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What do you f/a/gs think of this series? The concept is cool,
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What do you f/a/gs think of this series? The concept is cool, and so far anime and manga are pretty damn close.
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No thanks.
I watched it first and read it after, and the manga looks so much better. Im not gonna say i dislike the cgi, but i wish I had read it first now
I actually wanted to read it but judging from comments/reviews seems that author left early and manga went to shit after it. Is it true? Is it still worth reading?
Let me guess, you just watched it on netflix?
Get the fuck out
The CGI anime killed the hype.
The manga changed from edge to wackiness.
Different flavours but still good.

As for the 'anime', it's great. Pacing is better than in the manga. The changes enhance the story, apart from the building topple- buildings fall down, not sideways.
if you get past the cgi this show is amazing, and if you want the full package just read the manga
And read it because I'm not a total piece of human garbage
Imouto best girl, detective second-best girl.

The CGI is somewhat bearable. MC is a dick for not appreciating the imouto, but apparently genuinely being friendly to the grandma.
The whole premise that ajin are treated so differently is absurd.
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The squad.png
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>Pacing is better than in the manga
Agreed with you there, the manga jumps around and expects you to be able to piece together what happened when it comes back to the scene. I like that though, oddly enough.
Liked the anime, picked up the manga for my monthly dose of madman and operators.
I have to say that detective is best grill
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falling down.jpg
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buildings collapse in on themselves only when they're detonated that way. it's very easy to topple big buildings.
sleep snug, smug.
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