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So Arc 2 ends next episode. Are you guys ready for the real
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So Arc 2 ends next episode.

Are you guys ready for the real arc to start?

Arc 3 is titled "Truth of Zero".
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Will the despair ever slow down, or will it just get worse?
You have yet to taste real despair
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It hasn't even started.
I actually feel really bad for him because he's fucking friendzoned at best by all the girls. If he at least was doing this to then get to live with his waifu, then there'd be a light at the end of the tunnel, but as it looks now the light at the end of the tunnel is just releasing the witch so she can lift the respawn and finally kill him or figure it out and somehow kill himself for good anyway.
>Expect generic main girl
>Receive pure love

She's great. Though Rem is better.
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Nah. Emilia is best girl. I imagine that, while Subaru is fucking Emilia and kissing her, Rem is present in the room, assisting the intercourse. "Subaru-kun, do you need more lubricant? DO you need another condo- Oh, I see you are going to cum inside her unprotected, do you want me to order some pregnancy tests to ascertain that Emilia-sama has been impregnated? All I want is for Subaru-kun to be happy with your family"

How can anyone like such a pathetic girl like Rem is beyond me. They must really have something worng with their head.
Not only that, she will probabily be their maid when Emilia and Subaru get married, doing all the chores andd dirty work around the house while Emilia enjoys her life as a goddess. Subaru would probabily use her only as a sex object, as a way of satisfying his basests fetishes that he doesn't want Emilia to partake beacuse she respects her too much. So Rem would become just a eventual fuckhole where to practice anal, bukkake and other desgusting activities, receiving no love and being prohibited of feeling pleasure. And this would go on until she became too old to be of use and Subaru lost interest in her, and she would be dumped in some smelly swamp, and live the rest of her days childless and unhappy until she would die cold and lonely in the slums amidst all the dirt and filthyness.

And above all that Emilia-tan would be shining towards heaven like the true angel she is.
No it ends episode 11
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Arc 2 ends on episode 11 not 10
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Rem is not a soulless backround maid.
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This show feels like it's dragging on a bit much. Is it just me?
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No. It feels draggy for you because you expect things to be done within 1-2 episodes.

It doesn't work that way here. Do you honestly feel like, you will really feel Subaru's despair in episode 7 if they didn't do the 3 prior episodes to it? Would episode 8's lap pillow have that effect on viewers as well if not for the long set up? No it won't.

You are too used to fast cuts that anything else slow feels dragged out.


Watch that. You'll get what I mean. Very different concepts, but essentially the same meaning.
It's just you. It's going a bit too fast for my liking. Some arguably important parts are left out because they're rushing through the story.

Especially the first mansion episode was rushed and that's why people are complaining about Subaru falling in love with different people too quickly.
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The despair has peaked. It can't get worse because they won't show gruesome injuries on broadcast television.
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left or right ?
Right, obviously.
I choose knife ears.
>knife eared half-breed
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because Rem is best girl

>Subaru falling in love with different people too quickly.
It's not the show's fault they're too retarded to tell what Subaru meant by loving them.
Ok, I get that. Maybe I'm just in a hurry to see a new conflict. This arc would be better if the relationships had more development. The lap pillow scene would've been even better.

But some scenes in this show feel like they drag. Some scenes with Emilia/Puck feel like it's mostly there to waste time so that the episode could end on a tense cliff hanger. I understand that his relationship with Emilia is important, but the scenes hardly do anything to advance their development or the plot.
left, it isn't even a contest
maid outfit + blue hair + cute face
+ well sized chest + incredible in battle = MUH DICK
I better be able to see Puck fucking everyone before this shit ends thats honestly all I want to see
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I think the lap pillow scene would have been more effective, if Subaru's internal suffering was shown better and also if the vomiting didn't sound almost comical.
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>implying anything nice would ever happen
Not to mention would make for an incredible dom in oni mode.
I'm voted for Rem 16 times in that poll.
Did you forget to drink your meds today?
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Nice dress + silver hair + cute face + cowtits + incredible in battle + cute and fluffy spirit familiar = EMT
Kek those ears. Someone is in denial that their waifu is a shit half-elf.
She doesn't have cowtits you lowtest beta bitch
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soon (in 5 or 6 episodes)

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nah, it's alright, but doesn't hit any of my preferences, especially with that boring generic waifubait hair
Whoa dude. Did he get vaporized?
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Rem is ok with Emilia being the main consort and her being only the second one.

