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Mirai Nikki
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You are currently reading a thread in /a/ - Anime & Manga

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What does /a/ think of this show?
I heard it has a yandere girl, and that's what I'm really looking for

Show is worth watching just for Yandere girl if that's the main thing you're looking for.

It's shit.

And fuck off with your recommendation threads.
Good entertainment if you want a week (or a few days if you marathon) of mindless asspulls and action. It's literally what the author set out to make (Big Order is an even more relevant example of this) so I don't get why faggots think they're cool for saying it's bad. It does what it sets out to do well.
Its a shit show made somewhat worth watching because of the girl
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Yuno dere.gif
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It can be enjoyable. And Yuno is a miracle of the multiverse.
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yuno banana.png
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Yuno is great, she makes the show worthy.
I'm watching this now and its absolutely fucking terrible the MC NEVER gets better and the twists are retarded. Yuno's reason for being obsessed with him are also awful.
Would've been better if it was about the 7ths.
> Yuno's reason for being obsessed with him are also awful.
So it's true to real life?
It's a bad show with good characters. Yuno, the terrorist girl, and the masked guy from the beginning are really good characters. It sucks that show focuses on some crying kid who can't do anything but let Yuno handle all the work.
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It's a nice ride. Yukki is a macho.
>It's a bad show with bad characters*

Fixed that for you.
The asspulls make more sense when you get to the end.
Nah, there are legitimately a good handful of characters on the show. Tbh it would have been goat if it was about the Terrorist Chick with Yuno making frequent appearances
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You're too new to post here
> The asspulls make more sense when you get to the end.
> Asspulls
> Oh! It was shit all along.
>If you can't explain why the characters are bad for this sort of show, get lost.
Didn't mean to greentext but you get the point.
unfortunately this only lasts 1-2 episodes and he reverts back into a pussy

literally only watch for yuno and terrorist
If you really really like yanderes then yes. But if not then no, because this show is carried by the yandere.
I was actually shown this image first when a discussion about this show came up years ago. I'm still mad at myself for letting an image persuade me to waste time on this anime that I'm never getting back.
Yuno carries the show on her back and is the character that redefined what a "Yandere" even is after stuff like School Days introduced it. Type "Yandere" into google and most image hits will be Yuno.

It's decently fun but kind of falls apart at the end. If you want a yandere girl, you wont get much more yandere than Yuno.
There is a period before the ending where it is really fucking good before it turns to shit. Not really worth reading just for one really well written section of plot.
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There's a couple episodes where i thought MC was going to go full LeLouch but then he reverts back into a generic pussy faggot.
But, atleast he does fuck Yuno eventually.

It's an alright show, but as its been said countless times before, Yuno and purple assassin carry the show. I'm thankful i got to see those two girl's tits, hell i think we see everyone who's relevant's tits.
Is not good or bad either, but it's worth if you like Yandere girls, and Minene was best girl.
My favourite of all time desu senpai.
Perfect ending (The OVA) which is really rare.
Fuck, Terrorist. How the fuck did i miss that.
edgy shit for MAL kids
You'd probably be better off watching Yuno highlights than the actual show.
you must be at least 18 to post on 4chan.
What up with all under age kids on /a/?
Watching anime and reading manga is literally the same thing as watching cartoons and reading comics. It's on the same level as video games. It's a childish hobby, and forums dedicated to it attract dumb kids and the mentally handicapped.
I thought it was pretty good the first time I saw it. Admitted that was a fairly ridiculous notion the second time around.

Still got entertainment out of it though.
How do you guys like ova?
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Then why are you here? Are you mentally handicapped?
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Yeah. And I hope you are too, otherwise I'm gonna have to call the mods.
Alpha Yukki was great, I hoped that the big order MC would be more like him, but even with the most OP alpha power in existance he still manages to be a retarded beta who lets everyone just boss him around.
“What's The Deal With all under age kids on /a/
Yes I know this stupid joke.
It's fun
Didn't like the manga, at all.
It's pretty awful
I even found yuno really obnoxious which is supposedly the whole reason people like it
it's literally one of the shittiest things I've ever watched.
reccomend me some good yandere shows to jack my meat to /a/
Akise should have won.
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I want to fuck Yuno and terrorist-chan.
Other than that the show is worthless
You can definitely find some enjoyment out of it. The concept is interesting and some characters are really cool. MC is pretty shitty, but the the show as a whole gets better near the end. The ass pulls are also justifiable in the end.
Just don't take it seriously and have some fun with it. It's pretty enjoyable as far as anime goes. Ending is incredible.
>The ass pulls are also justifiable in the end.

You can't call them ass pulls and call them justifiable in the same sentence.
Me calling them ass pulls doesn't negate the fact that one can validate it in the end. I'm stating that while some twists are bullshit, and make no sense in context at the given moment, later in the story these events are explained and given credit.
I unironically like him.
The ending is fucking terrible, the MC is worse than the ending minus the two episodes where he gets a spine, and the pacing is more inconsistent than my erections, but I unironically enjoyed it.
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