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Can we have a good Madoka thread?
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Can we have a good Madoka thread?
I wonder if Sayaka and Nagisa's witch forms will play a role in the upcoming movie.
Haven't seen a good Madoka thread since 2011.
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What else is new with the new project?
I hear that supposedly wraiths will play a role in the movie (if it's a movie)
Also Mami is going to play a big role as some kidn of 'god of war' or something.
Really, not much of anything is known at this point. I wish they could at least give us something. I just hope when everythings said and done they are able to tie the plot up in a nice neat bow and not leave us hanging for 3+ years like they did with rebellion
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posting best girl until thread catches on.
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That artist knows well who the most interesting characters are.
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>implying the others weren't good
So long as they can control them, and they don't, you know, turn into demons, I'm good with it.
Mami a best
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Why is every Madoka thread ruined by tripfag attentionwhores?

We will never see a good Madoka thread ever again because trip attention whores just refuse to not use their trip and just circlejerk like fucking retards. Fuck, i'm so mad. It's the reason i don't even attempt to enter these threads anymore, but i just have to fucking went frustration right now.

Fuck you Apple-chan and all the other tripshits in these threads
Then he must have made a mistake because Mami only takes up a small portion on the left.
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I actually thought Apple-chan was nicebut yeah, fuck tripfags overall.
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applechan seems to be the only tripshit in this thread. And he only posted once.
I don't understand.
I'm talking about Madoka threads in general.
How did you not understand that?
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Can Homura be emotionally healed? Because like her or no, she's a train wreck.
Not after Rebellion ruined the series
>ruin anything
All Rebellion did was make something great even greater.
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Why is she so smug?
Or is it a fake smug?
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Yeah sure, by completely backpedaling from the original series ending, by basically deleting it and setting it up as if it never happened, because that would mean it would be over and then instead of doing the ending they actually intended for Rebellion they rewrote it last minute to keep it open in case of continuation.

They set up Madoka to be nothing but a cash shop, there's nothing great about it anymore. The ending to the main series was perfect and they ruined everything and will continue to ruin everything to milk the cash cow
>This fanfiction

That "go to heaven together" ending was never written. Stop taking interviews out of context.
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>setting it up as if it never happened
How? Everything that was by the end of episode 12 continued on into Rebellion. Just because Kyubey decided to tamper with things doesn't mean that the series ending "never happened"
>they rewrote it last minute to keep it open in case of continuation
I thought it was rewritten because they genuinely didn't like their original ending. Thought that, given everything that had happened thus far, it wouldn't fit Homura's character as well as what we got.
>there's nothing great about it anymore
>the ending to the main series was perfect
Both of these are very debatable
Are you retarded?
I'm talking about the ending of the TV show you fucking retard
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Can we talk about TDS and why it's better than the original series?
I'm convinced devil Homura is still part witch. Although they may have saved her from being a full blown witch, part of the witchyness still stuck with her and I think that was a major contribution to her doing what she did at the end.
The presence of the claradolls is proof enough.
Yes. As long as Madoka is able to stop her from hurting herself and others, she has eternity to get better alongside Madoka. I'm sure the sequel will be as much about Homu learning to accept fate as will be about getting Madoka's power back.
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What? The ending of Rebellion took a nasty shit on Homuras character. What happened there was so out of character and badly written that i actually looked like pic related while watching it for the first time.
>Crying over an anime being longer than 12 episodes

I'm the retard?
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So while she smiles on the outside, she's basically WAKE ME UP CAN'T WAKE UP SAAAAVE MEEEEEE on the inside?
>It's about length

Yeah i'm pretty sure you're the retard.
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I like Akuma Homura though.
Pretty curious to see what they plan to do with her on the next project.
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If you think about it, Mami had a perfect fate under the old system. Find and raise the next generation of mahou shoujos, and then go down fighting before she could become a witch. Like Batman says, "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
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I would be 100% happy to!
I love TDS, and I'm with you in that it is superior to the main series in a lot of ways (not all ways). Mainly, I felt like overall the characterization was a lot better, especially for the two mains Kyoko and Mami who didn't really get enough development in the main series. I nearly cried for Kyoko in Vol.1, in the series when you learn of her back story it was more of an 'oh thats kind of messed up' but not really feeling anything beyond that.
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see >>139722259