Rem is a cuckquean.

I imagine that, while Subaru is fucking Emilia and kissing her, Rem is present in the room, assisting the intercourse. "Subaru-kun, do you need more lubricant? DO you need another condo- Oh, I see you are going to cum inside her unprotected, do you want me to order some pregnancy tests to ascertain that Emilia-sama has been impregnated? All I want is for Subaru-kun to be happy with his family"

Not only that, she will probabily be their maid when Emilia and Subaru get married, doing all the chores andd dirty work around the house while Emilia enjoys her life as a goddess. Subaru would probabily use her only as a sex object, as a way of satisfying his basests fetishes that he doesn't want Emilia to partake beacuse she respects her too much. So Rem would become just a eventual fuckhole where to practice anal, bukkake and other desgusting activities, receiving no love and being prohibited of feeling pleasure. And this would go on until she became too old to be of use and Subaru lost interest in her, and she would be dumped in some smelly swamp, and live the rest of her days childless and unhappy until she would die cold and lonely in the slums amidst all the dirt and filthyness.

And above all that Emilia-tan would be shining towards heaven like the true angel she is.

Remfags are scum. I hate and despise all of them. They deserve only sorrow and scorn.How can anyone like such a pathetic girl like Rem is beyond me. They must really have something wrong with their head.
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maid dress + blue hair + cute face + cowtits + incredible in battle + cute twin sister = RMT

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I can work with human culture half-elf. Full elves though.

I guess you're right. Not really cowtits.
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>waifubait hair
What's that?
Is this a copypasta already?
Fuck off.
long, straight hair

that shit's for failed normalfags
Seems so.

>defends her fucking loved ones
>100% loyalty
nice fucking try
What's that picture supposed to represent?


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Timeloops, man. Timeloops.

filthy fucking newfag
While all the timetravelers eventrually fall into a pit of despondency, hardly ever recovering, Subaru soldiers on with a smile in his face despite all the adversity.
"Im too late" is what he says btw
only in your own silly pasta m980
irl emilia is subarus rejected cum dump
I thought Satella is confirmed for winning.
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>this delusion

Enjoy your veggies, remfag
>emilia is subarus rejected cum dump
But Emilia dumps Subaru
she dumps him
I don't understand, why are people defending Emilia?

If you've read the LN up to the forest river scene, Emilia met another male elf and she ended up being drugged and NTR'd. Subaru had to break that timeline and it was never the same
Fuck off.
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Because she's cute, まじ てんし, and I can't into moon.
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>mfw the author killed off Rem because she was becoming more popular than Emilia
for Puck
It's the truth, my dear Remfag
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Emilia never will kiss the Subaru's lips.
Is he out of that shitty mansion already?
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But I didn't read the spoiler beyond "If you've read the LN". That's what I was implying.




No she wasn't, he only wanted to teach Remfags their place.
How and why?
If you say so.
Daily reminder that Rem is Satella.
she goes off and fucks another male elf
He did it for maximum suffering. He spent an entire arc building her up and then took her away
The witch is Emilia from the future, from the original timeline where she was the one who experimented the loops and went crazy trying to save Subaru. She timetraveled to the past and gave the loop powers to Subaru, expecting that he becomes a being like her
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>go into Re:zero thread
>people defending emilia
not even once
Honestly, I have stopped caring at this point. Just want it to finish fast so I can cross it out as finished. Also seeing how best girl is getting the short stick from the spoilers, nothing of value is left.
I'm an EMTfag. That shoop is heresy.
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The author is a man after my own heart.
I see the outlines of a meme taking shape
Nigga that's Mirai Nikki.
Wait, so Yuki is a time traveler now?
This is actually a lie, but you know how Emilia tells Subaru to fuck off after he completely embarrasses in the court room after he gets his ass kicked by Julius? She becomes friends with Julius, and he is very, very flirty with her, and there's several scenes where she blushes in his presence. Subaru essentially gets cucked by the very man he lost against. Also, Reinhardt and the rest of the court think he's a complete joke, and they laugh at him.
They've kissed in the WN. They're pretty much a couple now.
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Beatrice > Felt > Emilia > Ram > Rem
>when Rem took the Big Clown Cock in not one but TWO timelines

Explain yourselves.
What meme?
Then why was subaru in an altogether diferent dimension? That is an enticing theory, but it fails to explain this crucial detail.
I hate faggots like you so much please just stick to mal you fucking loser
>liking used goods Ram over pure Rem

What are you doing? Betty is the only thing right on that scale.
Daily reminder that she refused to help him in the first loop, even though she very clearly noticed the curse placed on him.

