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Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 137
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Hans... are we the baddies?
I want to see Ruri again.
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Ruri doesn't like losers, Shun
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She looks like Serena after Yuri fusionfucked her
Shun fucking sucks at this game jesus christ
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Find a flaw.
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
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Leave the rescue of Ruri to me.
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1. Pic related. The one time I am thanking for censors. I may be a lewd poster, but I don't bother with ones with Mieru. Gonna leave that to the other lewd anons.[/spoilers]
2. What kind of future vision gives that kind of face?
3. >filename
Is this what you a Cell Block Tango?
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You need to be enlightened and love the Mieru for who she is.
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Holy Shit Kaito is such a faggot
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I've just only gotten around to understand the Dennis enlightenment thanks to /a/rc-v, I think I'll pass.

Every thread until he returns.
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>mfw Yuya got the allahu ackbar D
ARC-V version of Clock Tower Prison when?
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Always plenty of room to love the Mieru, but I suppose you will have to find it soon enough.
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>Only won against Yugi by using his cheap emo tactics

Fucking where is it?


Muto Yugi A:
Your Main Deck contains 25 or more cards from the following:
• Cards related to “Dark Magician”
• Cards related to “Gaia the Fierce Knight”
• Cards related to “Black Luster Soldier”
• Cards related to “Buster Blader”
• OR “Magnet Warrior” cards
And 1 or more “Slifer the Sky Dragon”

Muto Yugi B:
Your Main Deck contains 2 or more cards from the following:
• Cards related to “Silent Swordsman”
• Cards related to “Silent Magician”
• “Gadget” cards

Looks like we might be getting Silent Magician support sooner than we thought
Can Reiji even be considered a character anymore.
He's slowly been edged out of relevance with being stuck in Synchro while everyone relevant is in XYZ being the final nail in the coffin.
Reiji only exists for promotional material.
Reiji was the Lancers's puppetmaster in Synchro like Roger was the City's. He certainly lacks the relevance you'd expect from a supposed rival character, but I think he does his job well enough considering his focus in the series relationship-wise isn't much on him being a rival to Yuya, rather, training Yuya to match him.
Kaiba Seto:
Your Main Deck contains 25 or more cards from the following:
• Cards related to “Blue-Eyes White Dragon”
• Cards related to “XYZ-Dragon Cannon”
And 1 or more “Obelisk the Tormentor”

Jounouchi Katsuya:
Your Main Deck contains 25 or more cards from the following:
• Cards related to “Red-Eyes B. Dragon”
• Cards related to “Jinzo”
• “Scapegoat”
• Cards that use Coins or Six-Sided Dice

Pegasus J Crawford:
Your Main Deck contains 25 or more “Toon” cards (not Toon Monsters, cards with “Toon” in their name)

Kujaku Mai:
Your Main Deck contains 25 or more “Harpie” and/or “Amazoness” cards

• Your Main Deck contains 15 or more cards related to Effect Damage
• 3 “Lava Golem”
• 3 “Nightmate Wheel”
• 1 or more “The Winged Dragon of Ra”

Your Main Deck contains 10 ore more cards with the following words in their name:
• Dark Necrofear
• Dark Sanctuary
• Destiny Board
• Spirit Message
Yuki Judai:
• 5 or more different kinds of “Elemental HERO” cards
• 10 or more “Elemental HERO” cards
• You cannot use Xyz Monsters

Marufuji Ryou:
• Your Main Deck contains 15 or more cards related to “Cyber Dragon”
• Your Extra Deck contains only Machine-Type monsters

Marufuji Shou:
• Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “roid” cards (that aren’t “Speedroid” cards)

Johan Anderson:
• Your Main Deck Contains 10 or more “宝玉” (Crystal) cards

Edo Phoenix:
Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “Destiny HERO” cards

Manjoume Jun:
Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “Ojama” cards

Tenjouin Asuka:
Your Main Deck Contains 10 or more cards from the following:
• “Cyber Angel” cards
• “Machine Angel Ritual”
No Xyz Monsters can be used

• Your Main Deck contains 3 different kinds of cards with “Yubel” in their card names
• Your Main Deck contains 5 or more “Yubel” cards
• Your Main Deck contains 10 or more DARK monsters
Fudo Yusei:
Your Main Deck contains 15 or more of the following:
• “Junk” cards
• “Synchron” cards
• “ウォリアー” (Warrior) cards
• “Symphonic Warrior” cards don’t count

Jack Atlas:
Your Main Deck contains 20 or more of the following:
• Fiend-Type monsters with “レッド” (Red) in their card name
• AND/OR “Resonator” cards

Crow Hogan:
• Your Main Deck contains 10 or more different kinds of “Blackwing” cards
• Your Main Deck continas 20 or more “Blackwing” cards
• Your Extra Deck contains only “Blackwing” monsters and copies of “Black-Winged Dragon” and “Blackfeather Darkrage Dragon”

