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Best girl of the season Best ED of the year Can Trigger do no wrong?
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Best girl of the season
Best ED of the year
Can Trigger do no wrong?
Gonna take that as a no.
Based Imaishi.
>Can Trigger do no wrong?
Kiznaiver is fucking great dude
if you're gonna name shit atleast say Inou Battle
Kiznaiver is fucking shit
I wish it was done by any other studio so I could enjoy my typical Okada's melodrama without so much shitposters.
I'm enjoying it desu
>best anything
S-She's not a slut!
Trigger has saved anime forever.
Sure the writing isn't the best, but that's really it.
The direction, soundtrack, visuals are phenomenal.
Nice to know something they can produce something like that and TRIGGER you
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>14 and already fawning at the first normal looking guy she sees
>Not a slut
She's a slut, senpai. But a cute one.
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>implying you wouldn't fawn at Nova-kun
>normal looking guy
The fuck? I would kill to live somewhere where is Nova appearance considered just normal.
writing is all that matters
yeah writing is the only thing that matters in an audio-visual medium
go read a book FAGGOT
It's a decent show, but the ED is just a minute of panting.
>Can Imaishi do no wrong?
fixed that for you
The ED represents Luluco's lust for cock
that's not slutty, you fucking retard. a slut
1. sleeps around with multiple men
that's it really, how they dress or what they want sexually isn't relevant
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I'm glad this didn't become another normalfag anime like Kill la Kill.

For once, a Trigger show seems to have a bigger following in Japan than in the west.
Trigger bump
The first 4 episodes of this were pretty good, then it became a meme show to the fullest. It is still watchable but no longer very good.
What does that even mean.
Slut used to mean that.

I blame regurgitating what genuine purityfags believed and using it for shitposting.

Memes can't become normalfag core unless its Watamote.
Trigger idiots will defend anything the garbage studio churns out.
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Anna cookies.jpg
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>Luluco will never bake cookies made with her love nectar for Nova
She'll make him drink it straight from her justice gun.
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neo-/a/ ladies and gentleman
i really wish the boy was better and more deserving of Luluco though

he seems like a giant chode to me to be honest
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He doesn't mind either way about your shitty opinion on him.
But anon that's the joke
>Can Trigger do no wrong?
It's a good show
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slut guide.png
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I'll refer you to the chart.
Thread replies: 36
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