Beato a cunt.
>Taking Clown cock
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What part of "This is the 15524th time we've had this discussion" didn't you understand?
Don't toy with my feelings. Provide me proof of that, please.
Rem isn't getting the short stick though
Fuck off, pedo.
How many times has Emilia killed Subaru?



Wrong oni retard
goddamn, does he ever bounce back or does he get kekked and shamed forever?
You're on the wrong board, normalfag.
eventually. julius probably had her way with her in the meantime, though.
What a fucking slut. Can't believed I thought she was a goddess.
Nice headcanon you fucking idiot.
>Remfags trying this hard to troll Emilia
Comeback from all the Rem a shit, eh?
Cry about it, secondary. Emilia a shit.
girls that kill you are the best
It's much worse, she is a cuckquean
Really? Fucking whore, nevermind then I'll just go for Felt or something, fuck Rem.
Next time put re:zero in the subject
Rem is cuter in personality. Who cares if she isn't in love with MC.
>there are people out there who legitimately defend Emilia for the shit she's done and the fact that she could easily be the most evil thing in existence and the one who's putting Subaru through all this pain
Explain yourselves.
But that's because she's an entity outside the bounds of time and space. She's not travelling back in time like Mikuru, she's more like The Watcher in the Marvel Universe.
So is this fake?

If it isn't then fucking hell she's garbage
no u
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I'm not the one who's suffering.
>there are people out there who legitimately fall for the same bait every time
Explain yourselves.
Spoiler this fucking retard
She's still stuck in the timeloop.
Looks are all that Emiliafags care about. They truly are bumbling, shallow retards.
>She's Satella, guise!
>Stop defending her!
Well meme'd.
>all these people saying Emilia is Satella

It's Rem, you fucking idiots. The latest chapters hint at it.
I'm convinced that the only ones that like Emilia are anime-only watchers/secondaries.
That's the only way.
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Seriously. People need to stop replying to the tryhard Remfag.
Explain it.
Can't wait for you to eat those words when Arc 3 in the anime rolls around, Satellafag.
>Has waifuwars

Seriously what? Are you guys delusional?
>Talking to yourself
Repeating bait that has been debunked every time won't make it true.
Bumbling shallow retard
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Emilia being Satella would just make her twice as good.
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>all these butthurt remfags

OOhhh, poor baby, sad that your cuckquean of a waifu is now a vegetable?
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I'm sure it's just inspect element, right?
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>mfw faggots keep baiting false spoilers until the LN's catch up and endless hell begins
>There are actually some who likes Rem
Explain yourself.
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It's called between episodes shitposting, anon.
You aren't fooling anybody.
FUCKING this. Is Subaru made out of death flags? Is his entire being just a giant death flag? It would explain why he dies so fucking often because his body is so frail from being fucking impaled with flags. He has the mortality of a black guy named Requis in a fucking racist horror film
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Read the thread
Emilia-tan a best

It's called shit taste.
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>s-she's Satella!!!1

So? She's putting him through this to then live forever with him. Would you not go through all this if at the end of the tunnel you got eternal life with your waifu?

Remfags confirmed for not devoted to their waifu. Then again how could you ever be devoted to Rem?
Every Re:Zero intellectual already knows that Rem is/was the inherently superior girl. It's truly horrible what happened to her, though. I suppose by process of elimination, the best girl is Beatrice, now.
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she's best bro
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Best taste itt.
>a show is a harem because people argue about waifus

I guess that makes game of thrones a harem show then too you NIGGER
Meh it just feels like hardcore fans of this series are bored because all the people are watching other series so to keep the thread alive they troll themselves. One of the saddest self destructing parts of /a/, it is always a joy to watch the threads become mindless shitposting.
Okay then, so even if she wasn't Satella (which all hints point to her being her), how can you defend her for completely leaving and ditching Subaru in his time of need just to flirt with a different guy? Rem has stayed loyal throughout the entire series and truly wishes for Subsru's happiness. Emilia is just attracted to the nearest cock she sees.
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>still responding to bait
We are in a time loop. RIGHT NOW.
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That's what I'm doing.
>secondaries actually think that Emilia ran away with Julius

