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File: crap.jpg (31 KB, 225x319) Image search: [Google]
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I don't think.
I wish I could erase this awful series from my memory
Cuckholdry is a patrician fetish
Coming from someone who is only watching the anime, it's 9/10. This and Grimgar are the only shows I look forward to.
It's watchable but it's not something I'll look back to after it's finished.
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>boku dake ga inai machi
Is the psychopathic murderer a time traveler as well?

It seems like a game of cat and mouse between a superhero and supervillain
Beginning was good, but it became shit when he returned to the present.
Became shit when he did all that foreshadowing and build up only to drop it and go "LOL IM THE KILLER"
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I love the atmosphere, the story is good and different too.
The stuff in the past is great, the present stuff sucks. If the show goes the manga route, I'll probably stop watching after "this isn't my car" if it even gets there.
Is this a TL error or does he actually say 2nd here? All groups say second but all I hear is 'san'
It's the most overrated shit I think I've ever seen in my life. It's entertaining, but my god is it overhyped
Like any other series every season.
>All these comments saying it sucks
>Waah it's overhyped
Name a show airing right now that's better.
except this one has a 9.12 on MAL
it's still indicative of general opinion
>he hasn't seen Monster

General opinion of people on MAL who have seen and rated Erased, maybe.
Only truly important thing airing. Everything else guilty please shit. Could end up being aoty
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>most overrated shit I think I've ever seen in my life
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Why don't you have a seat
>20th century bouys
>most overrated

Overrated? yes
Most overrated? nope
And you don't seem to understand.
No, you don't understand.
I'm not certain I understand.
No, you don't, that's why you think you do.

Well, i don't understand
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Best NTR of the season
Sangatsu is March. That might be what you hear.
You have to understand by yourself, there's no point on explaining.
It's fucking trash.
This is too popular.
It looks like we really are Boku Dake ga Inai Machi

wait no, wrong series
MAL doesn't know how the rating system works. I've read reviews where they say a show was average and then rate it an 8/10.
He's saying the date in this order: period year month day.
The way to say the second day of the month in Japanese is 二日, "futsuka." You can clearly hear him say that near the end of the sentence. Like this anon said >>138149321 you're likely mixing up 三月 with being the day when it's the month. He's also saying showa 63 so you may be hearing it there, too.
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