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JoJo thread
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old thread hit bump limit. also, at 10:30 CST i'll be streaming the OVA for some anons from last night. we left off just after Hol Horse and J Geil

stream is on cytube at SMASH_DAT_BOI_PUCCI

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Bump for stream.
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JJL flashback bitch.png
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Future antagonist.
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4th for mudad
Are there any father/son bonding doujins with DIO and Gio? And I don't mean like sex.
>little giorno with blonde hair.
I just finished Stone Ocean.
What the fuck.
It was good right?
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>josefumi clearly at peace with himself when he decides to save kira
>subconsciously associates that peace with his burial at the wall eyes

>jousuke sleeps better under the mattress
To be fair I'd be surprised if Araki himself managed to remember that little detail three chapters after he wrote it. Not like it had much bearing on anything.
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How fast are Stone free strings?
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so... who's this?
Not really. What the fuck even happens after this? Why was it hinted that Giorno would show up? Why didn't Jotaro and the Speedwagon Foundation get a hold of the Morioh guys or Passione when they knew it was gonna be tough, world ending shit? Speaking of how did Emporio survive the reset intact? Is it because he was a living stand user that knew what was happening? If it was just being a living Stand user, does that mean the Morioh crew and the Passione gang are still good? And if that's the case what about Notorious B.I.G.? How did killing Pucci change everything suddenly if his stand was just accellerating everything, and if everything si set in stone anyway how would he ever change anything anyway? How come things were the same when he sped up to a new universe but when he died it was an entirely different one, and how would Emporio get through that one with his memory intact and nobody else? What the fuck did Pucci even want and what was his heaven? How did Jolyne and friends react fast enough to physically shoot the gun and pull the sticker so they could travel?
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What's your favorite moment of your least favorite part?

lol no part 6 is easily the worst part
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Diamond end.png
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I cry reading part's 4 ending.
Pretty much this.
4 > 2 > 7 > 5 >= 3 > 1 > 6
Don't wanna judge 8 since we don't even know the main antagonist yet
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What's the best music used in the Jojo franchise and why is the Oingo Boingo Brothers ED?
my nigga but the Hol Horse one is better because Hol Horse
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Hol Horse is the best crusader.
The guard and the prisoners seemed to have their memories intact after the reset. I think the only people that don't have memories of before the reset are the replacements for the main cast. Made in Heaven lets Pucci alone act outside of fate's restrictions, which is why he got himself killed when he was fated to survive everything earlier. Pucci explained heaven pretty clearly at the end. Jolyne and friends could react that fast cos stands are fast as fuck and can catch bullets.
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I think Part 4's greatest flaw is that it's too short.

I feel Araki could have explored that town for double the number of chapters.

So many loose threads. Who the fuck was the alien? What about the time loop? Jotaro's mom also didn't complete her arc. Nor Okuyasu's dad.

Still it's a damn good part.
I wonder if they'll do another special ED.
>Who the fuck was the alien?
The alien is an stand user.
His stand is "Earth wind and fire" but is an stand hability, not a punch ghost stand.
>they got Oingo and Boingo's VAs because they can sing
>they make Hol Horse's VA sing too
Yeah, that was great.
>What the fuck even happens after this?
Part 7 is a reboot of the series
>Why was it hinted that Giorno would show up?
No idea
>Why didn't Jotaro and the Speedwagon Foundation get a hold of the Morioh guys or Passione when they knew it was gonna be tough, world ending shit?
I doubt they'll be able to do anything, or maybe Jotaro didn't want to get them involved.
>Speaking of how did Emporio survive the reset intact? Is it because he was a living stand user that knew what was happening? If it was just being a living Stand user, does that mean the Morioh crew and the Passione gang are still good?
Everyone that lives long enough to reach the singularity point is taken to the new universe. Anyone that died is replaced with a different person, like how Jolyne is replaced with Jolyne #2.
So the Duwang crew would still alive, but they'll be wondering what the fuck happened.
Good, you're going into the best Jojo part next.
hahaha sup? homos
>check out the stream
>vagina surgery
Yeah, I wish some of the minor characters got more arcs, like Shizuka and Tonio
>There will never be a Let's Eat Out An Italian 2: Electric Boogaloo
what the hell is wrong with araki's art in part 8? everything looks so lanky and ugly holy fuck those ears are cancer
part 7 was so damn fine why fuck everything up now?
It's gone now.
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Whats up gay's?
I'm sorry you lost your taste anon. You should go read some Boruto, the art is so much better
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so are any of you fags going to desert trip in october? do you think araki will make the trip?
desert trip isnt for fags you homo
>So the Duwang crew would still alive, but they'll be wondering what the fuck happened.