This thread is too cute.
The fact of the matter is that she DID leave him.
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>Everything needs to be focused on the MC and all girls need to be in his harem
Please, just kill yourself, you worthless self-insert faggot.
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>Re:Zero intellectual

Remfags, everybody

Yes, they are this delusional.
No but this is a harem. He is surrounded by females and has two focused love interests in them for now until more appear obviously. They already set up the loli as a possible candidate and yes once waifuwars start it's because the show has harem elements.
>nearest cock she sees
>get desperate and bait even harder
I wonder who'll fall for this.

Refer to>>142326631
No. We've gone through this countless times already. Fuck off already. Julius wants Subaru's dick after all.
Subaru, dumb retard who blindly chases a girl out of obsession.

Grow at least a quarter of a brain and put yourself in Emilia's shoes. Now is it that hard to believe? Emilia isn't retarded.
>Will the despair ever slow down, or will it just get worse?
it gets MUCH worse
I've researched the WN for months before the anime. For all intensive purposes, I am a Re:Zero intellectual.
Except the fact that she clearly has shown interest in him earlier, and has comforted him. The fact that she just leaves him like that is terrible.
Rem has always and always will be loyal.
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Im not the kind of person who feels empathy with a fictional character. Seeing his suffering in episode 7 was cool, I mean something happend, but episode 8 didnt do anything for me. Episode 9 on the other hand made me feel like shit got finaly done. It was also nice to see that the dog actualy is the cause, since they telegraphed it all the time.
Personally, the anime could move a tiny bit faster but its allright.
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>giving up the crown and betraying your supporters so you can follow a strange, albeit handsome, autistic man
Wait till Arc 3.
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>refused to help him in the first loop

She already saved his life once, she's not his caretaker and responsible for his well-being. But when Subaru requests her help she delivers and saves his life again and again. Unlike a certain someone that keeps leading him to his death.
like 90% of the animes feature girls as the main heroine (Protag's top waifu) who have straight long hair. Either black, blonde or white, rarly brown, brown is reserved for short haired girls somewhat.
so yeah, enjoy your generic shit.
Man, the fight at the loot house and the general mystery around that was the most interesting. Everything since has been pretty meh.
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This is all I have to say.
I guarantee it'll be heavily censored in the anime.
Like 90% of 2Dqts have straight long hair.
Obviously someone hasn't read the light novel spoilers
>blind and thoughtless love is more important than keeping promises and knowing when your partner screwed up

Admit it, remfag, Subaru fucked up royally. And their "break up" wasn't nearly as brutal as the remfags are proclaiming it to be. Emilia was very forgiving towards Subaru, all he had to do was apologize
well if you like the same girl with the same personality. Same goes with twindrails, they are always tsunderes.

so yeah enjoy your generic shit mate.
Straight hair is the most common hair type.

That's like saying 90% of the animes feature girls with 2 eyes, 1 nose, a mouth, and a set of arms and legs. So yeah, enjoy your generic shit while I adore the crippled waifus.
As much as I like this series, I have to agree with this.

In all those pics, Subaru is probabily describing his undying love to Emilia-tan, and Rem is just there listening to it as the filthy cuckquean she is.
hair is changeable without any harm. If you took someone's eye away, he or she will see less. If you cut someones hair, he or she will seem fresh.
not a hard concept to swallow, right?

You are probably a /v/ poster who does food and shit analogys there.
Can someone link that scene or explain? What did Subaru do that was so bad?
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are we all faggots here?
He acted like a typical horny teenager to impress his waifu in front of other candidates for the King position and got his ass handed. She got upset with him and Subaru told himself to not even bother apologizing at that point. Little did he know, later on he apologized and she forgave him basically instantly. In other words, his autism fucked him up for a while.
Read the manga, the translated chanpters don't reach the scene, but it will give you a feeling of what happened.

