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Why don't anime girls have more interesting personalities
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Why don't anime girls have more interesting personalities anymore?
Why don't you make interesting threads?
>says posting haremshit
The irony.
Did you even watch Tenchi Muyo? It has more character than your typical moeshit today with overused archetypes.
>dry turds are better than diarrhea
Still shit nonetheless,
wow so edgy
I did and you have autism
It's not so bad in Japan. Feminism there isn't geared to undermine or humiliate men.
They intimidate beta otaku, and thus don't sell.
>implying that was Ryoko's personality

Kill yourself
To be fair. Characters like Ryoko would be wasted on today's youth. They really do not deserve her. Even Lina Inverse in her OVAs/Movies are nearly different character to the one in the TV series. Toned down to appeal to otaku waifu faggotry. These kind of archtypes just won't sell for the market that relies on appealing to them.
Didn't we have this exact same thread yesterday?
Its because anime isn't an interesting medium anymore
>watches a little boy pee
crazy pedophile
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>Didn't we have this exact same thread yesterday?

T'was a good thread m'Lady
>shit posting
While we're on the subject, how do you make a female with interesting personalities anon?
No anon, for real.
>drugs have no effect on her
>except alcohol! This is Japan, and bitches gotta drink that sake!
>somehow willpower can't keep crystal meth or something in her system
>only crappy jap booze
Ah, I missed that
Western anime fans would like that sort of material still. It's only the otaku weebs in Japan that ruin the industry
I think I liked the female characters in Uchouten Kazoku more than any of the girls in Tenchi Muyo.
wtf, I thought she was a virgin

Tenchi was being chased by used goods this whole time and I never knew
What, were you too busy being an idiot to not notice the numerous times they made it unambiguously clear?
Obviously she was horny but didn't know she wasn't a virgin
Stop making these threads, you faggot. Tenchi was mediocre, nostalgia is cancer, and you're an awful poster.
>Tenchi was mediocre

I can't imagine it is entirely nostalgia.

The thread is cancer, but Tenchi Muyo is objective quality. You're to young, and thus to stupid.
I'm willing to bet that it's just nostalgia. Haven't watched any of it since the old Toonami days

Maybe Tenchi just tried all the common character archetypes early and people liked it?

I'm pretty sure the characters aren't any different than most harem types today.
>write a male character
>gender swap it
Seriously, the problem with female characters is that they're 'female' before they're 'characters'. Men are the default, so they'll be written in a huge variety of ways with legit flaws and quirks that aren't just supposed to be cute or sexy. Most creators seem to think that if they're going to write a girl, they can only justify her presence in the story if she's attractive in both design and characterisation.
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But Yazawa Nico is the best written character I've seen in all of anime and the show only came out a few years ago.
what the fuck does a fat neckbeard know about the otaku market, you insulated human example of failure
mainstream minds

people who like anime for their stupid shit like perfect unperfect girl that was created by other males mind is extremetly attractive

its the consumers fault being so fucking stupid and unimaginable shithead

best thing is for the true creator of art to ignore it as much as possible
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You dont, thank you feminism.

>Make male character
>Genderswap it
>Accusations of sexism for whatever character you made
Male characters can be mocked, vulnerable, attacked, etc. Women cant, not without people saying it encourages violence against women, is sexist humour against women, or shows women as weak. Feminism only allows one type of female character, mary sues. See Rei getting all the praise for being an amazing female role model, for a perfect example. ANyone who wasnt a feminist hated her, becuase mary sues are fucking trash.

Pic related, I enjoyed her story arc and she's probably my favourite character. Feminists would whine about her being so infatuated with Araragi. If Araragi were a dyke it would be a masterpiece in their eyes.
No matter how much an old show is like a new show they dislike, nostalgiafags will defend it because "it had heart that modern anime don't" or something like that.
>Nostalgia or not nostalgia
I watched Tenchi for the first time in 2012 at the age of 23. First two series were good, GXP was eh, third sucked. Universe was hard for me to enjoy on its own, the first Universe movie was okay, the second ruined the series. Daughter of Darkness was pretty good.
I hate the nostalgia argument. Sometimes it's true, but usually everyone dismisses something old and praised as "nostalgia".