Izayoi Aki:
Your Main Deck must contain:
• 10 or more Plant-Type monsters
• 5 or more of the above monsters there must “薔薇” or “ローズ” in their card name
Your Extra Deck must contain:
• 1 “Black Rose Dragon”
• 1 “Stardust Dragon”

Your Main Deck contains 15 or more “Morphtronic” cards

Your Main Deck contains 10 or more of the following:
• “Kuriboh”
• “Regulus”
• “Ancient Forest”
• Cards with ピクシー (Pixie) in their card names
• Cards with 妖精 (Fairy) in their card names

Kriyu Kyosuke:
Your Main Deck contains 15 or more “Infernity” cards

Your Main Deck contains 15 or more “T.G.” cards
Tsukumo Yuma:
• Your Main Deck contains 10 or more cards from the following:
– “Zubaba” cards
– “Gagaga” cards
– “Gogogo” cards
– “Dododo” cards
• Your Extra Deck only contains:
– “Number” cards
– “Zubaba” cards
– “Gagaga” cards
– “Gogogo” cards
– “Dododo” cards

Kamishiro Ryoga:
• Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “シャーク” (Shark) cards
• You use 1 or more copies of “Aqua Jet”

Tenjou Kaito:
• Your Main Deck contains 15 or more of the following:
– “Photon”
– “Galaxy”
– OR “Cipher”
• Your Main Deck contains 1 or more copies of “Orbital 7”

Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “Gimmick Puppet” cards

Your Main Deck contains 15 or more “Chronomaly” cards

Kamashiro Rio:
Your Main Deck contains 10 or more WATER Winged Beast-Type monsters

• Your Main Deck contains 15 or more “Battlin’ Boxer” cards

Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “ハンド” (Hand) cards

Your Main Deck contains 10 or more from among the following cards:
• “Limit Dragon Schwarzchild”
• “Parsec, the Interstellar Dragon”
• “Radius, the Half-Moon Dragon”
• “Heliosphere Dragon”
AND you use 1 or more copies of “Galaxy Stealth Dragon” in your Extra Deck

Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “Umbral Horror” cards

Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “Star Seraph” cards
Sakaki Yuya:
• The Monsters in your Main Deck can only be “Performapal”, “魔術師 (Magician)” or “Odd-Eyes” monsters
• Your Extra Deck can only contain monsters with the following words in their name:
– “Odd-Eyes”
– “Pendulum”
– “魔導剣士” (Paladin)
– “Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon”

Gongenzaka Noboru:
• Your Main Deck contains 25 or more “Superheavy Samurai” cards
• Your Main Deck contains only Monsters

Hiiragi Yuzu:
• Your Main Deck contains 8 or more different kinds of “Melodious” cards
• Your Main Deck contains 2 or more copies of “Polymerization”

Shiun’in Sora:
– Your Main Deck must contain 20 or more of the following:
• “Fluffal” cards
• “Edge Imp” cards
– Your Extra Deck contains only “Frightfur” cards

Akaba Reiji:
• Your Main Deck contains only “D/D” monsters
• Your Extra Deck contains only “D/D” monsters

Shijima Hokuto:
• Your Main Deck contains only “Constellar” monsters
• Your Extra Deck contains only “Constellar” monsters

Koutsu Masumi:
• Your Main Deck contains 15 or more “Gem-Knight” cards
• Your Extra Deck contains only “Gem-Knight” cards

Toudou Yaiba:
• Your Main Deck contains 15 or more “X-Saber” cards
• Your Extra Deck contains only “X-Saber” cards

Sawatari Shingo:
• Your Main Deck contains 20 or more “Yosenju” cards
• 2 or more copies of “Yosenju Shinchu L”
• 2 or more copies of “Yosenju Shinchu R”

Kurosaki Shun:
Your Main and Extra Decks only contains monsters with “Raidraptor” in their name

• Your Main Deck contains 20 or more “The Phantom Knights” cards
• Your Main Deck contains only Xyz Monsters

• Your Main Deck contains 20 or more “Speedroid” cards
• Your Extra Deck contains only Synchro Monsters

• Your Main Deck contains 20 or more “Lunalight” cards
• Your Extra Deck contains only Fusion Monsters
Houchun Mieru:
• Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “Prediction Princess” cards
• You cannot use Fusion Monsters

Tokumatsu Chojiro:
• Your Main Deck contains 8 or more different kinds of “Cardian” cards
• Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “Cardian” cards

Fuma Tsukikage:
• Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “Ninja” cards
• Your Main Deck contains 2 or more copies of “Twilight Ninja Nichirin, the Chunin”
• Your Main Deck contains 2 or more copies of “Twilight Ninja Shingetsu”
• Your Main Deck contains 2 or more copies of “Twilight Ninja Getsuga, the Shogun”

