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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 145
File: mayoiga.jpg (52 KB, 225x321) Image search: [Google]
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A bit late to the party here, but the first episode was boring as fuck. After 9 minutes of literally just character introductions I gave up.
It's okay to have ADHD.
You can always take a bus and start your life again somewhere else.
I want to rub Lion's thighs.
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>Let's play a game involving torture!
>We might cannibalize each other
>Random chick walks up singing a song about dismemberment
>Creeppy ass bell
>Random ass crow
I got danganronpa vibes with all the introductions, but this is going to be Edgy-tarou's Great Edgeventure + guro
I liked this initial episode, it felt a little choppy but that was ok in the end.


The fact that they GOT BACK ON THE BUS after the driver TRIED TO FUCKING MURDER SUICIDE ALL OF THEM and he got ASSAULTED AND VOMITED ON BY THAT QT is bugging the shit out of me. I've been watching anime for fucking years and thought I was immune to culture/values dissoncance by now but what in the honest fuck was that all about?
I'm more baffled by the fact that after the bus driver tries to give them a sermon about not living life right, then switching his tune and trying to drive them off a cliff or at least scare them, that after he gets vomited on the organizer guy apologizes to him.

The show's just really baffling so far. I came into it expecting some sort of tongue-in-cheek dark comedy and instead I'm not sure what I got.
>9 minutes of literally just character introductions
Wait do they seriously introduce every single person in that pic? What the fuck?
Because none of them are sane. Normal people wouldn't sign up for something like this.
Theres a differnece between feeling lost and signing up for some weird shit, and getting back into a vechicle when the driver has just tried to kill everyone.
They've all already written their wills and are on a one-way trip to a village that might not even exist and if it does it's probably falling apart by having absolutely no contact with civilization. I doubt they care about dying at this point.
Short intros like their screen name and like a sentence (or nothing at all)
It just took 5 minutes at the very start
>>Random ass crow
That spooped me
The driver clearly and maybe Varukana will stop kicking his seat
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Threadly dose.

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/a/ sings hippopotamus song when?
I'd watch it
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jigoku no gouka.webm
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le reminder
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Holy shit

My sides

>What are red herrings?
Just kill yourself now and get it over with.
File: soy latte.webm (552 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
soy latte.webm
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I think I might actually enjoy this unlike danganronpa though.
Jack best boy, you faggot adult.
File: Mayoiga Death Bingo.jpg (931 KB, 1855x2059) Image search: [Google]
Mayoiga Death Bingo.jpg
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Have you made your bingo for the upcoming corpse party?
How does this thing keep getting threads?
I genuinely liked it, but holy shit, that's a lot of memes for a single episode.
What is this, an OP for ants?

thanks doc
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Jack is best character, you betetr be careful with your words, stupid adult.
Give me a version without lyrics and we'll talk.
I kind of cringed. That wasn't you was it anon?
The general autists have already grabbed hold.
>500 posts
>80 ips
Threads should autosage at a low post/ip ratio.
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Hopefully soon
>Varukana will never kick your seat
why even live
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so 90% of the threads on this board
>MC not into favorites
He is pretty cool man.
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I don't know how I can post like 20 times in a thread and it still has a shit ratio. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Do people really just post once and go?
I really hope they'll go Lord of the Flies
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15 year old judgeness.webm
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It's almost like people are discussing things.
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Puuko is a SLUT who has a LIST of men she wants to fuck. (The whole bus and the bus itself)
Not native english speaker, choose better words if needed.

Age: 16
Occupation: High school student
Personal story: He's an excellent student, but doesn't take pride in his grades, and is rather a gentle boy who easily trusts other people.

Age: 17
Occupation: High school student
Personal story: She has a tendency to act a little strange, and has a bright and honest personality.

Hayato (Speedstar)
Age: 16
Occupation: High school student
Personal story: He handles his studies perfectly and is a good looking boy. He understands Mitsumune.

Age: 26
Occupation: Graduate student
Personal story: Researches about Nanaki village in her university's lab.

Age: 25
Occupation: Programmer
Personal story: There was a data leak at the company where he was contracted, and all the responsibility was put on him.