Really? I thought everybody on earth died and the next universe was a similar universe with people that look like the previous universe.
read jorge joestar, that concludes the orignal universe's story

the sbr universe isn't connected to the original one through space and time
Part 7 is the straightest part
Jorge Joestar is... 50% canon?
are any of you upstanding jojo fans gonna try to see those artists before they fall to araki's curse at desert trip?
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Newfag here, why is this shit so gay?
Cuz you have shit taste.
>Not being gay
What're you a faggot?
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>tfw Jonathan is your favorite Jojo but don't say it because you don't want to get ostracized by other anons
if you mean as a supporting, sure
if you mean based only on his appearance in SDC, that's just shit taste
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Dumping the ones I have
>"We’re so manly we could have a dick in each hand and one in the mouth and still not be gay!"
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Nice bait
Jorge Joestar isn't canon though
>jorge joestar
Jesus Christ that summary is nuts.

Also, am I the only one that thinks the Higashikata family is a lot like the Adam's family? Both of them are pretty weird.
Jonathan wasn't in SDC...
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>tfw Jonathan is your favorite Jojo
>Part 4 is straight
What was this one?
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Post irl Jojos
shit i saw the image and thought you said Jotaro
also yes he was, or his body at least :^)
To be fair, Josuke only does that pose in the very final panel of part 4.

I have no idea why CC2 decided to chose that as his default pose for ASB though.
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Achtung Baby
One hell of a pose for a guy
you're supposed to save the filenames
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What's wrong with liking Jonathan?
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Will do it later, too lazy and I want the full set
Trips confirm Jonathan is cute
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I’m really late to the game here, but just for reference. The Jojo’s themselves are usually straight, however their fashion and poses are straight out of the New York vogue dancing community. Which by and large is gay. That being said, pose FABULOUSLY!
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I don't know ? Who's this little shit ?
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How many of you are Gay?
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Fuck I forgot who that one is
JJL Haruno
Made In Heaven
Made in Heaven.

That's why you save the filenames, idiot.
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im evil?
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No bully
Does it count if I'm only gay for Wammu?
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Who is this man?
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if i read Boruto, im gay af?
Part 8 main villain.
baitsa dasuto
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the boss.png
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>King Crimson will never be your stand
why even live
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Tasting time.
Jotaro's uncle
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>mfw I look up vogue dancing
What the fuck is this?
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But I wanted Killer Queen.
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greato taste my dude
>least favorite Jojo is Jonathan

You're breaking my heart anon </3
Araki's Stand: 'Dropped Plotlines'
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Why Kakyoin don't wear this scarf anymore?
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Jonathan is good, but I just find him my least favourite out of the other JoJos.
there is literally no use for killer queen unless you're a murder in a small town.
I just realized Jojo is fuckign gay