I agree she was out of character, but I'm taking that it wasn't really her as an explanation for this. Well it was her, but a distorted version of herself. Think about it, witches are technically the magical girl who turned into them. What causes a magical girl to turn into a witch? Grief. So if you look at it that way, it's basically Homura's evil side that rebelled against Madokami and got all smug and evil on everyone.
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>a good Madoka thread

A what now?

It would take decades of therapy and lots of drugs. The loops fucked her shit up familia.

TDS made me like Sayaka more. Did you catch that meguca sisters that showed up in chapter 1 are the Witch duo that Mami and Kyouko fight later on?
This is why we can't have nice threads, OP.
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I disagree. I think it was completely in tune with her character.
You have to remember her wish for this to make sense. She didn't wish for Madoka to be protected or saved, like some might think. She wished for she herself to be the one to protect her, to save her. This is, and has been, her true goal throughout the series, and Rebellion.
By the end of the series, Madoka obviously makes her wish and becomes a kind of divine being. She is protected from the Incubators and safe from harm, but Homura's soul gem still becomes corrupted. Without Madoka, she has no purpose in life, and as such, fell to despair. This results in Kyubey luring Madoka into her soul gem so the events of Rebellion can take place.
But you must remember what Homura did once she discovered what was going on. Even as a witch, she tried kill herself so that Madoka's life could be spared. This might seem noble on the surface, but in reality, a large chunk of her reasoning for doing this, whether she was aware of it or not, was to fulfill her wish, which had yet to come true.
What happened to the other magical girls before her, prior to their turning into witches? Their wishes came true, no matter how distorted the form. Kyouko's father gained more followers, Kyousuke's hand was healed, and the suffering of magical girls was placed onto Madoka. Homura, however, still had a wish that needed granting. She had not yet been the one to save and protect Madoka, so she, in a sense, was an unfinished magical girl. Her suicide, she believed, would mean that her hand was the one protecting Madoka, saving her from Kyubey, and thus, fulfilling her wish.
continued because length.
I really hope TDS gets an anime adaption. I know I'm asking for a lot, and I know chances are it will never ever happen... but damn, that would be so awesome!
Hmmmm, maybe an OVA covering Vol1 is possible though?
Eh, I can dream.
I would think an OVA is possible. Because it wasn't written by Urobuchi and it didn't originate from Shinbo, it really doesn't even require Quartet.
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But this did not happen. The quintet saved Homura from death, and restored Madoka's memories. With Homura's intervention near irrelevant. Her wish was still unfulfilled, and I think she realized it by this time. She realized that she didn't just want Madoka to be safe, to be protected, to live a normal life. No, she realized she wanted to be the one to grant her safety, to protect her, to give her a normal life. It had to be by her hand.

This, I believe, is the reason why she stole Madoka's power and rewrote the universe. With her memories gone and Kyubey beneath her thumb, Homura could not only guarantee Madoka would be granted these things, but that it would be because of her. The wish which started all of this would finally be fulfilled.

Ironically, however, Madoka begins to regain her memories, and while she is stopped by Homura, it is at this point which said half-witch's downward spiral would truly begin. The wish of a magical girl comes true, then they become demonic witches.

This is how the contract functions, how it has always has and always will. It is at this point that Homura realizes that in the end, just like so many before her, her work had been in vain. Kyouko's father massacred his family. Sayaka's love fell for another. Even Madoka, the uncorrupted goddess, was left to wail in solitude for eternity. At this point, Homura realizes that Madoka will one day reascend to godhood and resume her previous disposition. She realizes that force will be necessary to prevent this from happening, if she can prevent it from happening. And at that point, she has betrayed the only person she has come to truly care for.

