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Where did it go wrong?
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Where did it go wrong?
Too many fillers? That's when I stopped watching the anime at least.

Maybe I watch the rest of it eventually.
Save yourself a lot of time and don't bother.
When I was in highschool I thought the fights and all that ninjutsu crap looked neat as fuck.

And I still do, anon. Shounen is my favorite genre.
Kishi decided to suck on Uchiha's cock and the story pretty took a turn for the worst.

Giving up the Hard Work > Magic Eyes

Or just skip the fillers all together.

Or just read the manga.
It was wrong from the very beginning.
This so fucking much. Wasn't there a whole thing during the chuunin exams with Neji about your fate and hardwork and shit? Anyway I liked that, and what do they do? Throw all this bloodline, eye fetish garbage at me.
It's the only one worthwhile out of the three shounen of our generation

that's saying much, so you should just be grateful it was decent in most parts and ended first
Am currently watching right now. Started from ep.1 and loved it up until ep.142. after that it's all filler but i'll still finish it because i'm a masochistic piece of shit.
>Shounen is my favorite genre.
>Shounen is now a genre.
I stopped watching when Sasuke got carried around in a basket or something
fuck off narutards
The end of the Sasuke Rescue arc is when Naruto stops being any good.
>Play Ultimate ninja storm 4 ,Starts with the Hashirama vs Madara fight

This is the most beautiful game i've ever seen animewise.
I dropped it around the time Sasuke summoned Manda to shield him from Deidara's final attack, even though he was supposed to be drained of chakra.

I honestly think Kishimoto didn't care too much about Sasuke, but kept him in the manga because the Japanese fucking adored him.
after chapter 1
War Arc Happened and Darkness.

Also too many editor changes.
Author went from a young writter into a married man.
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