Age: 14
Occupation: Student
Personal story: She seems able to see who is going to die. (official website desc).
This girl has a strong affinity with the supernatural, and end up seeing things that can't be seen. (animate desc)

Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Personal story: Confessed her love to the guy she loved, and suffered a crushing defeat (tl note: can also be translated as death).

Age: 15
Occupation: Middle school student
Personal story: In conflict wit her father.

Age: 17
Occupation: Great detective
Personal story: Her way to grasp things and react to them is a bit different from other people. She has a hidden talent.

Mikage yura
Age: 24
Occupation: Businessman
Personal story: He's on his way to become an elite, but can see what future life he's heading to, and hates it.

Age: 16
Occupation: Teenager
Personal story: Has a mysterious past, and is considered as a problem by his family.

Age: 27
Occupation: Assistant professor in university
Personal story: Assistant professor who loves Koharun. Tour organizer.
I'm betting that Candle Jack will be the first one to disappe
File: smuggler-chan.webm (834 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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But they're really not. There hasn't been any worthwhile discussion of anything that hasn't been said already. I'll grant you there's been a couple of OCs made but nothing to warrant the amount of posts that there has been.
>the first episode was boring as fuck
That's objectively wrong.
Yamauchi (Pink goddess)
Age: 28
Occupation: Jobless
Personal story: Works at home and has been nursing his parents since many long years.

Jigoku no Gouka (meaning: Hellfire)
Age: 18
Occupation: Part-timer
Personal story: A dreamer. Has a lot of survival knowledge, and can't bear his current unexciting life.

Age: 15
Occupation: High school student
Personal story: Likes airsoft guns and hopes to actually try to shoot "moving things".

Soy Latte
Age: 29
Occupation: Nurse
Personal story: Choose to become a nurse because she wants to help people. A good person.

Nettaiya (meaning: tropical night)
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Personal story: Overflowing erotic aura, and is always the target of stalkers. She joined this tour to flee them.

Age: 28
Occupation: Salaryman
Personal story: Has [an affair/is in illicit love] with Piitan.

Age: 21
Occupation: Student
Personal story: Joined this tour to be able to live forever as Manbe's wife.

Hyouketsu no Judgeness (meaning: freezing judgeness)
Age: 15
Occupation: High school student
Personal story: Stereotypical bullied chuunibyou.

Age: 25
Occupation: Store manager
Personal story: Managed to advance from part-timer to store manager, but is in debt because he got invested in Forex trading.

Dozaemon (meaning: drowned person)
Age: 27
Occupation: NEET
Personal story: A NEET who eats a lot. He has a good personality, but fails at everything he does.

Age: 18
Occupation: Teenager
Personal story: Weak constitution, and has spent most of his time being in and out of hospital.

Age: 16
Occupation: High school student
Personal story: Incredibly average look and personality, and doesn't have any outstanding point. Wants to belong to an IRL group.

Age: 22
Occupation: Office lady
Personal story: Feminist. A citizen with a strong sense of responsibility. Strong woman who is kind to weak people.
Yeah, gotta make room for all the other quality threads.
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bathhouse owner.webm
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Age: 18
Occupation: High school student
Personal story: Not very self-assertive, and follows what people around her say.

Age: 19
Occupation: Part-timer
Personal story: Class commitee member personality, with a strong sense of justice, but ends up being shunned by other people everywhere she goes.

Age: 25
Occupation: Singer and songwriter
Personal story: Dreams of becoming a singer and songwriter. Sings to her own accompaniment on the street, but without any sign of success.

Age: 17
Occupation: Rapper
Personal story: Excessively confident in himself. He's basically a good guy, but is easily treated as a fool. He dreams of becoming something big.

Age: 16
Occupation: High school student
Personal story: A dreamy girl in a mood for romance. She joined this tour to find a lovely man older than her.

