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So it's confirmed Masaki likes him now, right?
Yottsun is gone so she needs someone take care of her and their son.
Mikage is a stupid fucking whore
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We can repair him. We have the technology
She's the mastermind, of course she's saving her personal plaything.
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Mitsumune pls.
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Naana a cute. A CUTE.
She has enough knowledge of Fire to know how it will spread. She just happened to find the group while looking for more shit to burn.
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So you like my lewdtext now, huh?
Who is that? And what was that thing? A penguin?
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Would pay to see more shenanigans with these three, shame their gathering was broken up so soon. Lovepon will probably give up the execution shit after next episode too.
She changed her tune pretty fast after the ghost thing. I think she has something in mind beyond simply being nice and he's useful for it. Whatever she has in mind though I don't think it's malicious.
Who on the trip is using their real name?
She's still the cutest, I don't get all the hate after the last episode desu
I can't even lie, I liked ther scenes.
So it's confirmed Puuko likes him now, right?
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>Lovepon ever giving up executions
Only Maimai likes Mitsumune (because of Kayama) but she's the only girl Mitsumune doesn't like.

she just thinks he's harmless and exploitable
Good thing Mitsumune is smitten with Masaki and she just rescued his ass.
It's not that he dislikes her, he simply isn't interested in her romantically.
Who the fuck calls their stuffed toy penguin like his presumed dead brother?
She was rather popular so now that she did something that was a bit shitty she became an easy target. Of course messing with Mitsumune was hardly that bad compared to what the Mikage team did.
I haven't watched it yet, did Mikage do anything at all?
I want Narna to lick Lovepon's bellybutton!
I found everyone entertaining. I don't get the hate, for anyone.

Tokimune best boy.
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I will protect this smile!

>No snake edit
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He's salvageable I'm telling you
He doesn't need protection.
What she did was pretty shit, yeah. But that pales in comparison to Team Crazy.
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Mikage, Hellfire, Nyanta, and Lovepon are the villains of the week.
I like both Team Bitch and Team Crazy. The rest is wallpaper.
put him in there then
You still need to beat the chuuni out of him.
Thanks Lovepon.
I fucking hope he comes back, freed from his stupid suit and eyepatch and his chuuni personality erased by having to man up in the woods.
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I used to be a Naanafag, now I'm a Lionfag.

Even if I still like Naana
I want to hear his voice.
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He even looks manly as fuck, damn.
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Remember to buy one, anon. Why not two?
I like their characters too, even though Lovepon gets on my nerves pretty quick. It's still nearly irredeemable what Team Crazy did, though.
Don't forget Yuuno, Puuko and Naana.
I knew it! That's where the shitpsoters came from!
Hola Soy , Narna Lovepon's bellybutton
Well, not that I like them that much besides Naana, but you can't really compare their actions to Mikage's squad
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They are the heroes we don't deserve.
So, after seeing episode 5 whats everyone's predictions?
Holy shit, why did I put off watching this.

You fucking had me at "Soy Latte here..."
I can sense the double standards. I bet Naana gets off scot free because she's cuter looking and because of the beanie.

But it's the truth, some people had to be painted as villains at some point. Soon enough we'll have seemingly good people like Pink Goddess take that role.
Hellfire dies. Nyanta, too. Maybe.
If word gets out, Mikage will be held responsible for what happened, unless Masaki forces Mitsumune to keep his mouth shut about the whole ordeal since she had something important to tell him. Lovepon will be probably put into the cell.
Suspicion's off her, that's why Masaki needs him alive to keep acting freely so they won't suspect she's actually the mastermind. Mitsumune's just a scapegoat for her.
Ok she just saved Faggotmune to tell him about how big Yottsun's dick was
Nyanta and Lovepon fuck off next episode.
>survival cunt panics because of a fire
But Masaki how no idea how big it is.
One of the survivalist duo has two more episodes
The other has three.
Sickly will make it to the end of the series, and he will die after the series. There's a possibility he has pulled the plug or otherwise sabotaged other hospital patients.
Crazy will run away from the group and try to pick them off one by one
Gluttony has three episodes to go.
Chubby chaser will give up on Gluttony an episode before his death.
should say "remember - divine justice"
>takes advantage of MC's weakness for women and has him guard the house
>actually abduct him and nearly torture him

What double standards?

