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Terra Formars Chapter 172
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President Luke.png
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A separate thread so as not to confuse anime only viewers. Also, get in here!
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Say whaat, these incidents happened in the LN or first time we are informed?
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You're reading what I'm reading. First time.
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So what's the deal with this guy again? Who is he and who is he talking to?
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And that's a wrap. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Until next time.
>we are cosmos
I knew it since chameleon eyes Lando here was part of the clan.
Hiruma's little brother. Looks like he's part of the Newton clan uprising.
When I looked at the thumbnail I thought the text was upside down.
Anyway thanks for the new chapter.
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He's the Japanese presidents brother. Who knows who he's talking to. Maybe Rome or a contact from the Newton Family.
thanks senpai
I'm glad episode 2 was better than Aprilfool nightmare.
Where can I find the newer chapters translated?
>viral evolution
You mean the virus will evolve?
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They have posted a few more live action things over on their twitter if anyone's interested.


Ha ha. Yeah, you're gonna have to tilt your head for that one.
Can someone answer why only the Nippon-U.S alliance is the only people who are the least bit concerned about this whole genocidal anthropomorphic cockroach thing? Why do the rest of the countries have their heads in their ass?
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mother fucker.jpg
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You back after many months of long sleep? Niggerstream dropped it, so you're worst nightmare is back working on the series. Me, xPearse. In any case, you can find them on my blog, tumblr, batoto, or even the archive here since I dump them.

Perhaps. Maybe humans will mutate when infected like District 9 or something. Or maybe it'll be like the 13 Monkey's virus. But, we'll most likely have to wait and see.

Because they're not a threat or as big as you think. They could easily wipe out every cockroach on Mars if they wanted to. On Earth, not so much but they're only in specific areas and not global. Or at least I hope so.
It's where they got infected.
So the cockroaches are attacking earth?
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We super saiyan now.jpg
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Where have you been? Happened like over 30 chapters ago.
Only picked it up again with todays ep
Yes.They killed 80,000 homeless and kidnapped 8,000 people in Tokyo.
oh noez
thanks as always
damn, this one isn't gay, and slightly erotic
So what the hell is Josephs plan?
He wants to turn into a cockroach
What a fat shit
Thread replies: 43
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