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Get in here. We're doing a NHK thread
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Get in here. We're doing a NHK thread
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Anyone wanna hit up this super cool island I got on the cheap? We can have drinks and stuff. There's this real neat cliff I wanna show you guys too
stop trying to make me pay for your shitty tv I don't even watch nhk, in fact I bought a tv that specifically scrambles nhk so it doesn't go through, just so I could avoid your monthly fee.
I don't know. Are we camping? I have this new heating idea, no ventilation needed.
>imgur filename

lurk more
I think you posted the wrong theme song, Dont worry I got you covered.

still not finished with it. got struck around episode 18-20. it hurts to watch it /a/.
Why is the OST so great?


Watch it.

infact, why not have an /a/ party and watch it together?
The manga hurts more, it's less spectacular and more pathetic. The ending can be seen as worst or nicer, it depends on how you see things.
so cool we should try going there that would be fun
I'd love to have an NHK thread that doesn't turn into blogshit, 'greentext' and idiots missing the point for once.
>you will never suck Misaki's toes
>infact, why not have an /a/ party and watch it together?

and be spoiled by shitposters? no thanks. i will try and watch it all in the weekend.
The point being that he should kill himself for not sleeping with senpai when he had the chance
Will there be guns?
But he did.
But he did. Read the book.
misaki is for loving, marrying, and having intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with
Yeah, sure, this must be your favorite harem show.
I think he meant the illicit affair part. high school doesn't count.
>thinks sato is a virgin.

this just proves getting laid wont save you.
sounds like fun! are there cliffs we could climb?
It really was, many things were less dramatics such as the offline meeting shit.
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I hated nhk. Actually, I liked at first, but there are two things that really piss me off: The ending and the character of Misaki.
>but there are two things that really piss me off: The ending and the character of Misaki.
care to explain?
But I really prefered how in the end no one goes to save him, they just pity him and take him out. That hurt so much more.
How does that go in the manga? I'm more or less in the firt third so far.
Didn't we just have one yesterday that hit 500?
How could anyone dislike Misaki?

I was just the opposite. Would wife Misaki. She's a good girl.
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this show hit too close to home
Is this show scary or sad?

I'd like something comfy at least.
its bitter-sweet. like 90% bitter, 10% sweet. also it hits you right in the gut without pulling punches, but it does it in a fun dark-comedy manner.
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>Tidy out my downloads folder
>Takes hours
>Convince myself this means I did something today
Hang in there anon-kun
>main character wants to end his hikikomori lifestyle
>becomes an otaku and plays eroges
>Fall and break your leg
>Try to get up
>Break it more
Both are personal reasons, I absolutely can't stand people like Misaki. And I don't like the messages and the philosophy of nhk. I also did not agree with the ending.
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This is the type of anime that exposes the retards, and boy, there are so many retarded anime fans.
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I only agree with the last part of your sentence.
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I wish real life was like Bloodborne, then I would be a hunter and cool as fuck
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> a cute girl will never save you from your boring life
The manga is my subjective favorite of the 3.
>let's start an NHK threads, everybody!
>tfw no gf
>tfw no one will save me
>/r9k/-tier whining

NHK isn't very deep or anything, but I'm sure there's SOMETHING to discuss about it.
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Misaki did nothing wrong
ok she did everything wrong but much of it was exacerbated by satou
>Misaki did nothing wrong
The evil NHK made her do it!!
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protect misaki always
How is it bait? There's many people who misinterpret Welcome to the NHK, even on /a/.

Keep in mind, I'm not saying it's a deep anime at all.
Satou should have killed himself on the island, that would have been a good end to NHK
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