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>Tenchi Muyo will get a 4th OVA

The 3rd OVA was confusing as shit and I couldn't forgive them for replacing Petrea Burchard as Ryoko, but I can't help but be excited since Tenchi was so influential to me. I'm nostalgic as fuck.
Cant wait for the animation and art to be even worse than in 3rd OVA's
didn't Mihoshi's VA just die?
just imagine all that flat color and lack of shading
>implying Tenchi wasn't bland
tell me you don't get hyped inside when you hear this.

This. The designs and art is going to look so bad
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I hope they bring best girl back.
compared to modern "anime", in which every character is in a high school uniform with a cookie cutter hairdo, no. No, it wasn't bland.
not canon
thank god, the original OVAs look dogshit,
still best.
Fuck you, anon. Tenchi in Tokyo a shit.
It's actually not that bad, but I'm pissed off that they gave Yugi a hug and everything was better, but they couldn't do that for Yuzuha, who needed one the most, and is my favorite villain. Nope, they just killed her.
Yeah the ending was fucking shit. All that buildup for a slap and a hug. But Sakuya still best girl.
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My nig. That was my first waifu when I was a kid. I've since settled down with my one true waifu for some years now.
>mfw they look similar
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I actually like this design.
No, it's pretty bland, anon. Characters being or not being high schoolers isn't really a factor. You also sound like you haven't watched much new anime at all and just sit around reminiscing about the nostalgic old days.
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your taste a shit. posting superior hairstyle
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That's partly true, but still _______________________fuck you______________
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She was my first waifu and my first anime fap
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dose cartoon network censors doe
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He might've blown his load too much with all that crazy shit in OVA3. What's left for Tenchi and the gang now?

I'm guessing Kajishima will try and set up for Tenchi's inevitable marriage with all these woman, considering nothing can even fuck with him anymore, so you gotta up the ante somehow. Maybe he'll shove more Jurai politics into the narrative, I dunno.

I really miss that old era of Tenchi Muyo and all that shit we got in the 90's from it. They really balanced out all the aspects you'd expect coming from the series really well and it never felt boring. I'm not sure what the fuck happened with OVA3 production-wise that made it really shitty, but I'm hoping OVA4 will give the series one last hoo-rah before finally being put to rest if that's what they're aiming for. I don't want the series to feel like the same husk Dragonball has turned into.
>Petrea Burchard as Ryoko
When did you guys start letting this stuff fly by?
>He might've blown his load too much with all that crazy shit in OVA3. What's left for Tenchi and the gang now?
The development of how the Masaki family functions as an alien mafia. Specifically how it is basically a secret society and manage Earth's affairs from the shadows.
Tenchi learns to ascend into Kami Tenchi and then has to fight something with the Chosin at his side. Shattering the multiverse and then they have to put it all back together.
It could really be anything

It could be
-The birth and training of Kenshi
-GXP crossover shenangigans
- Tenchi becoming a father and dealing with daily life
-Basic Shenangians and training/trying to convince to be king of jurai
I don't see any possible conflict that Tenchi can't resolve now aside from those
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Yes, of breast cancer.
She died on the 17th.

Tits can kill

it's a truly terrifying idea
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>no seeded torrents of subbed Tenchi Universe
Fucking kill yourself.
I can't tell if this is god tier bait or not.
I remember reading that Kaji wanted OVA 4 to be like post WW2 in a sense.
I can't tell if anon is new as fuck or not
I-is it wrong that I just want more slice-of-life than "SAVING THE MULTIIVERSE-ERSE-Erse-erse-erse"?
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>People like that old lady demon Ryoko and not superior Ayeka
Well you should be happy considering Kajishima said he wanted OVA4 to be about the kids and Kenshi growing up
Ayeka is basically just as old as Ryoko. She has been in stasis for hundreds/thosuands of years looking for Yosho.
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But this nigga here though, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaann.

