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He was in the right, and you all know it.
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He was in the right, and you all know it.
I want to lick the strings of saliva and mucus out of his mouth.
the more I think about his morality the more wrong I believe he is

>ok he's trying to kill all the criminals
>wait how does he completely know they are criminals (some could be falsely accused)
>throughout the series he's kill several who aren't criminals including ones whose job is to catch criminals
>so he wanted to kill criminals to be a god, so he's pretty much doing this for his own ego eh?
Nah, the proper way would be like it was done in Akumetsu
He did it for the greater good. Casualties happen.
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I did like his idea at first, but then he started doing it to satisfy his own ego, and at some point decided it was fine to "kill people who don't fit his ideal for society", not immediately but in due time, as in, he would start killing the lazy and possibly others who fail to accept the current system.

At some point things would escalate for sure, if he stopped at killing proven criminals, then it would work.
i don,t think ever cared about that in first place he just wanted to rule the world and was smarter than most villains
>nobody remembers going for the gold
Yes, he really knew how to swim.
He was targeting the wrong people. Minor criminals who are in jail can't really do much, other than waste government funding. Should have went for corrupt politicians first.

Then again, he'd probably have the kill 90% of politicians in general if he had to kill the corrupt ones
This anon gets it.
The minute he killed L, he crossed that moral event horizon into absolute insanity.
Even if you agree with his morality (casualties etc.) it wasn't a sustainable world. It would crumble after he dies because he would basically create a giant power vacuum. Also criminals would just flee to places he doesn't observe like remote as fuck countries. There's also the possibility that he would get bored of constantly writing names for 10 years.
He declared that he would be a god by the second episode

so even his intentions weren't good
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Light was a narcissistic psychopath since the very start.
Especially since he's moved on from an Olympics coach and found a new job as an utaite covering Vocaloid songs.
Why the fuck did L reveal to Kira that the guy on TV he murdered wasn't actually him? Telling Kira that he knows his general location seems like a terrible idea considering at this point L knows Kira can kill people without having to be there in person. So wouldn't L consider the possibility that Kira would literally just hold the world hostage upon finding out that L is closing in on him? For all he knew Kira might have panicked and just told the everyone "I will kill all the major world leaders and throw the entire world into chaos if you continue to pursue me." or something. It just seems like revealing to Kira that he was not only alive, but was close to tracking him down as well was a terrible idea that had too high a risk of going horribly wrong for someone like L to even consider it.
When Mikami announced that he was going to kill lazy people Light said "It's too early for that"

So he planned on killing lazy people eventually? That's too hardcore
Unfortunately. I tend to see the good in a lot of people, but when Light Sid that, all semblance of good I could've seen just vanished.
This thread is just inviting the edge.

He was acting as the judge, jury, and executioner all at once. No one should have that much power in a democratic system, which by the way was proven to be absolutely superior in the events after and during the second world War.

The world is not as black and white as "if we kill all the criminals, the world will be a better place." The belief is naive and extremely shortsighted.

As an analogy, imagine a factory pumping out criminals, would it be better to 1.) try to shut down/impede the factory operation, or 2.) dispose the product as they come out of the factory.

If you believe in the latter, please think about it more critically.

Animes are entertaining, but please don't let your ethical values, social conduct, moral belief, and overall foresight on life to be dictated by these dark and edgy seinens.

Surround yourself with positivity, it's unreasonable to be so negative and cynical at a young age, especially if you live in a first world country where the system of meritocracy is relatively defined and the standard of living at an all time high particularly due to technological advancements in the 21st century. If you are reading this, I'm assuming you don't have to worry about your next meal or shelter, or other basic human necessities. Just be aware of these privileges and act accordingly.

I am not saying that you should be ignorant, make yourself aware of the social/political issues, but try not to be too negative. When you are 40, don't look back to your twenties and think "wow, I would have way more friends and be a lot happier if I wasn't so salty, negative, and cynical all the time."

Thanks for reading, this is not meant as a personal attack or anything. If you are somehow offended, please know that these are just my personal opinion, and that I'm just another human being trying to get by on life.
Friendly reminder that if you are not a productive member of society, you probably are in Light's shit list and gonna have a heart attack in the near future
The biggest problem is him assuming that criminals are automatically evil bastards who deserve to die.
Because you know, people don't change and do only do illegal stuff because they are evil.

Killing people isn't "good".

It was to test Kira's limit, to taunt him and to show the people that Kira isn't god.