I'm not watching this anymore
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u are worthless.jpg
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>Current year
>Not being gay
What a fag.
Looks like my secret is out.
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Ran out
Need more
what's /jojo/'s favorite viper album?
it IS Josuke from the future
after the fight with Yoshikage Kira and Killer Queen they managed to keep the peace in morioh but Josuke remembered that there was something he needed to do but can't remember, after a brief conversation with Koichi before he goes to Italy, Josuke found out that Killer Queen can use the ability to go to the past
so Josuke went to the alley after chugging on some poison and dies then restores Yoshikage Kira before forcefully stealing Killer Queen from him using Crazy Diamond's restorative ability to the point where Killer Queen first materialized
then Josuke uses Crazy Diamond Bite the Dust after telling his secret to Yoshikage Kira that his savior was actually supposed to be him from the past right before he presses the button and goes to the past to save his young self
the reason he got hurt in the past was because Crazy Diamond can go to the past but not restoring himself so he still have the poisons in his systems hence the bloods on his lips
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Pretty good, but who's your favorite female in the series?
Pretty sure even Araki has said he's his least favourite, it's why Johnny was specifically written with certain flaws.
Hot Pants.
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how's my taste?
Okay fair enough, you have good taste btw
Bad because you reminded me of THE FUCKING RAZORS.
its gay
Why you don't like Giorno???
not liking part 1... pretty bad
least favorite =/= not like
i like most jojos, i just don't feel any special attachment to giorno at all
it's either the bad scanlation or my dissapointment for the final fight against diavolo

the main reason part 1 became my least favourite is because some blonde prick toasted a dog, you don't toast a dog
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Because lot of characters go through some design changes of varying degree after their initial appearances. Look at Okuyasu's fucking hairstyle here.
Araki should name a Stand after Viper
you only get a pass if you're gay for Narancia, Dio or the ultimate thing
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Green Baby.gif
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I forgot he had those needles on his hair
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tusk act 4.gif
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>nip auctions
>three blue SAS Killer Queens in one listing
For what purpose.
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Echoes Act 3 Freeze.gif
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If SBR gets an anime, how many chapters do you think will fit in an episode?
Didn't SBR change from Weekly to Monthly partway through the series?

I'd imagine the longer chapters would be single episodes.
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How are they going to rename Heaven's Door?

Hell, Killer Queen? Bites the Dust?
Heaven's Door and Bites the Dust wasn't changed in ASB
KQ was changed to Deadly Queen
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don't forget to cuddle your tulpa tonight /a/!
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fuck off Johnny poster, part 4 is the one and only best part
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>everytime someone brings up tulpas all I remember is that one screencapped thread of the guy with a certain pink horse tulpa that didn't have a face and just constantly screamed
After a freak accident when Josuke and Kira got caught in BTD's blast that sent them to that snowy day.

They both get heavily injured and Josuke pummels Kira to near death but thinks he killed Him.

Josuke then travels around in the snow finds a car stuck in the snow and decides to help them out. After that he sees a glimse of a kid but brushes it off until he realizes it's him after he sees a tree that was cut down the month after his sickness is still up. Stuck in the past Josuke lives life using the knowledge of the past to gain himself riches and start up a detective agency to help people out and disguises himself by heavily altering his appearance even down to his hair. He also was a huge anonymous source of knowledge about Dio (he got this from Jotaro in the past) which he gave to Joseph and the Speedwagon organization

Meanwhile still alive Kira crawls to his old home and tries to call an ambulance.Only until then he realizes that on that day he was supposed to go out for a trip but stayed in. He then turns around and sees a younger version of himself with Killer Queen out. Current Kira tries to tell him that he's from the future and to watchout for the threats he encountered but Past Kira doesn't believe him. Past Kira then tells Future Kira that he knew that he was in the house and touched the door knob to the room they are in. Furture Kira then screams at him to stop before Kira mimics pressing the detonate button KQ muttering a "No one must know".

Josuke's disappearance in the present he is missing for a couple of days, Jotaro lies to his mom about hm being on a trip. Suddenly one day when Jotaro and Okauyasu and others try to break the bad news Jousuke appears on the door step and they fail to recognize him since even his haircut has drastically changed and he's older. Only when Okuyasu makes a remark about "nah you ain't Josuke, Healways has that shittty pompadour" does Josuke do a short but intense glare that Okuyasu notices on the spot
Do people actually buy into the whole tulpa shit?
That seems like /x/-tier autism.
why would you ever believe something so stupid
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The story or tulpas in general?

