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Boruto spoilers are out!
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Boruto spoilers are out!
>Titless Hinata
What garbage is this?

fucking short hair hinata. I might pick it up now.
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>flat Hinata

And into the trash it goes.
second this, what happened to the boobs? cancer?

inb4 it's hanabi
Something about Hinata feels off. I don't even think it's the lack of chest either.
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Moegi has to deal with these fucks
God dammit I hate Boruto and his daddy issues.
>nb4 it's hanabi
I thought that too.
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Korean scans should be out soon
>not mirai

Kishi you had one job
It's her cheeks
Is that supposed to be Hinata
Is Boruto supposed to be translated to Bolt? Then Naruto should be Nalt?
yeah that's her. Welcome to the new guy art-style.

no, that's not how Japanese work
No, Naruto is an actual Japanese word.
>Is Boruto supposed to be translated to Bolt?
Yes, Bolt is neji in Japanese.
>Then Naruto should be Nalt?
t-the new guy's art would improve over time, hinata would regain the bombshell body she had right? r-right?
Boruto is really Bolt, which translates back into Japanese as Neji.
Orochimaru is a semen demon now, so there's that.
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hinata is way hotter all of a sudden
I like how Ikemoto draws hair, but his faces need work.
What the fuck did they do to Hinata? What the fuck?
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>Bottom left pic
>Hinata is now a loli
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>chubbycheeks shithair flatty Hinata
>Hinata's chest

Did she get a reduction due to back pain?
Maybe just an error
I'm not exactly sure why Hinata is now an A cup and i don't really care.
However if we don't get some type of decent explanation soon, We Riot.
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>Titless Hinata with chubby cheeks and short hair
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The ride really NEVER ends huh?
>yfw next generation of big 3 is boruto , ichigo's son and luffy's son
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explanation is simply that large breasts are revolting and unsexy
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>not liking chubby cheeks
the flat chest is unforgivable though.
It'll just be fucking Luffy again, Oda will never end
I still don't know what the fuck the One Piece is even supposed to be, not even a vague sense or guess. It's probably just nakama or something.
Hinata never had the chubby cheeks though, not even Part 1 was this chubster
This. I don't mind her face, but her body has been downgraded.
No i need an in story explanation.
Like it or not Hinata has big tits, she has always had them and this is really starting to bother me how they feel no qualms about randomly changing it out of nowhere.
What if the reasoning to why she's titless now is because she fed milk to 2 god babies?
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How the hell did we go from pic related to THAT?
It'll probably just be Hanabi staying over or something.
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Why is it always a son? Why can't they pass the torch to a daughter who kicks ass shounen-style and with zero fucking romance.
Sauce looks even gayer now.
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Literally what
What's with Nardo's evil smirk
Why does Sauce now look both edgy AND retarded hipster
What le fug
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She had DD's even before she got with Naruto. Dont fuck with me man this is REALLY starting to fuck with me now. It like a foundation of my life has collapsed.

Oh yeah right ok that makes sense. This is the new lore. Life Crisis averted.
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>low test shorthair Hinata
>Sauce's hair
Jesus did he forget to take a shower?
The answer is probably legitimately "otaku shits". I'd love a female Shonen protag who btfo everyone
What the fuck is wrong with Himawari's face
so redraws when?
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>Himawari and Boruto lost their ahoge
into the trash it goes
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these are hilarious
Dude the art is pretty fucking shit
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>Himawari's face
>Boruto's face
>everything about Sarada
This artist does the manga no favors.
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>check out my iwatch
Is she a Sarutobi? If not, fuck Kishi, Mirai would be perfect.
She still has a cute petite figure. I just hate how it looks like Sakura and Hinata have the same ugly haircut and Sasuke's hair looks greasy, though he probably hasn't bathed in years.
>that boruto and salad art
They really don't care about anything except shekels huh?
How'd did pass the screening? If there's even one
Boruto looks like a kid cosplaying super saiyan 1 goku. Shit man the art looks like shit.
Hinata and Himawari look like sisters now.
isn't Mirai getting a novel?
His art fucking sucks.