Age: 48
Occupation: Bus driver
Personal story: Drives the bus to send the tour participants to Nanaki village.
Just a reminder for any shit eating idiots like this guy who thinks any more than 1 post or 2 posts per person is unacceptable (read: shitposters from /v/)

>Oh no! People are enjoying speculation about a silly and fun show where the characters are so ridiculous that people aren't forming serious emotional attachments or even basic empathy, so they can laugh it off when they meet tragedy and die!
>It's anime original so there aren't 100 idiots spouting spoilers in broken English and crying about secondaries!
Fuck off. It's on topic, about a currently airing show, and is kept to one thread at a time. This is /a/ at its best. Go back to whatever LN adaptation shitposting thread you came from.
File: dozaemon.webm (918 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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Huh interesting.
I'm rather sure that they won't kill the magical loli early on
There's a thread on page 10 right now with 120 unique IPs, too, so it's not like there's any lack of unique posters.
Good argument, you got me.
Have your circle jerk general, I'm done.
File: laughing puuko.png (339 KB, 564x720) Image search: [Google]
laughing puuko.png
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>And the bus itself
Oh fu
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toshiboy (potential faggot).webm
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smug narna.png
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>Literally who number 1 and 2
There are some idiots who think that multiple posts (like a conversation or discussion) is a general circlejerk. For them, threads are normally one post per IP, because it's just a quick shitpost to see how many (you)'s you can collect.
Official Tier List
Anybody else including MC
File: MY OWN BUSINESS.jpg (9 KB, 157x137) Image search: [Google]
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Not my business but this anon is right.
Complainers can leave.
He'd die on you half way through it. But that would just make it even hotter for you wouldn't it?
>Never got to be who he truly was
>A boy loving fruit (slash rapist)
Calling it now, cancer-kun is getting goosh gooshed
File: forbidden love.webm (1 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
forbidden love.webm
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>challenging hierarchy
Yuuno is the best of the YuYuYus
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>airing show
Fuck off.
I mean to be fair every 3rd thread or so goes to complete shit
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I guess you could say I want to fuck him to death.
But you can't fuck boys, anon.
>the NEET peeks up when she stands up
He is going to act out one of his doujinshi eventually.
File: Mayoiga Bingo.png (973 KB, 1364x1122) Image search: [Google]
Mayoiga Bingo.png
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Victory will be mine
Is that a challenge?
Are you retarded?
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Lovepon the D.jpg
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Pink Goddess says otherwise
Acapella is fine for a creepy song like this
File: maimai.webm (808 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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>wants a world without harassment towards women
>bullies her fellow Yuunas and denies them their names
Great fucking job, Yuuna.
File: deathbingo.png (1 MB, 1242x1082) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1242x1082
checkin in
I bet he will be cool later but actually he looks like a bit like a fag
Yuuna is going to end up being the female Varukana
Pretty sure this SJW got a "nice dress" comment and saw it as sexual harassment and "almost rape". But Nanakimura's elders will teach her what actual rape is, until she goes ahegao.
>Personal story: She seems able to see who is going to die.

I want to see her face when she realizes she's next
Why is angry-chan so angry?
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Is there a generator for death bingo or should I open up Photoshop?
paint should be enough, fampai
You aren't supposed to take it seriously you know.
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2 MB, 500x402
I'm just in it for the glorious trainwreck it will be.

I would've never picked up this show until I saw how fun it would be to watch it with /a/
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>you will never cumshot in Puuko to create a new world.
Why even live?
File: k-chan.webm (981 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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Too much effort desu
Is she American?
she and jack would probably shoot up a school together
Confirmed stuff so far:

>All of them have some sort of mental/psychological issues
>Driver is TRIGGERED
>They will reach the village but some of them are going to get killed first
>The village does exist
>MC has some sort of dissociative disorder/schizophrenic
>Puke-chan has OCD and bipolar
>Lovepon has multiple identities disorder
>Jack has some sort of PTSD from adult harassment
>implying this isn't a fully loaded mac-10
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faggot mc.webm
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this pleases lovepon.jpg
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This should have been the ED
>inb4 he was inspired by Jack the Ripper.

Bold. but not entirely wrong either
File: mayoiga bingo.png (922 KB, 1250x970) Image search: [Google]
mayoiga bingo.png
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of course
>Pretty sure this SJW got a "nice dress" comment and saw it as sexual harassment and "almost rape".

