.
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I am Yuu, and you are me. Carry that with you wherever you go. Thank you my friend. From here on out, you're Big Boss.
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Nothing like a little digoxin to get you back in the game.
Was okayish until episode 9. Then it turned completely retarded and unsalvageable.

literally the worst show in that season. and that's saying something... it has to be the worst anime i've ever seen only because it was such wasted potential
Blown cum to the doujin where she get blackmailed so many times. It's hot because shes such a narcissistic little shit in the anime.
Thread replies: 37
Thread images: 10

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