It just does.
What? Is the manga adapting the Boruto movie?
Fuyukai desu
Explanation is it's a different artist who has major '60's fashion aesthetic and huge boobs aren't a part of that.
Why the fuck does Konohamaru look like a damn fatass
guy draws basically his first manga (purely because he was kishis aid) after kishi having drawn 700 chapters, its not suprising it doesnt look as good
It opens with a flash-forward to an older Boruto then goes back to the movie timeline. Looks like the first few chapters will cover and elaborate on the movie scenario.
Still hating Sarada's horrible outfit.
What the fuck? I didn't even realize it was him.
Holy shit this art fucking sucks
Shueisha could just hire a doujin artist, I know that they hired Toryotaro (Toyble), who did the DBAF doujin series
either Shueisha or Kishimoto were too lazy or too greedy
little boys don't like reading stories about female main characters

not rocket science
What're the nips saying on 2ch and such?
And she is a midget now too. She was caught in an youngefication jutsu along with Naruto. Next arc is Boruto and Boruto-aged Naruto adventures.

almost the same thing people here are saying
>either Shueisha or Kishimoto were too lazy or too greedy
I think it's more like Kishi is giving his assistant a chance to take charge of the art, though it seems like he's not ready for such a role going by what we've seen here. I don't mind a different style, but it's clearly unrefined.
>I'd love a female Shonen protag who btfo everyone
>What the fuck is wrong with Himawari's face
Lina Inverse? Maka Albarn?
that might be true, in Toriyama's case, I doubt that he still has assistants from back then to call upon, while Kishimoto still has his assistants to fall back on

I would have prefered, if the guy, who did the SD series, did the drawings
Kishi and Oda both hate women and feel that they really don't have any business fighting in a shonen manga, and if they do, it's strictly woman vs. woman. It becomes more obvious the later you get into each series because the men get astronomically strong and the women just don't.
Pretty stupid desu
I personally like physical god type girls in my Shonen (like, way past Kaguya) who are there for a giggle.
So they are doing Boruto The Movie plot?


Fucking fags
>Naruto's whisker things are in a different spot on his face in every panel
This shouldn't piss me off as much as it does.

You realize that's in the first 4 pages right?
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for reference this was the art for naruto ep1
I dunno man, it looks quite a bit better (even though the nosebleed thing is way outdated at this point)
this is much better
oldschool Kishimoto was best Kishimoto, then anime happened
What the fuck did they do to Hinata? Where are her tits?
Where are her child bearing hips?
How do you fuck up this badly?
yeah after a while his art just became ridiculously plain to mimic the anime, you could feel him putting less effort in most of the time, though he occasionally did nice two page spreads but overall it wasn't as lively.
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yeah kishi was way better artist than the guy drawing boruto from the get go
Handcock fought men, Monet fought men and Alvita and Vivi and Rebecca fought men and then there's Hina the tire woman. There are plenty of female ass kickers in One Piece. They don't hate women, it's just that these are shonen manga and not every mangaka feels conformable enough to write girls that much and some can't write girls at all so they they do it, like Yoshida, he's storyboarded several Yugioh series like zexal and 5d's including both their manga. It's not even a big deal, there are tons of action shows and manga staring women.

like Fairy Tail, the strongest characters in that manga are all women with broken as fuck powers outclassing most of the boys.
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Holy shit there are fucking pixiv artists who could imitate Kishi's artstyle better. This shit right here is awful.
I don't blame him though, drawing a weekly manga on such a detailed level can be quite taxing, although he really shot himself when he decided to make clones Naruto's signature jutsu
I remember crying like a fucking bitch
I wonder if by the end he hated Naruto solely for the fact that he had to draw him so many fucking times.
That sucks since Himawari would be an awesome mc based on that one side chapter
>Shueisha hires 2 doujin artists for DragonBall related works
>Shueisha lets assistant-kun draw for Naruto related works

also the Naruto SD guy imitates Kishi's art better than the current Boruto artist
But could they do it on a weekly basis?
Are you trying to imply oldNaruto style doesn't looks way better than the Boruto manga? The faces are horrendous.
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he prob regrets adding whiskers to naruto
imagine how many lines less he would've had to draw over the years if they werent included
you mean monthly
also it isn't like the artist has to think off the plot, he only has to draw, do the panel composition and stuff
> That face of Hinata in the third and 5th panel.

