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What are your thoughts on the two FMA shows? What order would
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What are your thoughts on the two FMA shows? What order would you suggest watching them for someone wanting to get into it for the first time?
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I suggest you go to >>>/wsr/
Depends on what you're looking for. If you wanna experience the "official" story told in the manga, you should start by watching the first 26 episodes of the original show before starting Brotherhood.

If the overarching story of the FMA manga were broken down into a 3-act structure, those 26 episodes serve as the first act before the first show goes in an original direction. Brotherhood was made in consideration of those who had already seen the original series, so that first act is rushed through in ten episodes.

Some people would suggest you just watch Brotherhood, but they're wrong. Imagine reading/watching Lord of the Rings but skipping the first part of the trilogy, or starting the Harry Potter series on the third book after only watching the first two movies. The first act lays some important groundwork for what happens later, and Brotherhood skips most of that, so if you haven't seen the original series you'll feel lost.
Watch first anime to episode 26, then watch Brotherhood starting at about episode 12 or 13.

Or just watch both shows the whole way through.
In case you haven't notice since this afternoon we are being "raided" and by raid I mean one or two fags that are at mad some mod and keep repeating threads, baiting and posting 3DPD
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