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File: Prison_School_Poster.jpg (958 KB, 3041x4299) Image search: [Google]
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Prison School thread - do you like it?
I feel a little disappointed about OVA, because no has so many nudity like in the serie.
Do you wait second season? - Im very!
I have a little problem what i cant resolve: the manga has 208 chapters so far, but anime is made of 87 chapters. So i continue reading manga or i wait the second anime season? Usually first i watch anime, and after i read the manga... So absolutely dont know what should i do now...
Yes my esl friend
Season 2 never
Manga sales are shit
Dvd/bd sales are also shit
File: prison school manga sales.png (268 KB, 758x632) Image search: [Google]
prison school manga sales.png
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>Manga sales are shit

This must be bait
its not true! see this: >>138455021
and PS manga also won an award of best manga in 2013
Stop typing like a retard.
You might as well catch up with the manga, anon. IF there's a season 2, you will be waiting very long
my mother tongue is not english sorry

yeah, i fear about it, there will be wait months-years till second season airing...
ESLfags are kinda cute. Mari best girl. Hana close second.
I'm a curious how this arc will end, since it's totally possible for the USC to be officially disbanded.
Both will be disbanded and the boys will be in charge of the new council. Screencap this.
What year are the girls in? I assume Mari should be graduating soon right?
I think all the girls in the USC are in their third year.
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good call
won't screencap I will remember your words
poor Chiyo
How that will help them if the girls aren't afraid of mushroom anymore but instead it's becoming a curiosity for them?

Plus they need to defeat Andre later and for that Kiyoshi D will be complete useless.

The only thing which could awake Meiko M side would be if somehow Kiyoshi molested Mari face with his D.
>instead it's becoming a curiosity for them
Don't think so.
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>Wanting to see a man wearing panties with an erection

Yeah no
but they do
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>mfw only Katefag on /a/
You're not alone bruh, though I prefer Mari.
you are not alone
My african american brother
They're both my favorites so I can just tell you you have great taste m8. I'm fresh from an ouroboros re-read and I didn't remember Kate being sad about being deceived.
Thread replies: 29
Thread images: 5

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