he one in the 4th doesn't looks bad (though the hairstyle looks like shit), so it's just that this artist can't draw small faces for shit?
Guess there's no helping it when Kishi is a huge fan of Tetsuya Nishio. Nishio is a great animator, but his character designs are kinda plain and more suited for animation.
For a business that revolves around art they sure push out a lot of shit art. It boggles my mind how they can't get decent artists. It's probably not even hard to find a handful of people that are good at mimicking a certain style.
The whiskers are a small easy detail though. Imagine if Naruto's design was more complex.
>Implying Tetsuya Nishio's character designs are bad
Fite me bitch
I'm sure there are plenty of starving artist wanting to get paid and put their name out there.
Just wait for the Korean scans.
Why the art looks so amateurish?
The million dollar question
manga assistants are often amateurs
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>naruto thread
>all the 3dpd images in this thread
Is this what /a/'s become?
they technically could, Shueisha hired Naho Ooishi (Gichi), who does DB SD stuff, and Toyotaro (Toyble), who does DB Heroes and for now DB Super related stuff

they aren't bad, it's just Kishimoto's art was really better back then
Kishimoto's charactr sketches for "THE LAST" and "Boruto" movies are good though
Anyone got the Naruto anniversary drawing by Kishi's assistant? IIRC it's a spoof of Grand Theft Auto box art.
Because all the good artists have good taste and don't want to draw anything Nurutu related garbage.
Wasn't Kentaro Yabuki an assistant?
To be fair, he doesn't need to imitate Kishimoto's style.

However, it would be nice if his style was GOOD.
>artists hate money
Fuck off, borutards.
Shueisha/Jump could have chosen a better mangaka since Naruto is one of their biggest franchises. Maybe they know that it will sell regardless of the quality.
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The faces are litterally deviant tier. I remember seeing some pretty nice illustrations from this guy in volumes that are easily 10 years old, how the fuck can he only be at this level?
More like none of them really pay attention to Shonen jump series unless it just got an anime.
Same stuff as the terrible animation in the Naruto and OP Anime.
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He's bulking for that sweet bearmode.
Gook scans:

w..what is this
Are you talking about reaction images?

Are you retarded?
Excuse me
What the fuck is this
To be fair, long-running shows tend to have poor animation on average.

This art is so fucking garbage... c'mon.
There must be some new villain hairdresser in Konoha that gives every female the same ugly cut and pours cooking oil in Sasuke's hair.
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This one?
Yeah, that's it.
>Kishimoto's art starts out good
>in the end it's complete shit

>New Guy's art starts out being shit
This guy clearly doesn't know how to draw manga.

I assume this is supposed to look cool and amazing, but look at this fucking boring composition, the unremarkable poses, the absolutely basic paneling. What the Hell?

If I remember right, most art the artist has released has been single drawings, not comics. Why didn't they pick someone who knows how to draw comics?
Kawaki just might be edgier than all the Uchiha's combined.
looks the same as kishi's late art desu
Oh sweet christ what the fuck.
Wait are you fucking kidding me.
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>by the end it's complete shit
No it does not. And no, I'm not saying his late art was good.
That's Ikemoto right?

It looks way better. Doesn't fit Kishimoto's cleaner chara designs at all though.
So he always has this fascination with the bobbed hairstyle.

Their faces actually don't look bad at all in this. Maybe he just sucks with younger kids faces or maybe just caving under the pressure.
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sakura forces her 11y old daughter to work in that outfit
best mom
One Piece maybe but Naruto has the best animation out of most long running shows. I wouldn't call it terrible. The filler episodes don't count since they're not even animated by Studio Pierrot,
ok, I admit it, the color pages look good, that's it
Kishi's art was never the problem though.

It's everything else.
Wew lad.
He doesn't seem to have experience, or at least WORTHWHILE experience drawing manga, which involves drawing the same characters repeatedly, usually kind of small relatively speaking, and quite often in ways that are basic and not necessarily "cool". As a result, looks like ass.
>single mother
>Uchiha dad
I don't know what you expected.
He means the hospital. Naruto must be pretty injured.
His art kind of became a problem near the end. Really fucking hard to tell what was going on in his pages because of cluttered shit, lots of debris and crap. Confusing.
So 700 chapters and all of Naruto's efforts were a waste. Way to ruin things kishi.
>no chuuni poses
Outsourced episodes always show up regardless of whether it's filler or not. It depends on the animation teams available in the rotation, and there are normally two outsource teams in a rotation if I'm not mistaken.
>Crumbling Hokage monument.
>Village appears to be fine.
Doesn't really make sense.
>kerchief around neck
>leather tassel belt
Holy shit it really is the '60's.
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> my feet hurt copypasta
That's mostly him being lazy and not shading anything and barely using Tone, and when he does, he only uses one.