Yeah, this.
Killing serial killers isn't good then?
In that analogy the latter choice would obviously be superior. Impeding the factory's operation would still result in several criminals being pumped out. If you disposed of them as they came out though none would escape and there would be less criminals. Also don't bookend your opinion with "this is just my opinion pls no bully" it makes you sound like a twat.

killing people can be good
it's just unrestrained killing towards everyone you don't like and get in you way in an ambition to become the ruler of humanity is pretty much what most villains do (especially in anime).
Taunting someone who can kill anyone who's name and face he knows is a terrible fucking idea. No one in there right minds would have done that. Anyone with a brain would have let Kira keep thinking L was dead and continued the investigation in secrecy.
Yeah, when he started killing police officers (even the fake L on TV) he lost me completely.

I'm bothered by the people who took until killing L to turn against him.
L wasn't in his "right mind" though, he was just as bad as Light, didn't value the lives of those around him, and saw it all as a game of ego and dick-waving. That's the entire point of their relationship

If Light was the one who got molested or whatever at Wammy House and L was in high school and found a Death Note, the series would play out exactly the same in reverse.
He did more good than harm for the world in general, but the writer had clear intent to shit on him from the start, is after all a Shounen series, friendship, hard work and what not.

Code Geass did it right. Lelouch and Light are pretty much Cao Cao and Nobunaga Oda. One succeeded, and is pretty much a romanticized legend, while the other is villain.
You ask them why they kill people and help them get over their issues.
If they think it's fun to kill people use shock therapy, conditioning is a thing after all.
Yes. Though what message would Jump send out if he won in the end? Most people took the whole thing way too serious when it aired. I remember how big the news was with the kid that wrote a teacher´s name in his fake death note just for fun, and everyone sperged out.
Like 4chan is filled with /pol/ and edgy manga fans so it's no surprised that people believe Light is great all throughout the series. They have the same black-and-white mentality and ego as Light does so they're kindred spirits.

But those who waited until L was out of the picture to find fault were kinda slow on the uptake.
>being good/helpful to people who have brutally ended innocent lives
I will never understand fucking retarded cuckolds like you

and I don't think you understand yourself either
so some edgelord kills your mother and you're just gonna quietly sit down next to him and talk about his problems together, all while staring at your decomposing mother? Are you fucking mental?

Is the concept of punishment foreign to you?
But even if he raped,beat and burned my mom alive she isn't coming back if I kill the dude.
>making up a dumb unrealistic scenario that will never happen
>missing the point

No, go away.
Light did make the world a better place.
Besides the corpse it can happen.
L got molested at Wammy house? I haven't seen this show in forever.
>>making up a dumb unrealistic scenario that will never happen
>I am completely unable to emphasize/put myself in the position of a victim of a situation like that
No wonder you're so against punishment
by showing a clear lack of empathy, you're much closer to a psychopath than I am

Obviously, but that doesn't mean that the killer still deserves to live a life among others, or live any kind of life at all for that matter
the second he pulled that shit, he lost his right to exist
Yagami Light was a god-complexed little shit. That was his biggest flaw. He idealized himself so much that he didn't care how many people he had to kill, regardless of whether or not they deserved to die in the first place. Sure, killing of criminals is fine and all, but there are boundaries that Light completely ran over and ultimately, he failed to address many of the real issues that plague society.
I actually agree that Light took it way too far, in a really stupid way

He should have conducted a thorough analysis on anybody he planned to kill, and put his best efforts into staying under the radar
he could have accomplished exactly what he wanted if he just wasn't so irrational and full of himself
Or guess you have a point.

Of course I would hate that guy and beat the shit out of him, maybe I would kill him out of anger, but that doesn't mean that's the right thing to do.
The right thing to do is bring him to the police. Then he gets put into prison and has to visit a doctor or psychologist so he can get over why ever he is killing people.

is fucking retarded and childish.

>the second he pulled that shit, he lost his right to exist
So if I kill someone because he bullied me, or stole some money or whatever, I don't deserve to live anymore?
That's retarded, who's to judge that? You?
To be honest, Light is so fucking stupid. If he didn't get provoked by L in the TV, he would still be alive today and doing God's work.
You realize thats just part of the criminal system? You can't literally maintain a 100% rate. All this did was change hands to a system that was more efficient and timely.
>So if I kill someone because he bullied me, or stole some money or whatever, I don't deserve to live anymore?
Fucking bully him back you underage, high school piece of shit

It's this one tiny sentence that shows you still don't understand anything
He should be erased from existence because 1) he should no longer have any kind of chance at happiness or a fulfilling life 2) he will no longer pose any kind of danger to any member of society, because he'll be dead
It's not about revenge, but about righteousness and rationality

Anyway, the exact methods of punishment should (obviously) vary depending on the circumstances, there isn't a single democratic court in the world that works solely on absolutes
But I do think a life sentence should be the minimum for murder, and capital punishment should always be considered
Nah just an exaggeration, all we know is that it was an orphanage where he grew up, but based on the vague flashbacks of the house with weird music playing, and the fact that everybody to come out of there ends up being weird as shit, I think it's safe to assume /something/ strange was going on in there.