Homura has not "descended" as so many think. Rebellion's end is only the beginning of her descent. Either Satan will fall, and the universe will be as before Rebellion, or God will fall, and Satan will descend to a despair greater than anything any universe has ever seen.

And it will have, I believe, all been part of the Incubaors' plan.
>>139723538 continued from >>139722833
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>Madoka gets a boyfriend and kisses him in the new project
>Sayaka gets with Kyosuke after Hotomi dumps him
I'd like it, but I don't know about everyone else.
>Homura is killed and Madoka resets everything to episode 12's end, only with Homura dead
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>Homura deserves to die
and MadoHomu too
Now you're just being mean.
Sorry, but once a girl makes the contract she is then predisposed to lesbianism. The first 2 would never happen.
And anything short of Homu getting a happy ending will really upset me, because despite being crazy devil girl, she deserves a real happy ending at long last. Not the semi happy ending she got in ep 12 being tortured by the fact that she is the only person in the world who remembers her precious Madoka!
Though it's really unnecessary to start another thread. It'd be nice to have one without all the meta, circlejerking, or what not.

Stop samefagging, you literal shitposting autist.
I just want the token hotspring episode from Madoka series already! Or at least a beach episode complete with sexy bathing suits and a slightly embarrassed Homu.
Only two of those are me.
And how am I shitposting?
>Homura has not "descended" as so many think. Rebellion's end is only the beginning of her descent. Either Satan will fall, and the universe will be as before Rebellion, or God will fall, and Satan will descend to a despair greater than anything any universe has ever seen.
>And it will have, I believe, all been part of the Incubaors' plan.

Up until this point I was with you. Remember that both Urobuchi and Shinbo wanted Madoka to be free from the Law of Cycles and that at the very least, Akuma Homura's existence allows her to be able to prevent god's lonliness, whether that be as her eternal enemy, friend, partner, lover, etc. Going off of the the theme of fuality, the devil can only exist if there is a god, so to can god only exist if there is a devil. Madoka's ascension to deity status was only allowed by the will of Homura as Homura's ascension to diety status was only capable through the existence of Madoka. While Homura does retain an avatar on earth (as does Madoka in the "form" of her memories taken from the split half), they are both conceptual beings. Law of the universe. What does Madoka state about laws that would get in her way as she makes her wish? She will destroy them OR reform them. The question is if Madoka will be capable lf reforming Homura. The downside to killing her is, as with Ultimate Gretchen death leading to Akuma Homura, a new force will appear at some point and the cycle will continue.

>And it will have, I believe, all been part of the Incubaors' plan.