Ever heard of smoke inhalation? How is that basement treating you?
Learn their names you fucking cunt.
because of his knowledge he reacted quickly
What did she mean by this?
She's dtf
>The slut is the only female that isn't acting like a bitch
How much is a Masaki keychain?
Nips' dick size self-awareness from the staff
This last episode --- Everyone getting all dumb and teenage by playing the blame game. Not a single smart fuck among them.

I hope they salvage this show by turning into some sort of Higurashi -- where the village exudes some strange gas that causes people to see their fears and pits everyone against each other.

If so, kill Lovepon first... by torture. That's justice.
Too dumb for that.
How is Masaki, Yuune or Soy Latte acting like a bitch?
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Why the fuck is everyone chill with Lovepon?
I mean, for fuck's sake Japan, what kind of normal group of people would keep a psycho around after they repeatedly suggest torturing and executing people in a deranged fashion?
Why do you think she is a slut? Sure, she looks like one, but if she was a slut, she would have sucked her stalker's dick, not run away from him and do a trip to ghost town
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She's cute.
She's a nice girl. Too bad she's gonna die.
Why do they need redemption? It's not that kind of show, anon.
I still would stay away from her.
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What are the teams this week?
I'm not saying they need it.
>what kind of normal group of people
>normal group of people
That's your problem.
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Why the fuck is this so fun
I will, when they make a Nanko one.
Hellfire, Nyanta, Wankoro, Lovepon, Dozemon, and Hippie drink
how about keeping your composure and freeing the person you kidnapped

but go ahead and defend that cunt
>Jack alone.
>no Jackness.

Nyanta made a mistake and she's paying the price for it next episode.
Jack should be grouped with Ketsu and Yottsun.
It literally doesn't make sense. She's talking about how she attempted to kill someone and they just stare at her and continue with their other conversations.
Yottsun is kill.
Did Mitsumune follow the girls to their sleeping place?

Holy shit, he is complete retard. I feel kinda bad since he got kidnapped but its partially his fault to still think with his dick.
She yells about killing and torture, yet is scared to death of being tortured (burning to death is a horrible way to go).

She needs cement shoes.
the lack of maimai this ep saddens me
>wants to dish it out but can't take it in.
I want to see her under the knife. This just confirms that she's prime mindbreak material.
They're not a group of normal people. You're watching this with 3DPD eyes.
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I noticed that too. But based on their reaction when they were in the house, they genuinely didn't believe Lovepon was capable of murder. Still, it's retarded how she was moved to the side while Jack instantly got the prison
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I figured it out. Yottsun didn't die, he simply became 3D and escaped to the real world.
Mitsumune's ineptitude is legitimately the best part of this anime.
You can't mindbreak the mindbroken.

Everyone is scared of burning alive.
How is it his fault for being kidnapped?
Jack, Assness and Yottsun go under "vanished".
I don't get why that's bad? People were dying and he wanted to make sure Masaki got to her sleeping place safely.
You're right. They're all fucked up in the head. Still they treated Jack like shit and Lovepon gets away with just about anything.

These charts mean literally nothing. Last episode people were going on about what would happen to the tunnel and forest groups, look how that turned out.
They said Jackness died but kept it vague about Jack.
Being a naive who can't defend himself when accused of shit
Mikage group and Valkana's group are staying together. The "bitch" group obviously are not, and Jack will come back. He didn't escape for no reason.
No, no, social ineptitude. He's got pretty decent decision-making but his social skills are like zero.
>You can't mindbreak the mindbroken.
See, that's what I thought at first. This episode just confirms that there's still something left to break in Lovepon. Her execution obsession is defensive and reactionary, which means the thing she fears most of all is being robbed of control and subject to harm herself. As long as they still fear, there's still something to break. The fact that she's so violently resistant to her fears just shows how vulnerable she really is.
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Hi Anon.