But from a technical standpoint, his art got way better compared to the early chapters. Less expressive, but way more consistent.
>Mitsuki's face
>Sarada's shitty outfit
>those clones
Fuckin' compare this to when Naruto first used shadow clones.
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its sasuke, see.
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What the FUCK IS THIS!?
korean scan http://www.shencomics.com/archives/1671901
Greasy hair and now Sasuke is a fatass as well?
No it isn't.
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>those faces
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I'll also give him one thing: I love all his color pages.
You can see the village in ruins in another panel. The buildings in that shot are presumably some ways off from the fight.
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> I'm supposed to think this scene is believable when Naruto is able to do 10.000 clones casually.

>Sauce's wide as fuck face
Literally what the fuck, his relative attractiveness was all he had going for him
This looks fucking traced.
I don't know what this is supposed to be from looking.
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Yeah, these are great.

Also, kinda interesting that all the late Naruto color spreads are all alternate universe stuff. And the fact that it looks like Kishi put actual effort into them feels like he's so fucking desperate to do something else.
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He can cleary draw if he tries
Boruto's entire drama is so forced for the sake of cheap angst.
Love it.
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Isn't the point of that shitty haircut that it covers up his hideous super-eye? Now it doesn't even do that.
Is Sasuke wearing mascara?
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It all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling doooooooooooown~~
>Nardo without disgusting neon yellow hair and ruddy pink skin
what the fuck
I mean, based on these alone, the guy clearly can draw well if he tries.

Either he doesn't give a shit and is half-assing it, or he's not used to the pace of drawing chapters regularly as a main artist.
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I don't mind how it looks here, and Sarada's new outfit is alright.
Actually that shows he can just do "cool" faces" for illustrations.
>My dad is the Super President and doesn't have much time for me
>I'm sad
>I'm sad!
I love salads outfit but cant imagine how they talked a major publishing company into greenlighting it
Isn't Boruto's torso long as fuck here
The things I'd do to that salad.
>Sarada's new outfit is alright
Is it though? It's really trashy.
Why does he even need a byakugan
He can't seem to draw manga. That's the real issue.

Not just anyone can do it. Comics are a lot of work. Unless you're an American comic artist. Then you copypaste and shit color poorly over everything.
The lengths you people will go to defend this garbage.
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>shitty art
>shitty ow the edge charater design
>shitty ow the edge dialogues

is this some kind of fanfiction?
i know that naruto was shit tier manga but this is some new kind of low
I kinda prefer Sarada's old outfit, the new one is too simple for me
It is. The pose is fucked up
This looks way too edgy for my tastes. Was hoping for something fun like gaiden or early nardo, not this shit. I bet there's 3 more bad guys behind this one, pulling eachothers strings.
Why can´t the ride end?
I was about to leave the fucking train and then this?!
I hate her outfit. It doesn't look like something she'd wear at all.
The train stopped already at chapter 700. You decide to get on it again for this Boruto stuff.
its pretty mainstream kunoichi attire minus the seetrough leggings or bandages
It's SUPER COOL. Look, he even has the sword, scar and the eye and tatoos.
What is Kishimoto doing these days?
if this is where the series is leading up to I definitely won't be reading it

Think about what actually made the epilogue/extra chapters and Scarlet Spring interesting: refreshing difference, a fun new generation similar but not same to the old, FUN. FUN shit. Look at this. It's like bad Naruto fanfiction, and Naruto itself read like bad fanfiction in almost all of part 2. This is terrible.
You got it all wrong. Naruto and ninjaUN made world peace and the world doesn't need ninjas anymore. Boruto wants war and the old system back. He killed Naruto and wants to destroy Konoha, so villages start training ninjas again. Kawaki just wants to stop him. Sasuke IS Boruto's mentor, after all.
Working on his new manga and "supervising" the Boruto manga.
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Damn, goat design right here
Well Hyuga fags looks like you got your wish. But ask yourselves this: Was it worth it?
raising his new baby and otherwise taking a long break, I imagine

