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>Back then in the 70's and 80's, and kind of the
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>Back then in the 70's and 80's, and kind of the 90's, Anime was an extremely cheap and attractive to license by European countries like Italy and France,

>Pokemon happened and American Industry got bigger. Suddenly the Japanese were changing much higher prices and their contracts went to simple to completly abstract and expensive.

What made the Japanese change their mind when dealing with the white man? Its not like the overseas markets are important anyway. They should charge much lower for anime than for anything else.
2 atomic bombs
>They should charge much lower for anime than for anything else.
so animators would get even less money right ?
but that was in '45

Barely any of that shit is getting licensed, they could flood the market with their jap shit at low prices and sell a bunch of licensed toys etc.
>and sell a bunch of licensed toys etc
but they are doing that even now, and you can freely buy most of the things that are available in Japan
>but they are doing that even now, and you can freely buy most of the things that are available in Japan

Yes clearly five year olds are convincing their parents to buy a bunch of toys featuring characters from shows they have never watched from Japan.
It's more in the 90's funding for anime became more complex, with the Iinkai stuff, and whatever caused by NGE afterwards, so the redistribution rights probably got complicated as a result.
It wasn't more complex, the global economy went to hell and it became more expensive to produce anything, which caused the creation of the horrible system that is the Committees.
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And now they have to give it away to crunchyroll for almost free.

How can japan be in the front for technology and still be so backwards with their businiss models?
I know from a friend that worked in European television that he heard from old timers that the Japanese business model and output was basicilly a dream.
For example Heidi is the single most profitable cartoon in European history.
without committees anime would be long dead
5 year olds wont be watching things like patlabor, gits, horizon in the middle of nowhere or baku-on in the first place
Aside from Ghibli stuff, anime is largely an afterthought in Japan
OP you're not correct.

Only SOME anime were cheaper to license. Most manga was prohibitively expensive to license.

It was the growth of the audience that changed the economics, and brought in the jews
It's because the U.S was a bully to Japan between 1900s - 1940s.
>deal with white man

white, black, etc are in same category, gaijin

Actually all anime that was on TV in the 70's and 80's was dirt cheap to export.


Now Ghibli is gone too.

I imagine the licence for Doreamon is much more expensive than it was then when Europe got it.
But why not charge for Doraemon much less than for everything else? That would make it more attractive.
A lot of the export was towards countries in the middle east and south America anyway. Those were the countries that were interested in importing cheap anime, while anglosphere world and northern Europe wasn't as keen.
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>5 year olds wont be watching things like Patlabor
I watched Patlabor when I was 8 because Fox Kids used to air it in my country.
That was around the time when anime got forced to midnight slots, so they can't rely on ratings anymore
Its not that. Back in 70th and 80th media competition was much lesses. Japanese anime could compete and be profitable - because of novelty mainly and lack of real concurence.

It changed however. The simple fact is - in modern media oversaturated landscape, anime simply cant compete.

Channels dont buy it not since it costs lot (and japs keep prices high since no one buys it) - but because it does not attract that big segment of viewers anymore. It became routine and just another media niche.

If you take and air most popular japanese anime on most viewed western channel in prime time, reaction would be at best "meh", if not protests. Ratings low and interest nonexistent.

Japanese understand it and thus dont orient on foreign markets anymore. That began to change though few years ago - but with orientation in China, and not west.

Actually it was Italy that was the main catapult. I'm pretty sure regulations where not clear, cause they were the one to also import to Spain and France, and then they became customers of Japan as well.
They then exported to other companies in the world where there is either geographical or language influence.
The last attempt at an anime only channel in my country was a complete failure.
Anime fans dont watch TV, they watch their anime on their computers.
Because the only profitable japanese animations to air on tv nowadays are things like Pokemon or Dragon Ball Z.
For the rest is better to just put them on netflix or crunchyroll.
>U.S was a bully to Japan
U.S was a bully to every country in the world
I don't know any country that likes U.S.

