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Say something nice to Megumin.
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Thread replies: 255
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Say something nice to Megumin.
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It's a shame your character ended up being a normalfag's waifu. bait.
I bet she would be really soft to cuddle with.
I might watch your show only because of you.
Explosions are lame
this right here
2nd best girl
If I only had the option to piss in a bottle or you, I'd be drowning you in piss, you filthy slut.
She's got nice panties.
She's got a nice hat.
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She did a good job protecting the inn instead of exploding it
Nice bakuretsu!
She's a close acquaintance of Darkness.
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Best and only doujin of the series. Why don't we have more
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filthy slut
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Your parents' names are stupid!
Disgusting flat chest
dumb chuuni
Cute voice.

Is her VA really a newbie?
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Kazuma, Kazuma!
We're going to have a baby.
She has nice explosions
Superior version coming through
Your explosion was almost as cool as Wiz's.

She has a cute smile.
>Delicious Flat Chest
You're parents have weird names.
Nice handjob.
She was the reason Japan acquired great taste for taking #1 by storm.
She looks so cute I just want to cuddle her all day.
Megumin did 9/11
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She is adorable
Those were shitty explosions though.
cutest artillery cannon ever
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Learn to cast spells without a staff, scrub.
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Best girl of the season, no doubt.
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posting best Megumin art before someone else beats me to it
The audio is terrible.
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I want to make love, impregnate, take responsibility, marry and grow old with her imouto.
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14 year old handjob!
She had a nice smile.
not aqua
Please marry me.
>wanting to fuck the demon lord
Have you no shame? She is 100% EVIL and a feline eater.
>something nice
Explosive Vulva
The cat is a demon lord so its fine.
Don't be silly, demon lords can't be cats. A cat is a small mammal that says meow.
hai, hai, Kazuma des
That looks more like the chick from Steins;Gate than Megumin.
quote of the year

Megumin is not a loli
Very nice cosplay
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Her collar bones are adorable.
Witches are the best!
Asanagi draws her well
She's lovely and I just want to cuddle her and hold hands.
I hope he stays the fuck away.
What does Hyoizaburo makes exactly?
Useless magical items.

Like a lamp that only works if light is shining on it
I hope he goes hard in the paint.
That seems like it'd be immensely useful if you had two of them.
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I hate to burst your bubble, but
You just know that'd be a death knell for discussion on /a/.
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You aren't as adorable as Aqua, but you are still cute.
He probably won't make a doujin of her anyway. He wouldn't be able to fit explosions in the narrative.
The Succubus roll is already worse than that.
>He wouldn't be able to fit explosions in the narrative.
oh no megumin is out of mana and can't move
oh no a few monsters are still alive
I wanted to masturbate to the explosions, but that will have to make do. Besides, most of Asanagi's girls are smug cunts that look down on men and learn of the strength of the cock. Megumin is too nice for that. I think Aqua fits the role better
She's real
In my heart
When I go home after this, I'm gonna marry her.
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Megumin is CUTE!
Not befor I jack it to the doujin
Anon, that's a death flag. you won't be able to marry her if you say that.

Well, I'm getting her instead though. thanks Anon.

He has been too hooked on games like Granblue Fantasy and Kancolle which is why he has only made doujins for that series.
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>you do not truly walk the path of explosions if this is not your main DOTA hero

Nice Bakuretsu, Megumin!
Is the fanfic page down for anyone else?
Did FBI-kun mistake it for the real thing?
Or maybe Sky is updating the blog which is why its temp down atm?
It's back up.
I got scared there for a moment.
She makes adorable noises when she collapses from a lack of mana.
Cute loliko.

You are the least insufferable of the three main Konosubas.
Disgusting and insufferable chuuni. You'd be better off dead you piece of shit. If it ever came down to it I would take you away from your companions and lock you in a dungeon. I'd leave you with everything you have in a locked chamber to instill in you a modicum of hope that you could use your magic to escape. I'd do all that because in your moment of enlightenment and hope you'd be filled with dread knowing you'd collapse immediately, like the worthless magus you are. I'd keep you in that chamber for months at a time until you finally broke and when you finally used your magic I'd skin you alive as you lie on the floor, unable to do anything. I love you so much.
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Dude, hardcore.
I want to put my penis inside your vagina
and jam it in
Tight cunny
Insanely rapeable ass
Face made for cumshots
Seasonal waifu that I can actually stand
Would you take responsibility for feeding the Megumin?
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Yeah. My family has got some great depression recipes I'm sure she'll love.
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Your piss tastes really lewd and delicious.
Except, no he doesn't.

