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why mc is always a faggot?
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why mc is always a faggot?
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That look.png
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I couldn't stop laughing.
i think i've see that style somewhere in sadpanda
What happened to his other manga with the twin sisters? That was much better than this edgy garbage.

I didn't realize it because of the mangas samface problem but yeah, it was the sister who turned that guy into a furry.
Its from the Haru to Natsu artist and the other gender bender manga.
well, at least this bitch is crazy as fuck
Faces looks similar to the Fukudahda style.
Why is that girl in the picture derping?
Claire a cute!
Wow, this was a slow chapter. Pretty hot though.
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This has to be a plot point because the author keeps doing this.
She's also a crazy bitch.
That is a different matter.
Probably got bullied hard and MC helped her out, or got bullied instead of her.
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Same Author:
>Haru to Natsu

This is nice.
He probably just copied the photo from the older chapter.
But someone still made the effort to re-ink the sister's hair but not adjust her eye.
I'm not sure what's up with him inking in her hair. It makes it look like she's the one who turned him into a fursuit, but I'd think something as major as that would have been planned beforehand so he wouldn't have left her hair white the first time. I wonder if the first panel will be changed in the volume release.
I can't be the only one hoping the last chapter is him losing his shit and fucking them both. It's a shame it will never happen despite how badly it needs to.
Is the series even still ongoing? There haven't been any new issues of YA Innocent since the first one two years ago and I don't think any chapters have come out in other magazines.
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More series have to end like that.
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I'd even settle for reverse rape.
Because he was made so you can relate to him.

You know how on Gilligan's Island they were trapped there on the island? Yet there were always a ton of people coming in the island, and leaving before the others could find their secret boat?

It's like that.
>secret boat
This is stupid.
But probably less stupid than Lost.
is this Omamori Himari? Google gives nothing.
Yes, it is.
If they have sex I can't self insert anymore.
Ecchi stuff, interaction, etc is fine but once they have sex, it's NTR for a self-insertfag.
You can't self insert into something you've never done before, or never will.
But you can for everything else, even if you haven't experienced it.
Because sex is just over the fucking line. Talking to girls or seeing them naked etc is all within the realm of possibility, albeit a near non-existent chance,
You can imagine it, but actually going all the way? FUCK THAT.
Drop everything where the MC fucks girls, save yourself the trouble.
This is one of those rare moments where I'm ok with a Beta MC because it's in service to the actual plot and not just padding out a mindless harem/romcom. Plus Claire is pushing him forward and more has happened in 6 chapters than most other beta-led plots can brag about so it's fine.
This is nice.
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Please kill yourself immediately
what's up australia
Why do they bother censoring it if it's in a seinen magazine?
I want a harem anime where the girls get tired of the MC's faggotry and form their own lesbian harem
Political Climate.
I'm the opposite. I can't self insert if the don't have sex. It's like half of these people should already be at least fuckbuddies with this amount of causal nudity. It's completely surreal.
some other scenes are not censored.
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This guy gets it
Anon, MC was a LITERAL faggot in the author's previous work.

He genderbent into a girl and married a prince and had his kids.
Whats the name of this series, i forgot?
My Little Fursuit Can't Be This Cute.
Main girl is pretty cute, also a bit crazy which is good. Hope only good things happen to them.
If they start having sex it would be dangerously close to a H-manga which could cause a drop in sales.
It's hotter that way.
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I'm more bothered by how ridiculous the mc looks. I almost dropped it when I first saw him.
so /a/ is aware of and at least sort of likes Gleipnir?
feels nice.
Only a small part of /a/ that read. But yes, I like it.
Sameface works for that manga, since they are twins.
MC is a pussy to allow her to take control that easily.
He is the textbook example of a spineless MC at the moment. Although I predict that at some point he'll toughen up enough to start overriding her control (both literal and metaphorical)
The manga is a mess. The twin got removed from the relationship basically and now has her own manga inside the current manga, with her own cast of characters and plotlines.
I can somewhat understand why he'd be neurotic and risk averse after gaining the ability to turn into a monster from out of the blue.
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