No. If anything, the ascension of Homura has shown them they have no way of controlling something they can't understand. Unless Kyubey's new found ability to experience terror and his shock at the sight of the devil were all a ploy, then Kyubey cannot have planned any of this. If this were to be the case, this would result in the universe returning to timeline 1. This is essentially a shaggy dog story and would be a cardinal writing sin.
Kyosuke deserves to be alone with his violin
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"Oy m8 you talkin shit like I wouldn't find out? Better say that to me face and not online you cheeky cunt and see what happens."
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What is this face trying to convey?
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Really anything short of a MadoHomu ending, even if it's bittersweet or tragic, would be be incredibly disappointing and possibly even irresponsible from a writing angle. Homura just wants to be with Madoka and Madoka obviously wants to be with Homura. Just let them.
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Plot is fine and all, but there's only one real question here.
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What goes through her head when she sees our tiny little planet?
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Why is she so perfect?
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Daily reminder that Mami is a pedophile and she touches Bebe in lewd placeseverynight
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>implying our lord and savior homura is anything but perfect
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Unfortunately I've come to realize in anime that "it would be a cardinal writing sin" does not necessarily mean a particular thing won't happen, though I would hope to be able to expect better from the Quartet.
You have to be 18 years or older to post here, Kyosuke.
I'd be mad if Madoka ended up with another guy or turned out to be lesbian for homura. I'd have to divorce her.
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>Madoka hates Homura because I said so!!!!
This meme is getting stale
One is a literal Goddess.
Another is an innocent sweetheart willing to try "new things"
The one in the middle is a closet pervert, whose mind is turning into spaghetti with joy.
Everything about this is adorable.
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>Butcher agreed
Inb4 greentext of the interview that "definitely happened I'm not making this up you guise :^)"
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I wish they'd expand on TDS
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Speaking of butcher and making shit up, some anon in another thread is pretending to be an animator for Shaft. It's pretty epic.
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Why is Sayaka such a dork?
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homuhomu homu
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>the manual
literally what
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Which group are you in?
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>Aoi Yuki interview
>Q2: Say something to transformed Homura-chan!
>A: No matter what form you take, Homura-chan is Homura-chan. Falling in love with someone is wonderful, so don't call yourself the devil. I love you. (I think that's what Madoka says...!!!)
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She's just a little kid at heart, a little grammar school girl who's had the whole world thrust upon her.
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I am all of them, though I heavily disagree on the ego part.
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>someone actually took their time and effort in making this.
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>SayaHomu group
Have to say, I wasn't expecting that to exist.
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Where did this joke of Homura stealing other people's panties start anyway?
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People started joking that Homura's obsession with Madoka degenerated into a strong sexual desire, and as such, panty-stealing jokes were made.
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Yes, I agree. It was just to good.
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I guess time magic is the perfect tool for a cat burglar... or panty theif. Also,
>she's naked
Well, at least we know where her other hand is.
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ketchupxmustard best ship
What a liar, Mami did that
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homuhomu best ship
>Ultimate Gretchen
How did I not notice the Faust theme until now?
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>tfw Moemura will never couch you on how to pleasure Homura

Why even live.
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The third one says...
>Homura-chan is nice, but she can be a little creepy sometimes. Sometimes it feels like she has some kind of weird obsession about me, and I wish she would cut it out and just be normal. *sigh* I know I have to do my best to be good to her anyway, though.
I think he (it?) means you can't change them after the fact with someone else's magic. He did go on to clarify that you could change them as part of a wish.
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>If I say it enough, It'll come true!

Q1: What does the new Madoka Magica movie mean to you?
A: The awaited sequel. The new experiment. It's like drawn Madoka's own story began moving from the stopped time. It is the special work.
Q2: Say something to transformed Homura-chan!
A: No matter what form you take, Homura-chan is Homura-chan. Falling in love with someone is wonderful, so don't call yourself the devil. I love you. (I think that's what Madoka says...!!!)
Q3: What scene did you like in the movie, what scene was memorable?
A: In the flower field, when Madoka braids Homura-chan's hair. Did she want Madoka to accept her weak self, I wonder... That's what I thought about. No matter how many times I watch it, it makes me want to cry.
Q4: Did you keep something in mind during the production?
A: Was I able to present the Madoka that Homura-chan and everyone wanted... I wonder... It'd be nice if I could...
Q5: Please say something to visiting fans.
A: Please love MadoMagi. Thank you. I'm glad that I was able to contribute a bit to MadoMagi that all of you like!
Stick a fucking Homura figma up your rectum.
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I can help that come true if that's what you really want
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This bad bitch in all her 10" glory is going right up your ass.
>Implying that Homuhater is a teenage girl
Even little girls aren't this vindictive and petty, sempai.
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Silly Homuhater, Madoka loves everyone!
I can give you her Tumblr account. I'm not even kidding,
It's true
>tfw madokami will never give me a naked space hug
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Everyone loves Madoka.
Even Madoka loves Madoka!
Homuhater's? Now that I gotta see.
Why is Mami barefoot?
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The exhibition Yukashita by Gekidan Inu Curry
Dammit! Tokyo! They always get everything! Come here Osaka!

Don't bully him. I'll fuck him. You can fuck me instead him.

Yes, yes.

You should praise Magica Quartet for their courage. They took a risk that the audience might hate the Rebellion and the strong partnership was lead the movie to success.

You know how to handle the point.

Madokami will guid her!

>TDS made me like Sayaka more.
Actually, Sayaka is a nice character, Buzzclaw.