Even streaming licences could be much cheaper.

Well Anime mainly competed with american kids cartoons around the world.
Seems as tough recently american cartoons have won that.
My question is rather if kids dont like anime as the generations past.
Yeah that's the problem.
Although I wonder why anime is connected with internet fans in the first place. Why do normalfags (the people that watch tv) hate anime? Considering the variety of genres you'd expect anime to become popular on tv as well, depending on the series.

Adults (and teens) will never be the audience of anime anymore.

Japan is recently propping their production of kids anime. In my opinion they should sell some of these productions to western countries too, for cheap like back in the day.
Most adults don't watch cartoons. I mean how many cartoons made outside Japan are popular among mainstream adults? The Simpsons, and that's about it.
They dont hate it, they just prefer live action.
Really most of what anime does that live action doesnt is just pandering or "pandering with a twist that doesnt really add anything to the story"
And anime tropes/writing tends to be very cringeworthy when you are watching them in public.
Ghibli, AKIRA and GITS were great anime and great 'Movie', it helped overseas people understand them.
I think basically anime should be criticism as 'anime',
but really great things in the world have universal truth, no matter the genre and rule.
My little pony
Was Harmony Gold profitable? Considering how much time they spent on changing the shows around, that must have been more expensive than the licence.
I don't think that they hate it, they probably think they're just weird porno cartoons, but I think that will change with new generations that are more familiar with anime (but that still won't watch tv because of internet).
I'm sure that a lot of people who thinks that animre is porn for weirdos would like something like Cowboy Bebop or Gits
>Suddenly the Japanese were changing much higher prices and their contracts went to simple to completly abstract and expensive.
No, actually, they didn't. Just the opposite. They didn't care about the US market in the first place and they only in the past decade began to get a grasp of IP law. The US network executives that had been bankrolling the accquisition of early classics stopped around the time they started hiring Japanese directors and animators, and heavily outsourcing animation work to Japan in the 80s. In the wake of that there were less direct localizations which split the two markets back apart briefly. The US market for anime was no longer big TV networks but small companies, often run by fans, like Harmony Gold. Those companies began to set the standard for the what is the current model, in which the US actually offers flat and ridiculously low prices for elaborate NA and/or English language licensing rights with no royalties. To be fair, at the time those American companies were too small to make those kinds of projects work any other way. But then as shit got popular here they used the leverage of a "take it or leave it" stance to maintain their low licensing rates, even though by all rights the Japanese rights holders to that media (who are not the creators 90% btw) weren't making money off their overseas sales, only making money for signing that contract at the start. The only reason they've been asking for what seems like more now is that they've finally learned to actually get a fair deal from their American business partners. It's stupid though because the obvious solution from their end has always been to just make their own Western branches to handle that shit. It's the only cost effective way for everyone in that translation process. That's why Viz is basically the only successful manga publisher on its scale of distribution in the west.
I think that almost nobody watches cartoons that didn't grow up with them. Even the Simpsons are only watched by people who are younger than 40 in my country. Nowadays anime fans are around 20 to 30 years old and the same people that grew up with internet, so they don't use tv anymore.

I really ahve no fucking idea about younger generations though. It seems to me like people born in the last 1 1/2 decade are more focused on 3DPD shit again, they're the same people that are Facebook and What's App addicted and who enjoy attention whoring. I barely ever saw anime fans amongs this type of people.
Because watching any anime besides doraemon is an activity you do alone, in your room, at 3am, bathed only by the light of your own monitor.

Seriously, watching anime around other people is weird as fuck. Makes me super aware of how awful the medium actually is for anything besides decent animation.

It is typically best to be conservative with money and liberal in ideas.

Japan has that a little backwards right now.

