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2. Warcry
3. KGK
4. JAnoPAN
5. Through My Blood
6. noname
7. 88城
9. ComeBack音
10. Next of Kin
11. araganeekiNo@8女
13. Grenzlinie
14. Ktetsu上-abdli
15. 1coma
16. icon

>16 track OST one of which is just the opening theme

This might very well be the smallest official soundtrack I've ever seen for a TV anime. Even most 1 cour shows have at least 30 or so tracks bare minimum, while some even have as many as 100. Still don't know why people like this guy so much damn again as not only do his songs barely sound distinguishable anymore but he can't even be arsed to do more than a handful, most of which are usually just poorly mixed vocal songs anyway with titles built around a mix of trigger words for edgy teenagers like "Blood", "Death", "War", "Fear" and/or random symbols and letters.

I'm hard pressed to call anything Sawano has done lately a proper soundtrack so much as concept albums that get played over shows and contain a few instrumental tracks for good measure just so they can still label it a soundtrack as opposed to album.
What's with Sawano having literal gibberish for his OST track names?

It's like he couldn't think of a name and slammed his face on the keyboard.

Um excuse me it's HiroyukiSawano[NzK] now thank you very much. Get it right.

In all seriousness it's like he's a 12 year old with some degree of musical talent that edgy anime fans see a little bit of themselves in. If you look at it that way his enduring popularity seems to make a bit more sense cause he sure as hell hasn't done anything remarkable since god knows when and his soundtracks just keep getting smaller and more generic with each successive attempt. In 2 more years I expect we'll be getting 10 track OSTs entirely consistently of Mika Kobayashi shrieking her way through some mangled Engrish lyrics about cutting herself and how unfair the world is.
Typical Sawano tracklist:

2. Something reasonable in english
3. poorly spelled english
4. nihongo demo in english characters
7. Numbers and shit (there is no track 6)
8. literally mashing on keyboardaj;fgakflalf
9. falifghaidhguhab
oh yeah i forgot:

10: sdrawkcab eltit
Perfect. 10/10

> Disc length 77:39
That' snormal for one CD and a one cour anime. The first blu-ray of Kanaberi will also have some bonus tracks. I expect a second CD with the second and third blu-ray.
@音kek /10

He's not rational enough to just call his tracks Funny 1, Funny 2 and Funny 3 like a true music producer.
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Hell yeah

My personal favorite sawano track would be z12e201v2e091n4t
My favorite Sawano track is BurnAllTheNiggers1533853r93f3re94gh57brfn347r9g8gn9g8ng489n3g984g
i hate the fact that i had to check to see that it was indeed a real thing
At least do more research before shitposting. You clearly don't know shit about OSTs.
>OST longer than most one cour anime OST
>keeps complaining

kill yourself
True, there are some animes that have just 12 tracks in their OST... or even less
But it's not released yet, right?

The show barely started airing.
In a month
my sides
Don't forget the rANdOmLYcAPiTALizeDleTTeRs
Does anyone know the female singer Sawano uses in most songs? It's not Chelly, Aimer or any other girl, it's someone else that he's used for many years.
Mika Kobayashi
Aimee Blackschleger
Still best OST of the season.
>6. noname
That's a reference to Mumei.
Again, bravo.
Wasn't there a soundtrack where the names didn't have all that crap because he got told to cut that shit out?

Whatever, every Sawano soundtrack sounds the same and can be interchangeable with any show he worked on. But people seem to lap it up regardless. Gundam Unicorn's soundtrack was great but you can't just do the same thing every damn time.

He is pretty much this decade's Yuki Kajiura (who just got announced as doing the Heaven's Feel movie soundtrack by the way) when you think about it.
Sawano peaked with Unicorn.
>Wasn't there a soundtrack where the names didn't have all that crap because he got told to cut that shit out?
He started doing it in 2009 and never stopped since so no.

>Whatever, every Sawano soundtrack sounds the same and can be interchangeable with any show he worked on.
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