Calm down everyone, we're starting to mirror the show.

OMG, Incep---
If he went back with Hayato, the Mikage gang will probably kidnap Masaki instead.

Jack was a former convict. Japan didn't look those people kindly.
He said he was innocent. Lovepon lied.
And still, it was them who made the move. So yeah, I know you guys are grasping at straws in order to defend them, but nothing changes the fact that it is their fault for kidnapping him, not his.
That's because they don't take her seriously or think she's useful in certain situations, like Mikage and Hellcat, who let her in in their masterplan.

I don't think Jack escaped. Masaki most likely did something, seems like she knows a lot about the prison even if she's allegedly never been there.

>Mikage group
>Staying together

Highly doubt it, remember the smug look on Mikage's face when he thought Hellfire would follow him? He wants to be in command and they won't let him (or listen to him, in Lovepon's case). They're a one time thing.
sometimes, dead is better
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as a Maimai fag myself, I have to say Lion certainly moved in the top 3 with that episode
What the fuck, how?
Go into a house full with people while Lovepon screams "DIVINE JUSTICE!"
Would you guys then say it was Masaki's fault for being kidnapped?
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Assbound is safe, mark my words.
Lion is right. MC deserves all the shit he got from team bitch and team execute. It's irritating to see him constantly set himself up as an easy scapegoat. How does Speedo put up with this shit?
It's not about defending them because there's nothing to defend. Crazy people in crazy situations.

And Mitsumune IS an idiot. He doesn't say anything about what happens to him, and that makes him a prime suspect.
You guys were already in denial last week when we kept saying the slope he slipped down led to the cliff, and even now that it's confimed by the characters themselves you still won't believe it.
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>How does Speedo put up with this shit?
He's in love.
So is there a general consensus on what is causing all this memery in the village?

Is it truly spooky ghosts?
I don't get it, what was their plan?
So does what Maimai said in the post-ED teaser combined with her earlier saying that the thing she saw wasn't actually Mitsumune confirm that she met/went out with Mitsumune's twin at some point, who is what the giant penguin blob is? Because that's how I interpreted it.
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Anyone else anxious to see which normal character goes nuts? The lovepon stuff is getting old because it's expected every week now.

2nd sentence.
Mitsumune has trust issues.
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Getting Mitsumune caught.
>R-really? How big was it?
He didn't deserve it at all, but it was both his and their fault altogether.
Not defending yourself against accusations from a group of strangers that are socially inept isn't the way to go.
Japanese society doesn't take kindly to criminals, which is actually why the Juvenile Law exists in the first place. Under the Juvenile Law, it's illegal to publicize the name of a juvenile offender, no matter how heinous their crime. This way, minors who commit offenses can be rehabilitated within correctional facilities and then reintegrated into society with the least amount of trouble.

There are minors whose names have been publicized illegally before, but that's neither here nor there. At any rate, Jack was seriously unlucky to end up in a group where somebody actually knows who he is and what he did.
Hold your background waifus/husbandos tight, anons. Some of them are alright. Don't watch the next episodes.
so they were in cahoots with Lovepon and the others?
Does anyone find it strange that we're dealing with Lovepon's crazy so early? In this kind of series the real crazy will become crazy over the course of the series and then fuck shit up. Usually someone like Lovepon would die very early, but since she's one of the more important ones, she probably will be one of the last to stay, if they actually are going to do a murder spree. I think even the writers know, Lovepon can scream for excecution only so many times. I think something or someone will cause Lovepon to mellow out. Same happened with Varukana. He used to yell alot. Now he is probably the voice of reason and more or less the leader.

