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Haruchika BD Sales >**506 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Haruchika BD Sales

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>worse than Glasslip
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You know, it really wasn't all that bad.
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>less than Rokka no Sales
Shitty side project sells like shit as expected. All the bigshots at PA started working on Kuromukuro since early season.
>original mecha

Do they want to lose money?
show was better than hibikeks
It was. A perfect example of a select few characters carrying a show very fucking hard.
Source is

Even goddamn lower than Glasslip which was at 584.
>no Chika girlfriend

they'll just make more shirobako if it does
chika was cute
More like another original anime with Maeda-kun.
That just makes it more valuable. Only 500 people in the entire world has them.
506 shit taste for God's sake
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Homura Chika.jpg
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Why did P.A. ruin the designs?
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>they didn't like the kyuuto garru
so ?
They'll blame it on an MC being openly gay but the fact is it was just shit.
Will Chika have to whore herself now?
All the characters except Chika were shit.
No, it was an example of one, very prominent, character bringing a show down fucking hard.

Outside of gay boy the cast is great.
that looks horrible
Anyone else think this was the least shitty show this season?
And yet the series looks so much worse. Straight up the ugliest looking P.A Works show
It was great, too bad s2 never.
honestly what were they thinking
Should be lower desu
Those hands are getting dangerously close to yaoi hands
"It couldn't be helped."®
It was a drab show beyond Chika being cute. Mysteries and gay shota Sherlock were usually a bore.
Comfy eye candy at best.
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Mysteries were a mistake.
It should have been a full blown romantic comedy about two cock hungry childhood friends competing over a completely oblivious teacher.
>It should have been a full blown romantic comedy
Into the trash it goes.
Don't worry the live action with Kanna chan is gonna save it.

>cock hungry
Doubly trash it.

>oblivious teacher
I seriously doubt that. Best thing a teacher should do is play dumb, he's not supposed to get romantically involved with students.
Rokka no Sales average is actually 460 copies sold, so Haruchika still has a chance of surpassing it.
This show really deserved better
>Haruchika BD Sales
Deserves it. It's like they put Euphonium and Hyouka, as well as a bit of Chaika's character designs, in a blender, but before that, took out the good aspects of the aforementioned shows. I don't know how I was able to finish the series: even the ending was week.

Kuromukuro might flop though, I'm sensing.
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KyoAni > P.A.WORKS
I mean, everyone on /a/ agreed Haruchika was a shit show.

I'm sure the Nips hated it too.
I want to be in Chika-chan's harem!
compared to what?
Fuck off with this shit
I liked the show, lurk the threads before acting like a retard
Every single anime that comes out these days deserves sales like that.
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Glasslip and now this? Someone at PA Works is making some awful choices here.

The last episode was actually pretty good, Had music which everyone wanted and when they got serious they switched them up with hilarious jokes instead, Doesn't cover up for the 11 horrendous previous episodes.
The mysteries were retarded, and the setup made no sense. Was it a show about making music, like the Kyoani show? No. Was it a show about teenagers solving mysteries? No. Was it a romantic comedy? No. what the heck was it?

But somehow, it grew on me. I even enjoyed the pseudo intellectual bullshit. I dropped many shows this season, but this one I watched until the end.
It sucks, the show was better than 70% of winter anime
>Glasslip and now this?
It's not like there was a masterpiece between them or anything.

