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Is it worth it for the loli?
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File: 1458098317589.gif (2 MB, 500x283) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x283
Is it worth it for the loli?
File: 1463189884667.gif (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
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only other gif i have of her, but jesus she is cute
It was shit.
Watch it and decide for yourself.
Whoa, anon, just don't get banned for posting lolis!

fuck off mods
If chino was what cocoa wants her to be and more, it would be noel . Is it enoughto make you watch it. Up2u
No, they even sideline her.
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It's worth it for her.
She was the trophy daughter to the OTP.
I'd say it is, Noel is god damn adorable.
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It is pretty good.
That's not a picture of Nonoka.
It was okay 2bh.
File: noelnendo.jpg (550 KB, 1739x1303) Image search: [Google]
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Reminder that the nendo is nopan.
Noel is a miracle of the multiverse
Thread replies: 16
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