Not wanting to put up with workplace bullying doesn't make someone a SJW. If the modern Japanese people were a little less complacent and more politically minded, they could fix their awful work culture.
Already confirmed to be airsoft.
>Modern Feminists in the a nutshell
>girl smuggles real gun into japan
>open carries
>everyone assumes it's airsoft and leaves her alone because they just think she's being autistic
Literally perfect.
>bus driver not in the favorites
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I'd bet the torture methods during the game play a role into their deaths some how.

>He loses it on the adults
If that's true, maimai and her gang die first.
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Pretty great too
File: This, good. Going to be!.gif (2 MB, 288x540) Image search: [Google]
This, good. Going to be!.gif
2 MB, 288x540
I liked it, everyone seems to have brain problems, so we can expect funny shit.
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Anybody here have a higher resolution?
File: the stalker is on the bus.webm (721 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
the stalker is on the bus.webm
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Jack beated the shit out of him.
Crashing the bus with no survivors was a good idea but Jack was in charge seconded by puck-chan
I don't get how PA Works can go from making masterpieces like Shirobako to making garbage anime.
File: not the animal.webm (113 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
not the animal.webm
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PA isn't making this show.
I'll make one tomorrow I gotta go to bed.
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The fuck is new aog doing in the bus?
you can use wiafu2x if you want to make it bigger
>I'd bet the torture methods during the game play a role into their deaths some how

Not really, but given how remote the village is I doubt there's an iron maiden in that village. Even Lion and the description for her seemed to scream out that there's a cannibal in their group. Either that or it's a red herring.
Still a garbage show tho.
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>Another girl in the back
I like it.
PA is still making garbage though, so he's correct.
It really does get me
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add yamada please
File: angry varukana.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
angry varukana.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
We need to get angrier.
Because the driver never intended to kill them in the first place, only to threaten and bluff for a bit. Notice how he tried to take control after Jack hit him instead of letting everyone crash to their deaths.
Wheres the Pikachu one?
is he a time traveler, too?
Unfortunately, I can see him dying first.
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Higurashi had some weird shit in their village right? For someplace with a theme song dealing with dismemberment it doesn't seem too far off. But I think she meant betrayal by cannibalism or maybe cannibal traitors? Fuck I can't wait till next week.
Anyone want to do a Mayoiga Madness and put money on this? Score points for accurately predicting who dies, when they die, who survives, who actually kills people, etc?
File: pink goddess.webm (874 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
pink goddess.webm
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Faggot #2
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What should be added or removed?
why'd this little cunt have to be the main character?
who #1
he killed his parents
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She seemed so harmless at first.

Toshiboy >>139574536
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he's just a sweet guy that deserves love
We already have a good number of board comparisons. I'm sure someone here has one.
There was an original poster picture that had higher resolution but got deleted for god knows.
Driver is /tv/
Dahara is /trv/
Feminist is /lgbt/ or /soc/
Driver is /tv/, /o/ or /adv/
Puke-chan can be /a/
Drug dealer can be /soc/ or /fa/
i can already tell you this thing is going to be a "no one here is innocent, or you wouldn't be here" sort of thing
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Dibs on Lovepon.
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Bus fucker would be up for anything so /d/ for her.
Jack is /v/ for obvious reasons
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She looks so fragile.
Yamauchi is stepping on Toriyasu's foot. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
whore is /soc/
Jack is /r9k/
So, wait, is he actually black, or is he just the darkest character in the show by chance?
It obviously represents the abusive relationship between the two
Fragile as in will break an second and cut a bitch then yeah, she's pretty fragile.
I couldn't tell before because the resolution was so low, but Narna has a nice smile there. Looks just like her smug smile. Too bad she's death fodder, she's too cute to die.
I think he's just dark
normally when drawing black people the japs make them look like straight up chimps
Does that mean Yamauchi is an S?
I want to reveal her identity
File: a bunch of autists.webm (946 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
a bunch of autists.webm
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Yuunas die first.
Fuck I can't stop laughing. Nice find anon.
Why's he so mad?
File: NANDATE.png (448 KB, 651x823) Image search: [Google]
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He got the blame placed on him because of someone else's fuck up at work. I'd be piss too.
Narna-chan look so tired of his shit.
What are you talking about. He tried to grab jack and to fight him.
That would have crashed the bus
File: Ultimate Bingo Mayoiga.png (1 MB, 1242x1082) Image search: [Google]
Ultimate Bingo Mayoiga.png
1 MB, 1242x1082
Alrighty, I'm pretty confident with my Bingo
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thou which not not be fucked.png
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How many wixossfags in here?
I'm not swimming in money anon.
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>yune yuna yuno pito manbe
Killer's probably someone you'd least likely to suspect like one of the YuYuYu's or the couple