The Dagashi girls were perfect, but this girl looks nothing like Megumin.
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Chess master
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I want Megumin to wrap her soft, warm tongue around my dick and wring lots of semen out of it.
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Who's gonna make season 2?
Is it still DEEN?
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Say something nice to preggo Aqua.
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I want to sexually bully Megumin
>Come back home from work
>She looks at you like that
Wat do
Feed her womb with my seed
Then headpats
What hobo tricked her into sex and how did she not accidentally purify the sperm?
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I know a metal which could help you make BIGGER Bakuretsu
She enjoys it anon.
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>good with explosions
>vibrant personality
literally perfect
Pull her panties down and inhale the scent of her stuffy asscrack before cumming inside it.
this is shit, its like they didnt even try
>not the fatal flaw of the perfect character

Damn I love Megumin but dat Aqua
You're a lolikko.
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Only good for cumming inside.

I'm ok with this
I want to breed this dumb goddess
Wanting to fuck a retard

I'm incredibly ok with that.
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She's a retard and has a grating voice, but god I want to feel her anal walls clench around my dick in pleasure as I pollute her shithole with my semen.
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but it's a cute retard so it's fine
there is nothing wrong with breeding cute retards like aqua
You could choose equally arousing character that isn't a complete retard
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>he doesn't want to fuck a retard
>2010 + 6
>not wanting to fuck the retard

Oh boy next Comiket is gonna be... OH BOY
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It's hot to fuck retards though. I want to hear her complain as I splooge deep inside her, her annoying voice will make me cum even harder in satisfaction.
If Aqua had kids, they would be terrifying.
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I want to see old Megumin
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I want to walk in on Megumin while she's taking a shit.
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She will look like her mother
Thigh Highs are god's gift to mankind.
I want to stick my dick between her thighs and cum in her kneesocks.
>tells her mother about all the sexual harassment she's been subjected to
>her mother wants to ship her with the harasser
Why is Yuiyui so desperate for money?
Because money is nice and Kazuma isnt that bad.
She thought they were dating and just fooling around.
Then make her wear them again?