Dennis Macfield:
• Your Main Deck contains 5 or more diffeent kinds of “Performage” cards
• Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “Performage” cards

Obelisk Force:
Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “Ancient Gear” cards
Looks like those Reddit Subs are out, I know its not Mono but NAC Subs don't differ much from Mono Subs so i'll watch it. I can't contain my hype anyway.
A shit right? Mieru a shit
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The best kind of enlightenment.
>• Your Main Deck contains 20 or more “The Phantom Knights” cards
>• Your Main Deck contains only Xyz Monsters
Obviously a typo.
More noticeable is the fact that they don't want you a Burning Abyss engine by forcing you to use at least 20 "The Phantom Knights"
Yugi B seems easy.
The new swordsman support
2 lvl 8 magician + trade in
Rank 4 Gadget engine
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What's Nozomi doing in this anime
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>Shark and Yuzu's decks are so shit they only get ten cards
What is even going to happen next week? Is Yuri even going to duel? I actually doubt Yuri can beat Yusho so I don't think that's a duel that will happen but Yusho sending Asuka or anyone else to duel Yuri would make him look even worse than he already looks.
>• Your Main Deck contains 10 or more “roid” cards (that aren’t “Speedroid” cards)
Pour some more salt in the wound will you
>Is Yuri even going to duel?
Yeah, he's going to rekt the people in Yusho Duel School. We see him facing off against the Ojamas
>but Yusho sending Asuka or anyone else to duel Yuri would make him look even worse than he already looks.

Kek, like that matters. Yusho is an asshole
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>“Ancient Forest”
>Cards with ピクシー (Pixie) in their card names
>Cards with 妖精 (Fairy) in their card names

Stop reminding me that she got never a functioning Deck.
Yuzu's is at least petdeck tier. Shark's is literal trash.
>Yusho will barely even flinch about his students getting carded by Yuri despite him probably being able to hold him off
Why is he such a fucking prick?
>Tenjouin Asuka:
>Your Main Deck Contains 10 or more cards from the following:
>• “Cyber Angel” cards
>• “Machine Angel Ritual”
>No Xyz Monsters can be used
I can understand Judai getting a "No Xyz" restriction, but why does Asuka get one?
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something something EGAO
spiritual power
I disagree, I have a for fun Shark character deck, and it churns out Xyz all the time
Who is this sperm extractor?
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Best girl coming through
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I blame Yuri.
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Why do people make this shit?
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>Anzu being best girl

>Son, laugh when you feel like crying

I dunno.
Well at least they didn't make you use any Neo-spacian or Neos cards so even Konami is aware of how much they suck.
>Izayoi Aki:
>Your Extra Deck must contain:
>• 1 “Stardust Dragon”

Way to rub it in, Konami. If you shipped them so hard why the fuck did you puss out at the very end?
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The Dub makes for fair YTP material.

Dear perverts

Yuya is not a fuccboi

That is all
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Why is she so useless, lads?

>• Your Extra Deck only contains:
>– “Dododo” cards

Did they just spoil making a Dododo Xyz? Also, Anti-Number fags BTFO. They all count for Yuma's deck.
>Yugo's my name, speed's my game
I chuckled.
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Unlike Kotori, it seems that her uselessness is actually the trigger for character development, since she feels actual guilt and shame over failing her best friend, it's clear she's now overworking herself.
She killed Ruri, she's worse than fucking Kotori.
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I feel like Asuka might be the one to end the Edgy XYZ Manlet's spergeout through the power of EGAO
But she is with kaito from the looks of it
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How fucking good would it have been if Kotori stepped in and somehow delivered the finishing blow that defeated Don Thousand?
Kaito looks to be the same height as Shun.
If we're talking fanfiction, I would have loved Kotori to just be a yandere psychopath who only duels to ice Rio.
>Your Main Deck contains 25 or more cards from the following:
>• Cards related to “Blue-Eyes White Dragon”
>letting meta decks play at YGO Day
The absolute madmen
It's definitely a strong pet deck
It will beat the ever living shit out of everything else there you moron
BEWD is at full power in the OCG and definitely meta
Ruri isn't dead, she's just chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard
This, literally the only other condition they gave is that you have to use Obelisk, which isn't much of a restiction. If you happen to draw it, you can always just discard it or something.
She as useless as her skirt
Somthing something cards. What decks would the raibus play?
Man, Heartland is comfy to the max.
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What is your ace monster, /a/?
Even the Heartland crater that currently exists in its place is comfy.
>They've been treated better in their one afternoon in the post-apocalyptic shithole than in their entire week in synchro.
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>Youtube Poops

Rank Memes never Die
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How many other 4000 Atk two-tribute monsters are there?
>Watching GX season 4
>This episode

Holy fuck Trueman is fucked up and doesn't get enough respect as a villain. GX as a whole is under appreciated.
Honoka - Hieratics (sun-themed boss monster)
Nozomi - Prediction Princess
Rin - Meme deck with a bunch of cat-themed cards
To lazy to do the rest.
Trueman was dope even though I spent every second he was on screen making Agent Smith jokes.
>She blew up

Are you serious GX?