I'm much more worried about Mitsumune and Masaki than Lovepon. With the two there are signs that something is wrong, but it's not as obvious as with Lovepon and thus can culminate over the next episodes until one or both snap.
Yottsun "vanished" floating face down in the river.
Mitsumune is a giant guy.
It was all a part of their plan.
They kidnapped one of their group, wanted to inflict massive physical pain to him just because they suspected him (and not even that much) of knowing something~ and then even the wrong guy. And then left him to die. There's a lot to defend. Nobody said anything about Mitsumune not being an idiot, it was about whether or not it was his fault, which it wasn't. And he actually did defend himself when Lovepon lied about him wanting to free Jack.
For (You)
When someone dies, usually the mourner cling onto something personal to the deceased and call it by their name. It may be uncommon yet not unheard of.
For Maimai.
Wait. Wait a fucking minute. If Mitsumune got kidnapped, that means no one is guarding the sleeping place? What's going to happen to them?
Lovepon's a joke character. Her role is to inject humour into otherwise serious scenes by crying for bloody murder at absurd times. The humour is that, despite being the obviously most crazy, least trustworthy and most dangerous member of the group, everybody overlooks her issues and trusts her implicitly while simultaneously acting paranoid and pointing fingers at literally everybody else. She's the group's pet, their mascot. She's basically the Scooby-do of the show, and Naana is her Shaggy
>I'm much more worried about Mitsumune and Masaki than Lovepon. With the two there are signs that something is wrong, but it's not as obvious as with Lovepon and thus can culminate over the next episodes until one or both snap.
Yeah, I think exactly the same. Lovepon (and Jack before her) are just smokescreens. I said it several times, but Okada's "beware of the nice ones" holds true. I wouldn't trust Pink Goddess either.
But what if Lovepon isn't the crazy one?

dun dun dun
Hopefully rape by some sort of yuri bear.
>thinking the threat is physical
you took the meme
Lovepon actually thought they were going to free Jack, so it's not lying per se.

We know they weren't going to do it (or so we think, because Yottsun's corpse interrupted the moment).
>tfw one of the bitches dies next episode and they blame Mitsumune because he was supposed to be on guard duty
I'm not debating whether or not Kack should get the prison. He definitely does for looking really shady. What I want to know is why Lovepon didn't get the prison or why no one is really suspicious of her, especially after what happened in the house and after admitting that she tried to kill Jack

>Does anyone find it strange that we're dealing with Lovepon's crazy so early?

Not really, because there are 30 other characters and among them is at least 1-2 others who are really fucked up like her and are actually capable of committing murder and other crimes without running away at the first sign of danger.

Pink Goddess seems to be a popular pick for this type.
Dude, everybody was even joking about the big Mitsumune thing since it was only Maimai that saw it and the others knew he was in the house during that whole time. Nyanta probably saw something different, even. So I don't get what this has to do with 'his fault': Is it his fault that Maimai freaked out and saw a giant version of him? Is it his fault that Lovepon lied about him going to free Jack? He even defended himself there.
When will the cuck finally snap? How many more episodes?
I unironically think that Pink Goddess and Soy Latte are cold blooded murderers.

I had that impression since their introductions actually.
>I'm sorry minna! It was all my fault
I fucking see it already
I don't know what to make of the OP. The music is great, but the animation is awful.
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Nyanta a cute. CUTE!
whenever he finds Koharun kissing the guy
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What did he mean by this?
And why did she think that? They never said anything about that, only that they wanted to see how he is holding up. It's still lying since she knew that. And we know it, but not because they were interrupted, but because checking up on him was their sole intent.
Her name, probably
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I sincerely hope so.
But her name isn't Koharun.
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Naana theme song of the week
This guy's new name is 'cockblocked' -- trying so hard... getting nowhere.
>And why did she think that?
Anon, she's paranoid and psychotic. She doesn't think she's lying. F

rankly the others aren't any better because they don't even bother to investigate the matter at hand, even if they seem more stable mentally. At least for now.
I want to rough Lion up.
Is anyone else getting a bit tired of the pattern of dramatic pacing these episodes are falling into? In every episode it's been 3/4 of the show be character interaction to show the cast's neuroticism and place audience suspicion suspicion on various characters with nothing actually happening, and then all that dramatic buildup is thrown out the window at the very end for some completely unrelated and unforeshadowed spoop to pop up and throw everything out of whack again.
He's Mitsumune from the future
So who saw what so far?