Me too!

>Without Madoka, she has no purpose in life
>Her wish was still unfulfilled
This. Homura's wish is a curse.

>Remember that both Urobuchi and Shinbo wanted Madoka to be free from the Law of Cycles and that at the very least
+ Aoi Yuuki
>the devil can only exist if there is a god
This is the point of Rebellion and the foundations for future development.
>a new force will appear at some point and the cycle will continue.
I like your assumption. Probably it will begin to maintain their universe. I think so as well.

>And it will have, I believe, all been part of the Incubaors' plan.
This problem is the key point of the next project. We still can't know how it works, though. At least Kyubey was upset in Rebellion after he was caught by Homura.

>it would be a cardinal writing sin
Actually Madoka Magica is very religious Anime.
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Because the mind numbing reality of living completely and utterly alone for years has broken her mind to the point where even menial tasks like putting on shoes becomes a strained mental task.
Or she just likes walking barefoot. There's that too.
I like Madoka's new (magical girl?) outfit we saw in the concept trailer. I wonder what thats all about. Pic unrelated.
Didn't Homu just break off the part of the cycle that was Madoka? Wouldn't the cycle part of it still exist in some form?
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She works so hard to paint Homura in the worst possile light.
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If anything, barefoot usually implies carefree. It's depicting Mami as a gentle, innocent soul, no matter how much shit she's been pulled through.
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>Sayaka has a shackle
What does this imply?
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Don't you even dare bring up Charlie, the most assmad Madoka fan there is.
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It was not so much destruction as revision.
Yes. Homura states so. But let me ask you: is a wheel a wheel of only half of it is there?
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>is a wheel a wheel of only half of it is there?
instead *of
No, I don't think that's him. Our resident Homuhater I've determined is Polish, since the same copypasta he's used against us he first used on a Polish forum.
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I accidentally a Madoka
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>When her full name is written vertically in hiragana (あけみほむら) and covering the left half at a certain angle, it could be read as カナメまどか which is Kaname written in katakana and Madoka written in hiragana.

Reminder that it's not heaven if Homu isnt there. Homura will be the one to truly complete the Law of Cycles.
I didn't think it was so possible to watch a series so wrongly.
Get a trip so I can filter you
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I'm off. Bye!
Yeah, I pity her minority of blind followers who are misguided by this cunt.
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Dropping this.
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>tfw this isn't me
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Ellen Baker

This is non "god" forms.
1. Madoka is stronger than Sayaka. Sayaka can't even make it to Walpurgisnahct, let alone defeat it.
2. Homura is the strongest as long as no one knows her power. Even then, you'd still need someone like Mami to defeat her.
Madoka isn't a power level type of anime.
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Daily reminder that Sayaka a slut
Yeah. Urobuchi basically said anyone can fuck up in a fight, which is why Mami's death is a suprise.
Base Madoka before any of the Homira created timelines wouldn't stand a chance against Sayaka. Homura could beat any of the girls considering she can catch them off guard but that can be said about any of the girls with her as well. If it's a fair fight that's where she stands and btw Mami could have destroyed Homura three seconds into their fight if she wished.
>it ain't me starts playing
Madoka is not in anyway a weak magical girl. I don't know how anyone can think this. The problem is she dies because she isn't strong enough.
She's not weak she just not as strong as the other in her base form.
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>it's a "Homura did nothing/everything wrong" thread
It isn't at all, fuck off.
in the original timeline, didn't Madoka defeat Walpurgis? She was injured badly enough that she died soon after, which Homura's wish undid, but that proves she is stronger than any of the other girls...
...unless of course I'm totally wrong about this and just making stuff up. Thats a possibility.
I don't think you got the point of the list. The list is ranking the magical girls against each other. Against witches Madoka would be pretty good seeing as her power is great for that sort of thing as they are big and less likely to dodge and probably aren't that smart but she'd get destroyed against any of the magical girls.
On witch killing ability I'd rank them
>Madoka - because of Wal
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>look mom! I posted it again!
>he he he, YAAAAAY!
>[retarded clapping]
And you're little better.
the reason I put Mami over Homura is she has more power at her disposal than Homura. She got distracted in her fight against Bebe but that could have happened to any of the girls. Homura took the fight seriously and had likely fraught Bebe many other times before.
yeah, but fuckin Walpugisnacht though? Even Mami fell to him and she has the Tiro Finale which I'm going to assume she used at some point even though we never saw her fight against it.
I think that list is heavily underestimating Madoka.
Furthermore, Kyubey only contracts Sayaka as a means of manipulating Madoka into a contract when Homura manages to prevent her from contracting. Therefore, Sayaka at the very least is weaker than Madoka because why else would he prioritize Madoka over Sayaka if Sayaka indeed had more potential?
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It seems like there's just one guy who goes around hating on everything homo.
Sayaka had her back to Homura with her hands above her head and was in the middle of a speech. Homura decided to use time travel and Sayaka had the time to turn around draw her sword and precisely jam her machine with it and had one extra arm to finish her off coupled with her healing ability. I highly doubt base Madoka would stand much of a chance against a non newb Sayaka. especially if she missed her first shot.