L had a messed up childhood is what I'm saying, we just don't know much more specifics than that

I think you're missing that other anon's point. The world is a lot more complicated than "He killed that person in cold blood, therefore he deserves to die"

There are always mitigating circumstances. Reasons why they did their reprehensible acts. If we kill the killers and criminals, there will always be more killers. If we rehabilitate the killers and criminals, we can learn why they become killers and criminals, and stop people from becoming killers and criminals in the first place.

Understanding isn't just about compassion. And it's certainly not about letting a criminal get away without punishment. It's about learning about our world so we can make better decisions and have a better society.

And besides that, you have only your own viewpoint to go off of. A single person's viewpoint is missing so much of the bigger picture, just by definition, that a single person should never have ultimate control over life and death. We're wrong too often to allow that to happen.
Must part of the psychos had a messed up childhood, other people it's just fucking crazy, massive murders and wars happens because of money/control/power.
l is super natural the writer (how to read 13) says this

The thing you're missing, and the thing everyone misses, is that we all have the potential to become killers. It's hard-wired into us. They're not necessarily psychos and they don't necessarily have messed up childhoods.

It's more subtle things. A minor lack of empathy. A lack of impulse control. A string of bad days. A situation that makes them feel helpless, and killing someone seems like the only way out.

Criminals are human beings, just like we are. And it's a mistake to pretend they're not, and just think of them as irredeemable or disposable.
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>1) he should no longer have any kind of chance at happiness or a fulfilling life

But why? People change. Maybe he regrets what he did.
Have you never hurt someone because you thought they deserved it or because you were dumb and felt bad about if afterwards?
Sure murder is a serious crime but just punishing people won't solve all the problems. Educating people and teaching them not to murder will.

>2) he will no longer pose any kind of danger to any member of society

If you solve whatever problem he's having he won't pose any danger either + he can become a normal member of society again.

Yeah, this.

I don't remember this, going to check this.
Who cares, he was a faggot.
posting who cares is inherently ironic
>Educating people and teaching them not to murder will.
Ah yes, let's just put on some rose-tinted glasses and pretend that it's all so easy
if you aren't a retard, you will eventually arrive at the conclusion that this requires no less than turning into Big Brother and almost literally mind controlling people

but alas, you ACTUALLY believe that people who have committed heinous shit are 1) capable of changing 2) deserving of it

What about all those normal, non-criminal people who are starving, on the streets, unable to get a job or having any other number of serious societal problems? Nah, let's just pour our tax money into sucking the dicks of psychopaths and letting them roam free again after they tell us what we want them to tell us

I don't know why I even bother nowadays, zealous moralfags like yourself will do and say absolutely anything to sit on your high horse and jack off about how much of a kind, rational and moral person you are

>If we rehabilitate the killers and criminals, we can learn why they become killers and criminals, and stop people from becoming killers and criminals in the first place.
Yeah, because crime is some sort of new phenomenon that just recently cropped up, right?

We already know everything there is to know about the psychology of murderers, there's no fucking way to 'prevent' it. Even totalitarian dictatorships that patrol their citizens' minds day and night can't prevent it. With ever-growing populations you can not and will not be able to predict or prevent anything from happening, save for retards posting death threats on social media.

Everything said above is for you as well
But what if psycho pass?
>you ACTUALLY believe that people who have committed heinous shit are 1) capable of changing 2) deserving of it

Please explain why they wouldn't be able to change and why they don't deserve to.

>What about all those normal, non-criminal people who are starving, on the streets, unable to get a job or having any other number of serious societal problems? Nah, let's just pour our tax money into sucking the dicks of psychopaths and letting them roam free again after they tell us what we want them to tell us

Nice argument.
Why not both?

>how much of a kind, rational and moral person you are

So you agree that I am right? Is it just that you believe it wouldn't work IRL or do you actually believe people who do bad stuff are inherently bad?
It was to taunt him and put him on edge and L was curious how he'd react,.just like when he revealed himself to Light at the University
>teach killers not to kill
Are you a libtard?