Austin was RIPPED
There's more emotion in this duel than most in the franchise. Makes that bullshit we just got from Kaito and Shun look even more bullshit.
How the hell can you say that on a cartoon for kids?
Oh thank God this cutie is actually alive.
No, just season 4 is underappreciated.

Season 1 is enjoyable for the most part, but grows tedious towards the end since its basically 50 eps of card game slice of life. Season 2 is tedious and grows increasingly shit whenever Edo or Manjoume aren't on screen because those are the times the writers go off their meds with shit like the neospacians, dino DNA, and assorted bullshit. Season 3 is boring at its plot focused moments, supreme king himself (and his entire mini-arc) feels anticlimactic as fuck, and the same old tired shit when it's trying to be upbeat. Season 4 is fucking great, a perfect sendoff and love letter for the entire cast and far too short for its own good.
she apparently makes a bomb apple pie to
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Does anybody have the uncensored source of pic related?
Neato, thanks.
Haou wasn't just about himself. It developed Jim and Austin and fucked Judai up mentally for the rest of the series. Season 2 was batshit but the other 3 seasons were great. The only thing that touches season 4 in the whole franchise is the Dark Signer arc.
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check out that banana
Porn is sexier on the boards its not allowed. Why is that?
its like using banned cards

forbidden fruits
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>Movie has sold over 400k tickets
>Konami/NAS/TVTOKYO wants to hit 500k

Guess the movie is staying in theaters for a bit longer, and the cucking will continue.
>tfw no onee-san
He's like 7 at the time DM takes place. Besides O'Brien is the best bro of all time,
>DSOD underperforming is what's making the cucking continue

So because DSOD underperformed, we have to keep getting cucked out of the ED?

It's not underperforming you retard.

The fact they're celebrating and extending its run means it's successful. Are all arc-vfags this stupid?

They're not offering free cards though. The card promo ends at Mahad.

Stay salty it's successful.
BBT sold about 650k tickets two weeks in. Compare that to 400k, and... LOL!
Mother fuckers. They could at least give us a Mana, the Magician priest to make up for it, but nooo. Silent Magician, Strave Venom Fusion Dragon, Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon and Descend Dragon Magician better be in this week's spoilers and have some good ass effects then because I'm feeling shinji as fuck right now.
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well it had best yugou innit

how can Aigami even compete?
Wrong retard. It made a revenue of 244 million yen which equates to 163k tickets.
but he can win if he activated the fucking action card
That's not how ticket sales work, kek
Man, I really wish DSOD friends would make their own threads. With all due respect, the only thing people watching Arc-V get out of DSOD is QUALITY and a cucked ED
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I want to make love with Alexis oneesan!

Too bad Cyber Angels can't be searched with Pre-Preparation of Rites.
Yeah it does. Stop posting retard.

You divide how much it grossed by how much a ticket costs.

Use your fucking head anyways. DSOD has made almost 3x as much money as BBT. How the fuck does BBT have more ticket sales?
>You divide how much it grossed by how much a ticket costs.

Right, see, this is why you're retarded

The vast majority of a ticket's cost does not to the movie's revenue. You have distributer's, the theatre itself, publishers all taking a cut.
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oi cunt
That monster is way
way too sexual
even for duel monsters its a bit much

not that I mind
dubfag detected.
I look forward to seeing what 4kids makes of it.
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did they get to synchro yet?
Looks like the next episode of the dub will be the second duel between Yuya and 'Declan'.
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Hi, /biz/ here

Movie Accounting is finicky at best, but dividing the gross revenue by the cost of the ticket is absolutely not going to get you the amount of tickets sold.

First off, you're presumably that all the tickets cost the same. Already you've made a gigantic error because BBT was in 3D and 2D.

This means that instead of JUST a matinee cost and a regular cost dividing the prices of a ticket, we have 3D costs - and the 3D ticket differential can be anywhere from 4 dollars to 9 dollars(And we have 3D matinee prices AS WELL mucking up the average)

So we've got radically different ticket prices. You can't just "average out" the cost of a normal ticket and divide the revenue by that price to get the amount of tickets sold, because 3D tickets aren't being sold in the same proportion of 2D tickets. Add Matinee Prices and discount prices, and we find ourselves having to a lot of work and access a lot of information to get the "average" price of a BBT ticket - information that isn't even publically available

But let's say we DID find a way to find the average ticket price for BBT

Even then, just dividing the gross revenue by that average price isn't going to get you the amount of tickets sold. Half the money from a movie ticket will go directly to the theatre - NOT to the "gross income"

The "gross income" of a movie is how much the PRODUCTION COMPANY makes from said movie - without, of course, expenses. But a ticket sale does not go directly to gross income. Movie accounting is infamously deceptive, and a lot of blockbuster successes have, on paper, been a "net loss", but that's neither here nor there.

