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pronounce the R you fucking gook
This manga is pushing my desire to get a motorcycle
did you also start playing world of tanks when GuP was airing
>Not just buying your own tank
What are you poor or something
I didnt watch that so nope.
But really, i was blasted by two people about getting motorcycle. Since im always alone, the idea slowly sinks into me. Each day i see motorcycles parked at the sidewalk while walking to school, it further reminds me that as a loner, this is the way to go.
And I play World of Warship when Kancolle aired
Yes, you fucking retard, a motorbike. Now get back in your cage or you're not getting your applesauce.
Your memory's gone and so is your life, your life!
Mota Boy!
But losing out just never felt so right.
Your enemy's you and so is your life, your life!
Mota Boy!
But losing out might feel okay all night.
File: Onsa_smug.gif (2 MB, 420x236) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 420x236
Would you a Jezza?
File: chaika.jpg (58 KB, 400x615) Image search: [Google]
58 KB, 400x615
why are retards with thick eyebrows so adorable?
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