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Thread replies: 126
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File: [2016.05.23_18.37.00].png (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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I'd stick my whole dick in there.
Now that the dust has settled, we all agree that Ruru is KyoAni's best design right?
Not even the best design in that anime.
I want to lick her headphones.
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Ruru is cute!
Kurumi is cute!
Reina is cute!
Mai is cute!
Koito is a shit, but cute!

Myriad Colours Phantom World is such a cute anime!
File: Thanks for everthing.webm (2 MB, 700x392) Image search: [Google]
Thanks for everthing.webm
2 MB, 700x392
Red short hair
No variance on expressions
Hair clip
I don't get what's so good about it. Least interesting design of the cast in the anime.
I don't expect you to share my taste, to each his own.
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That isn't Kurumi.
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Great show. Fuck the haters.
Onahole fairy.
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When i think about it now, she kinda looks like Chise from Mahotsukai no Yome.
Chitanda >>>> ALL!
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Overall interest in this show was positively staggering.
Is that the samurai nerd from Phoenix Wright?
that tag is great.
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Needs more Mai.
>Kurumi cover before Koito
Red short slightly fluffy hair, cute star hair clip, tie, pantyhose and boots. Her design is much better than the rest.
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Disgusting cockroach
must be a turk
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Mai got hers in Vol 1
Koito has undoubtedly the best design out of the LN cast but as for original designs Ruru and Enigma a best.
I don't think I've seen anyone actively dislike Shirayukihime. I was probably my 3rd favorite show last year, right under Rakugo and Haikyuu

Kill yourself
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WIT already perfected it some muscles added.
You can never have enough Mai.
This is now a yukina thread
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Ruru wink.jpg
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Ruru best brown teenage girl
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>Pink hair.
Instant shit. Can't fucking stand anyone with pink hair, anime or otherwise.
Looks so shit.
What a sad, plebeian little life you must live.
That's clearly red, anon. Calm down.
I want her to release my limiters by pulling on my dick with her strong muscular arms.
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Did someone with pink hair do something terrible to you or something?
Please share your story, this is a safe place, we won't judge you.
I can't explain it man, it's just the colour pink as a hair colour is the biggest turn off to me. My penis regresses into my body when I see it.
It's probably a defense mechanism, 3DPD with pink hair are fucking insane.
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Mai goodness.
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What about purple with colored tips?
Purple is my favourite colour so that's fine.
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Ruru side OVA when?
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With nipples
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That's exactly what makes her so great. I just want to ruffle her fluffy hair while she makes a slightly uncomfortable face.
The loli seem to have a huge as relative to her body size ass well.
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Nakiami is mai waifu.
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permanent state of despair.jpg
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Nakiami will never say "I wish I could have given birth to you" to you.
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Alternately, Ruru would probably be mai waifu if not for Nakiami.
Koito a shit.
You a shit
Ruru's own TV show when?
Jesus, Mary and Joseph...
Koito a shit.
Koito a sweet
I didn't watch it while it was airing. Is it worth marathonning?
Watch it and find out
>Kyoani ship is sinking
>better churn out some blatant child porn so the fans of other studios will save us
>still flops
Is Kyoani the Miyazaki of the anime industry?
>better churn out some blatant child porn so the fans of other studios will save us
Excuse me?
The only loli didn't even get any sexualization.
And male otaku not caring about their shows is not surprising
>child pron
This is not Free High Speed.
girls are tiny women
a very tiny woman porn = very child porn
If I save the thumbnail of a porn image does it turn into child porn then?
>girls are tiny women
>tiny women
There's no tiny women sexualized in this show.
I wish they sexualized more tiny women and lolis
This is KyoAni, there's no much chance they will go after small girls when sexualizing, but it sure would be amazing.
A man can dream
Are you retarded?
>you'll never drink Ruru's bathwater
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Ruru is so sexy.

I feel like we'll never get good scans of these though.
This is what genuine perfection looks like.
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What does Ruru farts smells like?
Koito a shit.
With hats on.
Can you get that black mailbox out of the picture?
My nigga.
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I want to lick Koito's coitus

Got my asses swicthed.
>I just want to ruffle her fluffy hair while she makes a slightly uncomfortable face.
Oh god yes.
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>huge penetration
>stomach bulge
>all the way through
I don't want to make Koito uncomfortable.
There isn't anything you can do to a tiny girl besides licking her. What a waste. If she was normal sized she could have been violated but nope.
>Those gigantic panties
It's a bathing suit.
Well then
>Those gigantic bikini bottoms
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forbidden material.jpg
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KyoAni cut down on a lot of the novel's tl;dr monologues and exposition just with those two girls alone

I have faith in KnK and vegetable
I honestly would have dropped it if I had to listen to Haru monologue about pubic hair
Now you really have to explain further.
>she has red hair
>suddenly all the hawt guys are eyeing her

shit show and you know it. typical attentionwhore fantasy fujoshit
People have always loved what is exotic to them you dumb bitch.
Haru comes across as an even bigger pervert in the LN according to novelanon because he monologues about asses and pubes and shit
You'd be monologuing about asses too at his age.
it's still cringey when you think about it from the attentionwhore POV. if anything it almost feels like the show was made for SJWs

>red hair aka "special snowflake"
>hawt guys eyeing a single girl
>strictly no competition

I could say more examples but that's the gist of it.
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especially if you have to hang around these girls
>spent way too much time on /pol/
Great show, one of the few recent anime that actually used fitting music consistently without huge swaths of playtime without any.

Just rewatch the first episode. I cried.
I always thought papi was a board. That's decent size tits for 3d standards

yes, and your point?
Since when did nips pander to sjws newfag
I would've ejaculated right then and there
Post vol 1 and vol 2
granny panties

It's like flinging shit on shit
Granny panties go up to the bellybutton you nigger.
>mfw it was an sjw all along

who knows eh?

be honest anon, what does AkaShira give aside from pandering to attention whores?
When will this be released?
Toxic doses of CUTENESS
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