The point is, the methodology of both trying to FIND an average ticket price for a 3D movie like BBT AND to try to determine tickets sold based on sales is SEVERELY FLAWED.

Especially since you seem to be using Konami's "gross income" as the qualifier.
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damn they slow
>dat HEUG head
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What if this is all part of Kamishiro's plan?
>show twelve weeks of the Dark Side of Cuckmensions
>Have dramatic Yuya vs Yuzu duel that ends horribly
>Get the real ED

Ok? DSOD made almost 3x as much as BBT in revenue so far and that's all that matters at the end. It's a success compared to BBT.
Are we doing another /a/ sings of an op at some point?
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>Guess the movie is staying in theaters for a bit longer, and the cucking will continue.
NO you gotta be shitting me. I'am ok with the movie doing good and all since i love DM but for the love of god i want to see the new ED already
DAMN, I usually contain myself but this is just too much. My first time fapping to Yugioh Porn wish me luck
>My first time fapping to Yugioh Porn
What are you, 12?
21 but im not that much of a weeb
I wouldn't mind if they actually changed the animation to show more movie scenes. Other shonen and things like Rider and Sentai do that. This show on the other hand just rehashes the exact same movie animation.
>im not that much of a weeb
>is posting on /a/

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Solid Gold Puzzle.jpg
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>Ok? DSOD made almost 3x as much as BBT in revenue so far and that's all that matters at the end. It's a success compared to BBT.

DSOD's marketing blitz is unprecedented, and its production budget was MUCH higher than BBT

Comparing raw revenue totals means nothing. Like, if I spend 1 million dollars and make 1.5 million dollars, that doesn't make me better than the guy who spent one hundred thousand dollars to make nine hundred thousand dollars

I mean shit nigga, this is basic economics
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Jack EGAO.gif
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I'am practically new here. no friends like Arc-V so i only have this place
Anyone got pastebin?
>DSOD's marketing blitz is unprecedented, and its production budget was MUCH higher than BBT

Yeah why don't you give me some sources of how much the budget was and how much money went into marketing to prove that this movie underperformed.

Here you go.
was the solid gold millennium puzzle not enough proofs tovarish?
No, the fuck? You don't even have a cost for that. All we know is that the movie made money, pushed cards and has Konami celebrating. That's it. Saying anything else is talking out of your ass.
>no friends that like....

So you dont have any friends
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Ruri is love.
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Yeah, Konami is celebrating so much they're advertising in Arc-V's ED slot until they hit 500k tickets
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Ruri is life.
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is a serial rapist who abuses the Ute
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Ruri is pure.
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Rin is still a true Semen Demon.
They've really been drawing Yuya well lately.
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funny way to spell total cockslut
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get out of there eggplant
Yuya finally spilt the beans, Captain Falcon got his ass kicked, Kaito got to be edgy, and we got more characterization for the Xyz originals.

If they keep the size of the party to the current level (Gon and Sawatari, Sayaka and Anna's Brother, Birdman and Kaito, Yuya and Yuto) we could have a fairly balanced cast. And then we have the academia side with Yuzu.

Cautiously hype for this.

Ebimation soon
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Soon boys will get bullied
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Of course anon
Nearly every shonen advertises the movies in the opening or endings. Even Kamen Rider and Super Sentai do it. You should be lucky Yugioh movies are rare. This happens multiple times a series in Kamen Rider and sentai because they have multiple movies per series. We have to wait until the movies are advertised for months to get new animation.
>Nearly every shonen advertises the movies in the opening or endings

Right, but BBT only cucked for four weeks. DSOD is cucking for two months.

Keep in mind Arc-V ALSO got cucked by an "anniversary OP" which was worse than a fucking AMV
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Just because another franchise has it worse doesn't mean -this- isn't frustrating.
I really like how Shun finally fucking expressed how he feels about his comrades in no uncertain terms rather than making vague tsundere statements while still being there to save them everytime he could like in the past 50 episodes. Him showing it through his changed style of dueling here rather than just talking about it is also a really nice touch.
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Is Dark Side of Dimensions even worth the discussion?
We've already seen the spoilers and got the movie pack cards + promo cards so what's the general consensus on the movie?
Good or bad?
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This... is very fucking epic.
Not going to lie, I grinned at the "I knew you were there, Yuto" wink.

