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Do you like anime girls who wear lipstick?
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Thread replies: 24
Thread images: 7
File: 1390531392_3.jpg (44 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
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Do you like anime girls who wear lipstick?
Love it
no please no
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that's not how lips look like when the mouth is open

they stretch until the crease is not visible
Look at the tripfag and laugh
This is possibly the first thread I've ever been in where the 2D is actually more disgusting than the 3D.
is that kurapika ?
Yep. Needs moar in anime in general.
I'm happy when they have lips.
It's an instant downgrade, much like glasses.
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Yes. It is glorious.
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As long as they wear a skirt I don't need any lipstick
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that's a man baby.jpg
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Is not
Hate it, pretty much always looks wrong.
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You have fantastic taste
Why is it always only on the bottom lip?
Because it's a nice inbetween. Not too much, not too little. Full lips starts to remind you of 3DPD when you see it.
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This too 3D for you??
That always looks shitty on 2D girls.
Chicks seem like straight up sluts.
Really hate it.
Thread replies: 24
Thread images: 7

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