>Mitsumune-EoE thingy
>Lion-Ghost? (she said she was just pretending but I don't buy it)
>Maimai-huge Mitsumune
>Somebody mentioned that the sounds when they were being chased sounded robotic
>Driver saw his dead daughter

Anything else?
someone should tell her you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Is bellybutton drawfag around? Just checking.

Pink Goddess killed his parents.
Soy Latte is a crazy nurse who thinks she's doing a favor to her patients by killing them.
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>everyone is dying and this faggot still thinks on getting laid.

I guess he has something on common with Mitsumune.
Yes. And? The debate was not about her state of mind, but about whether or not this was Mitsumune's fault. So, is it his fault that she is paranoid and psychotic, like you say?
It's not that I dislike her character, by the way. I just don't get how people can say that this is Mitsumune's fault.

Wanko was the one who mentioned the robot, Mikage heard laughter, and Nyanta heard giant wings.
Everyone hears or sees what they fear. That's the magic of 'lost village'
>masaki - bbc
Suppose the following: Dahara and Mitsumune both like the same girl(ignore any age difference). No one else but them can interfere with this girl. Which one will the girl end up with?
Yeah. I bet next episode won't even tell us what that ugly penguin-shit is, and will act like it never happened. Then we'll have some more tension for some reason and then another half-assed reveal of something "scary"

I hate Okada so much. Why do they keep employing this bitch?
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>wanting to fuck while everyone else is dying
>this makes him a faggot somehow
Anon, stop posting
You misunderstood me.

I think that Mitsumune puts himself in shitty situations because he keeps things to himself instead of clarifying things from the start.
That cuck looks kinda cute sometimes.
I like it. The character interactions are immensely entertaining and the twisting cliffhangers each week keep me guessing and keep things escalating nicely. It helps that they're so absolutely absurd that they only get funnier every week.

I didn't think anything could top giant mitsumune, but then they busted out giant tokimune. Even Shyamalan twists aside, the fact that they spent like 4 minutes collectively trying to remember the chuuni's name and settled on "Catacomb Assbound" alone made the whole episode worth watching, and the whole bit with Mikage teaming up with the gun nuts and Lovepon of all fucking people to kidnap Mitsumune was priceless.

If the character interactions werent so entertaining, you'd have a point, but the format is working incredibly well at keeping the show entertaining minute-to-minute and keeping the overarching plot as mysterious as it is absolutely fucking wild.
Fedora guy heard a sea lion. Lovepon heard people in general. Someone heard sirens.
That's what I was trying to say, anon. The reason they came down so hard on Jack is because criminality is looked down upon harshly by the average Japanese person.

Meanwhile, Lovepon can essentially do whatever she wants because she has no criminal record that anyone in the group knows of. It's a strange standard that leaves Jack penalized for something comparatively harmless while Lovepon continues to be a liability that everyone is irrationally tolerant of.

In other words, it's the cast perpetuating the very same societal constraints that they originally wanted to flee.
You can predict like 3/4 of the episodes' events : Mitsumune will act like a faggot, Speedo will act controlling, Lovepon will sperg, Varukana will yell, Koharun will be fishy, Maimai will be tsun, Mikage will be suspicious of everything. Meh.
So are they trying to go for an Evangelion "bad shit happens because people don't communicate with each other" theme?
That giant mitsumune was just an example of how naive he can be. He takes everything so lightly he gets the suspicion all over his ass and doesn't do anything about it, that's how it's his fault.
It's not what he does, but his reactions. Even though he did some creepy shit.
He also defended the most suspicious one at the moment twice without a base like he knew the person at all, and I'm not talking about Jack.
Stop it! Naana is not a bitch! I bet those other girls pushed her into it! Naana is perfect and sweet, she doesn't do well under pressure!
I get your point, but this whole ordeal was not his fault. He outright said he didn't want to free Jack, and the only one who claimed he wanted to do that admitted to homicidal thoughts thereafter.
Mitsumune. He's creepy and stupid but he's cute and pure. Dahara seems like he'd just be completely obsessive.
Doujins incoming
Mitsumune heard sea lions
Nettaiya heard sirens
Pink Goddess heard a dam breaking
Mikage heard laughter
Naana heard a bear
Maimai heard the scream of a human
One of them tries desperately to comfort and please the girl.