I hope they actually talk about Yuto. I wanna see Kurosaki hug Yuyato.
>lol why u complaining about being assfucked us toku fans get double-teamed

nice b8 m8
>Right, but BBT only cucked for four weeks. DSOD is cucking for two months.

BBT wasn't seen as big as DSOD and I'm pretty sure BBT had the movie ending for longer than 4 weeks.

But it's normal. I understand the frustration but stop bitching about nostalgiafags when this happens in all shonen franchises. It has nothing to do with nostalgia and everything to do with free advertising. When it happens in rider it pisses me off too. Rider doesn't even have ending themes so the opening is always ruined for months at a time to shill movies. At least you guys have the opening which is more important. Endings are rarely good animation wise. The last one Arc-V had was just the cast sleeping in a field.
It's alright.

The movie plays it VERY same, it's basically pure fanservice.
>BBT wasn't seen as big as DSOD and I'm pretty sure BBT had the movie ending for longer than 4 weeks.

No, it didn't. It cucked for 4 weeks
I guess. Its not like it was decently written. There are shades of development when the lancers save him and then he's back to full edge mode until the duel with Crow, and then he's all of a sudden a walking Nakama preacher.
I honestly don't care about it. Barring a korean camrip, we're not gonna be seeing the film for another year, so there's really nothing to discuss about it one way or another. I mean, sure, we've got shitty summaries. But those don't actually amount to anything substantial since a narrative's summary is not typically indicative of the full piece's quality at all. One way or another. As such, it's just a waste of time.
I would've liked to see some point of change with him, like during his time in the trash or something. Just so that it wouldn't be so sudden.
Wait, don't people realize that we have actual sells for BBT? It opened at 6 and dropped from the charts the next week.
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Yes, but once we have an OP/ED, we have it for good. There's nothing stopping them from cucking the OP and showing us the ED instead for a week just so we have it.

My frustration comes with the fact that we if had only gotten it once before they started cucking, it would've been enough.
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Plus, the BBT advertisement aired way after Ozone's debut and only took 30 seconds. In Vision's case, we haven't gotten a single frame of the intended visuals.
And girls, Sayaka's PTSD is about to get worse
The ending is seen as less important.
Clearly. That is the point of contention here.
Why does it even matter? Why do you get so mad over an advertisment instead of an ED?
Because we haven't even seen the ending animation?
idk. Because seeing the same ad over and over is lame? And OP/EDs are cool? They're like little music videos for the show in question which sometimes give us stuff to speculate on.
The ED is 90 seconds of animation that help set the tone for the story

Fuck you know I wouldn't even mind this cucking if they would just give us the ED once, but we haven't even gotten that
Because it's nice to see the characters having a fun time/chilling, since they get nothing but suffering in show.
Are you autistic or something Anon?
I actually went back to look over it to see how well it matched up, and surprisingly, I found most of Shun's development to feel rather decent although too understated to be really satisfying.

Notably, Kurosaki is always at least civil to the ones he fights alongside (Gongenzaka, Tsukikage, Selena, Sawatari). He shows concern for Gon leaving unarmed during the prison escape, he tersely reassures that he doesn't need his help in escaping and he backs down from Dennis's antagonization when Gon stops him in 58.

He didn't really go full edge until he confirmed his paranoid suspicions about Dennis and then learning Reiji tampered with his disk really just fucked up his loyalties even further.

I felt they made a smart move in making him a direct parallel to Crow since then you can infer his own further development from Crow's reassuring words to Yuya prior to the Yuya/Crow duel with consideration to the fact that Crow/Shun mutually realized they couldn't just bare their fangs at everyone that wasn't from their homeland with consideration to the struggles they're all sharing.

The only part that feels off is around 90, where he immediately agrees to help the lancers without any blatant introspection to tie it all together prior to this point, but considering it's the ones who saved his life (right after tsukikage saved him again) who're asking for help, it makes sense in context.

The issue of Kurosaki's development isn't that he doesn't change, because his change is fairly obvious. The issue is that it's never really thrown to the forefront of the audience's attention. So, the development he has feels like a large set of minor details rather than a fully satisfying character arc execution-wise.
Crow assfucked Shun so hard Shun turned into an Aki-tier jobber
Not that it matters, Sora's development was thrown in our faces and people still argue about it.
Sounds alright, does what it set out to do, being an epilogue to the manga and paying homage to the manga as a whole.

Of course, everyones opinions are invalid until we can actually see the movie.
Hey yo bitches, just because a character was developed doesn't mean they were developed well.

Sora's development was(much like his wins) all off screen. Shun's development made sense, but was conveyed poorly.