Basically he announced in front of the royal court that he was Emilia's knight, in his usual baffoonish way and embarassed her in front of the people that are going to choose the next king. Then he picked a fight with another knight and lost hard. Furthermore, he broke the promise he had made to Emlia that he would wait for her in his room and wouldn't appear in the court while the reunion was taking place. Spirit users take promises very seriously
why are her eyes empty anon
She know Subaru won't love her as much as he loves Emilia.
Haven't all the deaths taught him anything?
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She was preparing herself.
but it feels like subaru doesn't even "love" emilia at this point; it's like he's just infatuated with her less and less like a love interest and more of an objective to reach at the end of the tunnel during each checkpoint...
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Because the artist for this arc is trash
That's how we see it, because it's set up like a video game practically.
Not yet, by that time.
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that's actually a good point
I wonder if subaru will truly be happy when he finally get her
Nah, the fact that he wants to "conquer" her doesnt mean that he doesnt love her.
He will be, and that's a shitty point
they're gonna ruin arc 3 with original ending and censoring shit I guarantee it
Was that supposed to kill or seriously injure him?
All of these look like play bites and simply tugging on his clothes like the dogs are telling him "we're bored, play with us."
One licking his face is missing for completion's sake.

Analblasted much, Remfags?

Best girls
episode 10 pv when
>they got so rekt tha tthey had to run away crying to another thread

Remfags never learn
The fuck is this
Hes probably headed for catatonic wheelchair ending with Emilia stopping by occasionally to stroke his hand and apologize for the state hes in.
Satruday, I'm afraid
Except he does, Reddit.
Any hope of these getting translated
Fenrisulfr trasnlated more Q&Astuff
>Q: In a fight between Satella and Reinhard, of course Reinhard would win right? Also, what’s the difference in strength between the two?
>A: Due to a matter of affinity it would be an endless battle. The difference is between Disgaea and Final Fantasy.
holy shit
Not new
They give REMFAGS the worst artist for their Arc. HAHAHAHA
>[tfw emilia dies]
girls in this are so boring..but story wise it is ok-tier
>The difference is between Disgaea and Final Fantasy.
I don't get it.
Delusional remfags are cute.
>Q: Among the characters that have appeared until now, what would the five people with high battle strength look like when they are lined up in sequence?
>A: Reinhard, Ram, Regulus, Sekhmet, and serious Pack. Even though they are like dangos under Reinhard but these guys are capable of bringing down the white whale by themselves.

Woah. Ram confirmed strong as hell.
kill yourself at any time
Clown semen gives her a lot of nutrients that make her strong.
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>supposed big bad witch that destroyed half the world
>can't win against Reinhard
so maybe arc 2 guy is doing arc 3 too
Why did Ram get BTFO by the witch cult them?
Reinhardt can't be everywhere at once. All evil needs to win is for good to do nothing.
How many times will Puck kill Subaru? 2? Which timeline would Reinhardt come in and kill Puck.
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Why is he so based?
I thought Ram had her power destroyed by witches and was helpless now. Was that a fake spoiler?
Puck rampages only and only if Emilia is in serious danger or if she dies.
He's a failure of a guardian anyway.
At the beginning where Subaru knew she would be attacked and shouted out to guard her, I think he would have let her die if not for him.
You realise that they will drag this arc out until the show is over.
At this point they will not start another arc.
At best they will end it with a huge cliffhanger.
Rem's skirt seems much longer here than in the show.
You do realize this has 25 episodes, right?
lacked the choice of Elsa
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So manly.jpg
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Who would you bro it up here?
can you fags at least use the spoiler tags right so I don't have to see this shit every time I come to discuss the show?
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a pucking good time.jpg
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Elsa likes scat fetish.
Julius and Wilhelm obviously.
Would become fuck buddies with Ferris-nyan
Me in the third panel.
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Trap (not bad).jpg
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> No Ferris.
> Choosing the fuccboi that is Julius.
You have terrible taste, but Wilhelm was a good choice.
Really? I saw it somewhere listed as 12.
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> No one chooses the cats.
You again. I know you.
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Then you were on a pleb website. Listen to us trustworthy anons.
I don't care if Ferris is a trap I'd ravage that cute boipucci anytime
Still retarded. If she was so powerful and was sealed because nobody could kill her, you'd not expect a relatively random dude to match her.
>relatively random dude
He's no random dude
He's THE dude
I did say relatively for a reason. Compared to the witch, I'd say he is.
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How can anyone forget about a cute guy like me?
Nah, he isn't
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fanatical demon mode.png
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