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>two yanderes to deal with
Three if you count the imouto. What happens when a yandere collides with another yandere? Does someone end up dead?
The universe implodes
Blondie for me is in fact the normal one
The other two are fucked up
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We hope so. We need more yandere type girls doing yandere things.
I hope the imouto wins.
is it true that this series has used goods/ntr?
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wow teenagers have sex shocking
Well it's pretty strongly implied the girl who was presented as the 'normal' one has been sexually abused before.
The only implied sex is rape though.
Blonde got patted and hold hands with some random faceless guy in the past when she fucked up MC plantation.
Classmate is hinted to be abused/AV star
Imouto is still pure
this guy. he can't catch a break. his life has been a living hell by anyone's definition. Yet these bitches just gotta make it worse. I really feel for this poor dude. At this point i'd seriously think about lying about my age and joining the SDF.
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So, we have sister who is an annoying piece of shit, but I still let her get away with it because little kid looks.

Then we have this girl from OP pic, school idol, hottest piece of ass around, yandere for MC due to his niceness.

And Satsuki, who is most likely a traitor who was commanded by her boyfriend/father/[?] to do the shit she did and continue to do it now.

The guy was pretty obviously her father if you paid attention to the backstory.
You forgot that the school idol is yandere for him for his niceness because she's crazy since she's been used since she was a kid and still continues to be used by men now.
>commanded by her boyfriend/father/[?] to do the shit she did and continue to do it now.
>and continue to do it now
That's wrong though, and you left out the OP chick being literal damaged goods.
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There's 4
>blonde molested yandere
>gang raped "pure" yandere
>imouto yandere
>voyeurist brocon cuck aunt yandere
Where's the implication that blondie was molested? Why her father got her to wreck the field is explained in the backstory about their families way earlier.
that one genki girl is still best
Because she is fucked up mentally and reacts to the past in the typical "girl got fondled by daddy" fashion.
I like how he immediately catches on that some shit is awry.
The rollcake one?
Then what is your take on Satsuki? Come on, pal.

Yeah, I kind of noticed hints for that. Maybe she just wants some true love. Poor thing, I hope she wins. Haha, who am I kidding. Fuck Slutsuki.
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Can't he just be like "hey, be gangraped much?"

The worst his shounen MC mind can even conjure up is molestation.
So she was basically the little slut for daddy who commanded her to destroy the field and possibly kill the family of MC, then blatantly come back and try to be "nice" to him? Is he still alive? You people say it as "thoroughly explained" but I saw nothing but a few mentions of things like her family being the previous owners of the field and the flashback.

Yes, that's really nice.

Cutie. Too bad she'll be a casualty for this bloodbath. Rest in cake.
>Is he still alive?
Can't you imagine chapter 43 where he starts dating her and then her dad comes back and kicks the shit out of him him.
>Don't hurt him!
Then as he lay on the ground hobbled over in pain, he sees her willingly enter her dad's rundown nip pickup truck and drive off, a tear rolling down her cheek and a mournful smile across her face.
What the hell are you talking about? Fuck off with your fanfic
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>not posting the real page
It's analytical data extrapolation from reading hundreds of drama-driven romance manga.
Tachibana > All
Is this the latest chapter or is there a backlog?
Damn. It's a monthly, isn't it?
yes, in the translator imgur page he said the next chapter may be out on 24 march
>Chapter 43
>It's only on Chapter 9 or something like that.

I ain't reading it if it's going to go that slowly.
Where are you guys getting the gangrape from?
NTRfags being retarded as usual. Except this time they may be right
>Where are you guys getting the gangrape from?
there is one badly translated section that implies she's been molested or raped or suffered attempted rape or stalking or who the fuck knows, as i said it's badly translated. Of course to /a/ that means she's the village bicycle.

Its the same with blonde, some shadowy man with a cane in the background of some memories plus how she acts = incests slut or some shit.
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Any body knows were are raws available? I kinda wanna see how different are the old release and the newer release.
Is this just the tank version vs published or did the author redraw the whole thing for the new mag?
Can you even imagine what will happen if both girls eventually clash?
They kill each other and the Brother gets the Imouto end?
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She gonna be like dis
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