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The rape wasn't even that bad.
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The rape wasn't even that bad.
Kill yourself.
It was consensual rape
They even kissed passionately
this was awkward to watch with my dad
When are we getting a five minute version with Guts staying still?
you mean your mom's husband?
well he is married to her...so yes
his mom's boyfriend. Mom's husband should be at work.
guys pls
Will Griffith ever be redeemed?
I watched it with my wife's half black son
He was pretty pissed at Griffith raping the half black Casca
>Rape is bad
Why is this meme allowed?
.... that's what she said?
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what does he need to be redeemed for?
>From brutal medieval warfare to sirens using the power of song

What the hell happened?
Don'tever speak to me or or my boyfriend's rape victim again.
I sure hope the Black Swordsman Arc is good, we finally get an arc other than Golden Age animated and if I don't get to see my waifu Schierke I'm gonna be mad.
Fantasia happened.
>Griffith used his power and Skull Knight's sword to turn the world into a fucking MMORPG

What a gay

Well the Berserk world already had fairies even before Fantasia, he just let out all the dangerous creatures that like to kill all of humanity.
Black swordsman Arc?

They're starting with Golden Age
Black Swordsman Arc was the best way to begin a manga ever..
>a feminine character raping a masculine character
What did tumblr day about this?
Tumblr didn't exist when this was published.
You mean the new CGI movies? Aren't they like two years old?
That's like saying the Holocaust wasn't that bad.
Fucking end yourself
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Agreed. Wasn't even the rape that bad.
>half black Casca
Kill yourself and him.
Griffith did nothing wrong
You should know thats a/s official stance on this topic

Go away casca
dumb jewposter
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I'd rape Griffith, if you know what I mean.
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I recently rewatched the Berserk CGI film trilogy and I have to say that as stand-alone films for someone who has never seen Berserk they're actually pretty good. As a Golden Age arc adaptation though for a fan, they really cut out way too many things.
The movie's actually got me into reading Berserk and they are nice eye candy for fans. Really the biggest downside to the trimmed down story is the lack of impact the deaths of the Hawks is for first time viewers; you don't get to know much about Corkas or Judaeu.

Really, they made the movies very heavily focused on just Griffth and Guts.
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Most people find that they don't understand what's happening or why if they watch the movies before reading the manga.
People who know the manga hate them for how terribly they butcher all characterization for the sake of more terrible CGI action scenes.
>They're starting with Golden Age
pls no
I watched it with my wife's son, we both got erections so it wasn't too bad.
You'd be great at cinemasins.
Cinemasins thinks its funny being pedantic over every little nit it can pick.
It just comes off as trite.
The prototype was so weird.
Interestingly, "apostles" makes more sense in the context of the prototype than the actual manga.
I first read this as "Kill your elf"

I think I'm mad, mad about...
>you don't get to know much about Corkas or Judaeu.

judaeu was a cuck and corkus was a bitter nigger

>Really, they made the movies very heavily focused on just Griffth and Guts.
aside from casca most of the hawks just exist in the manga as well. hell killy spoke more than fucking pippin. miura did a shit job of fleshing out the hawks other than for a few token interactions.
No they're not. Seems like they're doing the blackswordsman, lost children and conviction arc. Golden Age will not be apart of the new series.
Fuckin' kill yourself pal.
Haven't seen the movie and can't recall it in the original anime, but the part that took me out of it when reading the manga was when she put her arms behind his head and they made out.
Made me think she was actually enjoying it. Then again, maybe that was the point.
It was hot.
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What did he mean by this?
He meant that Guts was the only warrior strong enough to dominate Griffith's boipussy.
Griffy wuv Gutsy
Tell me about Femto, why does he wear the mask?
>people think this shit is better than the current movies
>teleports behind you
>pssh nothing personal kid

Femto is a chuuni villain.
I'll take simple animation with good character development over shallow piss water with flashy CGI bullshit.
Part 3 was watchable at least.
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>character development
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>I don't know what I'm talking about but want to shitpost anyway
Glad we had this conversation.
How would character development make anything good? It's a stupid plot device for authors who have nothing to write about.
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I... what?
>having good characters is stupid
That's about the stupidest thing I've ever seen on this website. And I've visited /v/.
Griffith is a yandere he went insane because Guts left him.
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> Character development not good
> only for writers that have nothing to write about.
I just lost a couple brain cells from your post. I find your very existance to be cancer.

It is objectively a higher art form that requires skill and effort, and looks a lot better than the shitty CGI or computer drawn/colored sterile blandness that is 99% of modern anime.
I remember when cinemasins would limit their videos to 10 minutes or less. Now most of them are nearly reaching 15.
Blame Jewtube making it easier to upload videos longer than 10 minutes.
That's because you first read the manga, then watch the 80s series and then enjoy the eye candy of the remakes. In this way, none of the plot is left out.
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Oh, shit. I thought it was older. Fuck me, right?
saying that out loud felt really lewd for some reason

the fuck my man
I would pay to have sex with a reality warping physical goddess. Why is Casca such a bitch?
Wow have you notified the police?
So is it true that they contracted out the rape scene to another studio that usually makes hentai anime, making it look like Casca was actually enjoying it?
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>There are people who think lost children isn't the best arc
No. Who the fuck would believe something stupid like that?
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