Seriously though, this guy gets it. Not to mention, Madoka's bow is multishot and it appears she can alter the trajectory of her arrows to an extent.

Madoka is incredibly powerful and has a strong commitment to her ideals. She is willing to die for them. The problem is... she does. And that's why this is PMMM and not Nanoha.
Long range weapon vs. short range. Long range always works better in this universe.
And that's just Sayaka, Imagine her fighting any of the other Magical girls. Sayaka could likely dash straight at Madoka tanking her shots and feeling no pain and deal a critical hit that would put her out of commission while healing from the damage she took in seconds.
If Sayaka ever closed the gap it would be over in seconds which is why Kyoko would be the biggest threat to Madoka as she has a weapon that is the best mix of range and close quarters coupled with massage strength and the ability to entrap enemies in close quarters situations with her chains like she did with Sayaka. Homura and Mami wouldn't struggle against Madoka either assuming they were not holding back.
>massive strength
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Can we go back to posting best girl?
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This is without Kyokos Rosso Fantasma ability she lost. Kyoko could possibly be the strongest Magical if she had it still.
Ok, bringing up post law of cycles Sayaka is not fair. Plus, this was in Homura's labyrinth, things are not exactly consistent in there. If we're talking total noob Madoka, we have to match her up against noob Sayaka as well, who didn't even last 2 weeks as a magical girl.
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I want Kyouko and Sayaka to have a fight, realize how they can't be without the other and then have steamy make up sex
Not newb Madoka or Newb Sayaka. I'm Talking about Base experienced Madoka vs Base Experianced Sayaka. Sayaka has the upper hand.
I'll add once again because it's pretty important. Non-noob Madoka beat FUCKING WALPURGISNACT. We don't get a great display of her abilities in the series, but I'm sure she would do fine against most Magical girls.
I have a feeling a shot from Madoka's bow would do plenty of damage even to Sayaka with her healing factor. She is hella acurate with it to because she hit Mami's soulgem from a fairly decent distance away. Granted, Mami wasn't really paying attention, but it was still a small target. I don't think Sayaka would be able to outright dodge Madoka's arrows.

experienced Sayaka means that she was part of the Law of Cycles because otherwise she doesn't have any real feats
I'd also assume Sayaka could doge and deflect most of the arrows when you consider the speed at which can magical girls move. She she wouldn't even need to totally rely on her healing/tanking ability to close the gap which in my opinion would be plenty enough already. I don't even like Sayaka but I would put my money on her against Madoka.
Base Sayaka doesn't last 2 weeks as a Magical Girl.
Base Madoka beats fucking Walpurgisnact.
In what way do you think Sayaka has the upper hand on her?
What? She was right next to Mami and Mami wasn't even paying attention to her or trying to dodge in any way?
I want Madoka and Homura to hold hands
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Wait, these aren't my Gataris.
Your comparing experienced or heavily karmic destiny powered up Madoka against news Sayaka.
Forgot my pic
>news Sayaka