The other one lives his life and the girl tries to tease him.

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>Lovepon will probably give up the execution shit

outlook: doubtful
What would /a/ hear?
I swear, he's hot in the OP yet never hot in the rest of the show. It's baffling.

Look at him here. The fuck, man.
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You got me.
I wonder how one can be scared of sea lions. The sirens may be connected to an ambulance? Or maybe air raid sirens during war although unlikely for Nettaiya
He looks ugly as fuck m8.
>Nettaiya heard sirens
Prostitute confirmed. No wonder she doesn't care about size, she can't afford to discriminate clients.

>Nyanta disappear
>Tokimun is revealed as Mitsumune dead (twin) brother manifested as the penguin
>Lovepon psych out on everyone after they decide she is a liability
>Valkana continue to stay pussywhipped for Koharu and keep falling into her honey trap
>Rion is outed by Hellfire as being a coconspirator working with Mitsumune
>Mikage paranoia continue to unfurl and he snap the hell out of nowhere
Crunchyroll ad
How can he get suspected when everyone else was joking alongside him about the tunnel incident? It's literally only the hellfire who wanted to make him talk because lovepon said he wanted to free Jack (which Mitsumune denied), Mikage who has no reason to suspect him beside the fact that Mitsumune had the guts to take a position contrary to him, and Lovepon which I probably don't have to comment upon.
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I cant wait
Totally a dude.
Come on, not a 10 but he's passable.
Motherfucking shit writing at its finest.
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Post em, boys
needs a rei edit
who cares?
No one takes Lovepon seriously. At this point everyone knows she's deranged so any words that come out of her is pure babble.

/a/ would see the scene fade to black with people all in a circle around them... and then... they'd begin to clap.
Who cares at this point, no one's dying.
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No, it just turns out the most retarded girl is the least stupid.
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She only likes black dick. That's why she held his hand for so long willingly.
>No one is taking Lovepon seriously
This will probably change with the next episode.
Its mostly his faggot voice but I see what you're talking about.
They drew him manlier somehow.
Masaki is autistic, she isn't stupid. She actually appears pretty smart.

Go away already
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>Lovepon will probably give up the execution shit after next episode too

It would make her a better character and I'd love her again. She's better as a funny character, but now she's just going a little too far.
Nigga was just out for a late night swim.
But I love her like this.

I'm looking forward that flashback though.
>implying she didn't lure him there to kill him after he showed off his subhuman nature
im fairly certain if a girl asked mitsumune to he would wear a dress
>she isn't stupid. She actually appears pretty smart.
She's a cartoon character, she doesn't want your dick. She only wants Yottsun's.
That would skyrocket Masaki's bestness even though she is clearly the best already.
>That giant mitsumune was just an example of how naive he can be
Remember the part when he defended against Lovepon's lie saying she tried to kill him and there was a witness? Me neither
As I said, taking shit so lightly is his doom.
The whole point of this show seems to be taking typical, humorous on the surface archetypes and amplifying them to an extreme where they become hopelessly neurotic and self-destructive for the group.
I'd rather she be funny and comic relief than a shithead who gets off on torturing and killing people.
Well of course, we're not even the same dimension. But if I were 2D, maybe she would, you never know.
No, she didn't kill a male who's stronger than her. She just got fucked by him as he intended.
How can this show have such a good soundtrack?
I'm rewatching the show, and the music when the bus crosses the bridge right at the start is fucking golden
It's boring to me if all the characters are good and on friendly terms.
He could ask Maimai for some tips in crossdressing.
That rage when Maimai is found dead because Mitsu was kidnapped and taken off duty.

Best twist EVER.
>Everyone is scared of burning alive
Not that self-immolated Monk.
Are they finally going to execute someone for real?
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