Isn´t this the same plot of the movie? all the first part resembles the movie, I thought he had already acepted his father´s responsabilites after the movie.
Anyone willing to dump the chapter? Gooks don't like my country.
He's like a mix of Kakashi and Naruto now.
It's not edgy at all unless you think Kakashi is edgy.
Naruto confirmed as the worst Hokage ever.
How does Kishi approve this? It seems that he himself don't care anymore about his own creation.
google free proxy and paste http://www.shencomics.com/archives/1671901 on the first result
Kakashi was cool and collected and hid his face scar almost all the time. He also didn't have some weird face and arm markings
Nah that would be Tsunade.
Village is still there in the background.
Yes please. That would be actually a nice twist.
Naruto managed to dodge getting his own eyehax despite literally getting a sharingan implanted in him at one point, I can't believe the new series is kicking off with Bort getting a byakugan of all things. Momo, Kinshiki, Kaguya, and technically Toneri all had two of those things, and none of them did shit with them.
Probably on a really long vacation. Being a manga artist is stressful and taxing as fuck. Of course they'll keep their claws in him as long as possible but he should have more freedom now.
Holy shit it's real. This is literally fanfiction. For some who destroys the village, I cannot take that edgelord design seriously. At least Pain and Orochimaru look threatening.
The art is seriously bad.

Not bad, but terrible, it would have been better to put the author of bobobo to do it.
Ask tumblr, they'll like you there.
>Why I am so flat?
It's just Kishi projecting his failed marriage into the manga. Kishi isn't writing the manga anymore but it stick as Boruto's main characterization
Pain looked kind of silly, but it was hard to tell since he was introduced in silhouette or in really dramatic lighting in the cool as fuck rain village. This dude's just sticking to the side of Naruto's face in broad daylight wearing a gay scarf and pirate halloween costume lol
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subtle nip male-female power dynamics
And Orochimaru looked less threatening as time went on too.
Kakashi was pretty edgy. Made himself miserable and lonely for life just because his childhood friends died. He was a pretty cool aloof sensei at first then he became completely useless until that asspull near the end.
Literally who
>he doesn't want a qt girl to be lead
I dunno about you but I'd like it if my MC was also fapbait
it's perfectly in line with what the original had become years ago

l can't wait to see legions of mongs trying to defend this horseshit, this is going to be great
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Do we already know who did orochimaru have a kid with?
Himawari is too raw for the new generation. Admit it, we can't be allowed to have something this radical.
Why does each face look like a picasso painting?
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> destroying the hokage stone faces

Fucking brutal, even Pain didn't go that far.

So what the fuck even hapened to get this kind of destrcution. It clearly wasn't something like a bijuudama and chou shinra tensei.
Does this guy even know what Hinata looks like? Hinata without a hime cut is a sin.
The OVA can't come soon enough.
It's called being connected to the world tree.
Boruto needs some power-up, and obviously it will be Kurama again. For that, Naruto has to die.
The real calamity that killed Naruto was the Titapocalypse. He was so shocked and dismayed that his stacked as fuck wife lost it all and would never get it back he committed suicide by giving himself an aneurysm.
Fairy Tail is worse than Naruto though. Everyone is a jobber and despite being shown as strong, Erza only wins with asspulls.
Naruto gets extra points for being the child of the prophecy, the son of god, the light personified, etc. and still fucking up. Tsunade has senju genes but she's a filthy woman so she couldn't do much. Besides, the entire narrative want Naruto as hokage will no one wanted Tsunade as hokage. She got the position because Jiraiya refused.
I imagine that they repeatedly fought and eventually knocked everything down with big moves flying all over the place
Mitsuki is a tube baby. An experiment. He even has failed clone brothers.
>Nardo = Aragorn
>Sauce = Legolas
>Pink = Gimli
>Kakashi = Gandalf
what world tree

naruto cut that thing down with a lava rasenshuriken in the last war
There's nothing subtle about that pic
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