I don't actually believe either are real but it was still one wild read.
Fake or not, that's spooky as fuck.
Except Kira didn't have KQ as a child
>tfw want those slick SAS
>tfw poorfag
>tfw this means I only can get my absolute favorite characters and stands
>tfw my favorite characters are sometimes characters from a part where I don't really care much about the Jojo or villain in the same part, like part 5 with Mista and Buccellati being some of my favorite characters
>tfw also feel like I have to get part 3 Jotaro for the iconic factor and since I want part 3 DIO and if I get those both I'll feel like I need everyone but I don't like Avdol or part 3 Jotaro very much
>tfw I know i'll as well feel like a fag if i get a user without their stand or vice versa
>tfw also will feel like a fag if i don't get those extra parts from the various recolors for the figures i do get
>tfw the recolors mostly suck compared to the normal ones
>tfw all of this is even worse since I am a poorfag
Just fucking kill me
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>Tfw no qt Johnny tulpa to cuddle with
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>mfw strength
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Spoonfeed my braindead apple kek ass /a/. How do I actually read this? I don't see any chapters or anything to click on just comments.
You need to make an account. It's free.
they started making you log in, then above the discussion part will be a bunch of chapters
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Just download it. https://mega.nz/#F!SdRgwCRT!r1Td6g9MBsHJN2U596MIjQ
There wasn't a time loop though, it was literally just a random guy with a pompadour.
Am I the only one who prefers the design DIO had in those old OVAs. God he just looks so fucking manly.
Good times stream friends
sorry i fucked everything up
it's ok bud
we'll finish it tomorrow then marathon DiU on friday
None of them died except the ones Pucci killed himself. So the Duwang and Passione crews are still alive, but they're souls are in new bodies with no memory of the old universe. The difference is that in the new one, they're finally free from the Joestar curse hence Jolyne being named Irene. It took over 100 years but Pucci's plan backfired when Emporio killed him, so instead of getting rid of the Joestars in the new universe, they all got to finally live normal lives. And Pucci's 'heaven' that he and DIO wanted was a world where everyone knows they're own fate. If you know when and how you'll die and what happens to you in life, the idea was that you'd overcome despair and spend the time you have in peace. While that sounds good on paper it's still kind of fucked to force everyone to know exactly what's going to happen with no way of avoiding it. Basically DIO came up with the idea during his 100 year nap where all he had to do all day was think, and it appealed to Pucci because it allowed him to shift the blame for his sister's death from him onto fate.
Sorry about all the 'they're's, I'm really tired.
>Stronheim died in the battlefield

I still don't get how that was possible.
He died at the hands of a Russian stand user.
There were a LOT of Russians at Stalingrad. Stroheim can't regenerate and isn't immortal, so even if he slaughtered thousands of them if they all just kept shooting he'd go down eventually. Still an impressive feat though.
Based Soviets
Was his stand [Rasputin]
Ammo is finite
No Rasputin was the user, and his stand was Thriller
>price on all the mandarake stuff i was looking at went up ~200 yen each overnight
Anyone else notice this?
I loved how Hol Horses VA sounded like he really didn't want to do this but for one reason or another he had to. It was like he was truly playing the part of Hol Horse.
Just some guy
Because it's fucking hot in the desert and the school uniform makes him sweat enough.
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>stand is a parasitic bacteria that inhabits the user after death
>parasites use subliminal messages to hypnotize the user
>messages are sounds similar to those of primordial earth
>hypnotized victims become reanimated corpses that can't be differentiated from living people
>the corpses move identically to the original user if he stands within a certain range

apologies for the autism
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it's time
>that time when dio and his christian boyfriend destroy the universe
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Time for some gayness?
i want to motorboat johnny's beautiful mounds
This is seriously the most autistic picture I've ever seen in my life