It would be pretty interesting if she and Dahara die first, leaving the rest of the participants without direction.
>Yuune Yuuna Yuuno Piitan Manbe
>Pink Goddess Toriyasu
>Nyanta Jigoku no gouka
You know your shit anon, swap wankoro with Yottsun and you're golden.
>all 3 Yuunas in a row
Interesting move.
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Probably quite a few.
I bet it's going to pull an And Then There Were None and "kill" the killer to distract us. Screencap this post. It's going to happen
I bet she'll be absolutely useless when they get a real gun.
Kill yourself.
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Is this bait?
Speedster confirmed for the only non retard.
No I just went full retard.

I'm in the middle of seppuku here.
He's pretty retarded for coming at all.
At least, there's something he's not telling us.
It happens to the best of us.
thanks for dumping
>Why are you singing this stupid song?
>starts singing it
Not sure if based or autistic.
>I came along just to see if it was fake
Nah he's just as stupid as the rest of them also

>Why do you even know this song
>Singing like its his jam
He's just pretending to not care.
But according to organizer-kun, they are all very smart people since they got through all the layers of protection on their secret website.
literally a figment of Mitsumune's imagination
I was thinking that too. We're gonna have to pay attention to just exactly how everyone dies because they could be faking it after all. That being said I don't think the murders are going to be all that deep. I'm expecting to laugh at most of them instead of ponder over it.
Explain Jack
Did Puke-chan vomit her way through their 7000 layers of protection?
Yeah, but he seems cool. Faggot MC and the rest of the cast are all autistic or some shit.

A lot of aspies are smart.
This, what the hell was that all about?
Forced speculah.
autistic savant
He's not even a student, he probably has all the time in the world to crack some websites.
By which he means they clicked the popup
is this gonna be like Another
>all the layers of protection
I bet it was "stop the gif on the correct frame to get the next clue" normie bullshit
He asked him how he knew what it was, that's pretty reasonable. Seems normal to me.
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hopefully I can detox myself from these retarded speculation threads in time for the next episode
good night
I sure hope so.
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>forward this email to 10 of your friends to find the hidden village or your mom will die tonight
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hitoe wixoss wonderful2.jpg
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Don't get your hopes high, knowing Okada/Mishuzuma , they'll probably do the supernatural + social commentary route. They're probably deaths, but probably not be a gorefest as expected.
>Bus drivers HATE THIS
>We've found a way to allow you to START A NEW LIFE
>Click here to sign up
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Oh, well that takes the fun out of it.
I want a social commentary thing. But this cast seems kinda dumb so I don't think i'll end up being satisfied by it.

Why is this allowed?
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>the puzzle was a retarded alphabet number shit
Moral of the story: Never stick your dick in crazy.
I want to fuck /diy/
>Never stick your dick in crazy.
Oh c'mon, what's the worst that could happen?
Isn't the social commentary about overcoming the real world's challenges instead of taking the escapism bait
I'll never not see the window reflection of the tree on Driver as a puke stain.
>This bus driving son of a bitch is eating unlimited eggs and basically you are fucking stupid. How?...Just watch the free video.
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They're stuck in purgatory and they're already dead.

Calling it.
Its tempting as fuck, but I'd rather stick with cute crazy like puke-chan than Will-slit-your-throat-over-a-joke-chan
Too simple, too clear cut.

Its going to be The Game: The Anime.
Already been called, slowpoke.
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>It's all in caps
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>Not /tv/
>after he tried to cause an accident sans a remainder
On MY ramen?
It's more likely than you think!
Click here for passengers!
they're alive.
>they actually died from the bus accident
They all entered Silent Hill
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Episode 2 can't come fast enough.
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Sorry m8. It was the font I was using
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