Just watch, either Kuromukuro or the show after that will be absolutely GOAT.
Having a gay main character adds a 0.25x penalty to sales.
Yuri has suffered under it for decades.
>replying to Ledouch
Are you stupid?
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Kyoani fags are probably celebrating this because a show "similar" to "theirs" flopped
Should have been a SoL.
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>Kill Me Baby *,686
Euphonium killer they said
All sales....EVER

>Kuromukuro might flop though, I'm sensing.
But the reviews from the screening said it was great mecha surprising from PA Works
BD BOX did around 5k though
>being this paranoid
How does PA Works survive?
government funding and tourism
By making stuff like NnA, Charlotte, Angel Beats, and Shirobako.
I bet people buy BD of this shit only for NamanikuATK
So it begins.
I kinda like this
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It would have been better with less mysteries, more music, and more Narshima.
Sometimes it works pretty well. See Evangelion.
PA doesn't do S2s.
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Calm down Edith, twins are not for sexualizing.
Literally worse than Glasslip.
Not me. They look like shitty ripoffs of Seiko Shinohara.
>you will never have a threesome with the twins and cum too early
>you will never hear them say DON'T MIND as they reassure you
>you will never have them whisper lewd things in your ears at the same time to get you diamonds again

The twins were made for sex.

I'd rather cum inside Naomi while Seiko watches.
Omigawa Chiaki voicing two characters was the best thing about this show.
You can have them.
>I'd rather cum inside Naomi while Seiko watches.

Remember: Naomi is "i moan" backwards.
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I like Chika's design
never watched the show tho
Cast aside the plots were fucking stupid.
I can't decide which 'mystery' was more nonsensical and stupid, house money box, mystery dog or Nam loli.
They didn't even do anything about people wanting to bone Sensei Sue, they just dropped it outta nowhere at the end of episode 1 then barely mentioned it again.

FUCK this show seriously, Chika cute as fuck though.
Despite my initial dislike of it, it turned out to be good show. Production values are shit, which is shameful for PA works - but show becoems lot better as more cast is introduced.

Woudnt mind 2nd season (also i would like RDG S2 more)
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Would you a Chika?
Pretty much. Though when its revealed he is just a homeless hobo that lives in the carton box, washes in the river and eats garbage rets he became more tolerable.
It was ok, but there was Durarara and Akagami S2 so no.
Shut up Edith
>people unironically like this shit heap
Shirobako broke the 1 million yen mark
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>Being an edgy piece of shit
>Being a sales meme faglord
The more nonsensical and stupid the mysteries were, the more I liked them. The piggy bank apartment was my favorite.
Does she moan a lot while she gets dicked?
Too bad it looks to be worse than Haruchika.

I would have actually watched this if it wasn't for the annoying blonde kid.
One by one or at the same time?
Did that shit actually sell?
How was what he said edgy in any way at all?
At the same time, of course. It's like you're not even a faceless hentai protagonist.

Maybe if they feel different inside I might cum in them one by one.
I felt that this should have been much better than it actually was. The best parts of the episodes was Haru taking snipes at Chika. Otherwise, I really didn't care. I can't even be bothered to watch the final two episodes.

I also didn't like the designs.
It did pretty well. It had Maeda's name on it.
did she become a kyuuto gaaru
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chika-chan was always the kyuutest, that's why she obtained a female harem
○Charlotte 【全6巻】
巻数   初動      累計    発売日
     BD(DVD)   BD(DVD)
01巻 6,287(1,119) 7,832(*,***) 15.09.23 ※合計 8,951枚
02巻 5,560(*,918) 6,258(*,***) 15.10.28 ※合計 7,176枚
03巻 5,000(*,834) 5,576(*,***) 15.11.25 ※合計 6,410枚
04巻 5,066(*,808) 5,622(*,***) 15.12.23 ※合計 6,430枚
05巻 4,860(*,855) 5,306(*,***) 16.01.27 ※合計 6,161枚
06巻 4,523(*,748) 5,034(*,***) 16.02.24 ※合計 5,782枚
07巻 *,***(*,***) *,***(*,***) 16.03.23
Miyajima Emi and Omigawa Chiaki are the same person. Who knew?

The mysteries kind of make sense because all (except the house guy) are about people with a social black mark on them. The writer is subtly trying to shame the Japanese monoculture. But the SJW theme never comes through because Chika and Haru always seem dispassionate about the solutions to the mystery. Also the constant and poorly executed attempts at comedy.
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