I enjoyed Gundam Wing as a kid. Rewatching it, I hated it. I was blinded by nostalgia.
Meanwhile I replay old PS2/PC games (because modern vidya is dead to me) and am enjoying the hell out of them. People accuse me of being a nostalgiafag, despite replaying shit recently.
Then you have issues of taste, some people just enjoy shitty genres. I dont really enjoy mecha or magical girl stuff (anymore). Some people do. Just say the person has shit taste and ignore them, if they like it they like it.
Where the fuck are you getting these imaginary accusations of sexism from? Japan doesn't give a fuck, /a/ doesn't give a fuck, tumblr doesn't matter.
I don't even know how you came up with your delusions about Rei because no feminist thinks a submissive fuckdoll is a good representation of women unless they're acknowledging that Anno may have wanted to communicate that intentionally.

The question wasn't 'what character would feminists like?' it's 'how do you make an interesting female character?'. And the answer is that romantic/sexual appeal needs to stop being their primary attributes. Flaws stop a girl being waifu material but they also make for interesting characters.
People who make anime never interact with women. You might think that voice actresses are an exception, but they are never in the same room as the artists and they don't do anything other than deliver lines.
>some people just enjoy shitty genres
If that were the case they wouldn't be complaining about the genre while singling older stuff out as acceptable.
>And the answer is that romantic/sexual appeal needs to stop being their primary attributes.
There is nothing wrong with this. It's only an issue if it's their only attribute. Jeanette from VtMB is a huge slut/nymphomaniac, it shows in her dialouge, her appearence, her reputation, everything. Which is fine because while it's her primary attribute, she's completely broken and it's just a symptom of that.

The Rei I mentioned was the new SW character. A modern new character, that was praised to hell for being a female character "done right", being nothing but a mary sue.

Japan can write several good female characters. But lets be honest, it's not just women. Japanese male characters arent great either.
>Highschool MC
>Braindead when it comes to women
Bonus points if he ends up transported to another dimension, or time period.

Like I said, most of the writing is trash and it's sad becuase Japan can do much better. They need to stop adapting LN's, develop standards for LN's and ideally stop pandering to otaku. The latter being impossible given all the crap they buy, and I think the industry will eventually reach a point where animators and artists are unable to draw anything that isnt a samefaced anime girl.
ITT: I want anime to become normalfags friendly
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Can anyone name a female character similar to Ryoko in modern anime? Every now and then I find other girls who are interesting (like Lina Inverse), but most anime girls today just don't have as much impact as Ryoko did. Its just like Shounen for me where Yusuke Urameshi is one of the only MC I feel still holds up a lot better than the others.
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>Japan can write several good female characters. But lets be honest, it's not just women. Japanese male characters aren't great either.
>Highschool MC
>Braindead when it comes to women

>Bonus points if he ends up transported to another dimension, or time period.

Holy shit, I can't stand that. Nothing makes me drop a series faster than a whiny, beta MC. Yeah, sure I like growth in a character and I do like it when they become stronger, but this trend has got to end.
Looks like someone is into moeshit.
I just want you to know that I'll continue to laugh at you fags and your ridiculous rage over inconsenquential shit until the end of time. I mean, really, you're more ridiculous than the purityfags.
pretty much this. and the people thinking up the female characters lately haven't put in the details of their wants desires shortcomings and failures bad habits and likes dislikes or shortsightedness and obsessions.
.they haven't put in details of background shit that usually feels like they're just filling out a form
Thank god. That shit's no more useful than a character sheet with their bloodtype and three sizes.
i guess im in my savant years then because things seem generic to me now
Because you can make shit with no effort and still get paid just as much (if not more) than if you'd put in actual effort.

We're in market lull right now pretty much all across the entertainment board. We need some fuckers to come in and bust shit up.
Too realistic of a drawing, notice the correct proportionate size of the eyes. Conplete opposite of moeshit
That doesn't answer the question.
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