As a society, there's no reason to be vengeful. However, let's say the chance of recidivism is 50%. That means there's a 50% chance of an ex-criminal going off to kill another person.

Is that acceptable? Is the value he can bring 50% of the time by being a productive member of society great enough to offset the next person he would kill 50% of the time?
I would have done the same thing.
I would have focused more on politicians though. Man, imagine writing Hilary's name.
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Have you honestly never heard of Death Note?
killing her won,t make much difference some one else like take her place and so on and so forth
I like how everyone in this thread assumes that every person who has killed someone is a murderous psychopath who enjoys it or has uncontrollable violent urges.

Most murders are done by normal people who get caught up during a fight at the bar or some other silly conflict that most people experience at least once in their lives.
Are you literally retarded? Don't you understand that crime has to be punished by a legal system? Because otherwise the only thing between you and a bullet in your dumbass brain is the whim of the guy holding the gun.
The only thing between me and the bullet is money.
No shit sherlock. But people who act on that impulse for any reason other than self defense, should be regarded as the piece of shit criminals they are. Because I don't give a fuck how many bad days in a row you've had. Your shitty mood is not worth more than a human life.
Are you 15?
>Are you literally retarded?
Well, what do you think?

he's the prime example of a sheltered dumbfuck of a libtard
I'm really amused by the fact that no one here seems to know that it's cheaper for the government to lock someone up for life than it is to kill them.
>All this did was change hands to a system that was more efficient and timely.
>One man and a few other psychos deciding the fate of criminals
>More efficient
Now that i think about it, why did Light think that acting like a stoic fuck was the best course of action at the university bit. I mean if i was a normal person and heard someone say that, i'd probably look at the person like he was weird, or a slightly shocked face followed by confusion.

I mean if anything his autistic way of trying to remain cool no matter the circumstances only made him seem more odd.
You faggots don't understand that morale/ethics do not exist.

You do what you want to do unless someone stops you, I would dominate the world with a deathnote by killing all the politicians that are not doing what I want and all of that while posing as god.
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Wew he did it the absolute madman.
Are You An Retard????? Lock someone up for life, you gotta feed them for life. Governments pay billions a year to feed criminals.
The bureaucratics for dp are more expensive.
I thought that the whole point of the series was that Light was the epitome of a perfect person corrupted by power. Didnt the authors even said that if he never found the death note he would become a great police officier.
>Good person
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Any "Light was right" thread (or something in similar vein) is pretty much a "GUARANTEED RELIES" thread in /a/ at least he didn't start off with the long winded copypasta
>It would crumble after he dies because he would basically create a giant power vacuum.
Isn't that what actually happens? Crime and war virtually vanish once L dies and Kira can reign unrestricted, but the status quo returns shortly after Kira dies.
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He was effective. Though by all rights, his efforts should have been totally ruined by people spreading around false info about crime and criminals.

Unless he forced governments to criminalize and purge that sort of false information. But if they had enough power to purge it, they could also spread the false info with little consequence. So it's still a no win for Light.
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>He didn't explain how to kick...

Every time.
where can i find this pasta
Personally, if someone killed a loved one of mine I would think twice about murdering that fucker if I had the chance.

However, that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
I would most likely do it anyways, but I would know that it's wrong.

No one should have the power to end another man's life and feel in the right doing so.

Is it sometimes necessary? Of course. There are cases in which killing is the only option, e.g. someone is posing an immediate threat to yourself or someone else. But that doesn't mean it's right to kill criminals en masse in cold blood
I'll never understand what the fuck people against him want. It's almost always baby's first moral crisis when it comes to actually debating it. There is no good and there is no evil. That's just how you feel, which is irrelevant. You can only really make a valid case for effectiveness.
>it cost more money to kill them
Because we're illogically compassionate for people deemed so irredeemable that they must spend the entire life in a box. They don't matter at that point. Just shoot them.
>it was ego and narcissism
Yes, yes it was, but is that bad? Arrogance can be earned. He thought he was better than those around him because he he was.
>he killed none criminals
He killed those who would've overall chosen a shorter term period of peace over a longer one. By almost all accounts he did nothing.

He made the world a better place even if out of fear. Seriously, what do you want? A world like ours in which people do whatever they want at the cost of everyone else or one in which they HAVE to behave? In which things work not because they can but because they HAVE to?
Most people refuse to think and just go with their feelings.
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