I'm totally down with more Kenshi, I kinda wanna see all the harems together if only to see the chaos it would bring.
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>I-is it wrong that I just want more slice-of-life than "SAVING THE MULTIIVERSE-ERSE-Erse-erse-erse"?

Some of the better moments within any of the shows/novels/manga is where they're forced to leave the confines of their home to confront some maniac through space or fix something within' the universe. Alternatively they could be besieged while in the house by the antagonist, just general space adventure stuff. A lot of the time anyway is usually dedicated to slice-of-life, all before the crazy shit hits.
>snooty, spoiled brat who's okay with incest
>fucking awesome space pirate who's guaranteed to be a freak in the sheets
yeah, I'll stick with Ryoko
Ryoko really just wants to be a good little domesticated woman. As evidenced by her watching Tenchi grow up, while locked up in the cave.
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They better make Kiyone canon.
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You're gross faggot.
>>- Tenchi becoming a father and dealing with daily life

This is the only good possibility

Tenchi was best during the shenanigans.
I remember watching this show when I was super young, like in the before-Adult Swim days, on some late night Toonami segment. I remember not really following the story at all but I kept watching because the art and music were cool and the girls were making me feel this weird but pleasant sensation.

Is it worth revisiting today? From what I recall I'm guessing it was a sci-fi harem?
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Ryoko was my first waifu and Tenchi was the first anime I cared about
>mfw I can't find any good Tenchi porn and just drawing from the 90's
Similar situation here, a few years ago I remembered it existed and how much I enjoyed watching it on TV. Decided to revisit the OVA series, Universe, and In Tokyo, and found that they were even more enjoyable once I actually paid attention to the plot and was old enough to get some of the jokes. I'd say it's worth giving the original OVA a revisit and then go from there if you find that you like it.

Earlier stuff had Tenchi and his bitches getting into fights with bad guys and overall craziness. All the later stuff is more about netflix & chill with some political intrigue I guess.

But yeah, go ahead and revisit the shit. Better now anyway because of the new OVA coming relatively soon.
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Fun fact: Ai Orikasa, Ryoko's seiyuu, is also the Japanese voice of Jessica Rabbit.
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OP here. I love drawing Tenchi art (pic related), but I can't say I've ever drawn Tenchi porn
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Wait, does this count? Something I did for a draw thread...

Keep going.
I just want Ryo-Ohki to talk.
And if they're going to Jurai like I suspect, I want Ryoko and Ayeka to just walk around casually in public and freak the hell out of the civilians. And Ryo-Ohki can preform for the court like Azusa promised.
I came out of my rock for this? She voiced Excellen too, fuck this world.
I just hope they'll find a decent replacement rather than cut out all of Mihoshi's lines.
Dont be shit, dont be shit, dont be shit, dont be shit. I cant wait.

Book translations when?
That doesn't make sense, it would involve rewriting who knows how many scenes right now, considering her death is recent.

Fucking cancer.
>Book translations when?
Fucking never of course. Just like the myriad doujins.
How did Shimoneta or whatever handle the death of Flora-sama's VA?
Doujins are not THAT hard. Just hard to find.
>tenchi universe and tenchi in tokyo

at least it wasnt the GOOD mihoshi

Too far in production for that to happen. Only hope they can find a suitable replacement like they did Ayeka.


bleh..nevermind..was only looking at TV ...derp
I just dropped by to tell you that you have chosen poorly.
This man.
I never followed that series, but change of VAs happen every once in a while, for a number of reasons. Not /a/ related, but Tekken series director went on a funny rant about voice acting years ago, I had no idea about a bunch of things he said.

Good read.

Reminds me of when people heard Duke's voice in DNF and were convinced it wasn't the same VA. Japs have some pretty diehard traditions in regards to VA stuff, like with Goku still having the same voice actor all these years.
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A special Yuyu Hakusho episode was made not too long ago, with the original jap cast returning. Yusuke's VA couldn't pull off the same voice anymore, it was pretty damn different, but hey you could feel how hard he was trying.
You don't have to spoiler these
Am I the only one who likes Washu the most?
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