No one is objecting to the IDEA of Shun becoming less of an edgelord, we just think it wasn't done well
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he just really likes tomato and citrus
>they started using monsters that count as two xyz materials again
Zexal all over again.
Oh shut up already
How is it different though. You still hear a new song and see characters relaxing and can speculate about what's going to happen in the movie. It's on you if you spoil yourself. And the song isn't even bad. What's there to be mad about?


I'm not the one who gets mad over something so trivial such as an ED.
We ARE back in Heartland
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>Sora represents the viewer
>he is a complete tryhard edgelord who secretly likes heartwarming shit
>he tries desperately to save and reunite Yuya and Yuzu
>he is doomed to failure
I think it's an issue of how the arcs are presented rather than the character arcs themselves.

Both character arcs make sense, but the problem with Sora's is that he has a 30 ep gap between appearances after Yuya started to get through to him during BR (with his most prominent role then being the arc villain), and Shun's arc is presented so piecemeal that it's hard to get a handle on it before it's nearly over unless you're really keeping an eye on his subtle changes over the course of the series because the guy refuses to fucking open up unless absolutely necessary.
>How is it different though. You still hear a new song and see characters relaxing and can speculate about what's going to happen in the movie. It's on you if you spoil yourself. And the song isn't even bad. What's there to be mad about?

This isn't Yu-Gi-Oh! DSOD, this is Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V. We care more about Arc-V
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>and can speculate about what's going to happen in the movie. It's on you if you spoil yourself.
What is there to speculate about if everybody and their mom knows the movie?
You act like we should just avoid the internet until 2017 just so we can be disappointed when those speculations end up being false.
We know the movie and everybody who cares has seen it by now.
It should fuck off out of Arc-V and let us enjoy Arc-V instead of throwing itself where people don't want it
I'm done taking the b8, m8
>• Your Main Deck contains 1 or more copies of “Orbital 7”
Why? It sucks, and he never used it in the anime
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I wish I was as good at cards and shokan face as sora
I think both of them needed some on-screen moment of hesitation and acceptance with their nakama development. Sora kind of had that with Yuzu, but at first I read that as him just going along with what she said instead of really switching sides there and then.
>and see characters relaxing
Except that we can't, since the visuals are kill for advertisement.
That's a fair point, but it's still on them to decide on how long they'd like to advertise the movie. Complaining won't change anything. What if this is the song with a different animation?

>It's on you if you spoil yourself.
And you don't even have to avoid the internet. I haven't and still don't know what's going to happen in the movie and I quite frankly wouldn't care even if I were spoiled.

>It should fuck off out of Arc-V and let us enjoy Arc-V instead of throwing itself where people don't want it

I get your point though and agree to some extent.

Not everything that differs from your opinion is bait, you idiot.
Agreed. Having just a bit more hesitation/acceptance would've made their arcs work a lot better.

I grew to feel Sora's hesitation in 80 and 83 to be enough, although I found it a little odd until I actually looked back at what preceded it and remembered his characterization accurately.

Shun had that during 49 and 53, so him becoming vaguely cordial (well as much as shun can be) around the lancers until Dennis's betrayal fits pretty well. The only thing I feel is really lacking was maybe a minute or two for him to assess the lancers situation clearly post-crow duel; he did admit to Crow allowing him to remember his reason for fighting and did notably ease up on the edge during the duel, but having him reflect upon the lancers in a similar fashion for maybe a minute after would've been nice.

Overall, I like his character arc, but I would've liked it more if there was just that little bit more.
>. I haven't and still don't know what's going to happen in the movie and I quite frankly wouldn't care even if I were spoiled.
Kaiba dug up the puzzle.
Aigiami, Mani and Sera are just Marik, Rishid and Ishizu rebranded.
Rex and Weevil are in the movie but Mai, Ishtars and any other DM character aren't in it.
Aigami lost to Obelisk, a trap card combo and Mahad
Jounochi dresses in a dog suit and his duel disk broke
The Kuradigri gang is a homosexual rape gang.
The Yugi and Kaiba duel is inconclusive
Kaiba kills himself to be with Atem at the end.
There, I just saved you and everybody in this thread 2 hours and 10 minutes of their life and $30 at the movies.
Don't bother with the movie pack unless you like Cubics, OCG said the ratios are fucked.
I think a problem with Arc-V is that it isn't willing to devote time to the catharsis factor of its character's development. It's all functional, but it's the extra icing that really makes people feel.
Shun and Yuya will duel the twins. Now that he knows Yuto is inside Yuya you better be prepare for some cute moments
To some extent, yeah. I'd agree.

The weird thing about Arc-V is that it isn't really consistent with this either. Characters like Sergey get really great finishes that round out their entire character arc, Yuya gets incredible development time and really flourishes at the end of synchro because of it, Sawatari's development during standard is what makes him so lovable, Reira's development in synchro makes him feel really like he's progressed as a character in a satisfying way.