I already said Madoka is actually one of the strongest when it comes to fighting witches as her powers are well suited to it but not fighting other magical girls.
>newb Sayaka
Not news Sayaka
ok, I just rewatched the clip. She was a little closer than I thought. Irregardless, I think Madoka is plenty good with her bow and dodging her attacks wouldn't be so easy as you think. Since she beat walpurgisnact while mami with her Tiro Finale couldn't, I'm assuming those arrows also pack quite a punch, so one good arrow is all she would need to gain the upper hand and win against Sayaka.
Again Magical girls have shown the ability to doge bullets with ease so I think arrows would be cake. We also didn't see Madoka defeat Wal in the first timeline. Mami could have done most of the work for all we know. Anything after that and Madokas Karmic boost makes her unbalanced.
Id guess Mami used a sacrificial move like Kyoko did against Sayakas witch that finished it off and Madoka was bearly alive at that point.
Mami is already dead and Homura is on the sidelines begging Madoka not to fight it. Madoka says 'sorry, it's my job as a magical girl' then the next frame Wal is dead and Madoka is beat to shit.
Madoka didn't just come in and get the last hit after Mami's sacrifice, she went after Wal while it was still relatively strong based on what little we have seen.
And once again, the simple fact that Kyubey would have no interest in contracting Sayaka if not for the sake of manipulating Madoka says a LOT. The fact that Sayaka has the lowest rate of survivability on top of that should more than prove my point.
Sayaka could only easily defeat Homura, but only if she's aware of the time travel ability. Mami and Kyouko are OP. Madoka might have a harder time but she could simply dodge the attacks and attack Sayaka from a long distance.
That's because of Sayakas attitude more than anything and you were right about Wal I forgot Mami already died but like I said we have no Idea how week it was by that point. all Madoka would really have to do is keep shooting it from a distance. Until her soul gem ran out of power and that's likely what happened seeing as she was out by the end of the fight unstead stead of Wal destroying it. It's not like she destroyed it with a couple arrows or anything. I've already said Madoka likely has the best move set for taking out witches but not Magical girls.
Maybe. I still think Mami would be alightly above her since Mami has the perfect combination of strength, agility and strategic intelligence. I wonder if Kyouko will ever get that ability back.
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wellp, while I don't agree with you I do respect your opinions (however wrong they may be). Sorry, but I must go now.
I had fun discussing this with you. Farewell.
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Thanks for your opinion.
Reminder that this tripfag is a functional MadoHater.
You don't look very satisfied.
What are you talking about? What tripfag?
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Would you accept these chocolates?
I wish I befriended a cute homeless girl who was in need of a good scrub down.
I feel like this is an oddly specific kink. wanting to wash a girl who is being resistant to it. Maybe I should just have children but the problem is I couldnt sex them afterwards. I wouldn't want to anyway. Ew thats gross.
lounging in a tub with my cute sexy girlfriend who is a tough girl in normal circumstances but embarrassed when her clothes are off. Thats so cute!
Quit squirming around! I need to get your back now ^.^
>Can we have a good Madoka thread?