I want Yuiyui to slowly run her finger up and down my dick while teasing me.
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They are almost married, so is fine
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Please, don't bully the useless dad
Megumin's mom isn't one for sound thinking and advice. She encourages her kids to play in the abandoned areas in search of treasure.
Nobody was talking about his useless inventions, how pussywhipped he is, or his inability to put food on the table.
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Thanks Damegami
>almost married
Doesn't Megumin self-cockblock quite often?
I want to hug Wiz!
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Yeah, if Megumin didn't cockblocked herself several times, they could have already fucked
You have nice thighs, young girl.
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I want to bully the lich!
But she just wants to help
>goes on a date
>willingly gets a third wheel
>knocks self out
>leaves the other two on a date
Being Megumin is suffering.
I want to make a lot of demigods with Aqua!
>be a young girl
>invite the boy you really really like to a date
>want it to end in dicking
>can't wait for it to end in dicking
>realise it actually might end in dicking
>panic and invite your friend too
It's like you were expecting logic from a young girl in love.
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She should stop being so jelly, and learn to share with her chuuni friends
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Yunyun is pretty cute
She did knock herself out during the date, thus leaving Yunyun and Kazuma alone, right?
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And the best bully material
She exploded because she kinda got carried away and also wanted to show Kazuma that she's the greatest.
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girls don't poop anon
also crimson demon's don't use the bathroom either
nice try tricking us though
That's cute, but she still fucked up bad.
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Megumin is cute when she is in panic
Filthy Red Mage
I want to explode inside Megumin!
>Megumin is cute
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Her resolve to follow the path she believes in is absolutely admirable. Plus, she has a great smile
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It was really cute, when se was at loss, but then Kazuma made her follow her path even hard
He could have made one other spell instead of putting everything in explosion.
explosion magic is okay
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But that would have made Megumin sad, is like if you don't want to protect that smile
The whole point of that is even though choosing a new spell would have made her a better wizard, she would have been unhappy. So Kazuma chose Explosion because he cares more about her happiness.
"Atomic bomb"
And then I take off my pants and get ready for my pelvis to be broken.
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She's cute
Would have been pregnant with a girl by now if the girls wasn't so jelly
I got what he waned to do, but he did not have to put EVERY available point into explosion power.
One little spell could not cost that much, right?
Rikka clone
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Keep on mind that Megumin only loves explosion, in an autistic way, she knew that she was being useseless, that's why she asked Kazuma to choose for her, but at the end Kazuma didn't wanted to taint her with another magic that would make her sad
There's no point of choosing explosion if you don't go all the way. It also goes to show how much Kazuma has really changed from his initial incarnation, where he cares as much about his own party's happiness as his own.
Will the animation quality in ss2 increased?
Surely it will right? I mean they got all those sale.
Oh, I get it now. You're some axis cultist trying to deceive and trick people. Well not today, Damegamist, I will make her explosions the grandest spectacle.
I don't think you understand how capitalism works.
The board is already saying "how low can the quality go without losing sales?"
I admire her devotion to the path of explosions.
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It's okay, they got Wiz in charge of financial decisions so everything will work out great.
Makes sense. I think I would have compromised.
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I love aqua's stupid smile. I think season 2 is until june or july. i shall miss her till' then
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>liking aqua for more than her character design
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The Damegami is cute when she is not being a selfish cunt
That's rude, saying she's uncute.
No point to compromise when your idiot is an all or nothing idiot. It's like asking Darkness to actually put something into offense. Like sure she'll actually begin to hit shit, but at the same time you lose something.
You'd think that she'd at least put some points into mana / regen related abilities though. Considering how much she'd want to cast Explosion more often.
She likes the rush of being instantly depleted of all her mana
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Wouldn't that still happen if she just stacked regen?
Kazuma is a fucking retard for not pounding that meat all day. Typical japanese beta male.
I dunno anon. Not after witnessing Wiz's explosion which is generally miles better than hers, and that she doesn't fall down after casting it.
That's all the more reason to put all the points into Explosion. If that's her only thing, she has to be the best at it!
>I think season 2 is until june or july.
The OVA is in June.
No scheduling has been announced for S2.
She's perflat
Kazuma is cautious and a coward. He doesn't want this to be a joke and tries to be absolutely sure that the girl actually likes him and aren't just playing him to burn him later.
Its not like kazuma will like it cause he's a lolicon or anything
I want to bully her with my dick.

I will wait until after she used explosion, and then rub my dick on her cheek while she lies there helpless. Only when she willingly turns around to lick it will I carry her back home.
And all of this faggotry came from a childhood marriage promise that he took seriously
Uh, together, we will birth a superhuman, a hero of fiery justice.
Yeah we need to "do that" first.
what goofy name would you give to your kids when you have kids with megumin?
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Kazuma's biggest fear is that he can't craft a workable condom or a functional The Pill.
She's not the worst girl in the show
that would go to that crusader chick
Him or Her
Kazuma should at least take advantage of that, just to lose his virginity but noooo
Guy is an idiot like the rest of them. He might think of himself as above his party in terms of common sense, but he has his own idiotic ideas on how things should work.
unidentical twins
She is second best girl.
I exploded in Megumin and all I got was this crappy kid
I want to marry Megumin!
Megumin the 2nd and Jon.
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> Let's see. Magic powers, loving harem, giant mansion?
> Woo hoo! I hit the jackpot!
> Aqua-sama, would you please hand me a condom?
> Condom? There aren't any condoms here you silly hikkiNEET
Just make Aqua hold his balls and turn his semen into holy water.
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[Worried laughter.].gif
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There you have it.
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That's why he was the one doing it
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K, is it you? I missed you nigga.
But those are just balloons
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He tried.
He failed.

Kazuma is stuck in a special kind of hell. Surrounded by sex, without any possibility of safe sex except in his dreams.
bluepilled idiot
It's no fun if it's safe.
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But girls want children
I want to have Yunyun's children.
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Yunyun is cutest when covered with my thick, hot semen.
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third great bomb.jpg
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I want Megumin to become my Killer Queen.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 137

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