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How do you get out of this situation?
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How do you get out of this situation?
Tell the scum I'm above to Kill himself.
Punch the bitch in her cunt.
Make her regret ever thinking she's allowed to put her feet on my head.
By following her advice obviously
>someone saved my edit

And to answer the question, I rape Shinka
I was going to fug her anyway but ain't got time for consent when she's telling me to commit sudoku
Slap the cunt and then tell her to get raped
Why would I want to get out of this situation?
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Make it a murder-suicide.
Holy shit, she probably weights around 100 pounds. I could throw her ass around one-handed and then rape her since in the 2D there's no rape but only sluts
How and WHY would you even get into that situation?
remove clip
Keep stepping on him, obviously. What a wuss.
Stand up and walk out
Spook her by really killing yourself in front of her.
Kill myself? get your foot off my head so I can take a good look at your face"
Spin and put her into an ankle lock
By licking her foot.
But there isn't anyone better to be dominated by.
There is literally nothing more pitiful than a man being dominated by a woman.
Why? Women are a lot stronger.
You are an embarrassment to every male in history.
But women are superior to men.
How much do I need to pay in order to get into that situation ?
turn 360 degrees and walk away
Overpower and rape her.
I can tell you're trying to start an internet fight for fun, please stop
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Take my foot off his head and kick him in the butthole
Kill myself
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Apologize and beg for mercy.
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>remove clip
It's a magazine!
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It's a clip.
Reach up the chunni's skirt
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>implying I want to get out of that situation
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Does that cost extra?
First of all I'm not on my hands and knees.
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Slap some sense into her ofc
Should I have laughed at this?
How does that hair clip even work? Does she even realize it's there?
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Of course she realizes, she does this every weekday morning.
Maybe she does it unconsciously without realizing it
>How do you get out of this situation?
First explain to me why I would want to.
It's used for balance, otherwise she would walk funny from all the knots she takes
is that a metaphor for hand holding?
no its a metaphor for paw holding
Wouldn't you rather have her kill you instead?
No. I like living.
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You'll die anyway and dying at the hands of Shinka is the best way to go.
I imagine she weighs fuck all. Couldn't she be thrown off by balance by literally pushing back or just getting up?
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She is abnormally strong.
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>reminding me of all those clip edits
what a time
That is one shit-tier edit
You can even tell they're not from the same shows based on the color palette

This, looks life fun.
Every girl is abnormally strong in manga when it comes to "ah pervert get away from me" moments...that's just a meme
But Anon, that is not an edit.
Thrust forward with my cock
Fine, then my tactic is thus, reach my hand back and tickle her foot or run my finger on her leg.
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Turn around and breath deeply.
post proof
It's from Chuunibyou season 1, episode 6.
I want Shinka to beat me up, but accidentally break my arm in the process, then feel bad about it and sign my cast "Shinpool".
and you cant hold your penis to pee, she would have to help you
turn 1080 degrees and walk away
That sounds cute.
Call her Mori Summer and then run while crying

Poor Shiburin, she'd finally know just how hard it is for guys to piss with an erection.
she would hit your cock as it enlarged on the point of contact and sprayed on her, not piss but genetically-rich milkly fluid
she would have to massage and apply lotion to your wounded cock now
Holy fuck it's actually true
The differences in color palette make it looks like a fake...what the fucking fuck
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>mfw I realise you guys are talking about Shinka and I'm thinking about Shiiburin becuase of reading


after seeing >141156908

Would still be better if it was Shiburin though.
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Cinderella Girls really was worst IM@S.
What is Shinka's fatality move?
My first question would be how the hell did I get into this situation?
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>all these masochists
I need more of this, especially the biting blowjob part.
She kisses you and you die of happiness.
>Shinkas foot on my head.
I think I don't want out of this situation.
Can somebody give me source of this Doujin?
Can't find anything on Panda
Stand up and walk away, probably.

Why I would want to is the real question.
Smack her leg off, grab the ketchup, spray her with it, then run like the wind.
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You take ketchup to class with you?
There's bound to be some lying around nearby.
Because I'm a toon.
I won't stop 'till I get the name of that Doujin
I second this gentleman over here. Can I get a source as well?
Come on OP or somebody else please!
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>chuuni kiss
Thanks bro.
sauce on this?
Is that it?
Only 7 pages long and basically no lewd whatsoever?

What a disappointment
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What is this about?

Turn around and insert penis.
Oh it is.
Rikka getting NTR'd
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Never forget
But I wouldn't. I'd take off her socks first chance and aggressively lick her feet.
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