Japanese technology is mostly improved copies of foreign innovation. Things that businessmen feel that they can spend too much money on and still make a return.
I think this is quite a problem.
I love nothing more than anime and there are always new great series but most of them are so fucking bad the authors don't even care about plot, consistence or characters in the first place. It's enough as long as they shove in enough otaku pandering. I watch those series as well, but I rather do it because of my love for the medium, drawing style and just habit. They aren't anything someone watches for the enjoyment of the story or anything else. Which is why most harem sell like shit. People watch them and most likely even discuss who the best seasonal waifu is, but nobody likes those series enough to spend money for this. The threads are actually more enjoyable than the actual shows you will forget two weeks later anyway.
Was Doraemon a success to Disney?
The yokai watch anime is just now arriving in europe

Anime on TV is ded
Those anime channels are a stupid idea anyway.
Nobody who isn't already a fan watches them and those fans already watched everything on the internet.
The only way to get more fans or casual fags would be showing one or two anime series during daytime on some usual channel.

There is no channel that just airs anime...Youkai Watch watches on the big children channells.
>Threads are more enjoyable than the actual shows
Welcome to /a/
Enjoy your stay
You have reached enlightenment
Feels like purgatory
It's the case in my European country though. They just have an anime-only channel nobody watches while the rest of television never even mentions anime. Didn't know Youkai Watch to be honest.
They don't make anime about toys anymore. Now it's all about tabletop and video games.
You get used to it
I see in the charts like 3-4 anime about toys/cards for kids every season
> I mean how many cartoons made outside Japan are popular among mainstream adults?
What about stuff like south park and futurama?
Didn't adult swim used to/does streams anime every now and then? I'm sure one punch man is on there
Figurines and Light Novels
Jokes on you.
All the cameras are japanese made and innovation.
Meanwhile, France banned Doraemon on TV broadcasting
Holy shit what, why?
Nobita gets beat up a lot, they argued it would stunt children’s emotional growth.
Oh wow
Here in Spain Doraemon has been airing for 30 years and we still get the new episodes its the one anime we still get because everyone loves it, its pop culture here at this point.
Is that a new trend in France where violence is getting censored in media? Or did they pick on anime because its an easy target?

Was that recent or something old.

I hear parents banned anime on TF1, and also Detective Conan on some other channel.
I'm a canuck and we like em for the most part.
recent, just a week ago

Man sometimes I think France is progressive on some areas (comics and animation), but then stuff like that happens
>What made the Japanese change their mind when dealing with the white man?
Matthew Perry.

As for their anime exports, it's simple: before the Pokémon invasion (which was more than a little related to the popularity of the tie-in gameboy games) nobody was interested in anime so only a select few countries had any following, mostly countries that already had a vibrant local comic book culture (hence France and Italy). After Pokémon became popular in America, anime became popular in the world (because like it or not, America IS the center of the Western world). Japan's customer base simply expanded because they managed to conquer America. It had very little to do with them "changing their mind".

Christ, France is going full retard with their "muh emotional growth" and "muh family sphere" and other bullshit where the government prescribes how their people think.

Its kind of a shame.

Pokemon and YuGiOh ruined anime imo.
Anime was never good

I don't know much about Italy and Spain comics. Did it reach vibrancy comparable to Franco-Belgian comics and does it still matter today?
anime was shit from the start. just look at the crap we get each season.
Jesus Christ. In the US it's aired by Disney, the most family-friendly "nothing bad is ever allowed to happen" company on the planet.
Get your shit together France.
>Did it reach vibrancy comparable to Franco-Belgian comics
I'd say that outside of France, more people are interested in manga than Franco-Belgian comics with maybe the exception of Asterix.

Gundam is still going strong.
Sure. But are native comics that popular in Spain and Italy?
I don't understand how supply and demand works: The Post.

Don't they teach you burgers simple economics?
Good fucking riddance.

Japan should stop selling shit to cumskins. Next thing you know those crackers gonna start demanding them to make SJW friendly anime.

Fuck white people, when will the west die off already?
There is tons of demand for FREE anime
whitu piggu go home
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