What the fuck do you think you're doing?
Why is she so perfect?
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>after 2.5 years people still don't beleive that Rebellion is the end of madoka magica
Hey, they finished the Indiana Jones series after, what, 20 years?
Why did you have to bump it?
>Best meguca as best Gatari
>Worst meguca as worst Gatari
>Breasts-chan is still breasts-chan
good pic
So be more especific. Because Senjougahara is anything but best.
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Best girl.
Long hair Sayaka best Sayaka.
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Forgot my pic.
>Like Batman says
Another deep, insightful post from /a/'s favorite tripcode user
>/a/'s favorite
But he isn't Lelouch
What about the concept movie short, the sequel bait at the end of Rebellion and the fact that there is a shit ton of money to make from the Madoka franchise?
still witch-hunting?
In sequel, the new writer Nisio will cut Homu's hair and give Saya long hair.
And there is nothing you can do about it.
Looks pretty normal to me. You sure you arent just over thinkin it?
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Character development.
I want this so bad.
But I'm neither the OP nor samefagging.
You should just become a mod to "save" /a/ when your self-moderation effort over 2 years in Madoka threads has resulted your endless ban and was turned out to be absolutely futile.
Things are getting worse and worse and you know that very well right?
Lol what. My first post in this thread was >>139730966
isn't that what you did though?
I dont exactly mind debating with you, but you provided no proof of samefagging, nor did you provide proof of change in behavior. You simply stated your belief that you believe someone is samefagging, and claimed that multiple behaviors in multiple posts had not existed before a show airing. Would you like to give it a shot?
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Also a screenshot for evidence
I think this guys actually mental. A couple months I remember this anon going absolute apeshit claiming everyone was !akemi.
Yeah I bet he will still claim I'm the OP. And that you and I are the same person.
This is a gyazo link, a screenshot tool. You can have fun trying to explain how i got a screenshot of this and edited that mid screenshot.
I will just ignore the lunatic and continue posting my waifu
Is that mermaid for ants?
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Anyway my battery is almost drained so I'm outta here.

Sayaka is love.
Watched the series when it came out, considering a rewatch to catch up with movies.

There's a summary movie right? Should I watch that, or the 12 ep series again?
holy shit. You are insane. Like, go see a doctor. The extreme work that !akemi would have to put into this charade lasting for months at a time is just crazy. Literally everyone in this thread could be !akemi, even you. nobody can prove themselves, everybody is !akemi. Everyone might as well change their names to !akemi for every madoka thread.
Uh what are you replying to my question for?

Never gonna bother with a Madoka thread again.
What the heck is a valid argument to you? You cant use pictures or styles of posting. I cant use the amount of posters because apparently !akemi uses multiple devices.
Better idea. How about this
This is !akemi. You can tell because they consistently try and point out someone else is !akemi to draw blame away from themselves and start fights. You had us going for a while, but we figured you out.
So, ignoring you is the only way to prove you arent !akemi?
Alright, fair enough. I can kinda see what you are getting at now. The only issue i have is that there are multiple people who just dont like getting told they are something they aren't. Some might be !akemi, but its reasonable to assume youve also gotten in wrong on occasion too.
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Good old times.
by crack shit, do you mean the waifu/shipping wars? If im wrong what do you mean by crack shit?
Since you already watched the series it's a better idea to watch the recap movies and then Rebellion.
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Literal best girl kyouko when?
I thought "Crack shit" was simply an insult you were using. Waifu wars and ships of all kinds go hand in hand with anime discussion. Is there something in particular about the ships that makes the threads lower in quality? Also, nobody want to google something just to deal with a guy whos aggressively attacking everyone in the thread. I could be wrong, but what im seeing is a typical case of "My tastes are better than yours" gone bat shit crazy
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Anyone have more of selfcest?
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Your bets on who will between Mami and Homura?
Hrm. Alright, good enough. I just wanted to make sure you had at least put some thought into it. You have fun on your witch hunt. Doesnt this just give more attention though? I dont need a reply or response, just something to think about.
Wot, are you retarded, I just saw this thread you fucking mongoloid.
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This triggered me. I am Japanese. I am deeply disappointed in you.
Ive been saging. Have been since you brought it up/
friendly bump!!!
Guys, for real, stop responding to Anticrack-kun. Just filter

>kill yourself

And Madoka threads will improve significantly. Stop feeding an obvious troll.
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Don't use the word as a derogatory term.

Dont forget trigger. Seems to use that one alot.
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About as deranged as the average YouTube commenter.
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But if the new project is after Rebellion how will the wraiths be there? They are supposed to be between the series and Rebellion.
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Stop talking to it!
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That's pretty neat. Here is bad apple in case you didn't know about it


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Homura is a good girl who deserves love and eternal salvation.
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Yes please. Homura did what was necessary. She deserves good.
But the mod already banned people who deserve to be banned.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 246

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