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Why can't Light Novels write better? It's literally
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Why can't Light Novels write better? It's literally a dialogue script disguised as a novel.

> Exposition
> "Person 1 Dialogue"
> "Person 2 Dialogue"
> "Person 1 Dialogue (implied)"
> "Person 2 Dialogue"
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>this faggot reads light novels
Because the medium itself essentially exists as an outlet for those without the literary or artistic talent to make it in traditional mediums?

Plus you have contests with serialization awards that are literally open to gradeschoolers.
The readers complain if the exposition goes on too long without any dialogue.
Because they're aimed at semi illiterate 12 year olds and written by man children
Light novels are the Japanese equivalent of Twilight or 50 shades
And then there's people like the fans from OP's who actually think their shit is better than other LN shit, just because they think it's DEEP.
LNs are meant to be made into an anime.
there are differences between a good LN and a bad LN
>Why can't Light Novels write better?
Haven't you ever wondered why they don't just call them "novels"?
Just call, and they'll come, right?
By the way, nope, not really. There's not much difference between liquid or solid shit. It's still shit, after all.
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yahari is probably the worst offender of that bullshit
The writing in the average LNs is just as bad as that in the average manga. In fact, mangakas are even worse offenders considering they have visuals and they still use shitty exposition. So you're basically a faggot OP.
Yuckyno a shit.
3 DMCA’s received from Kadokawa
Hi all,

Today we received 3 DMCA’s from Kadokawa for Oreimo, Saekano, and Amaburi. Some of the content has already been removed, and we unfortunately will be shutting these projects down in their entireties over the next few days. Hopefully, this is a signal that these books will find official Western releases in the near future, but either way thank you very much for your support of these projects and their staff over the years. Many of these staff will be transitioning to new projects so please keep your eyes peeled for that.

-NanoDesu and the NanoDesu Translations Team
>Western release for Saekano

Oh Jesus Christ, how the hell are they going to localize that.
It is not sure they are going to release it, even a few months ago they hit almost everything on bakatsuki and did not announce anything new.
They are just being bitches.
Barely anyone was reading the Saekano TL. Still a shame though, now no one will be able to read volume 7 before S2 airs.
This, its entertainment for the plebeian commoners who just dont know better.
>Why can't Light Novels write better?
Maybe you should check your own sentences before complaining about others' writing ability.
It's the equivalent of stuff like 50 shades of grey desu. Like they just write this shit on their phones or something when they're on the shitter. Try reading stuff like Mahouka and it's an absolutely travesty that someone took out the time of day to write it.
Thank the lord we have Russian literature to bless our eyes after so much japanese writing.
This is why they are literally called light novels
I understand now why are light bulbs called like that. Thanks brother.
Why don't you read proper literature by reputable Japanese authors instead?
The thing that is literal is that they are called 'light novels' not that the novels are literally light.

They are called light novels because they are not complex masterpieces that require time to think about and digest.
>It's literally a dialogue script disguised as a novel.
That's why they are LIGHT novels.
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