But then you get Sora's development which is good, but feels like they could've added a little extra to perfect it if they gave it a little more time and focus, and Shun's development which has really touching and occasionally shocking moments throughout whenever he's the focal point, but isn't pressed enough at other times.

As a full package it works rather well, but it is a shame that those less than perfect arcs don't have the focus to be polished as far as they obviously could.
I don't understand. Is that a bad thing?
>Sawatari's development during standard is what makes him so lovable
You mean the development that gets thrown out the window because he's still a jackass that does nothing but lose?
This. What I'm really craving with both Sora and Kurosaki would be just some really short moments to culminate their development. Like Sora hesitating just a moment before facing the Obelisk Force since that's when he's really going past the point of no return or Kurosaki meeting up with Gongenzaka and Sawatari in trash town and quietly accepting them and the Lancers as his friends in his fight against the Academia.

In both cases you can see where they are coming from and where they end up, but I'd just like to see juuust a bit more to make the transition smoother and more fulfilling.
Wow, we're having an actual conversation which is good.

And honestly I am betting that the actual ED visuals will be this Sunday or next week, there's no way it'll be advertised until June unless they want to.
Reminder that Arcfags are the bronies of the YGO fanbase
Yeah, I'm thinking so as well.
It reminds people the ways 90% of the Zexal duels happened,aka, quickly turbo units with shitty effs except for the ones that help you make an xyz monster that you will sit on and protect at all costs .
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It's also funnier.
Zexal was a special kind of hell.
If they had more gimmick decks that do more than XYZ(like the Esper Robin kid unlikely to ever pull of field) for variety, it would have helped.
At least most Kaito and IV duels were consistently decent
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She's literally the ugliest anime character i've ever fucking seen
holy shit, not only she's ugly, but the only thing she's done yet it's cry "YAMETE KAITO U DONT HAVE TO FIGHT ALONE X("
Okay, this is funny.

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>hearteyes yuto
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thats not funny, THATS NOT FUNNY
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>hearteyes yuto
Or just Yuto's heart. I'd kill to see some cardiophilia involving the Yus.
Reminder that it has been exactly one year since Crow first appeared in Arc-V
Has it really been that long? Holy crackers.
I find it jarring that he feels more at home in Arc-V as a character than he does in 5Ds...but then again, that's by virtue of him actually having relevant interactions with the cast instead of just "OH HEY YUSEI, REMEMBER ME?" and then somehow shilling his way into not only survival, but also fighting Bommer and Goodwin and then taking over a third of the show.
how time flies when you're shilling blackwings
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Alright, considering we're unlikely to get ED Visuals this week, but it is a possibility, what would you want it to be?
>Yuya and Yuzu as shota/loli, jumping and playing with their monsters
>Yuzu protecting Yuya from bullies
>Yuya showing off his Tou-san's trophies to Yuzu
>Them growing up with The Man, enjoying school and duels together
>Ends with Yuya reaching for Yuzu and flickers to them holding hands for a few frames
Anybody have a link to the twitter that had an ED-style Yuya-Yuzu vid?
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I want it to be all about Yuya and Yuzu based on the lyrics

And https://mobile.twitter.com/yun_k6/status/724601272163135489
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Thanks anon
>inb4 it's better than the actual ED, kek
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I'll die laughing when it's not Yuya/Yuzu.
Shipperfags are the worst.
There's something beautiful about watching an incoming nuclear blast with the waifu.
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>nuclear blast
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Dark Alley Edo.png
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That Amon duel was just trash, Edo should've destroyed that academy student.
I may love Yuya/Yuzu but I am seriously laughing over this

Lol at Edo.

What does this say?

Somebody translate.
>The counterpart's union was destined to destroy the multiverse.
>Reiji travels back in time and launches a nuke at them for the greater good.

I'd watch it.
You can say you love Yuya/Yuzu all you want, but you still support a retarded shitposter.
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Requesting that Yuma picture, i need it
>actually went out of his way to collect posts from a 30 minute window just to shitpost with it
Is that you, Taiga? I thought you finally killed yourself.
>tfw with slight adjustments, I already have
>yugi A(I'd need to add slifer)
>judai(I'd need to take out ZA RAITONING, castel, and dark rebellion)
>yuma(I'd need to remove a couple goodstuff xyz like felgrand)
>gauche(not on the list)
>reiji(I'd need to remove a couple xyz like castel)
>shun(I'd need to muck around my extra a bit)
>sora(I'd need to remove my Xyz, as well as norden)

>tfw according to these limits, I already have

Well, ok my bad but I applaud his effort to do that

But honestly I've seen worse than that. Is shipping too bad?
shark's not actually THAT bad. it's an okay r3/r4 engine.
90% of the people here support Yuya/Yuzu, so people like him have to get their jollies here by shitposting about it.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 137

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