now make one for Jotaro
>>141111111 is coming, I hope it's not in this shitty general
there is no way gyro didn't hit that desu salami
i'm not gay, but is that really considered an attractive male ass?
it just looks like a big ham to me
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jesus nail.jpg
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What's the deal with araki and finger nails?
if it weren't for the birthmark I wouldn't even be able to tell that it's Johnny
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Same actually
Ah well, time for more gay
Jotaro got no ass though
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People really love Gyro x Johnny
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worst brojo
worst girl
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Daily reminder that
Gappy best jojo
Kira best villain
Gyro best zeppeli
Okuyasu best brojo
Yasuho best girl
Jotaro worst jojo but best supporting
Part 1 worst part
Part 2 crew worst crew
So close, but Gyro is the best BroJo, not Okuyasu.
Reminds me of that one where OP creates a pony tulpa and it starts spawning more and more pony tulpas and they're all malicious.
This my fellow /jojo/
The truth taste
Hermes is great fuck you.
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It keeps happening.
do you think stand users use their stands to masturbate
Gyro is the best patner. Also all zeppeli is automatically a brojo so to be fair he is the best zeppeli. Okuyasu is a top tier, loyal till the end brojo so he was the best rather than poll or others.
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the weakest.jpg
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3 minutes to break steel bars Jolyne confirmed weakest Jojo.
What's the old Stardust Crusaders ova like?
I need a Jojo fix and I haven't seen it yet.
Also sub or dub
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Dios drink of choice.gif
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It's refreshing.

Barby's fight in OVA >>>>> Obby's fight in tv series

That's all you need to know.
It's written that she's the weakest because SF is literally just balled up string
She only has enough strength to crush a coin, which is nothing compared to the others (except GE maybe?)
Are Rykiel, Ungaro, and Versace JoJos? They have the same claim as Giorno
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No because their names don't have "jo" in them
Gold Experience can pulverize cars.

They are as much a JoJo as Kyo and Kira are.
Ofc not
i miss doc
YO stream bros
it's swerve aka stream OP. how'd everything go? you guys finish the OVA?
Are we posting best girl?
He's still alive anon Friday is near
Happyn refreshed or something and lost mod status
we sat through 5 minutes of a kira cosplay stripper
we stopped because d'arby got deleted somehow so we said we'll pick up on that episode tomorrow or some other day
........I gave that niglet one job......
so, did you guys even get to the next episode after I left?
r u ok
/your roommate
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>Not embracing Jojo's homoerotic style.
What are you fucking gay?
yeah we finished the ndoul fight
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that's a paraplegic boy though
It's not like his penis actually works.
that's good. za fool is hype

daw, yall so considerate. and yeah it's all good. she works a bar on campus and some homeless dude kept hitting on her and groping himself, saying he'd be outside when she got off shift. i'm hispanic, bearded, and perpetually grumpy looking so i'm like rape/love of a woman repellent.
I want Hisoka and Dio to fuck eachother in a shwing match.
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but its still a penis not a vag00
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He doesn't need a vag because he has a prime bussy
Are there any Ska references in JoJo? Like third wave/ska punk
Russia's SEKAIICHI love machine
Thanks God I buyed everything yesterday.
I love Kyo's design, I hope she becomes relevant soon.
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My nigga
WEB6 Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgNEU00XTm4
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>Okuyasu punching Tamami
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also lol, scheming money grubbing dickbag that employs violence while shaming violence and subsequently occupying the docile target's home turf has an american flag on his shirt. sneaky nipponese
>Cream's power is any less than A

Sometimes, I don't understand Araki's evaluation.
welcome back Doc-kun
>christ this chart is pointless, why would these things ever need a metric. whatever keeps these dumbasses reading i guess

there ya go. araki logic
So how long till the 「Bicycle Race」 edit?
20 minutes after the episode ends
he has a bunch of other flags too
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Nailed it.
i really hope he turns actual blond after this
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bitch i look like goku.png
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Can't wait to see what the animeonlys make of this.
i did just look it up, this arc was a few months after super saiyan premiered in DBZ

Oi, Josuke! What the scouter said about his power level?
Knowing Araki, that's actually what it could be.

Pretty sure Koichi is supposed to be a dead ringer to Gohan, complete with a stand that looks like Baby Cell.

We super saiyan now
I personally can't wait for the beaner DBZ fags to come here to talk shit about Jojo because DBZ is sacred or something.
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>okuyasu punch
>that hair
Damn. Wonder who drew this. Google's giving me nothing.
So does that mean the next episode will change his bit in the opening?
He truly is a shounen hero trapped in a seinen series.

Fuck, I love the first parts of this OP.
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